Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1969, p. 4

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Published by OahudlonvNoweoonm Limirao 16 Bnyflald Street Barrie0ntario Walla Publisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Munlglng Editor MONDAY FEBRUARY l1 wrote Ottawa Anionslimin To Cause Canadian Unity The trend of current federal legisla Vist Coast run northomrth noteast lion in encroaching into theifield 01 ed west lbday the western provinces have motion and other traditionalpmvincial far morelrivoommon with theirUnited eserves and in imposing across the sham counterpms to the south than to nd pseudoblllngualism which can an increasingly Galllcizcd Canadian only be relevant in small section of the East cwtainly the vast markets of the country is unquestionably hastening the US utter infinitely more in those prlm inevitable splitting of this nation into dry produein provinces than the limited number of regiona units and rarittfidolykgntairatainedou by indie13 wmpexofnrloan eec Nady the Wm milking Columbia in particularisolated hy vast common cause againstrthe increasingly climatic geographic and commie bani 3199 19 Guam mm 0mm as is world away from the protection bia is vmung the growing concern of the 131 Wingqu bureaucracy bf Ottawa Wes over the Quebec orientation of fod mw long can be expected to sum mil mm pmmcs 151 New ate its own pressinginterests to preserve five regmmlufmmle an increasingly meaningless confodera Ilialffgemg gfiffid b39312 tion which divides regional interests into based federal government innumerable promote and territories noone oi which is mpable of facing up Given the current foyensh search for 90 auPOWEIM 0W3 new fields of revenue by all levels of The concept of twoculture urnada government it Was perhnps inevitable shatterineg total nustalrernay well that provinces should club together on be the last straw wluch breaks the back regional grounds to stake out the pm of Canada as seatoeeasovcrolgn mic serves of interest and revenue which Brmdwbmd provincial states deter mm ham In up they comider vital to their survival mined on resumed grounds must be the had traced in errandand against the aggressive pressures from an first step in the coming age of Super srliilry familiar back to expanding iederni bumaucnicy But this Ihx after that the Maritimes and the 311 mrglvnholgbyngwu Finlllythey marched lady on end has been aggmvamd and accelem we where ComBdmuon Is proving or shun rd DEEl my gawmgnhn all ted win arm once in Ottawa costest ln terms of lost devel coumurmou in word lwhichyiendguin rige roughshod over pro may Well consider union witll the nlted OTTAWA REPORT is in file dictionary all riman Emmi viricial objections to federal programs States Ottawas recent decision to com hive never seen it used much and by proposed medicare and minority lralize container port facilities in Mont language schools which could kill me real at the expense of the Maritime will the put year Now hardly rhyme ranunits economies of most provinces and the Great Lakes seaway ports is but day passes but you reld or desorve great commendallon hear it Funny how homo word They put on great show at the latesteviderice of Ottawas political Actually the survival of Canadian West for so long has been somelhihg of dmms damagmg mama economic or expreulon Iuddenly pop no little time Ind inconvenience mimic against all the diptates of lo were idleness We PM From to and used ad new to thunulver They came to mini fra enun this onceunlted Dominion Georra ii lmlnch wu quoted Indalllo fiaeggafififl 01h52ml $3 gnaw by PATRICK NICHOLSON port attire for its slow relvice able to reply personally to only theolherdayaIeeklnzatcon liable purposes Here it was tor for lflrst class lanai rmm To Vgry may promer ironintlou between National the ndult retarded workshop OTTAWA To norm any Hocka Lea it and the So Mudersmndng mm ronio had just reached me or them Itmnng the others some Km diploma iv Father Costello Should Be Drafted roomum JACK drum Inc one Inotber with hostility should take heedbf lint Con Whats this in be the dart of futlul uy If you dont belt Another war We would think om loin Iln oilyedboclhy mulch should be rim mu iiioaid 557 Md mmth Elglewnr To Hed be dulled By the Candim never huh Barrie Gourde government to play on the lil ttonlihochy team in the world THOUGH THERE were championship in Sweden The more Idtime hockey fans tray he wu munJnd flfiJ in Barrie The arena was iurt handling for the Flylnghlli filled for the ex Barrie Falherr It Bmlo Arondooo Fliers lime all the Mnscovllu could um Knightd of Columbus it war um him between Stodholm and the most entertaining night Vladivostok 1heyuy hc lrl have went in yelrr lha Iboutu Sol sordid Howe Ind hockey itself was surprisingly who say he cant till play good The ifthem can really hockey fly and they hurt along Ab Dem mooINonh Boy in uunr It 11 WA SHOCKING thlt the tlret rtrr Barrio player of wprrt destruction and disorder so year ego in comedy rou in Canadian unlvcnl hlrlory tines hp the Illith roiiigr Re rhoul break out It George force lied Storey announced Williams in Montrellk Thirtiagum he para Protesun and EMMY WASPsChw nl them wnjr no my these priest higher learning Pnrenlr rhould can win Leo Lahine always throw away our Dr shod doodior nm in his locll tenlboohl Ind coucenlnio on dlyn war the star of the show hack shed caching like the hor 11 gal our mam pie in neugotnotmmyyemm Garlepys and to en rush or rhot on goal eiid READER that Pb ed when he found the puck had lures of scantily EM been wired to ill stick Tilera Wll Even maternity IN on dollop in my lavorlle puddlul the lee lecturing John Shedden lint dont eat puddlnr Fin or urn Mm inane be our mr and about ralher mm BVFFAW Oostellorwr hit ovaworked Egcszliarmhelp inwlfflghlnlwgf The announcer Iiipt calling am um we had be wormed message to the effect that hil ohm Now We ruched the Ernie from such pincer or sport section Lawyer Alan hmminr North Bay Sudbury Ergiesou that closedlend of Oltnwn set My ii to all Ammo ll hade alter its lsday Journey particularly engrossing and do Balll WE menu In won eItu team fidggdflm aging 20 at tile IECderEEMltg average tallied commenfis weresent by spec of reequiir err ot 55 Jenn Wis art at Hamilton PrfiIVlWS Yeah hwlghmdl mild per hour apologize to Peter Marlon of Toronto EJ mm PM by any employers who were con ward and Kathleen Bodrilg of WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Hurlburt Mrs Beatrice Lucas and Mrs 2d Recentlytlilr mom used Oakvme Ham rpm at pee Barnla Examiner ran 17 1944 Effie Margretto LymeBell wed indicated that comes 1°59 First is the number of enqu ton Alec Beasley pl Winfield iancy pennantof Minister or National ding held in new chapel of No Oana gig 1113351 gyms reachlni me and the denim no is hirer at Milan Tries To Get Into Eumpe DefenCe for Air Hon Power awur dian Armoured Corps Inainirlg Regl of awnmfit mg um merit of national revenuu as the Mary Ford of oakvllln and adieu to No Service Flying Training ament at Camp Borden Capt Perkiit it makes flattering rellcr Rowland of Toronto th as med those in vm Schooi Camp Borden accepted by Group chaplain of military hospital performed refit to mployecr infirm mum readership of ms alum of oakwne Door Oapt CarlingKelly GO column neatly summed up widespread ceremony as 2nd Ltd Elizabeth Gilliad 20 and used the ulnar as feeling than sad ellect nl lWanontOEficer Shari Moon 24 repon of St Johns Newfoundland nursing all Pfulblcv 5be Pm FETEAWfiTEXlWL HI the tax is that itglvosaaolhar mm Moms mustng alter air operations overseas Sister maimed Lieut OHmlnnof °° mp reason many or us simply Candial Pres Stnlf Writer gillnlfls it isbpilcslllmpifilolus or rlantogra teimegit gtF1rstciass of Norwegian airmen received Calgary Mrand Mrs Saul Wise fififlmwoihwgnmmnwmfi hmfidhgg hm hm m5 hlapmmummm Wings at Camp Borden from litCol opened Rosette Shoppe in store former Th til the same um wmh may be been um number one mm In and wait or the govenimenl to Into Europe by the back door if NM ole Beloved 00 Royal Norwegian Air 1y occupied by Millers Fashions Gaul is within Britalul only shortly belore Feb 23 My letters reachlg me from read flangemgywmex Swag fisogmaggfi Edgvyflfe manoeuvre with c810 one me Mam E11 sfigley of David smith of community Life Train reference to the earlier date err Thoselettera were so nu Queens 0w entire attitude ofthc guvcrii plot as resuitpfhlo curr at Pmiwfifll Bmmwm Rifles 9011M missing af mg Institute Bame addressed Pains Wls an approximation per menus that while aniuemlule mm appear5 knock Ppmm Germany Gcrmon relations Wat Gor dian my action in my wkk WOmmYS Institute on unafim hays subconscious tease of the the interest by readers was private mum warm MM many and Brnfiynare launching vote enterprise and hill the can IIglizigest Red Ores blood donor choir léeagfgoénsluunce medicare in Barrie with 182 donors Those Eve of Alliston elected lor Kurt Klesiuger have iotntly figfimfig ndnmer We CANADAS STORY distilled We declared was we in an in min with more than six donations indiuded HolstemFneslan Aswan of Canada The roundaunnr or ihiygraal WW IM Em enriched urahium project Mayor Don Macbaren Harry Amstmng Will Todd completed extensive reno Homce Gales Bent AllenEdElynm John vations to mens wear sme formerly Daing John Dobson Rev James Fergu Alex Milne Sons and opened four united Europe lneoncclv ed the itldnnlci it ablewuuwrwm wioniieitiiiea nw3il son Art More Neil MacDonald Gordon apartments on second floor W111 Land soared ggaeve Ant Pugh Jack Rodgers Bill lam Wrights Barrie thoroughbred agtne millions ofsorehicled That by itself is merely nlrlng Mt 11an establish Bert Weir Warren Wrlgar horse breeding farm rated third in Can sciilexs writhing in their graves generality with which Presia mlllWYPfllliclraldh gt as they contemplate todays de lent de Gaulle oi Frlnce cannot Mrs Richard Crossle called for7more ada behind Colonel McLaughlin of OshV When Hall Lme be ready to inluilie rillcountry volunteers to work onyRed Gross salvage awd and James Speeis of Winnipeg gramsflgamemagmhf European Common Market collections Cpl Frank McGuire Ill BilW19 BOWlmg League WP mes to By 303 WW 0013 24000 health excluding the the government will implement flaws he 151 mm predict When wounded in Italy army action Pub date this season milled by Wilmer Row was on Feb my Indians The 1L5 had 40000000 the Woods report to rears its ay 110 9911001 anWMT RQY Mcvmifi TePOT an Dune Cmbami Bruce 353mm JECk the present Cahadlnn Pcdfle Mk rm mum rm mam Thine 15 5° nlgm wufmgl Im WET 1633ng Silziginer ted hoBoard oinduaanon onterm work Boxail Elliott Reynolds Bill Kaley Ain Railway Company was formed ml 19 mm 01m Central United church held rath More Riveu Douglas Hedger harry um George Stephen we riiiid ipaficm W5 mialimm iggiiimi iiiaiiinéihiihfliirinirddii nigin war er and son banquet MthRevJ Kerr Jack Barrie Colts dengfdefiungannufilm lie www5th $26055 film 323 V5 cy to engage manila oi the see that the Simcoe County Bewell pleading Ernest Burton wan group Junior hockey honors Wm gflflm Run and Mammy the 1mm Globe 29 VrCummon Mnrketlnnuumber of board of education wontsmora with cello 5010 ammmed by team of may George Dimm d6 15 fink strong Liberal voice owned by joint operations These may mileage allowance for lemfll Miss Jmernrysm at piano Dr Alvin fence D6n ClarkMax Richardson 1th cm shede angina Gem Brown said WM the CRUMMY PRESS tend to draw members closer in veli nntop of the 33000 per Perkins extended thanks to church la Cook John linking Towards Gord of dir construction or the railway Can recently stated my belief Brltaln and possiblyawny from year they receive tor very dies for meal llable axistanis were Needham Ab Bowen Murray lilohard araioEEigSorieiiffoni H233 Wm be mm by Em that the canadla mam the mum mm um ihm mi in visitingEuslfind were out France which has constantly op memkem 0f Mm mph WW so 331 Larry mugheeg Jack Siifllorfeiufieagl my by Aim crummy lat This brought posed British attempts toioln dfififSfimfirgg 321 no more it itlhhiilii ll we Millard rim his win niiilii Marie ln we all no Bob Hi Mn amp mmons Yemen mm Walled Tran aw 1° Wm elsewhere but irpravored the FRANCE worm colm were member or lid Powe eddy Men played Guests Scottish hospital after air amdent near a1 91 MW cm lfllldv receivedhy Wdent Em or land High Mb aflde Ba fire 1m money 858 news me company wrathcf three readers at lhe One such project involves SimcoeCounty board of educa gt 055 Md and many dm to ralsg mnneyin laymin 111 University of Guelph Anyhnv joint lorelgii policy discussions lion would have hard time Ink Dmeras Chaim mad mmHg 31 Fe hm Wm fire 155 591 1335 was drum because Bgmg three letters reached me slgncil with meetinginlondon which looking mysell in the face in by Evelyn Tuck Reta McKever Illew which destroyed onehalf of WM llfldellklfll Wino dell of Humble mpaganda with different homes but they the French government has thoyshoving mirror each morn ella Machines Wilda Culbert Frances Wrights stables in west ward fflgaglmnflfizfllmwlofiwgycmyayed hm mm Page allappearedtuhnva been writ opely stated it will not attend ing structlon oilnltlatlve quarrel since he hlgsellf has gt stated that one day tr it my gt ton on the same typewriter nri Britain Wants to discuss joint Yours sincerely WMMIW In can rgoanrlilsllonagfiglrlet If might the some paper and signed in policy on the Middle East IE AuFuller mmfifl wrulaflon we 3mm Mum was cold similar calligraphy France has launched its own Wellington St °Bmsh comm mountain country not VlllmLh keeping the Settlement iollian Wan ltoha mould not last people BRITISH EFFICIENCY Moscows Not even because this small on MA Port Arthur NewsChronicle Asian movament presumes to address it 33m Examiner whiteéencalzgflevilrlsmadfilrfi most overrated colony and As an example of how efficient the 5° landihmgimde the ShadW 9f 1533¥1lEld Street fraud that uid st ilk mm post office is me MW my mighty Russia Not at all But miner Barrie Ontario he my as up has come out of London Angmngfish gemuse the Viet Gong propaganda in Ammm mm Yet inn llrri opll train snort mon wrote hiniseu letter mailed it hm 31709918 being Sent English mail by the hon Ofilce De mmol in Wlnnlm in With and went column mee hours met If this is notAngloSaxonilmpemlism partment ottcwn no for and 1919 Calglu in Au 1533 Land FOR Tilaphsr he returned and his selitaddressed mesr filling oéiheflfimfifi emM iiflimrplidgi 82313533 valueaysnared gill skyrocket ISOYEARSWWE cage was on lus desk If we tried that 95 mm Dally Sunday and especially in iviiirupeg where HAS BEENAMARKED here thered also be letter on our mpmfm hm further by statutory Holiday 101 bought or $6000 on Monday WQEASEWWEE desk one from the implying we wore the only section of world Maurdmu now excepted would be sold for some on nepsoyisncimm iiredror taking uneahours rorlunch illthelameflelll sincelanéuage ls 5° Subscription later My by WHEN mlnai M0056 impunlzant today in influencingmrens carrier 50o weekly moo Jhw Swift Current and Medl thinking is it possible that the Viet yearly Single copies loony fine Hathulckly appeared on THE VIET canals NEW TONGUE Congareaotually being as effective for Mr mm mm Yearll Elfin u° med Ontario $1500 yearnrmutM Chmmn Science Mo or America in Eastern Europe asgtheyare meow year 01 againstvtt in Vleh mg omméimr ye om lmficnerallvolfeaailed for The m9Wfififiw 11 Vletv ride Canada British posses thlllx to will QUEBEC Chm GongNauona1Liberution Illorle propa lmm 325 yen my pain genda being sent abroad from yieinanu dryEM By ITEMUPWARD main my lullSociety for Premium It is development wluoli5whlle 111 no NWsamurai London annual Adverusmgmflw of Cruelty to animals was amngfigdvmtgmgysgnuirflsgfnm 19 United slates Amyinfonnation will Hell0 Tornn me Ive ar is Wi 5i Ice Voffice at Fort 13mg each ear does gtCa SL Mono 41mme beyond 50th Asia bit hr the Chmstmog fireMM my ialclin the indoor Ittltsis ufigfiggam songltlilvelve Dayts imcmlilystmsimd P50459522 afuditlwbucfefiidh BIBLE THOUGHT 19W Vin cunen oulatl rmullst nature must be greeted with as we cm Imam mentioned know the arifi The Canadianfreak is ex very mixcderno oils in the Soviet peaj mes an fiegnrtcluaivglyirnuumgmnha on in Tramranmmm nine 12 days mtlfilgg °t 11 ed would have cost exactly $22407 this impala nyfeplfiiocflpg directed in conslderulile part towards year choir figure ir $23409 Indeed it aria 71 worm water propaganda is being ura tcluplo to the people an the WERE Twain lifevActItlle2it Apppgrucriom WITDMAFflADMA ToRUMlMToNEIRHARNEssllZMEf Prrrl or Router and also the WW 2231 mid mgV7 57 45rfiur WHEN THE ALARMB LL SOUNDED Communist Eastern EuropeNot because 15 ulte clear that the east oilivillgig local new published theretu Pei GLWESI We mm Wm not my mm mimwpwm uafignraruighnrunmmmueu in an graveyardcrannieva Rf ownn runner io

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