NEW EVENT OFVTHE CARNIVAL WAS RINGETTE gt Communicdtions Link Served Carnival Well The code name was Carnival Control and everyone on the six channcl communications network that covered Barrie carnival op erations had to go through it the voice behind Carnival Con trol was that of Florence Steele deputy coordinator of Emer gency Measures Organization The system was set up for controlling the seven gates two ambulances eight portahle ra diu channels the Barrie police channel and several standby systems It was designed by Clifford Westgartthaylor so that there would be the best possible com munications between the several crowd control points that would be needed when the more than 50000 spectators appeared dur ing the weekend Max Munroe was the backup man for the system Whenever radio went dead Max would hop out of the Rothmans van and have the radio baclr on the air in minutes When Mrs Steele needed break from the task of relaying messages and giving one of about so people pcrmis sion to go on the air Max Mun roe would tatre over Carnival Control was based in the Rothmans Van at the end oi the Hayfield Streel dock Sitv ting behind bank of micro phones and portable radio trans mitters Mrs Steele would call out Would Mrs Wezel please report to the Rothmans Van we have Jill here with us Lost children lost husbands and lost handbags were run of the mill Committee chairmen who couldnt be found or coilo munications operators who had turned off their receivers were another problem There isnt much you can do when the man you want to talk to has turned oft his receiver said Mrs Steele The communications system served the carnival well Loud speakers were placed throughout ihe area and few people com plained about not being able to bear messages Lost children said Mrs Steele were not serious prob lemvuntil late in the atternoon and Sunday think when they realise that their parents may go home without them they get is little worried she said soft voice and box of kleenex for runny nose usually quieted the lost child However said Mrs Steele began to wonder about one little fellow when he got lost for the fourth time ANSWER REQUESTS request fora snow plow to clear track request for one of the anncdiorees cars pairol ting the streets to look for parachotist who waspejhiyedio bcnsornewhslï¬ï¬s clly hav ing fallen short of thebay All were passed through communi cations control Tile continued effort of more investigators said FLORENCE STEELE than 100 men and omen made the system possi ll Without them much of the information passed from point to point would never have gotten through Scores of lost dlildren would have spent hours waitingfor their mommies Ouje Shepherd EMO at dinator said it would have cost the city more than $50000 to Student Pilots Killed In Crash CARP Ont CPI Two stu dent pilots were killed Sunday when their light aircraft culA lidcd about 1000 feet above small airport in this community about so miles west of Ottawa Police identified the victims as PeterRoes of Ottawa and Charles Arden Helfren 36 of RR Cobden Ont Federal transport department the debris from one plane landed about 100 yards from the airport hangar The other plane crashed about 200 yards away ProvinciaL police said both aircraft were owned by Bradley Air Services Ltd The company leases the airport from Huntley Township Jack Scott chief flying in structor lor Bradleys said both students had about 40 hours amino lil ï¬al it was the lirst fatal accident at thealrport sinceit opcncdfanoih The weather cold was sunlly and set up system simnar to the one the EMO peopla operated during the weekend Through the combined efforts of Base Borden personnel and the many EMU volunteers the system was all but free GETS JAIL TERM WHITBY Onl tCPl Law rence Herdsman 46 ot Tomi to was sentenced Friday to two years in jail and six months in definite for obtaining credit by pretending to operate paving firm Charges involved deals in Eeaverton Whitby Etmvale Acton Napance King sten Port Credit Oriilia Toron to and llrainiltonn DIES IN SNOW YOKOTE Japan itAP soyearold man took oft his clothes folded his suit put aside hisfillse teeth and stretched out ona threefont pile of snow on his doorstep Sat urday night He was found dead Sunday police theory is that the man may have been drunk and thought he was in his bed room when he undressed MAY FREE TRAVEL WASHINGTON Reuters The government is considering dropping passport restrictions on American travel to China ot llesaldjundnySttcir Biitp was reported hy Washington newspaper to be one of the measures under consideration as part of the Nixon administra tions review of policy toward Pelring Brookdale Park Inn WON HY HILLCREST PUBLIC SCHOOL Hilicrest Girls Itingetie Champs The Winter Canlival ringcite championship was won Sunday by Hillcrest Public School in final game against St Monicas lo Karen Sykes teacher at the intermediate level is the coach of die Hillcrm girls Captain of the liillcrest team is Beth Cotton Members of the team are Cathy lilalxnilian Patsy Nixon Susan baking Peruiy Barker Patty Saunders Dorothy Helms Nancy Stock well Peggy Reinhart Cathy Watson Beverly Moore Karen tloare Cathy Bowncss lennifer Spcncer Sharon Bellamy Ruth Morrison tjrenda Martin and Karen Blogg Team managers are Koren Spencer and Nancy Wallwln Chatge Tenant Burned Apartment OTTAWA CF Mary Vir gin Dominique 26 of Ottawa has been charged with arson following fire early Saturday morning in the apartment build ing in which she lived Another tenant in the build ing Mrs hlary hlaclsaac 22 was injured when she lumoed from her secondstorey window Site lumped without waiting for iiremans ladder after she had thrown her three and onc both yearold soils into the arms of firemen below Iii Town mesons QueensThe Hi Spirits Continental InnSandy Martin WellingtonNeil Jackson anymorePedro Cortcz Nottawaraga InnTile Squires The member Barrio Cae tral Collegiate band took top honors in the open challenge class at the Kiwanis Music Fro tival Saturday evening This dust in which loo school band participated is restricted to bands willohdlave um prince in previous competition The Barrie band with the Im nsually high mark of Pt receiv ed warm praise from the edhld imtor tt played two Dilitbefl including Scenes by th Alum by Delilolo The Lucas secondary school band or London Ont had mark of all in winning the group class competition for secondary school hands The Barrie Collegiate band came second Bells Corner public Ichool of Ottawa won the recorder en semble class open to it year olds and under with no marks Winners in the other camped lions Class 8753 linden Forums voicesth Goldie Whitby Clars 370A Soprano concert songstPenny Speedie Niagara Faii50nt Class 67 accordion solo iandd underlChcri Piitz Mid an clm accordion solo tit and under Arthur Goneau Midland Clair 522 tClasi secondary school handsmarchlEnstdale Coliegiale it Devcreuxl Oshawa Clan its junior church or Sunday school theirs l5 and tin dcrtSt Johns United Church Gordon Scott Stratlord Ont EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police on Fire Dept Hospital 7285538 72564 7233151 738MHz The Barrie Arena was packed Saturday night as capacity crowd came outta see the lath annual winter cannival show Group singles and pairs ï¬g ure skating stylings delighted young and old and skating clowns teased children in the crowds between aclr TONIGHT Sandy Novak Qliartct The Canadian Way MOVIES RoxyCandy ImperialCarmen Baby Tits Barrie Save TilePark Committee war among nin nerl at this yeari winter oar nival in addition to profits winter carnival parachutist who went astray during dam onstration lump Saturday crime The Barrie Figure skating Club had severalspotsunder the lights The swirling patterns oi their group performance kicked off the show Debbie Guldoiin of Barrie gave smoothly executed slng is performance From the Un lonvlllejSkating Club came Ricky Oneil and Angela Wat son two sevenyearolds nha skated together in waltz time The Carnival Queen and the Teen Queen carilc throughth doors at the end ofthearena in open convertibles to wave to the crowds and later to receive flow crs from Dick Shatto and May or liobert Bentley Just before intermission time the Eanle Exaggerators dem olished the 0033 CKVR N0 stars in fourtoone victory in local lino GENERAL LIBRARY ANNUAL Annual meeting of Barrie Lib rary will be held at the library hall on Thursday Feb 20 at pm Reports will be present ed by the librarian and com mittee chairman alsoelection of board chairman Present members are Walls Smith Wilson William Paulin Gordon Patterson Mrs Rodgers Douglas Hamila ton Joho Komar hiissr Con stance llardy secretary trea surer Alderman Phil Sauve mayors representative LODGE 0F PERFECTION Annual meeting of Karrie Lodge of Perfection Scottish Rite will be held in iheliIas onie Temple on Wednesday at 730 pm for general business ballot election and installation of ofï¬cers Leslie Crook is the retiring fllrice Fuissant Grand Master having served for the past year installation will be carried out by illustrious Ero ther C0 Marshall assisted by DEATHS By rm CANADlAN onsss WashingtonCharles Pee weel Russell 62 celebrated Dixieland clarinetist hell Deer AltarMrs Fred fiurnbull hi wifeol the honor ary chairman of the board of the Red Deer Advocate Dutch imported Dutch Chetsen Mild Medr old Spiced Reg79e lb to or wnrla 75c lb Approx to average ALL purcn ARTICLES zon on Regular Price Red or Blue liranrl Heel Front We lllmlr 6312 sldcsrsaetcnt1viaipeil Frozen and Delivered GERHYS MEAT MARKET Hwy ll Palnrwlctr 728$ members of the Drillia District Scottish Rite Club under direc tion oi lll Bro Bacon KIWANIS CLUB Bill Crothersr tit Markham internationally famed Canadian track star will be speaker at todays meeting of Barrie Kiw anis Club The theme is Bro thcrhood Week Dinner is at eramar Gardens 615 pm DISTRICT DEPUTY RW Brother Jack illeslip of Creemore DDGM for Georl gian District Masonic Order pays his official visit to Victoria Harbour lodge tomorrow night and to Kompentelt lodge Bar rie March Previous visits this month have been to Geor gian lodge Pelletaogulshene Feb and to Manito lodge Collingwood Feb ELECTED TO PARLIAMENT ZOMBIA Malawi AP ltfiss Janet ongwe elected un opposed has been sivornrin as the second woman member of the Malawi parliament The firstis Mrs Margaret Mlanga 39 mother at nine Whitest Shirt In ï¬plvgy DYCKS momma pnshball game The demoralized team from the radio and television station allowed four goals before they Scored their one point Exaggdrator team Captian David Henshaw attributed his club win to overeonfidence There was no doubt from the beginning that victory was ours he said We didnt even bother to bring the trophy FRESH wlllTE KIND OFF shouting if mance of two booth on the bay it received $100 from the Barrie Kennel Club Above Mr and Mrs Paul Robin of the kennel down at Prince ot wales Pub tic School While police Emer gency Measures Organization and CITY NEWS THE liARltlE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 11 19693 Arena Show Attracts Capacity Audience from last year Even though they mnnuntered and outweiflled us it is skill that oollnts in game like this The highlight or the show was the acrobatic and mime perfor Swedish Clowns the Williams Brothers The brothers kept the aud ience on the edge of their seats as the smaller of the pair bal ance head to head on the other and performed numerousrhigh slyingstuuls The skating pair Janet DAl troy and David Porter and sing to star lulia Tamcock gave the figure skating for the second half of the show gt Walter Thomas provided ten sion and laughter as he per formedantics using flair asa prop and jumped over stu dents tirom Barrie high sdlools and they knelt feigning prayer on the ice surface The show ended with the greased pole events The three man team of Charlie Coutts Sieve Blair and Larry Boll perennial winners in the event took it sliding and plmiiogiileir iiiayr up the hanging slippery pole to collect $10 bill at the ilSii pints rooo MARKtT II top on their third try EVERYDAY low PR THIS WEEK VEAL lull amourPrint COMMITTEE mittoe chairman lJlr Tod Ban ten lriglltl Rlnds will be used to ptlrdlasa part of the form or Barrie Country Club land on Sunnidalo Road Examin from popular refreshment club present ohequil to 9mm erphotol Waywclrd Skydiver Finds Own qu Home winter carnival officials tried to find him he packed up his chute and walked back to the motel where he and his fellow sky divers were staying Four members of tile Para chute Association of Toronto were pcrlormitlg the stu iump They were supposed to land on the ice run to waltinu snowmoa bites and race to shore The event was rcscheuled for Sunday when it went of ac cordlng to plan Hugh Foilowcs who narrated the lump over loudspeaker said Saturday that large smoke cane lsters had been the cause of the miscaleulation They had trouble moving them around inside the plane he said and at that bright and speed even few secondv makes difference OFF TARGET Result was that 15000 spee tators oohed and aahcd as four gossamer chutes came down more than 5000 yards oft target Steve Sutton 22 graphic arts salesman was blown ihov farthestaway and landed in the yard of Prince of Wales Sellout Nonplussed he rolleduo hi gear and went backto the mid One of thehelicoptcrs which was giv ing rides went up and searched the rooftop near Kempenicl Bay it was feared by some offic ials that he might have landed on power lines or he stuck on high root Other jumpers were Bub Al mood 26 marketing represen tative Harry Grigat lie an air craft technician and Oscar nap deius 3s refrigeration consul Iant DAMAGES COTTON The boll woevil causes an an nual loss in the United States of about $200000000 in cotton and cotton seeds lcrs SHOULDER coups MINCED VEAi STEAKETIES MiNcEn tAMB sundries FRESH SIDE PORK torn Cocktail SHRIMP cocktail MUSHROOMS 89rd jBEEi by quarter jauY roncasuos on Less 250 it donors in COLLIER PHONE nitsear 34315