Thunder Bridge To Go This Year The old crooked bridge across the railway tracks two miles east of Barrie on Stanly Bay Road is coming down in iLs place will go modemi smooth structure to take the log out at the road and the rattle trom under the ear wheel The new bridge will take two cars in opposite dircetions at the some time There will be no more waiting at the one end to let the own guy through as there was in the past The new bridge will be of con crete over stressed steel It will have maximum curvature oi tour degrees and maximum slope at eight degrees The old span cutting across the Canadian National Railways at sharp right angle known as fliuadcr Bridge to those who travel the winding road into Ora township was built in tall when the automobile was only Just mining into its own it is regarded today by the police and those who plan our roads as hazard to the saicty oi those who use it Three levels at government and the rallvvsy have oonbin ed their energies to bring Thun der Bridge down Planning start ed early in 1966 and iinal up proval has not yet been gained but is expected soon The provincial department at highways the city Barrie and Simeon County have all had their any in the planning FOUR PROPOSALS Barrio is expected to pay $22 000 the 74000 cost at the new crossing Four proposals tor the site are now being canlt sldered bylhe Suburban Roads NIL Each plan has its own way at dealing with access to conces slon one in are Tiewnship and access to llamas on Shanty Bay road south oi the present route The variousievclr ot govern ment each have their own re mtimnents tor the stnrcture The department of highways acts the standards or wrvature and slope and has demanded bridge designed tor so mile perheur traitie The ralway inskls that sui iiclent span be created or the CITY NEWS ZTIIE MARINE EXAMINER IWONDAY FEBRUARY 11 1965 Hydro Wterkers Out In Appioidmately ï¬ts Ontario Hy dm workers in the Georgian Bay region stayed home today as the series of rotating strikes against the publiclyowned utili ty continues Only regional oiï¬ce stall in Barrie and stall at the confer ence and development centre in Orangevillo were onthe job to slay Meanwhile union and damp any negotiators have sdicduled round of negotiations The Toronto meeting ar ranged by Ontario Labor Minis tcr Dalton Bales will be the first since contract talks broke oil two days alter local 1000 Canadian Union of Public Em ployees implemented the rotat ing striking to back bargaining demands Alliston OVQISIIQCIOWS Barrie Celebrities By WESTALL FARR EExamtncr Stan Reporter tlt was billed as the sports event of the day yet the mayors celebrity challenge race took on all the political implications oi an Olympic event It was chat lengev race on snowmobiles be tween Barrie and district poll ticians The prestige that would do to the winners was immeas urable The day before the race the mayor and two aldermen adopt ed ilashy names Gerry Roberts said he wanted to be known as fSparg Plug Roberts Les Jol liiie said he was using the moni ker Jet Jollitie and the hiaer saidjust call me Buzz Bentley The race went oii Sunday at ternonn at pmwith two heats anl iinal runoii to decide the thinners It wastwo lapsaround the track in stock model snow mobiles Spark Plug Roberta Jet Jolliiie Dorian Red Parker tBluck Jack Mantaren and Ralph Hunter representing the Mayor of Alliston were in the iirst race The contestants mm municipalities other than Barrie decided to dispense with the flashy names and base their el toru on meritraiherthan slick promotion 15Jrietirdallliie Tekpeaialcedl some diiiiauliy ln getting his machine to the starting position he attributed the ditiiculty to slight case at Jitters Parkrniurnedyto Paul Swainbt domino and asked How do liam Gibbins came in last Ken but decided nnttn Region But as the talks resume the union plans to keep strike pres sure on by pulling personnel irom some commission opera tions here and the entire stalf oi the northwest region except white collar workers at the re gional office in Port Arthur and the Thunder Baysteam plant The union representing 9740 workers began the rotating strikes Feb They are de signed to harass management without internipting service The union demanding 165ipcrcent wage increase over two years and wage parity in all seven of Hydros regional oi ï¬ees The publiclyowned utilitys latest otter included libper addition at another track under the bridge The local levels at government are concerned aim the pri Biggest WinterCarnchil Yet it was success without ma law More than 50000 people attended Barriea nu Winter Carnival and its chair man John menu is cwvlneed they all went away bappyr ihile tinal iigurcs are not available Mr McCann said they know that at least 000 people paid to get through the rates We are working on ratio oi tour to one be said For every person who paid to get in our didnt pay Children were ad mitted tree and there wen liter ally thoiirands ol eluldren scam perlng about tha bay out who owns and operates an auto electric wholesale business began planning or winter carni val late last August Bob llunter Charlie iierny Wayne Biorgan and met then and decided what sort of winter carnivalwc wanted to put on this year SERIOUS PROBLEMS Past carnivals had run into serious problems with weather and we were hoping or bit at break this year said illr hleCann Committees tor every possible problem were formed and the ball began to roll Mr hieCann grade GNP potted before thoend otthe year rate persom whose lends will be aiiectcd Nevertheless all the planning and discussing will soon be over and the beginning of the new construction can be ex The main concern oi all the planners hmvover has been the saiety ol automobile drivers There were live accident on the bridge in 1963 Five people were injured that year Each year there are numerous acci dean and damage mounts nto the thousands oi dollars cspcc tally whenroad conditions get slippery and wet Drivers have missed the curve gone into the guard rails struck pedestrians crossing the bridge and even gone oft the bricze into the path oi tralns below Youve got to think oi the geople injured or killed on the rldgesays Jim Hart Chair man oi the Suburban Roads Commission Still its easy to get little sentimental Theres only two or three winding scut geï¬rputu like the one into Dre Im really pleased with the way the community got behind his yeara etlorts We tried to involve all thcserviee clubs and as many members oi the pom munity as pusible There were more than is co mittens responsible tor every thing irom tollet incllitles on he lake to tonnes and buttons Draw tickets gates and minus Snow Valley Wins Ski Event Junior and senior skiers irom Snow Valley won their iourth winter oamivai ski charmion ship in ï¬ve years yesterday at Hermon Valley Snow Valley lost last year to Horseshoe slugs bin won lun or and seniorsth team ev ean yesterday horseshoe was manorin in both events and the inn ltiouot St Louis tom iinldied last Rich McFaddzn paced the Snow Valley iiaiiorn other Si Iohns Win 15 Broomball manners of the team was Phil Quackenbush Ron Sericant Danny Thompson and Dave hilt chinsan Ibe ï¬veman senior team was led by Carl Davidson with sitarxv Bonner Janltikflndy Tom McConkey and Eddy Gigs The ilnal senior broomball same between St Johns and St Monicas was won by St Johns by to The captain of the senior thumps lsDanny HOWLTOIi and the assistant captain is Erian Casey other members of the team are Pierre Bouehard Rick Fraser Mark Potts Jim Ther rien Chris Lachauce Dave Lemanczyk Andre John Arts and Home Smith The St Johns team is coached by Bill McAleer Most Visitors Came rom Metro As many as hall the 50000 people who walked out onto Kem pentelt Bay Saturday and Sunday atternaon were imrn Toronto and Dam surrounding districts Many had never walked out onto lake in the winter before One young ad looked up at his mother and The intermediate broomhall said Mommy you know there is championship was war by St nothing but water under us now Marys by score of to eh The boys mourcr looked up against King Edward Rublic School St Marys coach Ernie Skiiv lea said his team played tine ball for the Wlnler Carnival EVHIL Members oi the team are Pat Calm captain Bill Fehey itiika Moldnden Mike Arksey Terry Posylek David Swiclt Danny Sexton Larry Hook cent increase in twoyear cen irracL you drive these darn things any may it seemed that Red had never driven snowmobile before FIRST LAP At the end at the first la it was Ralph Hunter in the in Red Parker was running surprising second Spa rk Plug Roberts was third Black Jack bindsaren fourth and Jet Joliiile was running flit The jitters were still with Attertangling with the turns the ï¬nal results of the first beat were Ralph Hunter Spark Plug Roberts Black Jack Madiaren Red Parker and Jet Jollltie Bladt Jack Madmen had saidbedore the race he was going toget Parker in the corner ed Par ker replied there are lot of things Black Jackyon late to do to me in corner The second heat saw the pros preparing tovrace Btu Bent ley in flashy gold helmet lined up with Arnold Vancise Simone county warden Dick Shatto honorary chairman of the carnival Konr Gildirist reevezoi tho and William Gib th bons of lnnisfll Arnold Vandse played the cor nErs well Bild won thelaéieat uu Bent ey ot tan Ilp ninnmmaiimiï¬ turn which put him in second place Dick Shutto cmne jhrd and Witr Gilchrist actually won the event MBeufleyswatdiinghinpot vein the run all run Swain drove with Steve Marlon John likens and Paul me and dont think Irealb quality as the winner with the help was given he said ND SPARK PLUG The ï¬rst and second place winners in the two heats were to race in the iinal italph Hun ter Amold Vancise Burs Bentley and Spark Plug Rob ertswera to lineup for the start EutrSpalk Plugl could nt he lound so Black Jack had to replace Barrles well however and Bay Atkinson maintained constant patrol ate ior cradks Early Sunday morning crew of men surveyed the tee to look or any damage done the day before There was none One truck slipped through the ice near city sewageyutlutgflnewticei slipped into hole halldown men heaved it out and barri cade was placedarouad the hole awards GeorgesPxthicryionner gov ernnrageneral of Canada are surpriisaand realized that they were more than 50 ieet mm shore The 11inch thickice held up Ozzie Shepherd Junior Chamber Of Commerce Honors Men OTHAWA 0P The Cana dian Junior Chamber of Com merce honored iive young men Saturday with the iirst presen tationot the Vanter Outstanding Young Men awards The ï¬ve who received the named tor the late Rev David viracoooald 32 Conservative MP tor Eg mont Prince Edward Island the youngest MP elected in the prestige and annexation hopes 1965 general election United were on the line Defending their own interests were the county warden and Alliston representa tive Ralph Hunter5tmie scori ed at the idea oi Barrie having ts eyes on Alliston ltsrvtoo lar away and what about all thumb minister in Alberton PEI and one of tour MP5 to personally visit the Nigerian civil war zone Dr Richard George lilac Kenzie Z9assistant senior resi dent at Montreals Royal Victo the land in between asked ria Hospital and operator ota one bystander Praetscly re plied one political sageimor= der to get AQlislon tiny have to stab at the land in between ï¬rst flia Bentley is smart molds you know The white nagde an they were oil Ralph Hunter took iastlead followed by Arnold and and Bun Hentley 7Blaek Jack got tangled up in turn again gt The twodap race was ditt hanger Vancise and Hunter passed the lead back and lorth litioalhdurn medal in front 17 him poured on the gas to no avail The llrial results were Hunter Va else Bentley and MacLaron The city of Bnrria would have to ï¬nd toms other way at bols district ree clinic he citys hi Alan Eaglcson 15 oi Tn ronto lawyer known ior his work with the National Hackey League Players Association president oi the Ontario Progressive Conservative party and iormcr member of the Ontario legislature Davld diaries Ward is Edmonton alderman former amateur boxer and launder ot company marketing Indian and Eskimo shinns hadlcraits and ugtas 35 head ollthe medicine depart ment at led General Hey pitnl Edmond no fonnar international athlete who repre sented Canada in track and tidal events inthalafls Draws 5000 aioac lca Iculpturiag carnival bail and contusion were all iobbed out Mr hieCann bad the task at ensuring that everything was done when it was supposed to be done lit postcarnival party last night Mr McCann talked about the inelastic succeu this years carnival has been and about some at the mistakes that were made One thing know ior me he said next year we are going to have more toilets out there At times the lineups were ionrer than the food lines Some other improvements that Will be recommended in the ilnal report that is turned in to the Cheater oi Commerce are im proved communications and in formation tactiitics something tor the outottownerl to do on Saturday night more tenslug or the sports events and better kale control The weather played large part in this years success but it couldnt have been done good weather or bad without Ihe help of the 19 committee chairmen said air hlchnnl How do thank these guys he askedflilow can say thanks to my accountant tor almost abandoning our business and opontinadhn carnival account ing system How can thank Charlie Tierny tor brdng there when he was really needed Charlie Tiemy was last years carnival chairman The Carnival is Barrie Chamber of Commerce project one that leans heavily on tha Jaycecs or experienced admin lstrators Ed Donnelly operat ed the arena show while Bill Lang kept an eya on the cow cesslons Food for the 50000 people was provided by the Save the Park Fund the Barrie Sea Cadets and the Barrie Ys Men nettes hob Hunter provided both the organization and the music tor the Carnival Ball Friday eve ning Steve Delaney ot the Ear rte Key Clubdeserves special mention for running the teen dance for us said Mr IlicCann INVOLVEMENT KEY involvement is the key to any success the only way the ear nlval is going to be bigger and better said Mr licCann is when everyone gets behind it This city is sitting on gold mine and they dont really know it Those who know just cant believe we are not doing more with what we have Rclaxing alter goodmeal Mr hicCasn said Barrie has been good to me and have enloyed doing something tor the eitygtl think themost plea santieeling had was watch ing bisgr Clare taking pictures nli all the people That man played large part in myhfe it gave me lot of pleasure to watch him photographing some thing had been instrumental in making possible John McCann was hard man to find during the carnival The only way he could he reached was by portable radio as hevtoured the lee check ing to make sure everything was going well Ray Atkinson work ed with the various groups who provided themanpower and equipment for the six channel conununicabions system The exhibition hockey game list or the Carnival was hand led by Bill Ciayden and Arnold Neal You must remember said MrlieCann that all lm able to tell you is the names One Injured In Collision One man was injined and da mage arnoimted to $750 in two car crash at Clapperton and Worsley Streets yesterday alt moo Ward Tiliotto 29 oi Barrie received an inittred right shoul der in the accident Wail caus ed woo damage to his car and $50 damage to the automobile of Maurice Bruce MCIladder of Dundas McFadden was charged with falling to stop at stop sign Police said the irliotto vehl do was north bound on Clap perton Street when it was struck by the McFadden car Whiuh was west boimd on Wors ley an another accident in the eity yesterday crash at the lntersenon oi Tiiï¬n and nuts iil sue rwiltttd in to total damge Bair Clarence Mym of Bur lon Ammo was charged with careless driving as result of the collision with John it of Peacock hane Why not preserve what you have created by good roars PluriningPV business and Personallille Insur nunsAnnuityPlannfgdndivlduali Tax Exempt Pension Plans LACHANCE REG CLU North American Life Assurance Company ta Dunlap St in en GRAND Pflix snowmobile top scorer ltnss Robinson at North Bay ictt surveys pilo oi trophies wltbsnowmobllc oi the committee chairman These iellows had dozens at people working with them to get the Job done The whola city worked on the prolcct lm irald to attempt to count the number of hours husbands have been envy irom their iamilios to get this job done CARNIVAL DIlAW The 51000 ticket draw sounds like an easy job doesnt it mean all you have to do is print Llle tickets and sell them Try it sometime Leon Periard worked long time Just to give away $1000 Controlling the seven gates that let people onto the ice was no simple task cithcr Harold Miller and more than lit worked all day Saturdy and Sunday ensuring that cars and pecplc were kept under control We need more snow fencing next year said Mn Mll lcr John McCann added that the carnival committee bought 5000 feet of fencing this year and plans to purchase another 12000 cet next year That will be one of our recommendations for next years committeesald Mr McCann ICE SCULPTURE The ice sculptures that dolled city parks and squares and did lot to build up sense at excitement and enthusiasm were judged by the Barrie Art Club under the guiding hand at licn llicPhatter The students of this city really took hold oi the carnival idea said Mr Mc Cann Without the sense oi car nival spirit they talented lot of the excitement many people Ielt would never have come bout The carnival parade through the city was organized by Ted Young No one knows how many man hours were spent by bands and groupsot students prepar ing or the parade All can say is they did hell of good ni led by Rod Harris Themamrnoui task at getting the information about Carnival spread around town was band led by Doug Stewart and Wayne Biorgan They handed out zn formation as soon as it was at vailable and did their best to let people know what was hap pening One thing learned this year said Mp1 lieCaan was that we really need abooth somewhere in Oledowntnwn area where people can drop in and ask or information about the carnival It would serve as focal point inrrrarnival actin iiies thlnkiweshould have small house perhaps trailer set uptor the week before car Toronto international Armin AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Daily Service MAtTOil PHONE ZENITH 36510 IIrnnc 72836 his racing co ordinator Gerry Barber of thaltinsmen Club Trophies wtre presented at the Continentalllna inBIrrle ary headquarters the rage of the country and the fastest growing winter sport in the province is the noisy snowmobile and it cacilvated responsible ior organizing the snowmobile events within help of the Ontario Snowmobile Racing Federation he periormad excollcntly Tnousands watched as expert drivers lore around the track roving up the engines their radar speed trialsbntcoaditions onthe lebSchoolsliaisouswcsrhaadw lakamnarorsudrkhaithe equip ment wouldnt operate It seems that the equipment can only catch car 1w this of Hits last man and Mm walked all trim large por tion including stereo can rolot Examiner Photo YOUNG SKATER GLIDES BY Special evenu such as the parachute drop were the res ponsibility oi Ken Wright Ha handled the motorcycle races the stock car and wreck em races tor me said Mr hic Cann The bright blue qu25 with yellow stripe and the carnival buttons were taken care at by John Koren it was hard to guess how many we nouid need said Mr McOann We ran out at the white snowmen people were Wearing and dont val anduscthat as tempor carnival Gerry Barber was stab was made at establish ing new land speed remix lmow how many buttons we so but the oldrccordol 67 and per hour ital sci Trophies or the many compe titive events were supplied by city merchants and organiza lions John Vohs headed up the committee ihatorganlzed theeF tort and made sure there was prize or every competitive categary remains Barrie police tried to set no system tor the DINING Our NIGHTS ldkeview arsrnunnnr iii Dunlop them an MONnAx TO ruuasnnv ROAST TURKEY with old iashlonad dressing or SWISS STYLE STEAK with natural sauce $165 Children under l2 $100 MONT0 THURS SPECIAL sass also worth of FRENCH FRIES with purchase of Bucket or Barrel of Kentucky Fried