ReformiSts DISTRICT WEATHER Canadian Education TORONTO tCPt It group of advocates oi social change got together during the weekend to discuss the plight of the under dog 0n the they took pot shots at the anadlan educa tional system in general and so eiaiwnrk training in particular ï¬ry were undergraduates oi to universities and id colleges and schools of social worka sellstyled waive group that sought to stir itself up to take still action to speed the process of change and to improve the schools curricula Their lind lngs and recommendations if any will be announced later today Generally the 350 delegates to the Canadian conference at so cial work students meeting at the University or Toronto largely at their own expense or TWO STUDENT PILOTS an ill crisn student pilot died in the wreckage of this small air three days of Informal talks and workshopsesslons avers seri ous and dedicated group Many had completed regular univer sity courses and were working for masters degrees DEIJZGATEWOXDERS Socialvwork students have not been involved in student rebel lions In Canadian universities and one dclegato wondered out end is it because of our training which is passive Apathy and passivity seem to prevail in so cial work and in our training we are told not to get involved in this social change We have no lreedonL In an address Saturday Dr Gilles Rondeau professor of so cial work at the University of Montreal sold the rhythm cralt alter it collided Sunday wilh second plane operated with which social ohangs is pro gassing had been accelerated ila urged the students to take stand ior this action in the community by concrete ges lures and without Anything equivocal about it Social work has the firm dclt sire not to shock society Up to now social works motivation was in being harmless and it has perfectly succeeded its structure its education sys tems its practice everything has been marked by this reflect ed will ol remaining still The some thoughts were ex pressed by several students ear lier in workshop on the stu dent as an activist in the outer community An activist was dellned as someone who acts instead of sitting around talking about it by another siuden above the airport in Carp bout 10 North Bay Prepares NORTH BAY CPI Want to learn how to skin an otter catch marten or ball pot tea in the middle of snowshoe race Come to the Ontario Trappers District Clergy The lath annual Ministers banquet of the Quinlan Busi nas Mens Oonmittee of Bar rie was held Feb it in Burton Ave United 11mm with Bil in attendance Rmald Sproule was in the chair mth Reg Knight as pianist Dave Benson led the singing Rev John Van Dyk of First christian Reform ed chinch returned thanks Bruce Owen now diredor ol CBMC was soloii Twentytwo clergymen were present and given copy ot Contact Eight liratimers to CBMC also were welcomed TESTIMONY TIME llilroy United er Jesus Christ He said was not interested in spiritual things in my early years The things of the world suyphcd all no need so thought was doing my best in religion of good works was anions enema to attend Baptist mural in Gall and here under the preaching of the Word the Liï¬tt of JEUS Christ shone through formd needed the love of God on personal level Gad in that would boast save VrtitSlli The chairman announced good program arranged for CYF March in thington St school About 215 on hand 74kb to Seetheï¬linjwohke Business EV CEMGwill be MM bl when Mayor Bentley and council will be guests William McGaul general insurance Toronto is gum speaker April ii is Fath er and Son niï¬at with Sam Dai ton ot Denver as speaker muse monucen Thomas Night in Fellowship oron This work trim is cormectod with ra The aker began wtiiiawordoftspe The ï¬rst broadcasting trans miller was 50 watts in 1931 The speaker said four transmitters now worth $100000 each broadcasting the Gospel in long and short wave in bi languages 21 horns daily the doathyfthelqrd Grist Voice ot the 50 per cent of the worlds poptn lauon have never heard the name of Jeans Christ REACllESPEDPLE Our broadcast from HCJB readies people in many isolgt ted placemvdilfiwli for miss ionary to find The world is being opcncd to millions of nets Resisting isolated areas is oi crucial importance The man on the street doesnt want to turn tro mhis sin to Christ in 1968 iiCJB received 129000 letters indicating the number of people listening to the broad cast and this is only arportion of on potential Twelve miles of power lines have recently beenmrnpleted to morease the outreach itUSSIAN BROADCAST broadcaster in Russian closed with the request as he closed with prayer Ail of you people listening get on your knees The response came We heard you we were on our knees ail the time you were broadcasting in July we be gan broadcast in Roumanlan ham operator heard it he ran up and down the street shout ing Someone in South Ameri an is preach tornsrinour languagc Recently ma Washington was won in Christ and was asked the question Where did you first hear at Christl His answer was ch ago in NorthsvietNaml heard or HCJB In closing the speaker said Weve story to tell to the nations and right here at home Ven Ligbtbotun read the scripture and Capt David Howell closed th may For Trappers Meeting Associations annual convention which opened here Saturday More than 300 trappers are at tending the sessions giving demonstrations at trapping and skinning 1nbotwoen they at tend meetings and banquets To the association president Lloyd Cook of Barrio the con vention is becoming more at success each year Weve got the best trappers andLhe best fur auction any where in the world said Mr Cook who along with other asso nintion executives wearsn mink bow tie Fur buyers from all over the world come to North Bay for the auctions and Mr Cook says even countries from behind the Iron Curtain are interested The association expects to sell more titan $1250000 worth of pelts Hols year he said to an interview run CAPITAL Alex Shielt manager of the associations tur sales said the llgure to years ago was $175 000 Theres no doubt that we are becoming the for trade ccn tre ot Canada it notthe world The convention started Satur day with an unusual snowshoe race Contestants ran 90 yards skinned muskrat boiled pot of tea then ran back In individual booths showed how to catch marten in live trap how to skin an otter or howto set aconibear trapn new metal device which kills andhas berm known to trap two otter at one time Beaver are returning 41p to trappers ism mt MDNDAY mantar 111 Sunny Tuesday High Near 30 immatwuwilJmmover Barrleiuiflaromhngtistrlcta illuminant lawforecnst Ianlynxswde 151mm 30 flte pneumoniaBarrio WMumfldegees thdswiltbelim mom Forecast l5 sued sumo am Synopslr Fair weather with seasooable temperatures will continue today and Tuesday over Southern Ontario Over northern and central regions there will be trend to more cloudiness miles west of Ottawa CP ephoto Volcano Erupts CATANM AP Mount Etna Europes tallest volcano started blasting away Saturday after slight earthquake rocked this eastern Sicily area The quake was followed by series of explosions and the vol enno began firing tons of incan descent rock into the alr The outburst came mm vent on ith the northeast slope nanowtox Windwr comm Hamilton Tomato Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara lake Ontario Southern Geor gian Bay Sunny with few cloudy periods and reasonable temperatures today and Toes day Winds lighL Montreal Ottawa Mainly runny today and Tuesday blild Winds light Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Tuuday Windsor no 35 St Thomas 15 Damion lo lï¬hehcner lo 10 10 18 ll 18 lo 10 Owen Sound Trenton Killaloe bluskoka North Ba Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste no Kapusknsing White River lllonsonea ï¬mmin sneezesssscgsgeaaggsan Students Meet Lawyers Friends MONTREAL CF Students and sympathlzcrs Jailed after 10hour destruction spree last be week at Sir George Williams University spent most of Sunday in meetings with lawyers lriends and relatives in prepara tion for preliminary hearings scheduled to begin Tuesday Sydney leithman lnwyu representing some of the or charged with conspiracy to commit arson and conspiracy to destroy property said Smnioy night meetings were held to de clde defence procedures to be used during preliminary bear 0f the arrested t2 are black and 45 are dcscribed by police as nonCanadians At least 7A come from countries in the Car HIS Were sure the Canadians in the group will get hall What wevdont know however is how much ball money will be asked of those who come from ouLside of Canada 20Standard nasal PB 16 Wlih lnstantautomatlo Ignition porcelain enamel construction removable burners large capacity oven smokeless and odourlsss broiler tn whiteonly $55 pelt and averaging about $21 Otter average 540 mink 3L7 martenw rations $28 and muskrat about $1 snare when he was nine years old is one of the besttrappers attendingrthejonvenilon llistrap line covers miles and much of it es with the North Bay city limits MrPerron for the last three years the worlds fastest beaver skinner says he 15 more at home in the hush than on city street MEN WANTED NOW no room AS ointmenmsre insurance Adlnltere and Investigators are badly needed due to the tremendous Itqu of claims remdflnl tram automobue accidents tires burglaries riots storms and industrial accldentnflver 50 million dollan worth of claims paid each day NAM St ltlliinl Florida can show you how to earn top money in this exciting field ion or part time insuraan Adiusters Schools of 1872 last moving Work at your present lab and train athome then attend resident trainan for twyo weeks at our belittle It MIAMI BEACH ml or MS VEGAS NEVADA Excellent employment assistance For details without oh lynx Jules Perron 34 who firstset HARDWICK 30Mndal FA 8335 65 Giving you fprogram cooking on ty$139oo controlllltoltoven door TrlTomp burners double ncloseddoornonsmoker broiler In white only 0nly$36500 Check our featuresA Compare our prices Then choose ournew MEDERWEATHER is ex poetod lorparis otManitoba Ontario Quebec and the east TDEONm CF Electronic spying by police should be con trolled in the same way ihntthe right of civil search is limited through court warrants Toronto gonsorvatlves were told Satur ay Stanley Beck law pro lessor atOsgoode Hall said vote organizations also should controlled by making the use of such equipment crime He told seminar meeting of the Metropolitan Tomato Progressive Conservative coon VControl the use ofciectronlc devicesvby police and make the use by anyone else crime and police will controliheir usehy private individuals He said the federal govern mentshouid change the Crimi nal Code so that senior police official would have to get war rant for electronic search by ap plication to provincial aitori heygeneral TIME FACTOR INVOLVED The persons whose conversa tions were recorded would have to be informed at what had been done within fixed period he told what evidence the police had gathered and be given the electronic eavesdropping by prlV em provinces Snow tlurries are forecast for ontaiio and Quebec our rain along the right to hear conversations re enst coast Colder tempera tures are expected for the western provinces CF Wire photo Control Electronic Spying the numbcr of requests made for warrants the number nted and executed and the consequent numbervol arrests and convictions ANNUAL MEETING I969 or on HOSPITAL aoaan Tucson APRIL PM AT THE HOSPITAL CAFETERIA for the purpose of melvi of directors amendments nose Judy come before Bylaw states any penon who tlon Sitar more til lief year the sum of one doll corporation for that year ng vsrioui regards of bylaws cotton and such other burl tho meeting pays to the corpora Innnal meeting in any be nmemberof that are the or shall PERSONS DESIRING TO VOTE AT THIS ING MUST THEREFORE HAVE PAID ONE LAR TO THE SECRETARY MARCH lST i969 DOL 0N OR BEFORE CAMERON Secretary Board of Directors HARDWICK 30 luxury 97 Modal sis 971 49 AT Featuring ltdMp homers thermal eye homeroomWain illuminated control panel W03 cooking liftoft oven broiler convenience copper avocado control letdlowallfltass oor walsthlgh double ln nhite antique Only $33900 35 HARDWICK snï¬nouhloovsn ModalPA E43187A Styled with Program control jotKiw allglass liftott door eye level ovon nloseddoor broiler In white antique wppcr avocado Only $425300 And if youd llke to shop for Hardwick rangeinthecomtortof ligation ï¬ll out coupon and mail today Accredited hiernltcr National Home Study Council lNSURANCE ADJUSTEHS SCHDOIS Dept 2721 7915 Slate LineKansas City Mo 84th Name Address The missionhield these days is tough We find fewer young people willing to accept the olnllenge and go out to the field despite the challenge and promise of Jesus great prob letn is to face the population exfllghsi 66 Hardwlck na ural gas range Take five years topayrwithlowmo th iy payments on ur your home telephone and ask our salesman to vlslt Hell be glad to come gas it Provlnce