Allrlclrs ron SALE UP TO WIl tu niim AnirlLJuln A1180 tlerts all It Ania unit IItoaiar lux rooms so Danton PERSONALS HELP WANTED IRE Milli EXAMINER MMAY mean 11 W1 AA IN have WW lol and Inst all or no we lull All will If manual or mm memoqu mourn gm ler ralr mu atu aceueni Nndi BI 50 aster rloooou moon BA I1 DWIY1 Itlflnl omitsEli limbo Inletnation hlsohsaa mam unromroa sleelsie wow no man doubls laundry Ethnicity mue omen and dryer Inch electric rrlro ll Inch television uln ltoe com tuba plus rv tour mflmisu 7150 D005 PETS JOHNSTONS PETS TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES AND SUPPLIES 136 CaIIord Street ANGUS Evenings 6309 on opa 16 Saturday 4245600 POODLIS DACIISHUNDS in mm 3153 i5n on this an In ad htor tilm web 131 li min lssalsil amount UAllvA wwirs unatch flit Whippet lsrul dnl Auo other very mronnle num nuluAN Shepherd lyoe pup ks tor an on old no each lea phnsla Home roobtz Trlmmlnr hoimlonu momlnr breeds rankup on delivery mom ARTICLES WANTED om china rlmwm lurnilalre ailver cram books AnIIlul Cellar in Dunlap mama out calm wanted any oulntlly Region prices paid Telephom CEDAR POSTS ll waEEIztnzlyuTsiflD Cm Suzi Dflihlfll FARMERS MRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nouns boarded oox stalls urei lent me Rrawuhil Uroul wuolm strand elrl to lbs MI Farm 3505 nannlra no equipment ior air as um automatic waltren vlun ele galvanized tnys Ilc Nearly Ailo as new ones mil nvle IEHZIOILD heliu yr old our WI year old holler run months old Tclepilonl mm lrillszmzn Holstein bull call be finalised or 006 Charola he tr anon Iii sell or trade inf Iterelord Hoi atein or Amrlu oi urn quality Phone mmn POULTRY 8r CHICKS 2m IIle or nle one year old on cents coon Telephone cream SEED FEED GRAIN HAY FOR SALE Lu ouantll Von Grulen unit uadvua FARM MACHINERY GHANK BROWN Delavai Sales Semco DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Carnplctolillc oi Dairy Farm EquiomenlSupp1ies Barrio Holly Rwy 17 7260338 EQUIPMENT WAYNE BEAIlY Pro PATZ SALES ll SERVICES months ran Siio unloaders Cnllle Fecdera Guaranteed salary 360 weekly Bnrn cleaners COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR STROUD 4363717 may end Inader or sale wt Intemalinllai in my good concl llon sasooo or out mo alter Phone mlm PERSONALS START YOUR WEEKEND with soothing Sauna DAINES have private SAUNAS Open Sat 10 am to 10 pm DAINES SAUNA BATHS PHONE 7187111 mamAiminw rattle Dralcsainnal booklan In this area available ver hgnld out re able Por rum lnlarmallnn atne onone nnnv menu alter on CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE day precenlo ouhllcatlon or noon on satumai glilgx Inadveellï¬emo or llrialsshied 2y rserneauvch in by 1200 noon ureeedlnr mfla nnmn Lmzn lsnx rules came at 50 cents to are or Examiner Iiox Number Identity or Box Number turn to ï¬fth coniidï¬liakl Illepllea ta er nxu wl rd only In day afler last publication as warn you DIV CLASSIFIED ADVERIISING cm Discount Rate apply min with tn am on or two insertions or yealaworflwz Three enrilisecutlve in per war er lion lotl ml Six cgnuems er word per inauv ngflglioinaertilillns lu cc an hen satisfactory fiancee per cent additional paid within seven corolla ol constraints phone Illxlnlnn 0N9 III Icreplefl as nominee to the advertisers Therein tha Clauilled Advertlain Drpartlnerlt requires all to kindly recheck their adveriaement Immediately ailar lint insertion imnrdsr any error or oralarlons may in re ported belara on in order that same may on rectilird or to al lontoe dsv oueuuuon on Drllnlner runanalblc to only one lneometly printsfl insan uon any alvertlaement then in the extent nl woman an tba involve the nllsprlnt Errors than do not lunch the or the advertisement no not ellrlnlr or correctionsbymlk=aoeda rlle nilrte Examiner reserves the rim I0 cllnlly revise or rain soy wantsc ï¬ï¬‚éï¬ï¬h NURSING HOMES any at nmnlb out Bnlh LN more WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered Sdlool Thoroth training in III hran ohea oi beouly cllllnra DERWIN HAIIIDRESSINO DANCING NORTHERN SCHOOL OF DANCING lakes pleasure In announcing the opening oi its new studios at OWEN WET New classes torming to tap and ballet all ages Classes In Modern Jan Gasscs or adults Fitness and exercise rim and trim Feel better in Iew necks Free aptitude tests given in the home at no obligation Your teacher Lloyd Gabriel Is choreographer and has danc ed on such TV shows an Show oi the chk Pig and Whistle and many others CALL 136198 or MI LOST FOUND 10 Girls tun shoes between MALI Alla flux EMS for LI mm IEiltzeu at Cadrillllon School and sloltha rnn balrv on Friday Cali no son alter pin 10 HELP WANTED WI TEACHERS WANTED THE SIMCOE COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARaLgEARSIfHOOL ONTARIO WWWIRFWCAHONS An acceptable university dc nee phi one year ot post graduate study such as Ba dlclor oi library Science graduation irorn the institute of Child University or ARCl lAn Waco university dr grgo and miniminn 25 salad age as oi September Applicatiqu mint be submitted In cutting Indicating qualifica tions and work experience CONDITIONS OF INTERNSHIP WILL BE initial orientation during May or June Summer calm attendance during 59 mat orientation Septem her through December 1969 and teaching assignment January through June mo cocoon summer course 1970 APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRNED TO MACDONALD SUPERINTENDENI 0P SEPARATE SQIOOLS P0 BOX 172 BARRIE ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT WANTED LLING nun availbl lar pm More work altcr rim and wreln ennn relryhnne 758 sway at Toronto FEMALE HELP AVON IS CALLING In your rldgirborhood through ii Be the Avon Representative and turn spare time into money iniio Elizabeth Pohlmulla P0 Iiox 485 Barrie or phone 7200551 GREENWOOD Coats and Dresses SALES GIRL We have anoliler vacancy for mod boutique train Apply salesgirl in our department Will to 10 am DUNIDP ST RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit rhllorrn in our Grove Telephone mooI street home otter 510 pm EXPERIENCED sale ovrr ea eloo rnrn commislon Telephvrla evenlflla mam MALE HELP YOUNG SINGLE MEN N0 EXPERIENCE NECESSARY to travel Ontariohand Maritime wit Large Canadian Publisher plus Commissions and bonuses Must be ambitious and enjoy meeting and talking to people Only those who are tree to travelimmediateiy need apply lnterwewlng one day only Tuesday February 18 1030 am to run HOLLDJAY INN Ask for BEYNON our RfluIrtfl or service deport all phlszs maul Erorrlroca to oi the service mechanical ability helpful Grade 12 prelerreo Ail company beneï¬ts conditions Firestone Store suoxr order cook wanted unl company estaurant arms supplied ulnal oznriltr Apply waviue mxhwav as and 400 at Cooktown PURCHASING CLERK inIilLn applications uiiibe rc ceivod by the undersigned for lilo position of Purchasing Clerk in the City Trenslnera Office Applicantrvlaii he expected to coordinate lnirdraslng of all City Departments and Process ing of runchasing orders and invoices within the accounting system Applicant should give lull information as to education and experience Salary monenairatc with ex pellent TAIIBYLN halroremr wanted cxlsllnr clientele Wales plus maul ideal worxlnx Apply to My sample moon Palntln and Plocrhanlr Inf Deprndabla Roma nuon ahl ntu mam IUIORING nltorln orrlerlou in Ma in undo own home Telephona moan SALES HELP AGENTS on You havl hours week to mono or an extra income no national earlIna tar men or wo mrn distributing Psmoun hawlrlxn Products Write flawlelrh Dept Miacol loos Richelieu street Montreal WI PR 11 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate oI FRANK SLACK latent the Tbltnshlp of Vmpra In tho County at Slin coe Farther who died on the Nth day oi December AD 1960 are required to Illa proof oi aamo uith the undersigned sohoitnrs for the Executor by lhe 8th day oI March AD 1509 alter which date the es tale will be distributed DATED at Barrie Ontario this 7th day of February AD 1969 MFASNS SIEWARI ESTEN MLIURK MILLS DICK Barristers Solicitors 21 Olton Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors tor the Executor persons having claims against the Estate oi EDITH URSULA SPARLING late of the City of Barrie in the Coun ty ol5lmooe uro died on the 21111 day oi October 1953 must orwarclaamc lo the undersign ed on or beiore the 24th day of February 1969 alter which date lire assets will be distributed amongst lho parties entillcd thereto and the Executor will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario 22nd day of January AD BOYS SEAGRAM Ir ROWE Barristers and Solicitors 13 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario FREE From CIassified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to 3250 assortment oi well known items or mother and baby Yours FREE when you place any announcement at your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column oi EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce mellt writer will aasirl you in wording your announce ment and arrange till you to receive your tree illolh ers Pair from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 7282414 Barrie and District Residents Only TRY WANT ADS PI 7mm City Allmiantrolor Exppriented PARTS MANAGER OPIiMUll opportunity available or an experienced parts manager with volume age parts and 1e ability In the $1000000 This is leading manutadourer with excellent benefits plan and better than average future to $0000000 rnnllen pension Must be ablcto man and remuneration will be consomsurolo with Apply in slrlrt continence to BOX F59 Barrie Examiner Attention MR BAKER NiflTICE TO CREDITORS Containing 34er useful Auuouucmsurs ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES Engagements hitrriuea and Des Blrth 1hr nnouocemeot maximum to words Cards oi Thanks words CASH RATES ul coo cw laddittonal slum ora lord In merino too item Verso per count lion sxtral Events Many Ways Smart By ANNE ADAMS RINGAROUND print politn dot stripes vary the neckline to suit your whim oI the Instant Sew lithe skim mer ill ahaniung wool Printed Pattern 4541 NEW Holt Sizes 10 12i 16 llilr 20V ZZIz 14th bust 37 takes yds IllIll SIXTYFIVE cams loo tents in coins no slompspleasc or each pattern Ontnrio reaidenis odd ccllis sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams care oi The Barrie Examiner Pallern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario Short on time More quick casy FailWinter Pallcrn Catalog Plus Irco pattern coupon one New Instant Solving Book Save hours not ill sew mod ern expert or over 500 pic lures Only PATTERNS 15511 151 Clothe By ALICE BROOKS This Iricndiy little girl or rives with her own dawn to darkrwardrobc Fall to make Your favorite child Will spend happy hours dressing this wide oycd iIOII witha NINE piece warnrohe Pal 7422 transfer clothes pat FIFTY CENTS Coins for each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care oi The Barrie Examiner Needlecrnit Dept all Igront St 1V Toronto lax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1065 Neodlecrait catalog over 200 designs to inside Send 50 cents now New 50 Instant Gills Iabuloua fashions toys docorat or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow idcai tor all occasions 60 cents 16 Jilly Hugs to knit crochet weave sew hook 60 cents Book oi 12 prize nlgllnns 00c Bargain Quilt Book has In beauliiul patterns no ccnta Museum Quilt linolr patterns or 12 supcrh quilts 60 cents ing15 patterns 60 cents Book Quilts tar Todays Liv Ausplces 13 Adult $151 sew stylcsin our Neill choose ii Ircn patterns printed 15¢ per prim on request COMING evsurs 100 lino PANCAKE SUPPER WESDAYPDBRUARY ll lo pm 51 Gm CINEGI Family 00 Shiite $100 00D Ill ANGLICAN mm PANCAKE SUPPER llilladaia United Ritaeh TUESDAY PEERUARY is to pm Oaiidren tron BINGO St John Vinuncy Hall TUEDAY FEB 10 JMXPUI $000 PANCAKE TEA AND BAZAAR Theodoy February is to pm 9P GEORGES PARISH HALL Granville Street hallo table bazaar nursery Adults 36c Clllldrm 15c Ausplces ACW warn nos DONT COSTTHEY PAY ANNOUNCEMENTS IN MEMORIAM and Ira tau sauna any INC or think orm our now In plus our and Ialr in nllnl rm ï¬nfia 354 case laughterlivlaw gov whim hurt 001 DlulYtn lovln mainly of our tutor and manner men Cnarin orury who passed any human i1 Isa Our hurts sliil so with none Ana new tsar run all What It means to ion you not will over now when in arm an and lusty Ill IVIH Ill DH Gill arm to hrs whlsm can Ind carry on net we ans your picture VMI to Iusill lno on Harold daurhtorlolav Merton and fluid rhilmo DEATHS sLuaoll Jrlalula Allra AI lhl iarflaro Nuralns Home Cold our on solnay ebnllry la loos ruinla Bullmus bolovad wllo ol Ills lat Vtclor Robert Slruor In her slat year lovlnx mother at liraI ol statuetom llany at Bar rls Isa oi aurlln on Aileen inn clllr Mean rnolre and Aubrw Oriilla Grandmother oi ls zrandchllarell and I7 rul faooohliiren nultlu a1 ths aloh sil mural Home 77 West Street North Mill Ernie In the SlawI lu reenl Is at no arv on meat st slary Tracy orlovra who of cum icy or Gnnisl in her sou our mother or Bob at Windsor deai alstar lrmlo may ml ville Raymond and nml rrary Maud II notion alenor lain cull cmrmnl Norma Mrs Guitar on Mrs llonanl and hiss III erileyi RHI In at the Suequ ninml llama la Worler Street Barrie amn in the chapel on Wednesday ll at rlrl1ntnllsrlt illnennn anthology in lieu ol nowen nori unailon may or sent to lo Cans In Caneer society Watch Classiï¬ed Ads lor terrific furniture and ap uliancn bargains pearll will Alma areassud dtniv on SIM strum On It on home hatQilDflac mm hit Ontlrhs dean bbsiand WI Ghlries dam mallet of Dr and Doris DI Bank MIMI lists or Champlain Atmabls OConnor soil or ohm mum Irvin Ill Blind flIVOr an allele day morning Blatant Dilla HULL RubenAl Westminster nooplul some on Saturday fthru I5 IM Robert Xullsn to icon lane uni Irrl delr rothzr NassI larrie Samuel and both Ob sled Realtnd II Hones noun nonhuman Funeral unite and mmltlal in Ills lun ersl horn on hlldhy rabruary II pan Intcmsnt slnla line Cemetrryt aIrANNflN gnu mulchAt Baggy hroull up oroo on day rearluv ll not Grnld sall slunnon beloved hulano or Doris liolwn dras lsliler DI Marilyn and non both al home our brother or Marjorie Mrs Arthur Newlnnl and Domthv thin Dr ham both or culture llutlhl ths rah Barrie slrvier on Ontario WELL HELP YOU WRITE want ads that results Examiner A6 Takcrs will bean to help you write your classlllrd ads To place your out want ad dint mull direct lino 10 till Want Ad NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS on Women van Intlmlnt Ilarrtruon six 21 11 seal 0f lth chicken cows allies saru slc ma insulator lee 15c r1 mm on mvlonu tax Anon nonhu omen Tbs aurl 1k airliner Univoisiiy lllltivTa Choice Of Subject moonm CPI Unl vrraily oi Toronto seoala bar proved Program that will vs arts and science students at the university irerdom to any course they want providing they take at least im year About 000 students now In first yesr and about 4500 expect ed I0 enrol in September will be attested this year while similar mange tor third and truth years will be introduced In mo spokesman said The plan means students can laito 20 unrelated shied dur lng ouryearprograrn al though the renan expects all deals will concenlrale on their iavorlle rublcct Entrance requirements re main lho same but students will receive bachelor oi ark de gree ailcr three years Students with 70pcrcant thirdyear average will quality or louth year and an ad vanced degree Seek To Extend Separate School SUDBURY lCPl The Roman Catholic dioccro at Scott Ste hlaric tarted drive here Sunday lto get provincial tax support extended into three scri lor grndos in Roman Catholic secondary schooia In pastoral letter to par Ishcs Bishop Alexander Carter urged that petition be armed to press the government to allow separate school boards li nances to extend the Roman Calhoilc aystem oi education Illio Grades 11 12 and is TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7281414 Advance orders are now Ileing accepted for extra copiesof The Barrie Examiner PROGRESSREPORT 1969 EDITION Publication Date rRlllllllrllunllv 28 Annual Hogress Report to send away to request extra copies of The Examiners Hundreds of Examiner readers each year relatives and former Barrie residents No other publication covers so well the growth and activities of our city in order to supplthe demand for additional copies we must have that extra press runs canbe planned Use the coupons below to order co mailing directfronl The Examiner of tea or relatives and friends cc is 25 cents per copy your order in advance so cost including Be sure to enclose payment with order otherwise order can not be filled To The Barrie Examiner Pleaaemail copy tropicalon The Exsmlners mo Progreaa Report tol Sendai Name To The Barrie Examiner Please IHIII 1m Progress Report to Name Address Payment ol Bender Ontario rcaldcnia add in sales copy copies of The Examiners To The Barrie Examiner Please mail copy copies at The Examiners 1969 Progress Report to Name Payment ni Benders Name Address To The Barrie Examiner copy tcopiea oi The Examiners Please mail 1000 Progrcas Report to Name Adrtma Poynleht at Senders Name NOTE on must be received not later than February 20 no is Barristosrllrsr alarm Examiner