Ere best der on his lens NOW IISCWITBUITON CannflnPrenMerler GumWoidey is mung again so are his Montreal Cans ga teammates The 39yearold goaltender Idle for more than month ear tier this season because of bad oervu ad amnion to air plane flight was at his best Sunday night woisley who has flown with out incident since ulolniiu the team gained his third shutout of the senson as the Canadians blanked Pittsburgh P15181111 The victory moved the Cana dicns into fmtplare tie with Boston Brulns in the Eastern Division and stretched their on litAim streak to seven pans in other games Sunday Coira Hm Hawks trounced Bos Im 51 Gordie Howe scored three goals to lead Detroit Red Wings to trium against lo Angeles Kings ew York Ranges downed Toronto Maple leafs so Phlhdelphla Flyers cad 0111an Seals 32 and idem Hall helped establidi shutout record as St Louis Bios hlanked 111mm North Stars 50 Saturday Montreal took Bos ton 31 Toronto downed New York hlinncsola crushed Detroit 62 Chicago defeated Philadelphia St Louis tripped Los Angels and Oak land and Pitldiurgh played to tie MADE 56 SAVE crowd of 5382 at Pittsburgh saw Worsley make 36 saves in recording the Bill Moll of his NltL career Ralph Backstrom scored two goals for the Canadiens while single goals came tmm Dick Did and Yvon Wen it was Cournoycrs 34th goal of the season tops on the club The Black lia in last place in the Eastrmpi islnn Gileago were Doug hiohris Bobby Hull Jim Pappin Howie Young and Andre Boudrias Fred Stanfield connected for the Bruins The Bniins oubhot Win the first period fell behind 20 and ever threatened to catch up Chicago gathering of 16666 saw cenlae Phil Esposito of Bos ton the illLs leading scorer held scoreless for the second consecutive game The Black Hawks outshot Bos ton 5123 to move within one point of ï¬fthplow Toronto The BDSTVJN goaltender Jerry cheevers movesout to stop dmt during goalmoiuh Grady Winsf nil PRINCE GEDRGE 80 Don Grady of Moon ton amassed 1944 points Sunday tow the jump event of the Ca nadian junior nordie skiing dlalllpinnslllps Ile ousted defending cham pion Dave Fripvpe of Ottawa whoplayed 11th with mp5 or 130 and 121 feet Chris ng made of Oshawa Ont we sec and th 1936 points pipe had the jumpsof and 16 feet but he tell when landing on the second jump Jlm Gulllkson also of Edmon to laced third with 1380 whie Jim Jickling of Wells BC was fourth with 1015 Sas uoons Gary Shynkaruk took filth with 1017 10yearold brother finished sixth with jumps of no and its feet The longest individe jump of ice feet was accomplished by Tom Reaper at Montreal who placed 12th with im points in combined jump and crosn untry event whichin eluded standings ollriiiays 10 kilometer mce Bob Osness PITTSBURGH Penguins goalie Les Binklcy deflects puck shot at the goal by Hruim still have two panics in hand on the Canndiens Halls shutout before 15906 at SL Louis was his eighth of the season and the Blst oi his ca recr His eight shutouts com binod Willi live by Jacques Plante gives the Blues 13 for the season tying the team and iridi vidunl record set by llarry Lumiey of lloronln in 195354 and matched by Terry Sawrhuk amt Dave Cantuaux of Detroit the same season Hall also was credited with an assi on thudperiod goal by Terry Crisp when he set irp the Blues forward with long pass while referee Tom Smith was calling delayed penalty against Minnesota Other St Louis oals wont to Larry Keenan ivith two Ah McDonald Red Berenson and Jim Roberts as the Blues moved points ahead of runnerup Oakland in the West ern Division It was the second threegoal performance for Howe this sea son and the filth of his career The 40yearold right winger hes 33 goalsthis season Rowes first goal came at 1705 or the second period and scramble in Satinday nights Milt IImrit mrhfmthealhm of Alia was first He placed 15th in the jump and nthin the cross country Ian Cunningham also of Cam rose was sccn in the com bined after being ldthln jinnp ing and 1811 in cmss ooiuitry Third wasCharlrs Eazen oi Sudbury Out with lsthplac ing in the jtllnpand 16th in cross country Girk didnt compete intlie jump Sunday held on Tabor Mountain 15 miles east of this central 30 city in windlw 18 degrees TEST TEAM DOMINATES Skiers from the Yukon and Northwest Territories partici pating 1n the National Fitness Councils Territorial mentol Ski Training program dominated the first two days of the meet TEST skiers took scven of the top 10 spots Friday in the 10ki in in crosscouotry race lilgleiaced Malcolm Hunter oi 011awawitha lime 06560 min utes upsctr defending champion Fred Kelly Oi lanlk NWT who had is time oisdzfld Mastic1 indium Mickey ROdiIiond 24 during the first period Sunday night at Pitts cicned the score at 33 He scored twice in the final period and Garry Unger once Unger and recentlyacquired Wayne Connelly picked up first period goals for Detroit while Los Angcles tallies wont to Bill Flett with two and Real Lom ieux TOOK CROZlERS PLACE crowd of 11533 at Detroit saiv Roy rd replace Bogcr Crozior in the Red Wings goal at the start of the ï¬nal pi rind and make 13 saves many oi themsensatiorial Vic lladtield and Larry Jel lrey scored in the first period for the Rangers benie 1750 at New York Jean Ratelle and Dave Balm tallied in the final period for New York whldi ended it fourgame winleos streak Toronto goals were scored by Jim Darcy and Floyd Smith lt was the 23rd goal of the season for midfield the Hang ers top scorer and the first for Jclfruy penaltyJolier most of the season Halons goal was in an empty net in the find min ute Defenceman Larry Hale trml won the game 34 and mm miiiiii two poian of JamiEvent rdic Meet bathed by Norwegian born Bjorger Petterscn 2B the 170 participants and nine teams in the $50000 TEST program have competed in European and American championships Twin lineraids from 1nd vik Shirley and Sharon Firth finished onetwo in the girls live kilometre cross country Friday Shirley who won the United States junior girls championship lad year ï¬nished with it time of 203 just 201 seconds fastor than her sister to the relays Saturday lnuvlk skiers forged ahead again The team of Harold Cook Roger Allen and Fred Kelly all from lnuvik won the 315 kilometre relay over hilly course in 56321 Huntsr toprated crosncoun try specialist recorded the fast est individual lap of 17317 heading the Quebec Zone team at Bruncau Prnsil of Marin Heights and Andre Voyer of Quebec City to win second place in the relay In 58485 The Firth twins and Roseanne Allen 1906 Canadian girls biltZlL Others pititnod are PitLdiunghs Dunc McCalium left and Duane Rupp AP Wirephntol scored two goals for Philadelp hia which broke ninegame winiea streak and moved four points ahead of Minnesota in the battle for the fourth and final playoff position in the Western Division Andre Lacroix gained the other Philadelphia goal while Ted Etmpsnn and Earl logar ficld replied for Oakland before 11101 at Philadelphia firstperlod goal by Henri Richard started Montreal off on the right foot in Saturdays big game against Boston John lcr guson and Jean Beliveau con nected in the ï¬nal period for the Corradicris SCORES FIRST GOAL Montreal turnout of 111190 saw rookie Don Marcelle of Boston score his first NHL goal in the first period to tie the score at 11 Dave Kenn banged in his filth and 20th goals of the season for Toronto Saturday Other Maple Leafs goals went to Smith Mike Walton Norm Ullman and Bill Sutherland Some 16485 at Torontosaw Hadï¬eld and Ralelle score for New York 5151411309 liaison lllirc pimi Saytllilliams To Get Million WASllINflON The Washlngtan Star reports that Ted Williams one of the lirst $100000 baseball players is about to become the first 51 000000 manager The Star says the Washington Senators owner Bob Short spelled out the details that law yers and accountants for both parties are prepanng for signa tures by Tuesday it possible This is the wayvit lines saysMoriia Sicgal Star sports writer salary 010110000 year over along terma minimum ging years according to An option for Williams to buy 10 per cent of the Swators stock This would be worth $530000 based on Shorts ill per cent acquisition of the mm for $9000000 Slegal reports Sborl pointed out that William 50 will con tinue his elbowyear lob as consultant for Sears Roebuck diamplon plagcd first iiithe iprls relayin 831018 Shirley 11m had the fastestgirl lap 1120100 liitléi was Phoenix Open With it 263 PHDENK Arlr AP Gene Hitler winner of the $10000 Phoenix open golf title with record as now seeks to duplicate his consecutive Arl zonn victories of 10 will an The 35yearold tram San Diego won the Phoenix Joel decade ago with 58 and then captured the title at Thicson where this years hinrnament starts Thursday id say it was probably the best nholes Ive ever played said Littler his toms over the Goonyard Arizona Country Club course Saturday ho equalled the course record with nine underpar 82 and he finished the holes 21 strokes below par George Knudsnn and Al Bald wmoth of Tomato were well ck Balding flnlsbed at 27 and won $213 While Knudsen earned $141 with total of 20 Knudsen started well with Bland oubutsoarcd to aiitund 75 Saturday and Sunday TIED FDR SECOND Littler still came up to the 1811 needing par to win since Miller Barber Don January and Billy lfmrwell each had carded 265 and waited to see if there would be playoff When the three ended up in tie they each received $7731 To get his $20000 first prize Littler shot 06 it 66 and took tic lead among goiis money winners for 1909 with $17002 it also marked his first tournament victory since the 1965 Canadian Open at Toronto Littlcr wouthe Phoenix Open in 19 end 1959 Tied at 767 stroke behind the previous tournament record shared by South Africas Bobby Locke and Littler in his 1539 victory were Ray Floyd Terry Wilcox and Jack Ewing Printeville Grand Champs QUEBEC CE Princeilllc Que established few nule stones Saturday by winning the grand chamnlonship of the loth annual international peewce tournament Princevillc rcapcd the top honor from among 107 teams by defeating Granddvlere Que 30 in the nationallytelevised fuiul as 15000 fans crammed the Quebec Coliseum The victory marked the not time the championship was won by Quebec entry and by Class team representing community with population of 7000 or less The nine previous titles had bcen taken by Ontario squads Gaetan Bouchcr sparked the victory with two unassisted goalshis 23rd and Ztth in seven tournament games Ear licr Saturday he scored all six goals in Princevilies oz semili nal win over Poinlo Claire Montreal suburb learn HANDLE 17 Sum Denis Pequot got Princcvhles other goal and nctrnindcr Re lcan Fortler turned aside 17 shots to register the shutout over the Class GrandMcre club Grandmlere advanced to the championship by pulling the upset of the tournament in the semifinal playoffs With 20 verdict over class AA Toronto Young Nationals Prime Minister Trudeau was at the final game rind handled opening faceaif ceremonies He left before the third period in two exhibition games he lore the final contest Caughna wags Que trimmed Quebec Indians in the annual Indian e1 bibftion final and Quebec Beo vers won the Progression League Trophy with 42 victo ry over Boston lnan annual CfangdaUnited Slates exhibition 35 Milwaukee Bucks lipsetlll takers By run CANADIAN rnnss Milwaukee Bucks cellar Wellers in thc Nationnl Basket ball Associations Eastern Divi Vsion upset the Western Division leading Los Angcles Lakers 1069 Sunday The Bucks were paced by Flynn Robinsons tlpoint effort which more than otfsct the top Lakors shooter Wilt Chamber lain who had 29 in oLhcr Sunday gamer Phila delphia floors paced by Hal Greet and Wally Jones with 20 and 25 points respectively dntbbed Boston Celtics 127102 San Francisco Warriors dumped Atlanta Hawks 112106 Dob hules 06point night sparked Seattle SuperSonics over Detroit Plstons 1271113 and Phoenix 15103 Cincinnatis Oscar Robertson drew eight assists inthe thy alsSuns game givinghlm un rcer total of H955 and surpass ing the old NBA mfllk of 0040 set by Bostons Bob Cousy lo Saturdays play New Yuri Knickn edged San Francisco 96 02 and Cincinnati overpowered Chicago Bulls hit101 SWEEPS MENS SLALOM KRANJSKA 601M Yugosla via AmReinhard Vlrltsehet led Austria to 123 sweep in the slalom for the Vitranc Cup Sunday The event counts in the World Cup standings Suns rapped Cincinnati Royaa Haw Howe Dot ntarlo Hockey Association Alain rvutetoasdutnoveeragon Fails Dione BROMONT Que CF Diane Culver with two victories in the Bromont Cup slalom ski companion during the week end has taken the lead in the national points race for the Pan tiac Cup llliss Culver of Montreal won Saturdays tworun menial sla lom and the tworun giant sla lom Sunday and has its points its ahead of Sue Graves of Otta wa Denise Chrlchton of Mont real is in third place with to points In the mens division Mike Culver 01 Montreal retains his lead with 50 points But Neil Baker of Montreal by virtue of win in the special slalom Saturday and second place finish in the giant slalom Sunday moved into second place with is points Miss Culver 10 forced out or competition last year with broken leg was declared the overall womens winner Baker won the overall mens title Baker covered the special sla lom course Saturday in 5260 seconds and came second Sun day in 20703 behind firstplace ï¬nisher Arthur Hourbeau of the Eastern Townships region Bourbcau ï¬nished in 206 til Springfield Kin By THE CANADIAN PRESS Springfield Kings suddenly have become the hottest team in the American HockeyLeogue and their playoff hopes have brightened as result The Kings downed Providence Rods 31 Sunday night to move into tie with Providence for third place and the final playoff position in the Eastern Division The victory was the sixth in seven games for the Kings and their second in as many nights against Providence In other games Sunday Buf falo Bisons defeated Cleveland Barons 53 Rochester Ameri caos blanked Baltimore Clip pers 20 and Hershey Bears beat Quebec Aces 42 Saturday Spnngiield took Providence 5a Baltimore blanked Buffalo 30 and Cleve land trounced Rochester 64 SCORE FOB KINGS Scoring for Springï¬eld Sun day were Marc Dufour Billy 1n glis and Mike Corrigan Moe Mantha countered for Provi dence Dennis Kasian med three times for Buffalo Sunday all in the lioaliperiod when the Bison brokei in tie to move In poénts ahea runncMrp Cleve ii in the Western Division Pat Hannigan Gerry Ouellette and ltandy Legge Connecting Tor iiiii By mn CANADIAN runss ILapparently will take much more than one lost weekend to knock Phil Esposilo of Boston Bruins out of the lead in Nation al Hockey league scoring Held scoreless in two weekend games Esposlto still leads with 92 points on 36 goals and 50 as 51515 Bobby Hull of Chicago Block ks with goal and thine assists in two games is second wittillu points on 11 goals and 4t ass Gordie Howeof Detroit Red Wings in third with points on so goals and in assists He had Sunday The lenders Espoiillo Boa Hull Chi El eenugsaagsag Mikitn Chi Bcllvcau Mtt Cournoyer Mtl Delveechlo Dot 10 Bercnshn Stir 20 as Hodge Box 34 Ullman Tcr on Rousseau Mtl at at assasga sagnacagt as oasisalas 533 one goal Saturday tind three armai on St Catharina newlines anwhile drawn as kept playan Dpot alive with their fourth straight win our london MIL M10 Marl boroa beat lastplace Kilehuier Rangers 52 and Hamilton Red Wings mauled Nuns Glues ab Petorborwgh to 31 lead ongoals by Rick bloc telsh JlinVlonarvanddfcn Ri TIIE RAM EXAMINm MONDAY FEBRUARY 17 1969111 ulver Leads Pontiac stiles Culver covered the giant slalom course Sunday in 21334 followed by Miss Crichton in 21640 and Michelle Bernie of the St Lawrence Valley region in 22101 Saturday ills Oilver had 20696 followed by Jean Irvin of the Gaiincau region in 21351 and Miss Beroier in 21505 Mix Bornier ï¬nished second in Lhe womens combined stand ings followed by Miss lrvin Jim Hunter of the Carindlan National team was runner up in the mens overall standings and Henry lifoscr of the Northern Ontario region was third rlio Bromont competition was the second of two evean held in Easteni Canada Represch tlvcs of both Easter rind West crn Canada meet next week in British Columbia for thonatlon iii ï¬nals competition and the Pontiac Cup other results in mens Elm slalom Russell Goodman Quebec 20152 John Taylor National team 210311 Hunter National 13 team motion Other Women results Elizabeth Gcpcau St Law rence Volley 222065 Wezody Laughton Soatlmrn Ontario Zone 222 88 93 Come villive Iii Race To Kill PlaYoil Spot for Cleveland wme Ken Kelly Wayne Schultz and Reynold Co mean Al Smith made 30 saves for Rochester Sunday to gain the Shutout Billy llicheili andsitcd rrnstrong pic ed up gas for the Americans Sharing Hershey goals Sunday were Gil Gilbert Pete llmd linger Delordy and Mike Maho hoySimin Nttetand anym four collected Quebec goals Springfield struck for three goals in the ï¬nal period Satur day to break 22 tie Scoring for the Kings were Doug Robinson Gary Qoteau Corrigan Colour and inglis Pierre Gugne Adam Keller and Dick Mmssner replied for vai dencc Baltimore goaltender Andy Brown turned aside 22 shots Saturday to pick up his first shutout olthe season Baltimore goals went to Jeandllurie Cos sotte with two and Wayne Hicks leading tire Cleveland attack Saturday was John Brenneman with two goals Single goals come from Kelly Schultz Jim Mikol and Pierre Bnuehard TomMcCarthy cemented for Rochester otherVBullalo goals went to ehnrdaon before the Black Hawks came to life Al McDonough with two goals defenceman Dick Red mond Brian McKenzie Derails Giannini and Don ODonoghiie scored or the Black lfnwks TAKE EARLY LEAD Gilbert Perrenult Robert Gulndon and JeanPierre Borde loau gave Montreal to lead that lasted until Ilka of the sec ond period when Phil Roberto of Niagara Falls beat goaltender Tod nieber Niagara Falls coach Paul Emms got involved in fist tlght with ii Montreal fan in the ï¬nal period delaying the game for about live minutes Emma and the Flyers nccdcd police as con Jan 12 at the Forum when they staged donnybrook with guwbchlnd the Niagara Falls ll Pierre Jsrryscorcd two goals for Ottawa as the 67s ivnn their fourth game in live starts against the Knights Bill Clem nnt Peter Gow Jean and Denis Potvlri Barry Graham and niuiray Wilson scored the other Ottawa goals Bob Roselle Nell Nicholson Brian Qilrinidr and Dan Mala ney replied for the Knights Doin Talloo Frank Hamill Mike Murphy Tom Jonston and John Frcnchscorod for the Marlboros who moved into xth place one point ahead of London ONLY EIGHT WINS Dave Crcssman and Brlsn Glennright got goals for thdie ncr which has only eight win and fire this in in games Hamiltons win over Oshawa may prove costly Defenccriian Gary Gcldart was taken to hos pital with suspected concus sion following lirstperiod col llsion with Bob Kelly of the Generals The Red Wings got goals from Rod Hare Ron Climle Cal Rus sell and Tom Williams and solid goaltendlng from Jim Ruther ford Rutherford stopped 33 shots as Hamilton built up 21 lead in the first pcrlod Tom Foxcmft scored for tho Generals who are uiniesr lit seven games and hold slim twopoint lead on Ottawa in the battle for the last playoff spot ax HAS MART ATTACK NEW YORK AP Lea mfacPhail executive vicepred dent and general manager of Now York Yankees of the American Baseball loagire suf 0er mild heart attack sun day ltlacPhail 51 was stricken at his home in Hartsdnle NY few hours before he was due to ieavczfor Fort Lauderdole where the Yankees ad vance spring trqlntng camp opens Monday LOSS HIGH Conservative estimates place the annual loss in the United Stntcs from animal disease at $2WW000 HEAD ale on now at BARRIE SPORTSLtd comm 51 SALE Model Reg Price PRICE 160 13000 9905 260 15000 11995 320 17000 13995 350 11500 995 95 19009 15995 other Metal Skis from $7500 Get in on these and other exceptional ski bargains now Jst Come in Served brokeauto glass Lleaking vwfaulty windOW mechanisms and rattlingdoors tearingaul 363 BAYFlELD ST alladdtolhev hazardsofdriving Getitï¬xedbyCanadas glass specialists WWWWM