16711 BARR mm MAY MOM 11 Flyers vs Kings In SemiFinals By THE CANADIAN PM Six teams officially became contenders for Canadas Allan Qtp title and will start playoffs later this week as the eight tcam Ontlrio Hockey Assocs Lion Sarior sale drew in game regular schedule to close during the weekend Ioodstodt Its who have one game left nlesday agalnst Can adaa Ottawnbased National team and Belleviile MoHawka were eliminated Kingston Am settled their scrap with Bellevilia for the sixth and ï¬nal playoff pollan Saturday by downing runnerarp Barrie Pipers before crowd of 1171 at Kingston Gall Hornets who btdd sev enapoint edge over Barrie in first place ï¬nish the season with pair of wins over the fourthvplnce Oakville OaksM at Gall Saturday and in Sun daysrelurn game Hornets and Oak drew eadl other as iirstround playoff opt poncnts in bestofvseten se rics wlth the winner gaining SNI ODonnell eomtnncd for it points as the lilo Hawks opened up 52 first period lead Fer guson had goal and three as slats while Godson wllmcd four assists Moe Galaod George Westfali and Don ï¬ller added two goals each for the Terriers and John Hall stored once Fern 5t Oage with two goals Dave Fitter Keith Similar Clare Alexander aith his not of the season Mike Hughes and Ron Vermetta replied for the Bellevillea lame ODonnell had four goab Sunday as last place Wooktocknuffcred their nth defeat of the season LINE NETS 12 POINTS the line of rookie Al Fergu Georga Gtxtsoo and Playingcoach Davey Jones and John Baker completed thr Believiile scoring Tommy W11 Wn 50b Tomchickllod Mac Westgate scored for the Aa be fore 51 fans in their two weekend games with the Oaks the Hornets fired bye to the finals lclncs RAPPED in two other Sunday games thirdvplatv Terriers outscored Coliingwood Kings 10lt7 at Orillia tripped Wood and Bellesills stock 73 at Woodstock Harrie will play Colilngwood anti Drillia meets Kingston in bestowing quarlcrfinal rounds Sir players shared the scoring lentafldIn 1963 when Mike bu Saturday for Kingston Eddie Long Charlie Conlery Bob Clay1on John Mercer defence man Garfield Bali and $1 Am Jr Dave Ferguson Jon Weeks and Corby Adams replied for the Flyers lnrce goals by Grant Moore provided the winning margin um Collingwood Sunday as or iliia finished four points behind secondplace Barrie Oaklilla Sunday scored three goals for Gait Vance llliliar defenccman Rio Caron Pete Brennan Hway Be langcr and Hergott all scored once for the winners llo diets at the Oakville net and scored 16 goals Hill ley led the Saturday 72 win with two goals Ron Hergott Fern Belangcr Howie Dietrich Joe Hogan and Ron Smith also tai licd for the Hornets Scoring for the Oaks who had only 18 shots at Gait netrnindcr Erroll Ille Kibbon were Jitll Obie OBrien and Terry Cooke Before crowd of 18 at Bob Erfei Jack Price and Pete Bellioi scored two goals each for the Oaks who ï¬red shots at Ron Boomer Veteran Oakville net minder Harold Boat Hurley faced 57 Gait shots HOCKEY STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League Eastern Division P1 12 219 151 7B 11 107 155 78 160 146 66 11 161 64 11 170 149 61 st Boston Montreal Nay York Detroit Eugen as 25 no 2a 2a 27 i1 31 at 12 31281385 Pittsburgh Results Saturda Boston inlanueal NEW York Toronto Detroit Minnesota Chicago Philadelphia ti Oakland Pittsburgh 105 Angola St Inuisl Results Sunday Montreal Pittsburgh Toronto New York Boston Chicago has Angelo Detroit Oakland Philadelphia Minnesota St lnuir Games Wednesday Montreal at iiorontn Detroit at New York Boston at Pittsburgh Chicago at Oakland Philadelphia at St 141113 Los Angelo at Minnesota Ontario Senior LT Pt 29 lo 2m lat 53 24 12 not 135 51 23 15 184 144 47 18 21 II 169 136 16 16 22 171 M4 31 16 22 172 189 33 16 23 134 177 31 Woodstock 29 149 23a 17 XOlfatva 43 19 12 xamys partial schedule Results Saturday Oakville Gait Barrie Kingston Results Sunday Belicvilie Woodstoolt Cullingwopd Oriilia 10 Gait Dakwlle Game Tuesday Ottawa at Woodstock Gat Barrie Orlilia Dakville Collingwood Kingston Beilevilie Montreal St Cath Hamilton Ngra Fails Toronto London Oshawa Ottawa Kitchener Hershey Baltimore Springfield Buffalo Cleveland Rochester Quebec Buffalo Ealtimnres Rochester Cleveland Omaha Tulsa Kansas Memphis Ontario Junior LT Pl 310 52361411ï¬ 2610115513153 513 319116060 2510 217513852 2321 016813750 1925 419421642 1625 92112341 1625 BMZZQIO 1624 6172MB 1135 514425821 Results Sundly etbgh Niagara Falls Montreal Poterborough St Catharine London Ottawa Kitchener Toronto Hamilton Oshawa Games hlesday Niagara Falls at London Pelorborwgh at Hamilton Montreal at St Catharines American 14am Eastern Division 17 PI 28 20 217 161 61 11 22 6111516552 76 173 210 19 21 27 190 202 Western Dlvkion 32 11 WI 121 71 24 23 163 176 55 19 180 221 16 16 28 157 162 41 Results Saturday rovidence rouidence it Springfield Results Sunday Cleveland Buffalo Springfield Providence Hershey Quebec Baltimore Rochester Central league Northern Divider Pt 24 104 192 55 70 18 14 172 185 54 16 19 15 170 1611 51 10 xi 13 159 Z46 36 Southern Division Oklahoma 33 11 228 148 75 Dallas Houston Fort Worth 20 21 14 166 175 54 Amarillo Oklahoma City Omaha Memphis Fort Worth 2619 919216061 2523 916919955 19 26 10 169 181 48 Results Sunday Rink Favored NORTH BAIIIENRD Sash tCP Saskatchewan rinks which have dominade the Canadian schoolboy curling championship since IMUIZIE top position from summaries of past records and highlights of previous tournaments Bob Miller of Sheilhrook Sask hopes in add to the list of nine titles in the 23rd annual competition which begins today Eleven rinks including lie fenlling champion Ontario and rt Ontario foursome from Fort William will Lilla part in the fiveday roundrobin lounlament Saskatchewans dornination started in 1949 when Hum boldt rink skipped by Jack Thompson took the title at Dd monton The province has captured elgilt other titles and has been the only allll two undefeated cham pions in 1952 when the late Gary Thode of Saskatoon won nine straight in illrink tourna and Ontario three onds avera OLII llowicb of Spears had iott ree ord The 1951 Saskatoon foursome recorded the only eightunder in the history of the championship Albertavhal won five titles if western rinks with 17 wins in 22 tournaments can be con sidered the strongest Saskat chewan faces tough test in the firstltbree draws ofrthe 1069 even SPORTS BRIEFS WINS FINAL RACE MELBOURNE Australia AP 7Cllris Anton of New Zenland climaxcd his triumph in the sevenrace Tasman Cup series Sunday by winning the finaltevent the Ioomile San down Park international motor prwnlntlveevtoflnm recorllfaa the leader from the start in ltalisn Ferrari was clocked in record 60 minutes luo sec los role SKIDOGS IN FOURTH CORNER DURING STOCK SNOWMOBILE RACES SUNDAY RabinsoIl Top Driver MotoSkis Dominate By NNY KEENE Examiner Staff Refortrr Ross Robinson of North Bay walked away from Barrles 13th annual winter carnival snowmo hile tournament laden with over dozen trophies and prizes in cluding stereo console as Grand Prix top scorer Robinson riding lifoloSili had total of 53 points with five firsts when all resuits from the lwoday event were finally tallied beatlrg second place Robert Timlock of Vnsaga Beach who also drove Moto Sld by 11 minis Participants gathered at the Continental In last night un zippulg their hot coveralls anti smearing cream on their wind burncd faces to watch Kinsmen club ofï¬cials distribute trophies and prizes Gell7 Barber snowmobile ra cing committee dtairman laud ed the high number of partici pants and their spirit despite obstacles We know we made some misa takes and we thank you for cutting he said We hope les sons leamed this year will make next year even better Barber said that an effort would he made next year to im prove the track surface The passage of great numbers of machines clears the snow from the frozen surface of the bay and leaves nothing but ice This made turning very difficult Many truckloads of snow had been taken down and dumped on the track prior to the weekend activities Drivers had at first been leeryvof tailing trucks on the ice until Barber had driv en one truckload out himself to show it could be done More than 300 drivers the most ever competed in six stock and six modified classes during the two days of racing In ad ditlon there were four powder puff races won by Irene Watt of Bradford Marie Fleetwood oi Downsview Joan Mounsey of Terra Nova and the fourth gain by Irene Watt Rene enliven sulfate Martel SkivDom Bruce Graham liar ricSkiDoo STOCK Ross Robinson North Bay MotoSki Ilnb Timiock Vasnga Beach foloSki Barney Baz isc Joyiand BeaehSki Doo Tony IvanShle Toronto Moto Skl Graham Schombcrg MoloSki Bud ice Barricskli Don STOCK Raymond Buie StnynerMoIO Ski Ross Robinson North Bay MomSki Barisa Orillla SklDoo Gaston Tclleher Scar boroughMolds NawmarkctSki chell BcavertonS itiODiFlED Raymond Buie StaynorMoio Ski Larry Stewart BoltonPol aris Len Bray Newmarkct SkiDoe Paul Prentice Mindcn SkiDon Rea Motlurray Coll ingwoodofotoski Fred Dow BradfordJMotoSki MODIFIED Rick Clarke Port Sydney Ski Don Grant Asselstine Harrow Smitil Moioski Robert Corbett VasngaEeachahiotoSki Bruce Graham BarrieSkiDoo Bazise Joyland BeachSt Paul Prentice MindenSkiDoo MODIFIED OPEN Ross Robinson North Bay liqlnski Rick Clarke Port Syd neySkiDon Grant Asselsline Harrowsmith MotnSki Paul Prentice MindanSkiDoo Tom Woods St Uafliarines SkiDuo 3113 Vandoidcr Arman Ski SUNDAY JUNIOR 111 Ward Williamson Pickering Motoski OHara Schomberg MotoSki Jeff Wy att PcterhoroughSkiDnn Ross Tomiinson Barrie SkiDon Bev Prentice MindcnSkiDoo POWDER PUFFCL Joan Mounsey Terra Nova MotoSki Helen Clarke Port SydneySkivDoo II Watt BradfordSkIDoo Pat Wood The team rdtay race was Linon by team from the Huntsville Garage skipped by Harry Webb Heret ll lip of winners in all categories SATURDAY JUNIOR Gerry Cox Toronto Moto Ski Beverley Ann Prentice MindenSkiDoo Peter Scriver Lakefield SkiDon Ward Wil liamson Pickering MotnSki Bryan Moffat Barrie SkiDuo POWDER PUFF Irene Watt Bradford SkiDuo Helen Clarke Port SydneySki Don Doris Baxter Lefroy 5ki Doo Terry Lotto BradfordSki oo Joan Mounsey Terra Nova SkiADoot POWDER PUFF R= Marie Fleetwood Downsview SkiDon Helen Clarke Port Syd neySkiDoo Joan ltfnunsey Terra Nova SkiDon Glenna Maynard flena Walt Bradford SkiD00 STOCK Robert Tlmlock Wasaga Beach VioloSkr Bob Mctron Agincourtdltotosk Rick Clarke Port Sydney SkiDon Don Nichols GuelphSkiDoo Hill Forbes Bell Ewart SkiDuo Tim Iizzard BradfordSklDoo arock Ross llobinson North Bay itIotoSltl Bob Tilnlocif Wasaga BeachMotoSki Bruce Graham Sehomberg Moto Ski Tony lvartySlual Toronto Motoéki Gilli JOCKEY FOURTH Miami Fla tAPl Diane Cramp the first girl ever to ride against men at maior race track finished fourth aboard Miaquola Saturday In theithirri race atiialcah 111W her third mount at the meeting She finished 10111 in 11110de ï¬eld on Bridle Bit in her debut Feb and then finished liftlt on same home last Nesday tingnMtuigwypï¬ $1 in own yarn iii your if rctcrborough SkiDon Barbara Dyer Wasaga Beach Moloski POWDER PUFF Walt Bradford SkiADoo Joan Mounscy Terra Nova llolosu Helen Clarke Port SydneySklADo Barbara Dyer Wasnga BenchfntoSki Glenna Maynard UnlnnvilleMuluSki STOCK 1V Machliilcn BradfordSki Duo Barney Balisa OrilliaSki Don lan Bray Ncwmnrkntvski Doo Ross Robinson North Bay Motoski Raymond Buie Slay nerditiotoSki STOCK Robert Corbett Vasaga Beachlhfotoskl Grant Assel stinc Harrowsmith Motos Rick Clarke Port SydneySitt Doo Barry Webb Huntsville SkiDoo Ross Robinson North BayaMoloS Bruce Graham BarrieSkiDoo llca ltcifurray CollingwootiMoto Ski Paul Prentice MindenSkiDoo STOCK OPEN Granl Asselslinc Harrowsmith dilatoskl Robert Corbett Wa saga BeachMala Ski Rick Clarke Port Sydney Ski Don John Cordls Huntsville Skl Rice Wins Sports Car Feature Les Nine of Cinrkson in Dltw lrontwheei drive emerg ed as winner of the feature race Sunday during sports car compe tilions on Kempenfelt Bay One of the more populd win ter carnival altractulls the 11 mile course was lined six deep at times by cagcr spectators Dale Kitchen presrdnit the Thvinvtalles Motor Club was in charge of the event Rice made points towards the Ontarin Ice Racing Champion ship with his win He is now in the lead for the honor which Is awarded alter staffs of six raccs across Ontario There are still two more to be run at Pat erbnrough Placing second in the feature event was George Party of Ior Doo ltoss Robinson North Bay ilotoSki Bnlce Graham Bar rioSklDoo nioolrlsn Fred Dow Bradford SkiDon Howard nlzard Bradfordskiv Doo Robert Timiock Vasaga BeachifoloSki LnkcficldSkIDno Don Braull Warsaw SkirDoo ltoy lrvinc PetcrboroughskivDoo MODIFIED Ross Robinson North Bay MotoSkl Gasan Pelletlar Scar boroughMotoSki Robert Ti look Wasnga Beach hfowski Bud he Bnrrlcï¬kiDoo George Durand Brantford Ski Dno Tom Fuller BradfordSkiDoo MODIFIED Cl Ross Robinson North Bay MutoSki David OlossmanPar ry Sound Polaris Robert Timlt lock Wasaga Beach Muto Gaston Peilntler Scarborou Motoski Bill Durand Brant fordSkIDou Archie Kidd Lake field SkiDuo TEAM RELAY Huntsville Garage Barry Webb Helen Clarke Goorge Durand Rick Clarke Paul Iren tice unto at the wheel of arilurris Cooper 1100 total of nine sin ran through 16 races dilltIQ the ot inrnnon Time trials and prac licl laps had been conducted the day before Crowd pleascrs were the stud dud tire races probablv because of the high speeds involved Vin nor of the first and SDLIM race was iim Davidson of Toronto at the wheel of an AustlnACcopcr followed in the first rat4 by John MeGavin of Thornbury in Volvo and in the seconl by Bert WCIIICS of Torouo in Sunbeam Gordon Salisbury of Clarkson placed first in the rontwhcel followed by Les drive race Rice GORD SALISBURY WINS FRONTWHEEL DRIVE EVENT is on Toys In Speed Try Thousands watched yesterday as snowmobiles hurried through timed quartermile in on at tempt to set new world spved record When the times were all in no record had been set lhefalt est man of the day however rowsmltil who clocked In inn miles per hour having flJiO the course in155 seconds He also garncrall tronllivs and prizes for sound pine lilrltll stock Fi class racy first minnow in the open stock class second place in the modified class and third place in tile modi fied open close Assolstina rode iliotuSki Second was Rick Clarke or Part Sydney aboard Bombardier SkIDoo who had clocked speoltmf 51mins pe hour SkiDuo ridden by Pat Wood of Pctcrborough clocked 521 miles per hour over the comet Tito record of mph was set by Gaston Pcllclicr of Scarbor ough wccit ago In Oshawa REPAIR now PAY lATER on our convenient nunonr rum sxrsnr Mechanical body and rnmr wank Phone Ila1111 DANGERFIELDS Bradford Stu itarrle No Huntsville Merchants gave them IMiaailnthelrbeStd five Georgian Bay Junior legglle playoffs against Barrie Barrie won the ï¬rst game of the playoffs so last Sunday but lost hiday night 76 and Sunday afternoon by the same score Erldsy night in Huntsville the AC led 21 after the first and 44 after the second period but the ifrrehanla bounced back with four goals in the last per lod to force the tie Three of the goals were scored while Barrie players were in the pen alty MINNEAPOLIS Minnesota North Stars of the National Hockey League traded rightwinger Wayne Connolly to Detroit fled Wings Saturday night for rightwinger Danny Lawson The North Stars will receive it was Minnesotas second player to be named later to complete the deal trade in two days Tne North Stars dealt centre Andre Boud rins and detenceman Mike McMahon to Chicago Black Hawks Friday night for forward 13111 Olban and deientemnn Tom Reid Our plan is to trade for both the future and the present at goals in overtime by Detroit Wings Minnesota Stqrs Trade Twice Archie Kidd the same Blair Minnesota gcr and coach cause of an injury time said Wren general mana The trade was announced by Blair and Detroit general mana ger Sid Abel one hour before the teams met Saturday night The North Stars Won the game or Connolly did not play Law son who has been at Detroits Forl Worth farm team in the Central League was to join the North Stars this week Loom SCORING Connelly led Minnesota in scoring last year but was hav ing an offseason this year with 14 goals and 16 assists Blair said iteid did not dress orlhe Saturday nightgama be Blar also called up cenlre Gary Dineen from Minnesotas Memphis nights game team for Saturday The North Stnrs gained 14 years in youth in the transac lions Minnesota also will receive player from Chicago at the end of the season Cldim World no Sled Record Set EDMONTON CP The Ed monton Dog Sled Association claimed world record Sunday after itspound Alaskan mala mute sled dog pulled 1305 pounds of dead weight at an an nual dog sled competition The filleyearold dog Shag easily eliminated other compell tion and his owner Niek Moi lily of Edmonton said he decid cd to shoot for the top The association claims the previous mark was 1301 pounds Skag pulled the weight 10 feet within the required two min utes and was still going when Mr Moion stopped him Most of the cargo was sacks containing 1200 pounds of dog food Overtime Goals Give Iiville Lead Inlunior SemiFinals Den Dell captain offhe Huntsville learn scored the uln ning goal at 211 of the over time period Sunday Barrie led so alter the ï¬rst and so after lite second Period Bob Popplcr scored the trim lng goal at 13 seconds of over time unassisted Dave Reid scored three goals for the ACs in their Friday night loss Greg McKnight scored twice Sunday afternoon while singles nerc counted by Reid Jim Hanson Gary Niger and Mike Quinn Popplcrvscored two goals be sides the other Sunday Lawson scored so goals and to ngisls lor Hamilton in the OHA Junior series in 44 games at Detroit this year before he was sent to Fort Worth Lawson scored five goals and seven assists He scored four goals and fire assists in eight games for the Texas loam tiryphons Win in 01 Season Ry TIIE CANADIAN PRESS University of Guelph Gry phons ccltnrdwailers in the sixteam OntnrloOucbec Athlet ie Association hockeylenguas Wcstcnt Division posted their first win of the season Saturday 0n home fee the Gryphons beat University of Windsor Lancers so in an Eastern Division game Saturday 31 Ottawa Carleton University Ravens clinched playoff spot in the sixloam group with 30 upset of the li Visinnvicading Laval Rouge et Or of Quebec City Wayne Small scored two firstperiod goals for the secondplace Ravens and Carly Gordon collected the third on pcnnlly shat also in the opening period The scoring was secondary to brawling as the game between the two top Eastern Division teams Wns marred by 1343 min utes irl pannliics At Guelph Fred Collsincnu and Doug Weaver scored two goals onch FIGHT RESULTS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WEEKEND FIGIITS if ManilaRene Bnrricntoa mu he Philippines out pointed Ruben Navarro 12912 ILos Angcles 15 Burrlcntos won World Boxing Council junior lightweight title Quito EcuadorEugeneio Eslt pinosa lilo Ecuador olllpoinled Gabriel Elorde 136 Philippines 10 Mexico CityJose Nannies Cuba stopped Fate Dal Akron Ohio welterweights North Adams MilesEddie Spence 170 Pittsfieid Mass outpuinted Kenny Cherico 176 Naw York it Monterrey MexJesus Cas tillo Mexico knocked out Rn faei Herrera Mexico Castillo retained Mexican bantamwcigllt title