ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOLVIIESSON ByliiirediJuescher ï¬irrrtnrg All church may chum LUTHERAN CHURCH be In to The Examiner ofï¬ce THE GOOD susrueun CHURCH OF THE any It KUZNIK INAZARENE 1th NAMESAKE SEEKS HEART CAPE TOWN tReuters Dr Dartstiaan Barnard will operate on Chris Barnard when the South Alrican henrHrnns plant pioneer periormr open heart surgery on twoyearold nanwsake later this month or in March The younger Chris son Jesus cent the disciples out to preach cast out demos and heal the sldr Hearing oi Jesus Herod thought He was John the Baptist risen iram the dead lusis e1 28 When the diaictplca returned Jesus sought to take them to Bethnlda to rest but the crowds reiused to let them go WEEKLY MEDITATION That They May Be one Brno Rev Wm Flynn Fulï¬l III Shanty Bay The title II this brief article comes irom prayer which more than 1900 years ago orgin atcd in the heart of Jesus at Nazareth it is prayer which reflects that sense oi urgency so characteristic ot and which was deeply etched in many thoughts lie expressed and which was deeply etched in Ilia lile The urgency oi this prayer came out oi illa exper ience with people It reflects His Awareness oi the possibili tla to conflict even among those who travelled with Him Within the ranks at the ear liest Christian iellowship may potentially ewloelve elements were mixed together because oi the variety olperaoaalties Mate hew and Simon the Zealot were les apart on points oi politics Thomas and Nathanael had personalities as dilierant as night irom day lhvo later addi lions to this nucleus oi the sum Paul and Barnabas though sharing the same con cerns and striving alter the same goals bad to pursue their common objective without the beneiit at end ohera WW And so it seems to have per sisted throw the alludes But now there appears to be cause ior renewed bonehler bapsvre ere beginning to look at things irorn more sensible perspective Perhaps we are looking together not so mum at the words at this prayer as at the spirit at 115 Author Per haps we are beginning to assess His intentions with more selfless concern Perhaps because at the conditions oi the world in which you and live we sense more keenly the urgency at His desire or unity Christ Removes The Banter Between Man sy Beretta Claire Kiibnra our etthe most enthusiadlc remarks made by our trieads when they knew that we were moving horn Toronto to Geor gian Bay was Oh you are go lng to live More the snow is al ways White iliked that remark partly be cause the whitenes at the snow always gives me Hit partly because it reminds me of the scripture though your due be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow isninh 119 white as snow Why should low words written by pro ï¬het thousands oi years age ave the power to tilt my spirits into thesinging realm will tell you Why It is because God and Christ Iransacted mite oi bush dow ness on Calvary that absolves me mm all guilt All have to do is to repent and believe and me as white as snow in And His God the eyes at holy God because Gui took my puaialment on Calvary This in the source at my joy no struggling no striving simply believing the word of God The proud the am as good as the next guy have no part in this joy it ia reserved ior the repentant Years ago when the Prince of Wales visith India group of high caste people waited to shake his hand but bar rier had been croctcd to separ ate hirn from the low caste the untouchables Alter stroking hands with those presented hint the Prince looked across at the crowd of people and ordered Take that barrier down Jesus Christ took the barrier between man and holy God when He died on Calvary that whosoever will believe may approach Him and be made clear in His sight Jesus again began teaching and healing Mark 650 ea Alter blessing them Jesus broke the live leaves and two liahes lor distribution among We live in challenging lines We live in day when Chris iians at various persuasion and denominational traditions are engaging in dialogue involving themselves together in common concerns and learning to kneel together is adoration ol the Lord whose deepest longing were prayeriully uttered ier them This prayer oi Jesus as it is recorded in the 17th chapter oi StJohn is healing prayer lta Ippoll turns the scorch light not only on the divisions within Christieadom but also on the whole framework oi lamiiy relations am not praying only ior these men said Jesus but ior all those who will believe in me through their message that they may all be one Just as you Father live in me and live in you am asking that they may live in us that the world may believe that you did send me The husband and wile who pray together have an unique resource ior harmony Temper ements tastes and ideas might still be dliierent but these can become source at enrichment rather than cause or division Just as husband and wile who pray together learn to be absolutely honest with each other so it seems in me Chris tlans oi dilierent cammunlons will rediscover through corpor ata prayer the complete mutual oodidenee one should have in the other And so we pray together catching the intention at the heart oi Jesus prayer that we may be one one in Him and He in us His complete coalideace in and oneness with the Father was borne out through His owI scli altering on theCrossThe conditions ior our unity are iaund there As we continue to pray for Christian unity may our hearts be drawn to that Hill where Voice was heard to give priceless benediction Father forgive jRéligious Undercurrents Middle East Struggle irew your MP Chris ty rooted Ia mun anth auached by Jewish apos ties nurtured by Jewish Scrip lure and locust on Jewish teacher Jesus has repeatedly in its history turned against its mother religion Today now tensions are show lag up between the churches and Judaism Behind the interialih friction is the worlds ageold boiling Iroubierpot the Middle East in tersection oi three continents birthplace oi Judaism Chris tiaalty and lsiem meeting point client and West ostensibly the struggle there is political but it has poweriul religious undertones and the tears interests and antipathlea have spilled over to stiffen in terreligious relationships else where it has happened as spreading voices among church leadership have taken exceptions to some policies oi the state of israel and expressed chncem for the Aral side or the conflict Rev Alion Carleton chief oi overseaa mlerlnns or the United Church or Christ in the United tales and an influential Iigure in interdenominational alialrs says steady slippage has occurreddn church sympathy ior israel LEADERS DISMAYED The shilling sentiment in some church nuertera signs or Ch which have appeared increasing 1yI incharticlcis axadhstatemeatslnin as perodca expoun Arab viewpoints haa evoked dismay among Jewish leaders It threatens to undermine JewishChristian Rabbi Mare Tanenbaum direc tor oi laterreligious affairs or the American Jewish Commit ee Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg noted Jewish scholar accused Christian leadership oi lack oi evenhandednesa and lack oi obiectlve moral calculus in dealing with the MiddleEast conflict adding that Israel open ly seeks negotiations while Arab countries reiuse it and assert their aim toidestroy israel critter Clergy Happy In Jobs swim AP sam pling nl former Roman Catholic priestlde intlhe United States in recent years indicates that most of them now have secular jobs and are happy in their new kn work About hallo them have cn tered the business world lliost oi the others have taken educa tinnui or social service posts Their average salary is $100 year The survey described as the iirst study at its kind was made Gallasherlresldenissue port Weekhl newsletter circu lated among corporation execu lives Based on responses irom 231 lormer priests most of whom ieitth9ir church vacations in theJast two years theiindings to were said to show ia vast un usinass At leastlm priests are nmvn to have quit the ministry during that period with an un own number at casesunre corded The survey report says the lormor clergymen are working as personnel directors iadus trial relations executives econo mists advertising executives eiiice managers publier rela tions counsellors teachers so cial workers and in other fields Theymajority oi rthenmu per centlisted Roman Catholi cisme rule oipricstly celibacy as the main reason or leaving theministry Hallo them now are married on per cent at the remainder said they intend mmy relationships and stir up anflSemitism says tapped manpower resource ior clepgymen who have leit the However some churchmen said assessing the conflict on strictly moral ground has bet some pointless Right or wrong the Arab st titutie is tract said Rev David Stowe he overseas ministries oi the National eve got to deal with that iact to dliiuse it also cited ahllt at some church sentiment away from the once nearsolid support ior larael and an increasing circu lation oi material presenting to positions particularin rem church sources in Arab areas Nevertheless the recent mass executions in Iraq of alleged is raeli spies drew strong denun cialIonsirom Christian lendcrl ope Paul calied the hangings an abomination the people When the Min were led Jesus sent the dis ciples by boat to Bethsalda Mark 619 Jesus walk pd the waves to the sienn BIBLE QUESTION BOX By Newton The Apostle Paul once called hlmseli the least oi the apostles yet mm the accounts in the Bible he seems to have done more than any at the others Why is there this dllierencet Mr Paul did ieel smallness a4 bout hlnIseli which he explains in Corinthians 153 For am the least oi the apostles that am not meantto be called an apostle ior persecuted the church at God Paul ahvaya was hard work er in his religious illeWo iirst see Paul called also Saul at the time of the stoning oi Stephen We read in Acts puriinns ol verse and all or verse And Saul was con senting unto his death As tor Saul he made havock oi the Church entering Into every house and haling men and men committed them to prison Then when we read chapter of lets the iirst two verses tell us And Saul yet breathing out threateniags and slaughter gainst the disciples oi the Lord went unto the high preist and desired oi him letters to Darn ascus to the synagogues that ll be found any of this way ltlltllile or they were men or women he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem Saul always theught that what he was doing was right and only later inarn ed that hewas working against God Just as soon as he weed out his error he corrected his FAITH coMMquTTMISSIou Crawford School Patterson Road Inlertlenemlnatlonnl Church Scrvlees oi tutst disciples lha sierra ceased and they landed at Gencssarct where Jens heal ed the sick Mark 61756 0pr rexr John 14 tile lesson many oi us should iearatnday Even when Saul waallving in complete persecu iion oi Gods people he thought he was doing just what God wanted Saul said have lived in all good conscience bolero God until this day Acts mm showing that we dare not let our conscience be our guide lest it lead us against God as Pauls did him So it was because of Pauls persecution oi the church that he lelthe was least oi the up ostlcs ll wasaiso this perrecus tion that drove him all the hard er te right the wrongs lhat he had done lie gave lull credit to God ior becoming what he was ior he said in Corinthalns 1510 But by the grace 01 God lam what am and HIs grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but labored more abundantly than they all yet not but the grace oi God which was with Inc Paul had total commitment to God which caused him to push with every hit oi his being in doing Gods will This complete cliort or God caused Paul when he was wrong to be just as wrong as he possible could but when he wasvrlght he did more ior the church than anyone except 1100 ara DisCIPLEsmP in Jesus womansnaacner The largest airport in the world is the John 1Kennedy lnterIIatIonaI Airport at New York Ilth supper SCITobi ANNIVERSARY rsaauanv mm 1969 930 Hum Sneakers Mr ad Mrs Jehaedlardoclt Oshawa Slides their Mission to Korea Guest Soloist Miss mu Ja Yang from iCoroa Special Musical Talent The Illsey Family omen WEIcoME 045 Family Vrsrrons wencmm use Radio mflnvpact an ourseaumuo aeunrlcotmaas arau noouloanamus Mean Beers cnarsriau MENTAL swanm Dr oIoIr HOW TO STUDY moo CKBB anoancasr senva ï¬snir and LadIcaWIrln new con use an msroumroaur MAN arena Mr Knight mo FAMILY poisons service Music bran Mena oume in Tamar vs nave amuse LIFE EMMANUEL yvvvvvvvvvv MILLIONS EVERY SUNDAY SAY is this so IS it on earth WlIEN RECITING TIIE APOSIIIES What is Hall This life Did Jesus really go there dunno Where Is there lire BIBLE STUDY IN DEPTH Ii COMEWITH YOUR BIBLE AND QUESTIONS 950 mm SUNDAY SCIIDOL ALL AGES 1100 mm FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE Nursery Care Schilrlreas Church 05 years All welcome Phone 7285709 RevP units Pastor IllWAÂ¥Cfllllll€l restrooms St wow Oroseroadaz Sun SAT FEB SING sans Sorrvnav Chlninl BGOSPEL JWlLEEALL NITE AND IDARNIZNQAND BAPTIST CHURCH 125 or VINCENT ST Rev million Faster Barriea irteadiy molebelieving Mr Bow1e Assistant alionary church umnuracu purine Duncan South Attica tar Durban coupiea marriage li cence alter the woman admitted aha had not signed it She had sent her sister to the signing with her llaace because she was ill Nowthe womna laypregnant endaaya she wants to romarry THE UNITED CHu gery can correct He is to ar rive in cape Town irom his home near Johannesburg this lava reaching the earthsaur lace ranges lrom 700 to greet centlgrsde The Loci nIr OIristtan Visitors In alwaya welcome Alliance Church You malways welcome at the cannon MEMBERW The Peoples Radio Paslor GosoelHour Toronto CIIIN mime IJII court iudga invalidated Midland 1230 830 mm Oshnw CKLn 1350 mo pm gold miner was born with heart detect which only run eekend KEEPS WARM The temperature oimolten 1200 de WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Telepin 7280541 Organist Mn Norman Tuck 030 Morning We Ibip Sacrament of Holy Communion raaa lets Church School and Family llorahlp heated at corner at fleelo and Cook Pastorr Rev Black Msldenco7M1175 ms an1 IBlhle School nevnliuenv ITIII pnl Youth Fellowship Alliance FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoo Bayiield SI Rev am as an gt Pasior FER 1000ans lhe Church at study ail ages Involved 1100 Iain Sermon WHY YOU SIIOULD BE 750 pm Evening Service Gospel Singing Bibln Message FEE 19 630 pun CYC FEE 20 145 pm Womens Missions Society NOW HEARD pAIIYgt itlon Iri CFOR 1005 pan mu in Perry Rocth Prophecy Flt Tm Also bcard Sundays UIKER SUNDAY ADIO TUNE IN and write union 1560 845 Grove st Vincent at Gran Pastor It Robert lliliock 1284737 SUNDAY SCHOOL mm Music and Massage 1100 anI llloraiag Worship ALL THAT NEED Nursery cum FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St Rev vim mm no Pastor Worship Services 1000 am 230 pm Back To God Hour Toronto KEY 590 830 am Sunday mornings ESSA ROAD gtPrcshytcrian Church Corn Burton Ave Aliandaie Barrie Organist Mr Iicrt Churchill nay cnana MA outsmosaics School Junior lo Senior High sne Adult Bible stuns and Discusalon Group Iion sm Public worship Semen nrscrrus AND APOSM Nursery ml Kindestma are ripen during Innhip mat pull gnu Island and vvorlhip together Visitors Welcome GROVE PARK CHURCH or CHRIST Grove Cock Sunday Schedule Sunday School Iii Assembly 11 am HERALD or Tamil PM CKVMV Evening Meeting 100 pin Thursday Meeting 700 run it you would like to read abe begin withymn Now luste moat ut Churches oi Christ umrarnns Wesley Jone Dale Hideout mines The Anglican ST GILESCIIUIICH 95 Cook Strut Rev Herbert Vliull 030 am Morning Prayer and Church School moo nm Holy Communion 700 pm Evensong Scout and Guide Church Parade Everyone Via welcome here cuISIIIu Christian SCIch Radio Eerie CKBB SUNDAY MORNING 515 BllitTON 55CENTRALV COLLIER ST AVENUE Mlizieter Pardon as areaIm Mr Garraway EA it can iFES ILLUSIONS om JRCH sender FOR ALL AGES Ivouane Weecoire The Church Schools meet at 54 Ross St Minister Corner Collieraad Poynia Millich Reï¬llJoann Inyi BA 31 REV IROCTOR ILA Chairmaster David Wiiilcll AIICI Organist Mn beelieWalkor Mnraing Worship 11 oclock Service conducted members at the United Church Women Guest Speaker MmEnIllyllIlrtluilT Mnrkdale FAITH rovronnow also Mn and 11 oclock Nursery Facilities Tuzuovsrc or VCERIENDSHIP Associate Minister REV FINLAY DJ Organist and Chalrmnstcr Mn Lloyd Tuilnrd Brotherhood Week I00 am Worsth numas AND $YAUENIINE Church School 110 am9 years and p7 lltfltl tum2 to years ProNursery tto years during warship WARM WELCOME TO Avnoru Minn9664 HARM 7184201 SUNDAY SCHOOL 213 EM nrvuvz WOHSIIIP we huh uonuisuu BIBLE CHAPEL Gurus Peel Stl Sunday School me am Lords Supper 1100 aIn Evening Servloe 7x00 In Wed pm Pflnf Ind Bible Study MARYS CHURCH Remun Catholic OS mncasran 81 SUNDAY MASSES 8mm can l0l$ mm 30 am suueavmass pm eveumoioevaIous Wednesda at 230 Our Mother Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73015 am 600 in ST ANDREWS rmrmmw Carmen Owen and wonky 59 Rev Ken nemaa no organiati Mr Van Kennett uzoa Morning Worship FAITH av con Messrs sense Guest Minister Mr Beran Smith Church School ms ahaSenior came School 1100 mm Jnior Church School and Nursery Visitors Welcome TRINITY CHURCH Collier street Next To Post Oliioo 000 Holy Communion mo nns nary Baptism Sunday School Nursery 1100 am Holy Communion The anallble Reid r7100 pm Evensong The Rev Fletcher Stewart All An Weinan ensure socITTT I59 Cniiicrv Street Church Service Sunday School 11 AM Testimony Meeting 2nd Wed each month ii PM RCH OF CANADA JGRACE UNITED Gma nI Cook St Minister new coon Organist urns rerun cavrnn 00 mm WORSHIP ren CHURCHS Children are Grade and up 1101 am Nursery toGrarle or age You arewolcoine