red Mr and Mrs Lorna Pierre cannons sinuous or Mcicharen Home City Landmark ly Ethyl Roberta Wmul In the year 1561 when Dalton McCarthy member oi the legal profcsalno purchased the parcel oi land which lay be tween Toronto so wellington his and Mary he paid thckian oi 5750 it it Wellington St could not have been much more than dusty village road at that time sketch of barrio dated less shows the town area which ex tended from the waterlan up to Micro Bayileld reaches the crest oi the hill There were but handful oi buildings in evi dence one oi which was the jail which still stands today on lilulcaster St One would not expect fourteen years to have changedthe town toany great cortent ihe eleva tion oi Wellington St made the location desirable one The ameuce oi trch in note oi the urea between the hilltop and the bay afforded an extensive view at the two and the Korn Melt TORONTO hirlli unassumin tlal home over coking the town The driveway to the rent door ran from Toronto St the rear entrancewaa iltualed on Wél1 toxton man um is the Ban routo but the house is ac and new arrived throat rle homo oi ILAF lilacbaren The ofï¬cial address is 147 Tolt snow nraneLa rim place dominates uie library where Mr Madmen spends his leisure time while at home The boqrtnea irons tually entered from Welling ton In times pay oarriagcs also heyday part of his col lection nitrine paintings In the lcit foreground of the pic Lureone can see part an interesting ceiling fixture the drive from Toronto at where the traditional hltdilng post mod murder Photos obe umber oi the towns well todo citizens selected Welling ton street iorbuildlng sites and in each block there was line home aunoundod by spurious grounds It is unlikely that any of the homes were more desirable than Dalton McCarthys lhe twostorey bndi stmtture wra built with all the care at torded to nineteenth century con stmctlon The care at the inner walls was of brick the raitcrs were made of eightind lim hers set in mortise and ienon Joints Today the house appears to he in perleot condition both inside and ML wmows WALK Simplicity design dis no live feature or the dwelling The square house with large shut tercd windows has decorative wrought iron Nvidowa walk and piliared veranda When Alexander hiadLarcn lather oi iaple Hills present owner Maurice lilacLaren pur chased the house in 1914 the veranda had railing which ex tended around the sides The re moval of the side sections or veranda and railing and the enlargement of the basement are the only structural doangcs which have been made The property was purchased by the MacLaren family from tha second owner Charles Ross There is some specula tion concerning Mr bosss oc mpation handbill dated 1884 and entitled Historical sketch of Barrie lists Charles Ross and gives his occupation as private bank er VICTORIAN The tour new glass lamps are suspended onchlains from the base oi the copper ï¬xture in dogs it vmuld seen to be the forerunner of some quite modem fbtiures SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACE SQUARE DANCE NOTES Hearts and cupids with red and white simmers created Valentine setting for soul re dance activities at the Haylolt St Vincent St this week direct by Mr and Mrs Lorne Hay On Monday av 11 the Hayloit Squarcs lirst year dancers held Valentine box social at tcnded by approximately 50 dancers The Wednesday night group marked their evening with hulv Elet supper of chili salam and desserts The committee in charge of arrangements includ Mr and Mrs Joe Spearcs Mr gt and litre Ed Tnyiorltl nd Mrs Ann Thompson hay liamsun Jean Coulis George Davidson June Wait and Mr and Mrs Allan Nixon Mr and hits Bill Stewart of Collingwood were among the guests An adds ed feature of the dance party was the introduction of anew square dance Parkiand Prom ienade written and called by Him Marcellus chairman of the upcoming Parkland Pirotkillade IoiApriizo All The Barrie Bcaux nIBeiles hcld its Valentino dancc party lat the HayloitThursday night with the Wednesday night dinner less as special guests Presl dcut Ross McCiymont welcomed Ithe guests and Lorne Pierre thanked the host club iooimd dancers lrom Coiling wood will join the Rhythm Ilounds on Tuesday evening at ithe Hayloit Dancing will corn mcncc at iioclock allowed iby calico VENTUHE CLUB The Februaryibusiness mach log or thoVenture Club at Bar ric slicid in the Red Cro Morrison Tuesday Ways and Means Chairman rliiarie Gavin reported that tick ets an the Carnival MonayDoli wcre going very well out the members still have some it any olonc is intérestcd Thadraw is to be made on the icccn Sun this Butler isa Social note are intended to cover the general social life ot the city District weddings parties travellers and visitors are all ltema or interest to readers of this page Your help in supplying this new will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Harris Ex aminer 1266537 and uh tor Audrey Coulson or sun Ro herta at the Womens Depart ment nivai Protect Chairman Shirley Bowdery told oi he excellent co operation oi the local cheat response to the pur chascaud saleoi the Carnival Snow Babies made by the local Workshop for therAdult Retard ed These Snow Babies were dis tributed to the merchants by the Venturists Plans were made for the Soc lal tobe held at the homevol Mrs Jack Etberington on hlas day Febnrary 18th normEcononnsr llliss KercoButier BSe ll Egi has been appointed Home Economist for North Simcoo She replaces Mrs Coral Hend erson whd isretiring from the Home Economics Branch of Maadonaid Collage McGlll Uni lverslty She achieved Provincial Honors or completing 12 ll Homemaking projects was ares Aenmurdbc on THE FAMIL Weddings are newa and VarLtlnxloqutnflglve yours th at coverage posaihle Contact the wo mens editor at an early date and arrange for your wedding story to up pear when it takes place so during the Winter Carv Presentative to the Girls Con ference in Guelph and Unitelv Nations delegate for Temislram lug District Her headquarters will beat Barrie where she will start her duties as County Home Econom ist on February 15 1969 Instant It is amazing how many air daughters of Eve ï¬eld the paint brushnot just the cosmet ic variety but the regular paint brush Doing the walls the woodwork even the ceiling is task undertaken in matter of tact manner by many home makers and not just the young women elther but by grand mas Beginnersat the game soon learn that almost any room can be quickly andeaslly changed to or brighter happier place withan investment or around ten dolla Aspaint lot is only oodes its inundation Cracks Ill plaster walls must be liliedln with spackllng material which is ap plied witha putty knlle kitch en knife orthat old versatile and ancient finger and thumb when thepatching is thoroughly dry sand tthnrv inns smooth andapply an un dercoat primer To maltethe ioh easier remove ailhardware and light fixtures or cover them with mae tapeWalisc should be thorn ghlyr dusted while it is usually necessary to wash kltch en and be watls with household cleansers to remove cekcdon dirt and grime should he studied and followed The label on the paint can When one enters the trout par lor oi liiapla Hill it is as though one were stepping into the world oi halt century or more ago The gay conversation of Mrs hisalrarenfs marble pink loss can almost be heard and it is easy to lmaglue the ladies sitting primiy in the lovely Victorian mairsdiswss ing recent happenings nThe ceilings in the house are all 14 feet high and suspended in the parlor is crystal chan delier hroughthy the Monitor ens fromtToronto Above the white marble fire place hangs large watercolor painting The pastoral scene is of the Miacbarcus ancestral homeland of Ealquhldder Scot land It is done in extraor Paint Provides if Decor getting undo way man should use hand cream to make cleanup easy Some experts know not only wear cap but ruba little hairdressing cream in their tresses or double protection 11 the direction suggests that the paint be stirred use wooden spatula and wield it until absolutely no color pl ment can bestlrned up from bottom of the oan For protection cover floor and turnlture with drop cloths or tarps nomatter how careful the painter few splatters are inevitable Splattering can be minimized by dipping the paint but moravthan onethird of the bristle length into the painL Wipe up any splatters as soon as possible with damp cloth Solidi walt unit the paint has Make sure that all ladders are 1tu open and locked in position lorsnfely litheeellingis high better let your husband tackle the job unlessyou are an ex pert Youmayhave ilo work from wide plank placed ceiling work of the room so that the sccondlap le begun ba ore the first one has dried ladders should never be moved to theiettor Before actually with paint pr tools aboard iIm or protective artly atmogcelor which has the eticctoi an oil painting COLLECFIDN Maurice Madmen has quite ooltedion of Paintings marv her at which are displayed in brary across the hall from the parlor The book lined lib my is decidedly nu line Lovely Victorian tumultuous combined with comfortably mod ern soil and chair recur eeua Mr Madmen who is one of the founders oi the Barrie Yadtt Jim has collection at trophies which attest to his aail ing skill Skiing takes the place of his lair Mather sport during the winter months Little is known about thn household during the occupancy oi Charles Ross In the time at the original owner it must have been busy one with many social comings and goings Mr McCarthy was an active suppor ter oi the hospital among other civic projects and it in said that he served during the Know velt administration as an am bassador llhstevcr the nature of the houses lite bdorcthomdng of the hlaclrarcn family it cer tainly became centre oi see laincllviiy after their arrival BAREIE EXAMINER Alexander lineLaren was publisher oi llic Barrie Exam iner lie was tor mun member oi the board oi trus tees oi the Royal Victoria Hos pilot and also chairman mem bcr oi the board of the Car negie Public Library he was also an elder oi St Andrews Presbyterian Church ilr hiacbaren was one of the founders oi the association known as Class Newspapers of Canada and founder and one time resident of the Can adian Wee Newspapers As soclatlon itia activitnterest in the lied Cross was shared by lilra lilac irsren as were his hr ct ivities lit Manta an active partic not in the ana dlao Club also lie is an active member at the Kiwanis as was hia lather confirmed bachelor Mr Mao Liaren heat the firm of Maciarcn and Co of Barrie and Midland He enloya the leisure hours spent in the library which over looks the groundswhere in sum mer there is penny garden hlr hlacbarcn Sr was an en lhusinsi and expert gardener who won awards for his gladiuli and was president and director at the Horticulturaler Town improvement Society Today Maurice MacLarcns housekeeper is the gardening rte votee Mrs Gilchrist shows the same degree of skill with her plants and lowers as she does in the spacious and wellequip ed kitchen and that is consider able One oi the most spectacular ierns to be secnanywhcre stands in the dining room The plant is centered under graceful ceil ing arch franles the bay window An antique tiffany lamp is sus pended over the dining table the light from it is reflected on the lovely collection oi silver and china Several large steel engravings are displayed on one wall of the dining room dated 1771 and illll An oil portrait oi JAlex under MacLaren is hung on the east wall The portrait wasipre sentad along with silver tray to Mr MnaLaren hy thetown oi Barr on the occasion of his ï¬ftieth anniversary with The Barï¬e Examiner Basically the house is divided into our large rooms on each of the two floors There is also sized pantry Iarge bath summer kitchen and gar age are also connected to the house at therenr It would hedifficult to con ceive of homecornbining sirns pliclty and elegance more et fen than does Maple SOME SUSCEPTIBLE recent United States Public Healthireport says all cigarette smokers donot get lung cancer some smokers are more susceptible than others years Lt EIuTE use his saiption on herbase love bf inure ot noman she sbanda patiently etop the novel post holding what would WENDYS COLUM scent wound lover of innit ithurunatlau the nif case to the rem floor the statue faces the front door which kborderedibyanother liq sample or Vittor lan decor the stained glass windows Mud rim across the tenant sides oi thadoor are cadi centred by delicate little bird Date Just Isnt On Hubbys Cgcilendar WENDY lllCK DE LIL WELL THATa Valentines Day over or another year and as usual yours truly had mad ly romantic time Oi course it would heLo ii Charlie knew what Feb it was Ita far as hes concerned its the day otter Feb 13 and thats tho annual banquet night or his foot ball team Which really meena that Feb 14 is not on his cai endar at all he doesnt come round until the rain The day started off weltesp ly too Fourfilteen to be exact The cats screech woke me up thc one she did when Charlie steppcdvan her 3Thefl we had long series of apologies in whisper that probably woke Mrs Briggs next door but two And she sleeps without her hear lngald Here kittycat here kitty cat Diddums tread on the klttys tail then Poor klttycat comic to daddy then Daddy kiss it better shall he Judging by the way he went on and on the eat was giving him the attention he deserved She was probably hissing at him irom behind the stove she knows hes too iatto get in there 51001 IT ior along as could bit and then decided it would be lot quicker if help ed him up to bed was hit bothered when lirst got up because all Icouldsee were squares in front otrmy eyes but when looked in the mirror saw that my instinct had slipp ed down ltsgeiting old must get new one Youd think they cost $50 each wouldnt you Do you do that Lilyou know hang on to things without realizing Well anyway stuck bobby pin in it and then put on my best negligee the one with the lacy friliAiicr allltwas Vale tines Day by now and you cant say dont try Liii started off downstairs and thenmust have got myyheal erosion or butt It or workruirriyru toolhaahl polo Axk my pharmacist iov caught in thriftill because the next thing new was lyIill on heap at something sort smelly at the bottom of Ind stairs No Lil it wasnt Charlie it was his Valentines preterit to me Hed brought home the en tire tcams nnllorms for me to wash Oi course as said he tore he didnt even know it was valentines Day so itwasnt really Valentines presoui but its lovely to know they thinkioi you when theyre away isnt it asked him why he hadnt brought them home after the last game two months ago They didnt smell so much then he said THEY CERTAIN smelled enough now Im telling you Li was afraid to strike match in case the nauseous gascs blew up Thats good word nsuscous isnt it bit heard it on the tally the other nightiand Ive been using it ever since ting best negligee He wasnt quite with us it you know what mean and he thought was his mother So helped him up to bed and came right down again to do something about those uniforms before the house had to be con demned Easier saldthan done though Lil Every time went near them heaved my heart up lihenJ had brainwave We still got the gassmask way is sued during the war lmew it come in handy put it onthe rubber had perished bit here and thereth it worked very well and managed to getnll the stuff done in three loads And about two and halt bottles of chlorine bleach TrundleInternational Airport AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE iboiiyServicew Manon rnorva zzurru mic DPEJQï¬Mz rum you roar Pawc Your cannula renown Collections by your Harris Ex aminer carrier or ilmcd to your convenience and regular collection schedule his may be glu collections Thursday anti continue them tnisuturday Your thoughtfulness inflpaying collect will cncriura prompt service it wil extra work or which he would receive additional prollt Ii will hegccally appreciated Fat lot oi good it was me put kept it long enough it would WM DPINGwyl°11thot term had the gasmaskon and When went to teed the cat she took one look at me and new back behind the stove She may never come out It didnt fare Charlie though lle staggered down or drink oLwater sold Morning Glad and staggered right upstairs gsln fwlthout eve blinking Makes girl icelrenl goodI that does Lil On the other band it he still loves me with lace like gaswrnesk hats something ye or have Glad lilEltmEltSEEP COMPLETE REGlNA OP Alter 49 years oi membership drives the Regina Womens Canadian Club has 450 members and cannot as cammodate any more Appli cants now have to put their nemts on the waiting list the ShoeFits by Wuikwal Howdoyoufl properly core for shoes looted Shoes dang mertiie best of good moming Not only is It important to keep shoes in shape for the sake oi Jud fashion but tor oeaiui us well Here are some easyto keep miles which will prolong the lite of your shoes Mways use shoe trees may protect the shape of the shoes and keep them fitting well Giveeauh pair oi shoes at least All hours rest between wearings to alvethem divorce to drvliwrmxohiv Avoid getting leather arm wet Water dis olvcs the mutual lobQ its in the tea ther which then squee gee out during walking Leather fibres quieloly scuff and wear away once the natural oils are lost listless getWetwtpa them carefully with dry cloth lhgnstuil them with paper tow cling to dry tilelnslde