Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1969, p. 13

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AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE HIV III Wars good condition rowan IM DI ZrAPTS FOR RENT mt lo mil Fire In DillIm uurm nn tantra dnlor Tmoul Tum in Elwin slmlliniir mnunnr it linou 4oARTICLES FOR SALE TO HELP WANTED MALE EMALI 11 Hill THE ONTARIOHOSPITALSCHQQLilruiiicrnonc It ORILUAIMPnfariO T0Iillr165IIPOF INNISFIL GRAVENHURST Ontario Offers cameropportunitles or men and when to participate In comprollensive Mental Walton Warehouse Clearance OI Used Furniture CHESTERFIELD SUITES MO GIC lrmk Illwuloruls3nrm llm I311 John la moo uuooamnoo slur noon in Wuria rluora lint mu but who TRUCKS FOR SALE In Imuu nonunion Tait and mu um on USED TRUCKS CARS Dmlp up outed min Im lt tixlildod XIInone loo monthly Avlllblu mm uiranoaa mom ox Minora normal du in nullhi immedlauiy nod no lion in but mull pulls lulu irr crime twlme Min eirohonn mm ovrnlnu NEW Ilanalitoa Ill olortrl mn mnl central immlau oomudon urlnmom mam bedroom haw DIWALI EUIIKfithI Illlil WIIH nno ml ll monthly nrrlrd tough 54564 Million nplflmenl aim Ind nlrl cillor lilppllld wunlnx nnd enrlr llcillllrl Pris ll 1qu July eiomone mat gigsn bedroom furnished nnnrnrnL lTnndun chassis Ford onion pidolp Inlemluonsl mom Iir and mum Delivery van iwllir MI aim Glev Sedan 1866 Cadillac nitll air ooodl liming duita on no para Norin Dwell moi Trimaran mom ll BRIDGE iIrri bemoan mum floor nolrtr Animal Control Officer yunnro goo Pam noun TIWIMBU REFRIGERATORS up Cam mm mm ELECTRIC STOVES up MEDICAL ASSISTANTS and RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLORS DINETTE SUITES UP Trainees will recall an Emmy coinmoi aim Dino months BEDROOM SUITES 850 FRAMES $3an blInmuuy LH MOTOR TRUCKS QUALIFICATIONS Sucreuful million olGrads XII 0le HART limits Ltd tilTied Emile ma muff SNOWMOBILE WRINGER WASHERS iridium Liravrfimnpialo mmmg DELUXE GAS RANGE new WVW zoo am of Ion pl FORTAGE gt out with orivala thaliralmi all OPEN was Hm hisrm thlIIIFoIL°rtrr Ear$3115 ml or own mum ma ALL re nil nomir To moan To FRIDAY AND dumpill Innuloorml Roddeooo Aniafilm ornou day WHO tolls bothll cum mnll Sunny 0N compo numnovn to ly or application PemnneLOllioer omnmonosrlrni SCHOOL ORILLlA nian ELECTRIC DRYERS upi durnlion Including Iiieomllcnl Ind prndical Mellon tn the alon wll be gl lo oppllclnln with Dump mm mm THISTLE BABY CARRIAGE unity mineral miner Ind jubilli SINGLE SEQSPRING TIRESS Sm MA $12 STARTING SMARYamAID on Iaahloned sleigh rides by no intent llol bevnrnges HOUSES FOR RENT Wm 7mm or nmrmoil in north IM IILL ALUMINUM ANNOUNCEMENTS CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY offlheCOUNTY OF SIMCOE and the CITY or BARRIE cordially Invite you to attend ANNUAL MEETING and DINNER to be held at STVJOHNSJNITEDVCHURCHVV Mi SC nan omqu Sallirddy lilardl Ln lean SNOWSPORT DhDHC 01 ml mm unnnooil noun lor lrnt Avhlla IUI lh GERMAN ahlo in llurll Gu lieu Ilurl on AIR COOLED ENGINE Arnrrlul lrnnntl Will our Blrl1 zumlnsr Kerv Johnston Motors Ltd YOUR gt EACHERS WANTED II LEGAL THE SDICOE COUNTY Ir DAIIIPBDLL LnIiimD ROMAN CATHOLIC Iiinouma that the lollowtng SEPARA pity having various hmuebold them and being IndrMcd no thorn or their diaries tails no lice thatypuerISIL llEllie sold onFEBltUARY 24th HIGHWAY 11 NORTH OF BAmuE TELEPHONE 726I65I Barrie Volksvvogen nouns ror ml ihm Seaman mu tar til cm or month IL luau DEALER FARMERS MRKT WI loll Ilium 1969 at WADDINGTONS AUCTION In KING STREET EAST TOIL 0N10 or stumbsequenl sales It 400 oclock in tho nllemoon Guest Speaker DR CORMACK Director of Mental Hospital Brandi Dept of Hoaliih Province Ontario $35 petnphligemlindude membership 1969i CLEAN modem WMDLMHIIA low cut end merelion Illd rnmea room lilo rt nur boa hump ance nuu nvnunoll alardi m4ooi llousx lor mi Insomnia lesion three bedroom nonl 1n aulel downinvm mineuuu am or Enhance centrally locum noni itilwuariiliiligtolo°°ntifli W06 mm VQU av gt Gownn St at Em Rd Barrio YLE ALBWu Pom 7259453 7a dot to nthgrow lersrocx FOR SALE fiflfflflg 3m FISH HUT WET5 arflimflloTEItnfi 235 if unwary Is limVIdcd under Childfln wrlcomr ELITEIJAIEsofiiigiiilellélhai THE ALL NEW mm may smlaoL SNOW CAMPER lor air moron wired gmfiwflf mtg 7515 Acornrue hoouireuuuus arc wtgmfmm A9 my is me ANSWER mm Kim1e An moptabio university de RSVP February close in rchoou lnd hospital Iv lponrihll lunant only mom monthly Phone 72mm IMLo room plus bllh hm nan run when luau lo the hunter fisherman sports man snowmobiler the racing bull It sits on sliis You can Sleep in ilI out In it any out the unit nrdooard snur Ii home service units or nil illum at lexlmnialAnt gonad lor SIII die min ammonium well up lmmonn Milan yurl old on now mu old helm nil ii inanina old Telephone mm PUMILZD Nollleln hull cull uontnr can he rerimred On gm plus one yepr iii poél gruihinlc study Sucllns Bo chdor of Mary Science graduation mm the lnslllule of Child Stud CROSSIIIAN119 F0 CAMPBELL before sold doles MRS SARNIA ONTA LIIIIIED Clllldrriis Aid socisly Poyiltz 56 narrio ANNOUNCEMENTS rood Chlrnllll helm in month villi neli or trade inr llerelnrd ilol mill or Anm Phnnn 725w POULTRY CHICKS mt llan Tor llle so uni rach holslrrill at Toronto 12 Burris Ten nhic Telephone mom lor trial meal lsbricr iher inloimaliun nth Contlflloll Jam souih 90 lllrhuny HOUSES WANTED ENGLISH lullin redulrn inner bndrooillrd houra or hunglluvq minimmone yiglprggrrllfly him 2330 ll liounviisohh TorIEnlo cl Kriser Drive WESION Oniari cold Indi and host of all use Awning mom HEARINO hid nalieriu all rim See It This Weekend Sillh€fsl ofiillfir Irailiéf KNOTTY PINE wannmu own or nllr lull liar SPORTSARAMA ii to l4 excellent condition Du nllrr lrliphnne mm Highway 27 lilidllursl 7284111 inrnn Shin wllhhlndllix excellent condition rol lurthrr lniornaauon POLARIS Sales and Scrvicn Irltphone mom ILANI Vllllnl en hgnlnd noust LAWN AND snow EQUIPMENT alndlid trlrlmilaion no rindithorhr CAL MADILL Highway 11 Petes RP 588 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagemenis Mnrrlsgel IM Destlir Birth Announcemenls Imoximum to words Cards of Thanks words Iadilillunnl wards our word In Memorlun lno vsrlsl Vern lpsroottiil Coming Evnnu University or ARCT or ulno uualliy All nereptnco univelsily do me and minimum of years of ago an of September ona yur aid 96 Telephone W510 Applications must be submitted In Tiling indicating qualifica SEED FEED GRAIN lions Ind llorlr cxperlcnce Mum and mired min in ulr CONDITIONS OF INTERNSHIP Also cnndillnnrfl ann luau WILL BE mm 5W 72gt Initial arisnlallon during May nnLnn alraw lol nin so sunkJar or June hue In on Nix 455 Comm Summer course attendanoc during 1969 HAY FOR SALE Thriller orientation Septem le dulnlily in Van Grnllrn bur through December 1959 lalaohono innings leaching assignment FARM MACHINERY January through June 1m nnmn allnu mo Lraar out second summer course In in in In Telephone so our wwm bedroom house wlLll ntoun nnd lrld lieu schools in Jhe linrrlrisn en dhlrlct Avrll nblo nnyLilns with rent not exceed 5125 per month call clinion loin mum COMING EVENTS PANCAKE SUPPER TUESDAY mummy IA lo pm 91 GILES airmail Mly ten RATIOIer BIRTHS rmAMIlr Ind Illn Ilndnw helium Mushy Strut Wing Duck Willi to Wow tho bl In on headw Mr dun Victor TELEPHONE Cllulllrd 4d ril hi our =llrtr°l eni day moronl publication or noon on saluruxy walla narration or arguing seine Lo In by moo noonflngflEddicnxndEy aLmo Lmzn nux herLian Lemma at so cent Ir rum in tn Examiner Box Nllmhlllv fifth Lhrllmrii MACDONALD LotichBoxu will no hrhiponIy lo Dlrlrnn illrs staples oi Winnl SUPERINTENDENT oi historian nuhllclllnn oilaoueoonruiuom new Adults ma Guldmr SEPARATE SOHO IL in rennet Funerll Hunt Ausplm GRACE UCW 015 24 wonn iiwnmll landlord siml Barrie unt113lfl 10on I72 giggswmggnyuiiflmg cm If PANCAKE SUPPER BARRIE Divrnnlo 015037qu Iahiilrolha ran can ltu Il EMPLOYMENT WANTED sultan lficworwordsoer fairer HAM medium lion iolai ml Six comeuuva mums Inacrilono wold pzrv luler TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11 to it psn Linn lnlll suEtiuiunla ADULI 5150 Glildren 3100 unnuty is pnone ROOMS TO LET nunlarnnron oleauio um pump muonry dallhll lluudry lubs In In nulomlllr wuner Ind dryrr lnrh rlnrlrll nu ineh lxeifvinoh heltrn ringiv now our our in lrntcomnlnlr moon hm aomnmuor Inov HIM unrirlnr order Tire operated Micrumeler lnrll new condition vlnalor rlnclrlc Itdvr Volimuaen lrnlumlulon TelerJronn 72mm or can ba uen ai lilier naiiery PERSONALS Servlce in run Iren anunno lshln nfiullllon mu Illl Perms slate lain beau mnfiiollny SPECIAL compllte snooker DI ram lrilrhr Maigmnlfir it 110NTUES WED WICKS it by It lloo also Apply Alcann Sports claim BEAUTY SALON ls Dunlap St West 7182980 rm strand calms rm null pried or hi my AA You nova drinking ruin Irm lnd wlnt neln phone In Line thll mulli pumlr day bed or v0 no 52 Blrrle oin Coin an at 17B at mnd ll wur rurnltur INCOME tax returns prepared or ranll business or IndlvidulL run Ils DEATHS SDLLMAN nunrmuddenw at his TlIlnC Buy Surat HIIHE all rfl dly rahruuy lion Itnhm Soil nlu husband ol Lluian Wllllnnu llthri ol Pnlilcln Huien or orilua 197 APPLICATIONS SHOULD or ADDRESSED To cllanll III FRONT and lit lo lnlsrnallonnl Inch KeI and Cool TUESDAYFEIBRUARY In londrr roi rain 530lo7pm 15o In lery good condia or hair cash oiler ROOM AND BOARD moon and bond available or elderly woman Bin pisses door rvm moronhie home Vrllo an FBI Barrio numinar noon and baud or ymflil nun Ilrndlord and Dunlop dintml Trim hurl mow rmrr mld rimWI trunnion 7235011 21100 Ind baud nvllllhlo in MW hunt untrli IMIllfln Iunchel relied oulking trillioni en jnmd Telephen nsrlml 73 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE iiiays SIMCOE MOTORS LTD AUSTIN lilo JAGUAR or Tillin Si 72mm EVOLVO LA KITCHEN AND soN co LTD Ila ESSA RD mmr The llouss of fine brosdloom 32 FRREIEEM Ramnanis all sizes and prices 2hr reiarnuua 7234195 aitar uni Domslggoflnggomm ms rLIrImUrrr Bolvldele ll ror sale door hunlon lutonlallr 57 cm PM mm géénner PHIale Telephone za DIRTY CAR TRUCK lnlerlor rnamuoo molars cleaned natured wax ions reuonlble ram KlernKir Sewlce Tini012 1er Font Galaia 5m hardtop gallIII rélr mil rn rr pun All we endl TLlephons mum month aim my me tummy II wllccnlun iuuiaru Township ialanhona um INTERIOR Plinth In myriadhie lb In sum MiltonM in annual EwellIL on Frld Febri rnv hr oidrreoluhlecrlo no my II 1969 liliilon Suldn be lion when sallsllcloiy ruqu oh lnlned in per our Iddilloml aluin 11nut ruin wlinln snvrn Iyn $600 ONLY and Pnoarhnng eivlcei HIIIOII um TUTORING Tiltnrinx up to arm rolerahl in Mllnl in tidal earphone TIIDDIIDIIO 7066677 MALE HELP YOUNG SINGLE MEN N0 EXPERIENCE NECESSARY lo iraVEIIOnLariilmand Maritime Largo CanaIIlZnn Publisher Guaranteed sallnry jso weélrly Connilussslons nd Cal listed rrmlumnerltwu mid Tami mar Infillth brdllllln room 72H mould Hill on of WD hill neu or on Telephone Toolill BOMBARDIER II 11 The first llio Iorelnost llle In fglfEIerhIII psa3riirrlacuifiufrflo mm hoAD MARINE ARGE N1 il laid hm in nxrepllorTll lot no 323 nidle Road and Can Ora gllggsl Plijkflll Talephone MOTOSKI Sales and Servico 110 Bradford St 7285985 JWO Holskl lnomobllrs fir lilo vole MTll SnovnnobIII or nio professionI women crntnl locl SKIDOO Irned his now ruriaeraror rink hone 713475 on display RIDG szraoily em you lunllomui Telephone mm UNIROYAL CENTRES In no no In no Telcphunl Eloy Good condition ms ralaohoaa ILh wryimr cm mo lnrludu min notion norm iEtri el lhem alllx nlarhar tucan ii 1969 Iizncunr shaman horn nun ma cloth needierl nlr no rerqu lull nle gilt no cuurooh liarInc are hi on Telephone Min omen ZIMAD Irwin mlchlnl demo nlnR For en on no P119 in store nown at 7182121 Kid1169 Dunlo West da or ever 7nvtmovemiir Singr par IIIan nuchina Undmood 34500 Lhlsv aulomoila wood rim moo Trlrphonl awn Ionian organ A2 LIVn 150011 war or pp cl EIrbeEShopr lino running Strut Telephone 1261557 DOGS Jr PETS NH POEDLESDA€H5HUEB from nnrldlmown iashion hou Ella ET in oof°fmf sea by European skilledeou Erna wok rum lhenun hm turiore Nopatlem You In on you are my unamuzmwmmn IL mle mm NURSING HOMES cum competent urarol in old erlv It Arugula511 Iridium ralea now In an or on uume lllln drug nIN Timon LOST FOUND LouI Giria tan short belwzen codrlnxion School Ind smllna Pun Dllry on Ffldly Clll 725 mg alter not I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP GREENWOODSV Coats and Dresses SALES GIRL We have another vacancy for snlesglrl in our mod lioutique department Will train Apply 915l010 am 13 DUNLOP ST RELIABLE WOMAN to nabylll children in our Grove strut homey Teleohuua moon Alter mo on EXPERIENCED to noon nnw or lllndultr weddlnm dnn£rlilcrnced ANAF Ladle Aux Iulnrv mom or 7183210 DRESSMAKING NOW IN BARRIE Pollen Filling Gannénls lilnde after lhe latest fashion iasl nus Sou mohlle In ulni TelnpnunsmfilRzl lilmrla NORDIC stirpoo or rain elrrlrlc ml in excellent ondlilon his phone imam nflrE prn CLEARANCE or Snowmobile onslnior models 11 lo 14 ho cul lera Ind trailer at EIEIX oul prim manly Pro Huflwnre slroud dun ol MOI 1951 poninniuinm shldoor WI np Ind iota for Excellent randi lion him be run and tried to he unpreciatrd Taiephuno 424m mntnu ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG and enjoy meeting and talking to people Only those who are free to travel Irnmediaioiy need apply Interviewing one day only Tuesday February in unicorn to pm HOLLIDAY INN Ask or BEYNON FRANTIC ABOUT YOUR FIXED INCOME EARN up to 12000 in your spare llinelllia year will show mrhow Contact 0AA Supervisor Box 1234 Bradlord Telephone 7752590 MAN required tor rider deput inenl prullnco Jan nil ohm or lLra rervicn moonIrina lnillly helpfulnGrldeli prelemd All camounv hrnellts ldoll working conditions Apply to My sample Firetone store My ronmnrr outrun iol aonalrur lion work Vlllng lo travel or man ullilhnil toll trucks Tell phone 12mm OPERATOR or drag 1an wlriltd amt ma Dniy rrs anslhlsfir auna need apply Ii dovn Toronto black Tain srnnno and radio combination or ills lloor d1 ms no month old rleonnne 7151015 ELDON rlclnl ur set 511 ml hiby cri Sili hlby caninn CIEI budlla wlllllrne Fastback Teirphone Isa9115 CIIoILElEEn 10 pam steerinr poorer brakes radio automatic PHDKVG printt1dyi Mime whilewall liru2llDiTIi rI lnnl ll We sum HMVOASMI in dounia rided thinhost controlled gulmum print me 16 no lachu m5 mm Mumml paw xoauenl condition us 61111nt nearing rnwer bllku nulomlllc conlidrr 111d or other pholo min ltinls cdlo leIe iron in um Anrur qglrlu uhliz Wfilo ll noiuital Ian rs my ana norone sullou Imusl Win think my Inland Illd onli bbu fit Swirl cords Ii In mlny let II IV BPselII EhAnEI lo the nor er nunflu Ind rim or lilt lvn rm unlr lur cry in ii vi lion an an Dr Murdoralo C£cll sum mannerl would it to thin nurrln Ind IIIHTOID neon 1an victorls llmitn 1dr lhllr and Mn Will rulriil tilni lo nr Vagfildfloglfl Th Do liurrtl NIL rumr eholiuanolu inn lvrryolla who not not will and And villlll nl Thelnn man edulilImeril NAVY blue llanlult or 00 be mm rile pin 32 mapper rm°lrrciarahrwlm LIE body in excellent mndlllon MurL sell owner mud to emany Tel no 6243198 1966 DODGE POLARA rnno seflfifihlnw inllfine or OWlIlI be On our um ll nor 1955 culavnohm distalno model VI atnndlrd new rim nillie Trlrphbnl tarml am cnnlnno 527 nulolnltlc hue lrat lull remain Tllwhono 715 6341 helm urn Mnncunir Ilelrur Very hood running ordrr Body nerdl Rome repIr Telephnno News VOLKSWAGEN IIILUIIIIU slick EMAI III Icumrlrs MII uJIllLCEVuLfiIIgfll Dl ElllDLPCl THE Cl LCI Im Dlt My unwound pin Words To Save Money Many good aptaspects will not callvlhe second lilns Il your phone is unanswered Readers cant guess on Import anlidclallr Romembrr well VWIIIICD vlnlormativar ad lull git resultsiaster and Carl much less the II II ndvrrtlse Dont Overlook Our Low Weekly Rate Phone 728a24143 cl our ll wud ail nlBImg in tin 35mm thugs lgfirfigyzmcgglizre Chute tuner31mm Milo Em londsy Fe III LLBD ri anemia Bergman Cimgg IntermzntlAllhlon Uniouunlmry Lornaaomalruriun W0Em3 LIL LII iiilrvIrrifieriIgfllulTrdir LITE minim and InlIA¢ thI Wednesday February 26 5335 $31 EerlLIlednlaflrmlTilI lIlllt ml rfifim Shovlsniflfimgi tibia are $275 AdiTimon to rlr Exlfllllll Is mnnnsibll for oi Mrs Dnl Miller Both or um Th 52 only not incorrectly nrinled lnsar Cornwall Ind Mr Paul Mich Gm only In in rxllnt orooriiaa all Meow lqu om Iaai iovolm in muorinv mm um um ma mom ll unnatural anchorh to on min or renal nu IN MEMORAM point Ir Tauhand nnd ulnar By ltmspERT liIULHOLLAND who oilltd my Mrs PallnrsonInee Dnr USERS or tho our Wednesd liter end some Before you call all my 604 mm him llma lvltEyller motlherlllErs and Amity bins and lainlly 9011511qu This mm mom Mrs Keunen returned horns Don Omit The Address ranlunry ls 1m rle hospital nnd Is still recuper 00 sling from healt seizure WrILQanI but will not spend ha Im mum mm mm minnow nee Keunsnl in placing Sixth In ills Queen contest sponsored by Phone Nuinlier mat pmd my mruuy ll Many readers Will call you in mm mm 8Ede emu 50 aggrlvlgorgghceal The ilfirwygurymhingemfiurgui About an members or Struud Dnerllhvhtrwlthxnflrih mm ills BarrlnCIub ata pol ngyi Show um new mymllneverk ally uclr lunclt Ill noon on Wednes an age tram laTAlEErI hflflalrllflu mnd Valentine and gains en not illa Dont Leave Home On YDII Rldvflbflub We 1°11 CARDS 9F THANKS were present HI Lakelands Hall get resullslTo accomplish this who mind mil uldl lrull meme heated dlscusmn on it is necessaryior in TELL liiilidlng his petition was on Barium do mks signed to prosont lo councrl or any of the lililowin gt HOME AND SCHOOL About 22 tables or eucllro lids Wednesdtly evening TITS Home nndSc no association in buy sport equipment IDI Ills loved humno of null Sutton and Aumrl Chirig Geor rand na aruotrd convlnlenco to tho °rlr3l SHOW ii anvzr sorrelo alanly reahm our error or omlrsldnl may on Comm mm nmlui on PHI ham am pm um lowlnl dn publiclllon an mm 51 in am am mother liliso Yeahs 7284664 Mrs Mc IIan or my Advertisement lna lllln To nl Dowmllw outm ri unlal dnnat lullnLh mu or Hm Com nonm alrrle Slifinlzxinlr rrsrrvertlie rllht Mum12 iovinr inaniory CLASSIFI linilhiui hulalid Iaol mil dilly Gihblns oi Regina let AilVisor place yours lb dlnr Ion Roy who pusrd any ILLEI spending six Weeks in Ban llany outertulip resdsrrf will ill nova am away Congratulation to Gertie Scott Do 0m The door molher ru Imhom roller BariIn Winter Carnival do not find it convenient ll coma mil mm mum Senior Citizens Club were guest IiICEDESllEd day allowed by sing song an ad unless the price In given chm my may On Tuesday evélilllg about 100 nldlnd in omroNaAhnomihair you In lower and or III lilo Irina en $50030 WWW fair Put on ALL aboutlilo details of ynur discussion prevent results rlsyorswerc present at leb sventnvss onsored by the school IIIIMIELR WINCH Elke DVH GXIMIHR cIlHlLEIe 357de EmmiTh yIzosli our to on avrnlnn 72mm unwind woman or lullllor sr In pill tlmfi Mdlyl WI er ilo pnld Pier cgnlurt lira Muirm mom INTERESTING emnlnt posluon open lnr typkE bull in lnoludd II or liwhn lor allden mom or nnlrl colrnpondrneo or In Informlion Telephone mom cepuouuszcmnpleu vcumplny rotorllllor Telbphorio mum yoLqum no 101 mph mm henoillr with wrehs vlullon Ifltl Experienced iiuh allaonmanl an timer FARMERS MRKT on war or lierviu negro nox PARTS MANAGER gill5i ogli or too Telephone 71o edwllrn Indiexurrirncer omiiUanprrlunity avallehl Wind °olnl IT $33 all WMLEIFNIEEWEE EIIELMIWGF howl uh lbeoiltl penal eunura as me is manu srw roxcison ii tih mm MW MPPRENTIEE planrindbcttcr than average future vllustbo Table to mail MECHANICAL am It filialTun awnex lvunal Pills wnmn Weekly Ion uge parts and peoplepnnd remuneration will boclinrnensurilloywllh Male or lcmlile turn Stan com or mom Iiousnnoul furniture Iulomtle Wofifh ability JTW HART MOTORS 400 Highway Barrio washer and dryer relilltntor us my mailman whirl ADS TWO lfllld elk duh or nil tinl mnpln dnk all It exezllent condli lion must b8 Iii bulinul llu nil IuliIlBi ura lor Illem Telephone evenlnn 7253181 suiilr puma Iornlr nlinolt nrw Ilsa ounahlantlun mailer nnd dry ileuonabln Telephonn mm numJiNG or all All lo mt mund truss roar nlun be dir mntled Ind ranwed For iurlhsr 51314le Ollieors for 1999 Past Pres Mrs lrntt Pm MrsH Black Vlcn Presl denls Mrs Wallace and Mrs LGrnen Sen Press Mrs Hill Tress Mrs Bellman Unit Leaders Good Iolhmthip Mrs Small Priondshlp Mrs WIceGood Companions Mn Fnrgiisoii Committees Community Antiv lilldea ers Booth silonr oral rook lnrlns suppled lll hrnelllJ Apply lellr Ilth I39 and lo nl Co Tritium droningfllr Rood nounrtun aurora my rmona la molar Telephone mlfl MENTA phoao Reririmd Excellent oungfilifi and brownl months old room iriurrnloa Proleulolnl ARTICLES WANTED Clothing acoessorioo household Mm belreslily cleaned and In OLD chins glllsllfl mrallurn led la mo nan magma no ram ledln Ind mum imd mile llegoaLli3£Io drogEuAlno Ru sh rn nann Ed month fivlgnpldTIEILIM 9mm sh old Inna121 no aid use in lo unraonPlIEIoVIKI on Florin Merriam Newmukel our annual shepherd nul Til Boone 42 or In nonunion TO SELL 0N CONSIGNMENT item small applinnm sports equipment toys blby flimiturc good repair HEWISE OWL 7288461 ril Lillicm vlmzliggklw odl llflll 112 living morn no CEDAR POSTS II In rimmitiroh IWEITS on Durham Dnlnila stolerk tv lor sdv osmegL Apply linimnl cooitr hum Iland swArs nanlu my stailunwunn no platen will Im tiller lol nla tel or or Ford lalso Ir 4F rajhilt finin lc no do on aim 7224391 LADir MUST SELL Eznuttliil lam Carnot rullom dr iur ii cllnaur 5min Automatic iralmnisrion custom radio nlw llrencrwnw uhlir wallUm nil rlzlnil rnnllesr Ihraughoul ms price 112 Colunlwnodysl 71hr Mariotosmwm mt WIMIBMIIA results TLxs ntrv lid wlll hum you rillyour eiaulilod has To gm your unit want All dint 7737414 direct lips to ill wont slim Apply in slrlcl conIidoIiEd Iul fl BOX F59 Barrie Examiner Attenilorl MRVR BAKER nulls silclrle stove bllilflnlll alumni raw yam duslhtl aluminium and dinnilornilrnoonv wail Alla young Hohleln cow Ilnrntrl Ind bunk beds collr Ind run Gaga producers CAMKMU ublr Eileen gal Blnll Tlltv on magic 34 in PE marina flint

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