moanrm moon lliut ESTATE narrow rouAls Proudly Presents BOND HEAD Buy Yolir Valentineit Detached Sq Ft Home of Brick Construction MINIMUM LOT SIZE 90 125 PricVeVdFVrom Come North on Hwy 400 to Hwy 88 Then WesiV2 Miles to HWyV 27 Sales Office 50 Yards South of Intersection Pick Your OWnV Lot Pick YourOwn Plan February lSth l6ih For information 889777l Thornhill gEMORijMILlER 726188 REALTOR 6V DUNLOPST on will3 near womalhnauoofmd Gall Ken Miller samoaovmlorouibooroombome prioe $11500 Ideal ta ample murmur garage Cole now PAINSWICK 12 am with Ideal invesmunt for 18 Telephone JVotm earner Wm We Vl REAL STATE KEITH LIMITED milesmu Wig army lune Itten Havedividemhinmmandlilelmghamnsï¬ are trauma MANN MARTEL CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS on Mm on two sides ur gangeJVery attractively an only mono Dennis Hum mew HARMIDAVKJElsu HGGOH 738841 Head Oï¬ioo 1m YONGE 51 TOROMO Telephone 932111 PROM ILLS REALTOR lu nunmp st RE new moon nouns on HOME may even look allay Mejia THIS OPPORTUNITY llMYNHVER REFURN 1V phonon FoRSALsV ILLS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST It BayflASd arm aortau mo Available sum am mm unimo FatimaionShannananimatorcog onWontAaBeaultsV22824141 MW you can oon Atom arnoamoas nanrun um ammuth and dam pm WV Rose mallow Mamelr nu moul waltto wall bmadloom Upon atoroy has two bedrooms and lots Dink Hartley 7mm Russell Smith Rea 7239996 MVNMMN full basement Funk Jardinl Him ILLS REALNRS an aluminium ammonia um Ermatun noun Just nnlos lmn Barrie almost new double attadted Charlie Read 7252511 Don Campbell 7250241 Fred Taylor 7mm Paul Permian mom Smith Campbell FRANK mo Do make an appointment you wil not know by on to alien in 17 unattth unusual homelzas lot the Priced at only if flvflllmmglfl In Own32 00 MD lilLs REALTOR Am Alt5681 Stem lyVlocalod triplex offers secur iw to person uitili moderate din paymbilease direct all inquirim to Jim Martin no Localed in one at Barrios Wu subdivisions prestige honnav luxury ï¬nan loom wrlon tiling fluorwoent mung an mam broad to auea with excellent brick bungalow We good bank ham 63 was writing balance bush and pawne Ideal or the lantin who wants country living Call today 725738 Richard Dink Boer 72663 Paolo ii mono CHOLKAN magnum aaaga Beach 1733640 collingnood Militant$15849 investors opportunity Central WW mo Three bedroom balsam cen trally locatedTenns can be arranged Why not let me Show loomed family room withnlire tb Hugh nuwman 1250029 Doug Campbell 7250243 Ron Allan 5565313 Don Marshall 7152351 NELLEs large living room dining hardwood andtlle ï¬nals ms pasualV healthful living $16911 lo ChillerSt Barrie 7234401 Smaller or bedroom home in east end of Barrie Full preterred and must be close toschools My client has good cash down payment Please call Grahaiitiattersall mm so DUNLOP WET WP man hallm Vinson Gibson thl 29A OwenVSt 7mm moose emailinth property and humming miles lronl Barrle Centralized among manl Bowing communi ties Brick roomed housét greenbmséa two preparation tractor and many extras Ap proximalglyV Si acre of land with town water Ouner reVlir ing Fill price WJXKJ with terms BUTCHER SHOP AND GROCERY WEE miles with of Barrie on main highway Butcher shop isme equipped and in excellent con dilion Aim indudes altaciied modern room diljelling Asking price only $7500 WluineflM WE HAVE erlies listed BUT we are short of residential property listing between $12000 and meo iv us airy Wah cash bloom waiting WIIIoughbv Be your own boss keenholke rooms walllin cooler girden vi ll Hi good many Iliim pricedprop loo aaynolo 7231071 Appraiaala Listings invited ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor Five cans not View silo Open daii Pom nova MILLS ioth ll wilm mono ix anon poo misses EVENINGSCALL in CHURCHILL ONT nsoolouuu $21900 VEuliprice leattnung Alcan universal homes Ngidaire omnnletely ttuntished wallto wall hroaliloom inJamided subdl Panoramic eto Yonge St express mute bus schools shopping choose your Glllrdliiifhpme 10 am nor mow Tollonnow MAY on Too LATEI Telephone Barrie 72864le BVIDWEEL Mluhmdamlhbie H9N72V4480 nun momn no muA3olliz 26645 Ante JtWHIflV15PIrl fla urlveW VIuoaILaHoMsVsVl 7184670 Ens masaz Woes professional country immediate or 135 M13 Realtor lTE 7283749 unuuJ ll wuiio sum incompetent REAL ESTATE WiS RAWN naaaglllzggmmom mom RURAL mornam nonpran 126 can Harlow ROPERTY FORSALE mlm ml beam mmuqun viva la to out Ind glamm walk out gag mutual alqu in an mm il Homo who mm on sum II lovetalent glean Call 7o limeo mm LOTS rox SALE Mm ml nation anam at nu amine ELM Toronto ran allle bud Lsuogemlol near mnmkle non sou we loot mt lgoillru Bmmt manliner Mm Bl Acua or land udiunt to tartu mu no teal and motx oautfnupeneo aunt in For the Ultimate LIn Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILEV HOMES ï¬ummitm REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES VlMlllEDIATE and 2nd ariieioï¬mlua °€oï¬iï¬Â£ï¬iii3lf It You Need Money an3 in II 0r muner cumin ll Home ï¬mvemrnu All whlll time Write Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding om SimpsonsSeara in mle 31 llember onurto ilartrm Bmken Mloelluon no mu OWN Manual Rudy IN III wwlem 34 yloohmontï¬l mill lll Elm about IICOND mullllll wallet If WU Ofl HenL Inmate glb Frank Nelle RENTALSV Housss wanrso action llmfly nquirl three hemmed house or Milllow min llnum one yelr relenblv out lol Imnlilz with mile to min women Toronto at VOEFlCE VSPACE FOR RENT Moor oillerlorrrnxlldl radiil enlncluded AVIlllbla unmann ly cm Anxelou mam stones Fol RENT Rune Tb nxcuum low rent location Iv inveslflmo and mold like this business in full detail send Examiner mo 2bedroom unlumlalle no INSURANCE Dont target to transfer your In to you todayzCalt Marion aéEENgyn Display flinginsnmianln so VlVlz model today IiiYEAR MORNAGE PLAN APARTMENTS T0 RENT liiclm pms SPORTSARAMA 15 ï¬nal 7284 Most centrally loealed bdm maisonette tor rent TRAllERS Upstairs downstairs EmV gifllfggcllesfllhfflllol was com RUSSPLL tgtver sq ft loll apacol MOblle Homes mitotzsilo it Ltd $140 per month General Glendale Pi Northlander Parts and Service SALE RENT Cash or Terms up to 10Yoara 11 Hwy Burton Ave moose Bus Opportunitlu WANTED TO LEASE Automotive work 1on on inside hills working and norno ma ouulae parklnl or at least cm central lrontm on busy street erred Resp talble telllnl callb tinted Barrie Buuneaa Wlll Viral Myriam APARTMENTS donor or Bayliuld and Grove Thctullirnata in living accom modationLrStarts at$l66 Call or appointmeth 72818046 lili$3iï¬iltil5o plied East mo Avalinhla laml Telephone Home In lung lam writ to EOxVFfl ins rmlslnzn upper bedroom rle bummer Flex wlih aundnck prlvm WHOLESALE intwalnmirillja BUSINESS THRKEMPENFELTV Luxury new oulldluu beside the buy only low inn lnsldu mm uum bath on oloclric lootumult Blake St Vnlephnne mu AVAILABLE March Lenin mow dern Vto floor bedroom Inm ment on olcoov in out and Appliances mailed Skitcontroqu out mallan assumes Aduiu lnlernational organization has opening ior uitolesale distribu tor it you have business badl ground leadership ability can personal interview in diam brloi resume to Box F58 Barrie menu refrigerator slave heat and water supplied laundlytlitllllkl and my narklna Available Mllllh MOVING 315121 inoluntnl Clblu rv Re lNSURANCE and if you need extra coverage or any kind see STEVENSONS one bedroom belted apIer avallobla February mo mm and plulin Siouxml an no laundry acllltlu supp ed Tel phone mom utopoct call Harman Pendand home for lessvthan $10010 An opporiulrm for the mat imply to carry low than per win Call Alan Marnie 7x Three bedroom WW sink ted on quiet crescent Uonveo ieat to him and public sdwuls Extra belt0mm in basement To momma and mailman Torry StevensV Blow1e 177W Ernest Waits Barrio ragm ldiEGLmroii Ava TORONTO12 colonial 45min CORBY IIHDUNWP ST mflatltoliiidhittltlt tom mo onb motto place Deï¬nitelyMe lo the Newman mom momma bedrooms ltv mgpwwflfunï¬fw YOU mum two no neatwave Broker Emmi WANTED mSLt °al°rnlll lion THE EANDYMAN wwwmmmn YOU and Appraisers sumo Hall We nun um L1Apply aaylield St bedroom frame ham in Angus on mooted lot Anon $4900 27mm three mm storey WW st olloiht wig Inn mougtlm Telephone 7266710 mu slow down can rota Gama Practically new duller um um veneer loom for sale in phmmzalo Wmï¬unomwmï¬ooy mm ouaV Mfwmdwlllltnkheldrlm nounno my Pm and bedmoum oneiiher side $4000 Viilate Wm WM 01 mug MW loisixégnlmaliorwï¬ anglscoiilalufl ggthgovfallnulï¬iugfï¬ï¬‚l Baal ounn srmcm rV am payment Live on me spacious lot well tuil nu low monlhlpraymentsl We ailmm mm gym eon 0nbfl line Available la Enmlï¬gmm mm aidepreut the when Gail Ies basement and garagelt has 11 mm 1317 mmth buyVym pw and mild Rose Realtor 15 meniatelv Telopnone mm mnvzy mm apart mox Megan2 momx new kiodten Wm sink E341 Vmortgager Wmsm mm Mills grammar mob my gt 11mm newu Wm worms ï¬lm°nv7°liél$lm ooo°om°° mo inflwm EXAMINER WANT ADS ii£iliuitiéluoxtti on Bum browner pump and cold water er Thornton 59le 66x newsman iIzwria Aouiu null Available March Restaurant stageV is tank can mm mums new sexmid mam wrung mm Ammo as7m PHONEWMVI Wemadt 1le orator lnbnentoo Ed GreenBanio 7mm ills REALTOR WI Rum lï¬yme Betty Newton V1 1111an sp W1 be the amten Hawkean mama 72mm its 1mm Y0U mum Lillian Roberta 7mm Yvonne Where you can ï¬nd thee Marguerite Moore flaw$6 Nomi ammonia Am We are skilled in our Serviceand Will give yon Prompt Attention ZCLASglFlED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE PHONE 48 333 are Vol x1LsVeaoh mailnoel gt ï¬nalWagons lixenlaoe inllvulg room 1w Hg P1 W1 gills wilVJoe mm JV AV ALUMINUM SERVICE CLEANING morons an an tasty V3 vV VV mm mow if San mom COUTTS minnow 1V lnevlr lWVL leex°w1y at OWEpquPrmw Window militia rewich Professional carpetand uphol cARPETING ammo Kinsmen WIde muggy Moamnan MONEY mflxgï¬dï¬mï¬y enligbmflllogfggm an VV Hymrum ï¬ction Eweaï¬m 1AVMLE or annur wnsr PRICE 752 Hunonu no HEUGATILE CARPET mm Wmmb mm Perm 21W 39 man minim raona 7234761 Highcroft Road South and or hammay Ioomoaol gauge Nw Bam=1im=nfliMak ALWMIM immermfl and rwdenuai in mgan MaeVmV WWW nghland Park an 251er more lNSULATlON osircegmï¬gï¬ngï¬eaï¬digg lo DIFFERENT PLANS We VVillage WM somaanmmao insomnia1 All electric Ulkielzround Wiring Wham salonalnlr1nm an StNmG QB75 359 Go south oanighwayiluocity =BETTER BULLT HOMES by limlLa rcunmeks would Manlerl Pawn VPAiNlleG frvLAND SURVEY GoRD SPRING no no mm ramrm ollvirVroad1 rat road CUG m1 éwxigiasns m3g°m mm tthflaAveJ ourimodel PAIMWG 3331cllinéiiilnsmi 5m iiitggil titï¬ï¬‚l liiutt ï¬femfjo VhV°di° W°¥ai° DECORATING SIGNS 17 Earring ntoolo WNW 7W 10 nousEs To Cï¬dbsh 72610031 134ESSA no mrMnRIoli rampant commnculn om moron MLS REALTOR FROM Emmi 3mm mmxï¬ifllï¬zï¬ï¬‚mw xpart mmm1 itagï¬oo ASPHALT IHRVAIétNQORTWYK 21 SNOWPLOUGHING ii IWVW gt use roe 42816876 Tadml MM bï¬m MW WW 4V Features low taxes aluminum BOOK Qw ï¬ilwï¬lmtniitll€rl 7min believe its manlon Palntln and Faperlnnz storms and screens and inlah at early spring paving it liepondlble Emma Rollon 1579 mum illions avenlntll Pflmnlsnaoom ed 10 osmiumtow onvewm parking iota ham moor Camarlne Mimo mm in WORSLEY mm Vmom mm For further information all noun Painttax gumm and org No4 11 on will lionMnaloral loans on mmma caribou mm 111nm iiioiéiililf oran woflnï¬ï¬ié roman RE ING mopping mom lull prim SANDY common me am pm am limo LJ mic cm nmas WALTER 3V gnmlmmugmï¬rmf Contact Pei tight 1c my TSUBONE PAVING 00 RENOVATIONS ALUMINUM slnmo lagging 133$ ElmIgeigioomka BEAVER LUMBER nupm Mcomlii mg 133 291W fï¬l3i°lihéflimiombiiil Willi Sldrxxlmel 33mg more mum lzsandiorlsg 72 room all iuillo°vliiit£ °v ilim1misnilllfmotm Meow no no at 33 it It