Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1969, p. 6

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EESTVIEW SCENE Pink Candidates For Teen Queen Hy Lyn Grand and Gary LIlonde once again me said last week the iweathcr did not permit the T90 Grade from aurrwndrng Irena to have their tour of East view on Thursday The data waa postponed one week until Thur day The prefect were thelr tour guides and undoubtedly Iverylhing went well On Monday our Boys played Alliatons Banting High in three games of basketball Even thouzb the intermediates have trotmle winning it was on pro blem for the Junior or the Sea ton Both scores had at least 23 point margin to win and Fred Hartman was high scorer for the Seniors with big 21 points Good going Fred On this coming Monday Feb rnary l7 there will be Un iersity Night held at Easlview This is of interest to all scnrur atudean and their parental Hera is opportunity for both stu dents and parents to speak to representatives from all the major universitlea in this area lll ST Kills ISwing As So for all you parent reading th if you have son or dough ter attending any of the Borne high schools or in the mound tng area and he or she is in either grade it 12 or la make strong ellort to attend Well Winter Carnival is al most here and it really com ing on strong 0o Fridaynight there will be the bit Ca dance It the Itrmtmry with Little Caesar and the Consuls The price of admission to this dance it $50 per couple so get or for the event of the week end On Wednesday each class we asked to choose one candidate run tor Carnival chn Queen Since there very limited number of females in Grade and even fewer of them are un der 18 years old there was no one chosen from 13 but since most of the other classes did make choice our chroma of having queen are very good On Thursday there was an as sembly held to introduce the girls and to giro the judges an opportunity to select from the candidates the single grrl who IOSEPHS will represent Eutvlew in the city wide judging The Raven tells us that rumor has it that All my be from Grade Won der if there is any truth in It Eastviewa float in the Carni val parade will be Victorious the hedging we hopel and all those girls who have volunteered to be on the deal you are to be at the Powers Plaza at it am on Saturday morning To really boost the school spirit towards the Carnival hfr hilt cheil being as great as usual said that Thursday could be day for casual dress This meant that all girls it they wish can wear slacks How does that grab you As special gilt to us all from Miss Shellicld the librarian at overdue books can be returned to the library on Thursday tree of change So dig out that one due Scptembor to and get it back in while the geuings good That just about does it for an other wcck Just one more thing Hi to Judy in the RVlf Hope you get out soon and well all try Md got down to see you on Valentines Day Bye now are Clans Gather by Michelle Lachnnca and Jlnlce Neundnrf The kills are swinging at 5L Joea as the clans congregate at noon hour in tbcvgym for no fmlnute game of basketball The school is divided into four cinua ihlubonald McPherson hldllll lan and lchougail and the members are free tn join any of the three sports for schedul gted basketball volleyball and fhadminton The main purpose behind these functions is to increase school spirlt and provide funds for the Athletic Council by such means as waiirathons lDEBATfNG TEAM Saturday last our Junior de bating team travelled to Toronto where they battled fiercely for win The affirmative came outon top with rounds out of Our congratulations go to our junior debater Geoff Bond who earned himself ribbon for his excellent debating Good work Gcoifl We would llke to express our heartiest congratulations to rie mayor of the week When asked how he eltloyed this ex pcrlence he replied lily week as mayor baa been both enjoy able and educational Because at the interesting events have attended such on the Barrie Chamber of Commerce Dinner my attitude towards city govern ment and other organizations has been greatly influenced thank Mayor Bentley and other mem bers of city omnctl tor fascia ating experience SEASON OVER The girls basketball season is over but thnbnysseason is still goan strong Friday night our fellows lourneyed to St John Wanncya to combat skills with scam The seniors started off this exciting night and after heroic cfiart iostby thn skin of their teeth 9887 St Joes juniors then rushed in knocked the opposing team clear off their CENTRAL NOTES Chuck lllchills who was Bar be next time ntficent talent and were at course defeated 5m Not to outdone the Intermediates fought like tigers and narrowly escaped victory by score of man All in all it was an overwhelming night and our lab lows went home immensely an couraged Chccr up boyl theres alanya Carnival time baa rolled round once more and just to get in the swing of things St Joea donned carnival clothe on Tues day On thi sion girls were pemutled to wear slacks classes seemed to posscaaa much more casual nt mosphere which could also he owing to the fact that teachers leaped into their sporting gar ments This day Im sure every one will agree was quite succcse fui and another such day la hoped for in the future Well thats all we could dig upforthlatlmesotillnext week feet by splay of their mag Chée Set For Febp17 By Heather Sanguine Sharon Jenkins Barrie is holding its thirteenth annual Winter Carnival this week On Friday the fourteenth all the Barrie High Schools will together at the Barrie Amoury for the Teen Queen Dance The Teen Queen will be chosen and Mill preside over the dance Meanwhile this week at Memorial Square an Ice Palace our entry in the icersculptming contest has been rising mm the mounds rd snow On February the Senior Girls Basketball team won the Opposition Critics Rap Shout For His Legislative Proposals EDMONTON OP Opposi tion critics were less than ena moured with Harry stroma leg lislative proposals Thursday as tbc ireshman premier led hie Socrai Credit government into tbe 1969 session of the legisla aturc lt certainly wasnt Valen tines Day for Albertans aald Opposition Leader Peter Lough eed ufllr the Social Credit igovernmenta program was out lllned in the speech from the éfilrnne la the 15de speech iwhich took LL60 Grant hfacilwan 22 minutes to read jtbe government announced the province Mould not enter the federal medical care scheme in 41965 because of the long term Afinandaljmplications However minutes after the reopening session adjourned Mr 25mm told newsmen thedeci Eaton could be changed Hesaid the province would Enview its stand if the federal gt ments positionnn medlv care does not change DEFINE ALL AREAS At the moment we fclt the best decision we could make awaa to hold off or 1969 sowe It HalifaxDelano Madcnd 32 who may have been the worlds hrsl female airplane passenger Sparta Jnscph For pester 7913 producer at blanyjtappy Returns and The Happiest Millionaire LondonRobert Pitmun 44 rightwing columnist of the ali circulation Daily Express cauldclearly define all the areas related toit Mr Strom also said there was the need for time to make fl nancing zuangementa should the province proceed with the federal plan an Lougheetl regressive Conservative leader said the throne speech was disappoint ru and depre ng Hesnid his party intends to openlup the medical care ones don early in the session The Conservatives giant to know whyBrltlsh Columbia with provincial plan similar to the Alberta Health Plan has indicat ed lt will join the federal acbcrriohMprit Conduct Inquiry Judges Actions Memo OP Attorney Genccal Arthur Mabart an nounced Thursday that Mr Jus tioc Donald Keith of the One tario Supreme Court has been appointed to hold public in quiry into the conductor mov incial Judge Lucien Kurata Judge Kurata removed from the bench in November pending tliarouteomo of privats inquiry by the Ontario judicial counci had asked that Mr Wishart iay admtnal charges against him rather than hold public tn filllrl JudgerKuratav has said that allegotionsngninat him of im proper asaault on police woman of attempting to luttr fore with the administration of Justice and of making an at tempt on his own ilfe are false first game or the finals defeat ing ODCVI 4340 High acor ers were Chris Stewart with 12 points Melanie West 16 and Donna Scott with On Wed nesday the final game will be played Delayed because of the bad weather last week the Grade 135 wrote SADCU on Tuesday Written in two parts the tests began at 355 and continued on through the day with break for University Night is being held on Monday Fin at East vtew It is open to all grades ht 12 and is ltwili begin at 730 Representatives lrom Ont artn universities and Georgian College will be there Last Saturday the Classics Club sponsored trip for Latin students to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto The forty students who went toured the Home and Greeksections oi the museum and then were free to visit the rest of the msucum or the Planetarium nextdoor in April the Classics Charla under taking to hold another Roman banquet Each week specially decor ated hat is awarded to the class that seila the moat tickets for Oklahoma that week The clear president can wear tba but all week This weeks top sellers were the students of 12G Spirit Blooms During Carnival By Dada Harri and Jim Thomaon lia Barrie Winter Carnival time an we all know by now and its chance to show off school spirit We thank those students who did just that by purporting the festivltlerol tbn tordiligtn parade the ice sculpturlng contest and the float preparation It remains to be seen that what the artiste will produce Not wanting to tmdvcrtcntly divulge privileged information we remain silent on the actual theme of the ma tenplecev This will be appar cut to everyone as the carnival progresses Since much of the work her been combined effort of all the wheels the success of the whole atlair dependsnn everyone doing their best Letl do lust that Last Friday the basketball team went to Coilingwood Here our Senior boya met one of their infrequent defeats when they lost by score of 7a 60 However the Intermediate took revenge by winning thelra 29 and the Junors did the same with 33 22 score it scents our Junior Giria basketball team will miss out on many of the carnival attrac tions instead they will be out toupboid the name of North Abortions Are Commas Topic OTTAWA GP Creditiatea argued Thursday that pro posed law on therapeutic abor tions goes too for while New Democrats said it doesnt go far enough lint Liberal MP Joseph Alfred Mongraln former mayor of Troiaitlvieres Roman Catbm lie and the father of seven chil dren fell aomcwhem in be tween hfr Mongratn who now rep resents Trnisltivierea in the House said that unlike the New Democrats he is opposed to abortion But unlike the Credi tistea be felt he could not im pose hia religious conviction on others it anyone doubts the worth of what am saying lllallow myself an indiscretlon and re caila personal experience Mr Mongrain said jl Iwant to tell them that have had the experience at watching wife in alekbed of seeing three doctors around that bed them telling me for two weeks that with Jean abortion they could have saved her And for principles of con science they did not abort the wife and lost her and the child Eh hien ask those who have troubled consciences whether it would not have been better to save the mother at that moment rather than con dcrnn both of them to death RECOMMENDS STEP lifr Mongrain said MP5 who take serious look at the abor tinnproposai would find it step in the right direction David MacDonald PicEg monti bayouold United Church minister argued that it in half step that merely sug gests Parliament is coming to grips with the problem The legislation would permit therapeutic abortion where medical board certified that the health of the mother war in danger But women who had becn raped or beeomepreguant aa result of incest would have no escapenor would those who doctora know would give birth to seriouslydefon children Mr MacDonald said the result will be thousands of backalley abortions Harold Winch NDPVancou ver East and Andrew Brewin lNDPTorontn Greenwood continuedthelr partys argu ment that abortion is matter for doctors rather than Judge and should not be regulated by the Criminal Code mans can or NATION Henri Latullppe Creditiste Compton aaid larger family ab lowabcea and more state con corn for mothers would solve cm TAX lNSTALMIENTC The firstlnstalmeni or lbdllrcityflaxcs for Real Property 15 due by Ward Ward Would you lease hrin Notice with your payment JaggerCllyTreaiurar Fenfliopiooov Feb 2631969 or mail complete Tax the problem Abortion would only lead to the destruction of the nation it the government eucpuraged ratherthan discouraged pregnancy Canada wouldnt have to populate itself with thousands of tmmigranta hlr Latuiippe said Most lttPa pralafd the bill in general but sald cit should be treated on llrst atep in radl cal reform of criminal law Mr MacDonald and Mr llre win eaid Justice Minister John Turnere national law reform commission due to be en tabiisbed next year must tackle this problem boldly The ahadow of Tuesdays shambles at Sir George wu iiams University in Montreal entered the debate Mr llrewin Toronto law yer said the law as it now is doesnt cope with violence He and other speakera said the Criminal Code bill is disap pointing in that it doesnt grap pic with fundamental reforms neededdnathesjudiclary and the prison system During the questlon period angry querlea were launched at the government about the Sir George Williams affair Immigration hlinister Allan ManEnchen promised repvrt to the House on foreign siudenta who were arrested Tuesday at the university An investigation was under wayand it was possla ble to withdraw student visa but the government didnt want to do anything like this until the facts were established Conservatives peppered Mr nc is ob with questinna about the entry into Canada of US draft dodgers military de aertera and radicals such an Stnkcly Carmichael U5 Black Power leadnrr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE fill2414 Collegiate In the 55L Championship gamea in New mnrtret They will be competing to maintain their present record of all wirs and no loses an optimism is the order of the day for our strong and spirit ed team They deserve recogni tion for their outstanding perfor mance this year Godd Luokl GROUNDIIOG hat was the verdict ol the official one We likevto think that ouu saw his shadow Cong lire Ordered Into New Offensive HONG KONG AP The Viet Cong military command today ordered its troops and guerlilasin the lunar new year starting Monday to launch new simultaneous attacks increase military presslne on all fronts kill all paciflcatlnn teams and liquidate the crirninaisand trai tora that make up the wppet regime The order broadcast by the Viet Congn Ind rebroadcast by Radio Hanoi raid the war effort against the US and South Vict namesc torcea must be intensi fled to ensure that the new year is the most glorious and most victorious in oin history Theorder called on Viet 0ng units to arnaah kill wipe out and liquidate offician and ad erruncnt ANTED STOBK SFOTIERS Seenonaiateiyf Astnrk that ll When the stalk departs Ira ilmetortnaWelcomaWIgon Hoatexl to arrive with ft for baby and helpful Inm mation tor the new moiher But three the atom nut numhertnu HostasaeeWal ooma Wagon needa spotter to help out no stark spotter in your neighborhood Our Holt assaa will appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To rennet Itork sightingl eall who nutritive for BUSINESS Mr Sinai of the industrlolDevelopment bank will be at Highwa on Panorma Motel 27 ahd 12 Midland Ontario uraday February 20th 1969 Thousands of Canadian enterprises have obtained loans from DB to acquire land buildings or machinery to rking capital or to start new business Youare invited to discuss term financing with the IDB representative telephoning in appointment for anrlintierview MlDLANp 5235441 or in advance can be arranged by by writing uniSmut VDEiEilliMENT BANK gt Midentatto Branch 25 University avenue Toronto Cniario ihgratlcn Radio mlnlairalora for the Saigon gov Heavy oil flow today from Platform toward Santa Bar bara The new flow is des cribed by Union Oil official at residual flow from the partnrmanoeyand take pieasureorwork Bardahln 401 muoh oiirmenns greater means greater efficiency tivasvgu power and increased eng BoauratousaVBardahls specifically blended tor snnwrnnbiloa It in pumpabie even at 45 degraosibninvv and yet has melting point high enough to protect agalnst normal bear ing temperatures page NEW 01L SPILL oil well blowout that was re ported to have been plugged last Saturday and not new geological or equipment rup ture AP Wircpholo th ltliiilt sum our all If you want anvoli thats just right tor snowmbbliea all that will give you iapltllghroold weather the worry out of winter tookto Bardahi VBA 2stroko oil Means much oil when mixing with the gasoline Halt ea you uae only half as economy halt as much oil by avoiding carbon build up and spark plug fouling Another very Important factor Bardahl VBA wont separate from the gasoline even at 45 degrees holnw Bardahis turned coldweather Ipolnrnrganic addi man fast reliable stans more engine ina lite Low Temperature Grease BABDAHL WILL oervorin anointloans mine own Back embark

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