Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1969, p. 3

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READY FOR ARENA SHOW Due Dl thehighliglLs nl tho larcnashmv luring the Win ter Camivalcckond is the greased pole climb Arena show chairman Ed Donneliy had to get and divert mcnt back boe to boil find and dig out the Poles buried under three feet of snow Above Mr Donneiiy and city Parks director Bilii Groves struggle todear one at the poles irom the snow Dram iner Photo Two County School Boards Could Use Joint Offices committee seeking ofliccs in the Barrie area for the Simcoc County board of education has lound that there is no space available The boardwill need approx lmatcly 12000 square feet of olilce space to house the admin istrative stall On July the Bzschool board oliices in the county will be consolidated into single countywide board Talks between local builders and the Simcce County Roman Catholic Separate School board could result in the building or otlice space for use by both boards Dr John Anders chairman ol the committee looking into the whim told SCBE trustees We have been talking to separ ate school heard people and they like the idea at comma build mg Joseph Vhalcn member at the committee said there could be common board room which would save both boards money The plan in the minds ol the committee to date provide for the erection of new omce building somewhere in the city that would be leased to the board Mr Whalen said there could be pro vision for the board tohuy the building in ten years Mr Whalen said he was assur ed that building could be put up by July the date when the new board takesover the complete administration of the countys 112 schools At the moment the actual op eration of the schools is lell in the hands at the old school boardslwho serve the county board as committees Provincl He in Police Past 60 Cats Dining Chase Anthony Joseph Smith at Midland lad BradiordOntarin Provlnrial Police and Barrie OPP on amigo fined chase tor xix mlles Aug at passing 60 cars llldga Foster one told mndayr Constable Harold Rose torm erly at the Bradlord OPP told at Oornt he was stopped on Highway on near the la concession of lnnlslii Township on Aug 24 1969 when heuobcedacantrlketbccarlt was passing Connnble Rose raid the pass ing car did not stop chase ensued at speeds up to too to no mph constable Rose radioed tor help from the Barrie OPP Near Ille anlleld Street tum oit oi Highway 400 the two ott icers had the speeding vehicle boxed in between thclrtwo crusA ers but were unablo to tone the car either to slow down or stop he car was lollowcd to Wil low Creek where the driver Smith ran away abandoning the vehicle Judge Foster asked for oresentence report and mandcd the cascuntil March Smith pleaded guilty to the charge at dangerous driving School Shops gt Better Equipped Than Many Plants Delegates to the Georgian College industrial continence yesterday discussed conunon problems laced by businessmen Les Cooke said some one ployces have become used to working with expensive equip ment when they wero in school ahd are surprised when they lird it olten isnt available in most at the monitor time in this area leva delegate to the con ference pointed out that stud ents at Enstvlcw secondary school work with one of the two Heres Examiners computers in thcvregico Valentine To You By ROBERT ALIJNGTDN Examiner Stall Reporter Roses are red violet are blue just follow instructions weve got Valentine for you The ingredients are as follows Some red paper Hearts are red you know This is basic Without it it is very dillicult Woman Fined After Battle Erika Wuerth as at Toronto was lined $40 by Judge Foster in Provincial Court yes terday for assaulting Marga Kculcn of Toronto breaking her ankle in three places The incident Occurred October at the home of Mrs Wuerth who itas than living in Letroy Ont withlhe other womans husband Mrs Keulen testified in court that she and Mr Keulen had been separated and he had cos lady of their two children Mrs Keulen said she had gone to Mrs qucrths apartment about am to pick up her children llilrs Vucrlil refused to allow me to see ow children and Mr Keulen and ordered me off the second floor verandah said Mrs Ketrlcn As was away from her she attacked me from behind and tried to Push me down the stairs in ally managed to push her back to the top of the stairs but she nnnnn CURLING rnop fugueme on mens section atthsBsiria Curling slapped me causing my glasses to fly from my face and break She tried to choke me and hide cd me repeatedly on my legs and ankles think it been that she broke my ankle Mrs Wuerth on the other hand said Mrs Kelllen slapped her first and she merely retina ed the slap llIrs Wuerth also said she had nselod Mrs Kmleu to leave and when she rehrsod she took her arm to lead her down the stairs She fell or tripped on the stairs and must have twisted her ankle then said Mrs Wuerih Wand never idral her have never kicked any one JudgevG Foster remarked before sentencing Mrs Wuerth The incident was most un allrlng drainate one which came about by both women becoming upset its obvious that Mrs Wumth didnt intend to iniure Mrs Keulcnbut she exerted too much violence out Jack rink in an extra flight Green was pre Club he boat Keane end It to get satislactory result Any other colored pa paint loll crepe or ribbon These are very much mat ter of your own taste and what you have available Experi ment little imagination creativity and as much time as you feel like We cant supply these Youll have to do your own thing butbercarc low simple suggestions necide first whatshapc of card youuant be it small and deli cate or large and splashy foldlt ed once twice numerous times or maybe not at all Cut it in the shape of heart maybe Now think about the message Will it be thoughtful funny sen timcntal or will you follow the traditional be mine honey cup you and me for ever and ever approach As far as the message is concerned there is only one word that is import ant The word is love Thats what valentines is all about Usetheredpaper to cut out small or big heart Actually one big heart is enough You could make card like butterfly wings by cutting out two hearts leit joined by common side Use crepe paper to make ruff Ics Cut it in fringed strips and paste the fringed strip to the card starting at die outside edge and working to the centre If the card is delicate law flower made irorn crepe might add nice touch Fold piece into small thick padrage Make six evenly spaced cuts almost to the centre of the package Trim the edge off and you have the petals to make small fluyr er seatedlilo Dangerfield Mob or trophy by George Harper From left than Gillie Dick By this time your wile or your husband is probably wondering what you are doing on are living room carpet with all this paste and paper and paint Remind him or her that the first person to write Valentino was madea saint and has re mained saint ever since Iuclge GeOigitahW Sculpture Best The Barrie Art club commit tee judgng the Winter Carnival ice sculptures announced its dceismdhis motrung Georgian College won the top prize for the second year in row Their entry an lBilooi rendition of Happy Jack Spirit of the Carnival set out on Memorial Square was lodged the best overall entry In the collegiate division North Collegiate won iirst prize for theirsoulpture at two polar bears Runneer were St Jo sopha School for their work of two green tinting nars of the public school divr on vereCodrington Street School fo their lish but and polar bear Steele Street Sdlooi oame second for their fisher men ice but and snowmobile special awardwas given to the Abandale Heights school for the two dragons oncpurple and one green built preside the sclroolentrance Ken MoPlratter diairman ot the judging cmnmittee said he along uliibMrslean Noland Bruce French and Rimsrllick wood decided that cAilandale entry showed the moot school participation and ereativity Dim pr HAGUE Bernies Glamth Caps Navy League Cadets have non several altaids for their Vsnucnrion Students Choosing Course Face First Major Decision By Westail Parr Enmincr Stall Reporter Approximately 2700 hli school students are preparing to leave the small comfortable schools they have spent the last eight years in and begin to at tend one or the citys three high schools In the next few weeks these students will begin to think about the type of high school educa lien they wantrlol themselves Its lime or decision All the boyhood dreams begin to come into focus now What do want to he Many students just dont know ficd guidance counsellors to help students decide but once the tests are all written and the still dents aptitude and ability have been measured and ero ss checked it still boils down to the student deciding what he or she wants to do GENERATION GAP This is the time when many students come iace to face with the generation gap Parents who have signed report cards and tried to help with homework for years somehow arent able to help The student preparing to utter high school has to do most ol the thinking himself The ques tions that lurk in the backs of their minds tail to find local point There is form parents have to sign stating their child has decided to enter alparticulor area of study but the form merely takes the high school all the hook The schools ask or the information because they must know as early as possible how many students will he tak ing each course so they can plan loathe following year Parents may havetheir own hopes and ambitions lor their children Ideally they will have developed these hopes along with the student and nut in spite of him The student is living and learn Winter Carnival spiritsshould be high as events take place undersunny blue skies in clear crisp temperatures Saturday Saturdays high should reach to and the low tonight will all to zero Noon temperature outside the Barrie Examiner was 15 Synopsis Mostly sunny cold weather will continue overOnt ario today and Saturday Mrnlnnllamilton 71 onto North Bay Sault Ste Marie Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niag ara Lake Ontario Haliburton Georgian Bay Temagami Algo of ill Munros Card tireth Hammad Ctlfv tls George Examiner Photo ma White River Coehrane Western James Bay Mostly sunny and continuing cold today and Saturday Winds light man snow The Barrie Aquarium Society will display closclo loo tanks fish at the YMCA on Grove Street Saturday between and pm and on Sunday between and pm Admission is free There are number of ouall forecast Calls Winter Carnival Weather uw more um thaw caosrs TAKE Two MORE nwnnos clforts during ltifihand last night they received two more VPosing proudly with an at ing in the next month he will have had the opportunity to make decision tor himsell For many it will be the lirst time they have been called upon to make decision that is going to have such long term effect USE STREAMS The programs in the three Barrie high schools are all dlr eetcd towards the same goals but they go about altaining that goal tndillerent ways North Collegiate is using system of streams ot education stream encompasses an area at study such as arts and science busi ness and commerce or science technology and trades Eastvicw has similar sys tcm but their class schedule is broken into smaller more flex ible units Ccnlral Collegiate will be in troducing new scheme next year one that incorporates non graded approach to educa tion Studcnts will no longer be in grades but will be in what is rcierred to as 1years stu dent will be in his9th year but maywell be studyingsuhleets at the eight or tenth year level No grades student luststudiea at the level he can handle best Public school teachers were re cently brlcled on the new sys tem being introduced at Cen tral This pastwcek they have been telling parents about the system and will be interviewing both parents and students in the weeks to come Guidance olficer in all three high schools have been meeting parents and students in the even ing to talk about what the future might hold Whatever it holds it is the slut dent who is most concerned Slmcoe county taxpayers pay close to $30 million to educate the 40000 students inthc county Wen trained experts do their best to alter the student as many choices as possible Now the stn dent has to make the decision What does he want to do For Fine Oliawa Montreal Sunny with some cloudy periods today and Saturday iewtlurries in the Laurentlans Cold Winds north westcrly 20 today becoming light tonight and Saturday Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Saturday Windsor to 25 St Them London Kitchener Mount Forest Vingham Hamilton St Catharines eronto Petcrborough Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Killaloc Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Soult Ste Kapllsk White River hloosoncc Timmins pram antlnlxrs fAre Cerium gt But you can solve sorneproblcma they mate by good an MW 1m rnnrrru st phone 12on teodance and the first aid awards are trom loll to rightJarncs Emlie James Lloyd Dennis co author ol the Hall Dennis report on ad ucation has told more than one meeting at Barrie parents that an ideal education will give the student sense at self disclplt line that will enable hlm to make his own decisions in the future At one meeting he said We claim to teach the students how to think lor themselves and then have the nerve to tell them when they can or cannot leave the room to relieve themselves SERVE COMMUNITY Mr Dennis has advocated more mature sense of disci pline one that would in time be enable the student to make the choice that will serve himsell and the community best llowevcr mature decision mak ers are made and not born They are result of continuing sense at trust between student parent and teacher They are the result at lot of genuine love and concern given freely by the par enL it is dilficult time for the student about to enter high school it isa time lor parent and student to sit down and talk over what the student thinks he really wants to do Guidance teachers and parents should be going all they can to help the student andnat badger him into course he may not have genuine interest in its the time at year when lather and son or mother and daugh Ralchlord Alfred Bloomlield Colin Mchanlson and William Fbiley Ebruuriner Photo or should go tor drive and talk about the things that have some real meaning tor them Perhapsan afternoon on the slopes skiing and long talk in the evening in few short years the stu dent will be making all his own decisions All too often in the process at learning to make those decisions th away fmmtlieir pa mudrtalkedabout generation gap becomes more and more evident sincere move by par ents now to work with the stu dent will result in lasting bond tween the two bond that will see parent and child as lriends when they graduate and not just members or the same family mom Imported Dutch Cheese gt Mild Med Old do Spiced Reg 79c lb $9 or Whole 75 lb tApprnx lb veraget ALL DUTCH ARTICLES 20 Oil Regular Price Red or Blue Brand Beet Fronts 49c Eindl 68c Sides 58c Cut Wrapped Frozen and Inellvrredt Gallows MEAT MARKET Hwy 11 Pnnrwlclr 7284574 DIE euroMemo GAStlTE Polynesinn Dishes CHINESE CAFE WHITE TOWER MOTEL ll9 DONALD ST TAKEOUT AND CATERING 7234701 DiNlNG ROOM ausmsss mens LUNCHEONS CHless Combination Plates Egg Roll Beet v9 Almond Fried Rice $135 Chicken Veg Almonds Sweet Sour Wanton and Fried Rice $165 Mac Kee rdrvnsslnn San Goo Beet Pan San Goo Guy Kev Hawaiian Shrimp mo $240 $250 Rumake szdo Also crnrolnn Dishes £l nvsideroh remodelling gt lichen we have all NICHOLSON BUILDING COMPONENTS COLUMBIA KITCHENS awwmwooo Open airwaysuntil ssga no as can moors

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