DIRECTORS and amber for the limits Agricultural Society were elcdod for loan last night Adi to right seat edt are Earle Little second vvicerceskluit and tremor Robert Spmttle pad president and honorary threw Dot Cole president and Fred Gnudrili first viccprwdent In the second row are direc tor and honorary damn Owen the Emma Gar ner John Bennoll Dot Jor rncy and bin Hazel Foyston fllird row $ewart 3111 Francis Slanahan his marl bl Dohson and Jadt Hughs Not ilown are Keith Caldwell Leo Camnauzh diaries alum Roy Novnon Mrs ltlaguire Stott and William Teller ammer Moi Del Cole Named President Of Agricultural Society Dcl Cole was elected loot pro shient of the Barrie Agricultural Society last night during the or ganizations annual meeting Othcr officers include Fred Churchiil first vice president and it Earle Little second vice presidunt and trcasurcr Bill ftlore than so Georgian Bay egion businessmen attended aylong seminar at Georgian llcge Thursday to hear what college was olfering students to tell the teachers just what needed in the way ot train Kpcrsonnel The one point that rcame through clearly and con sistently was the willingness or the college to do its best to pro vide the courses men needed to upgrade their sluilsl in series of scrrlinars held in the ailernoon lceturcrs from the colleges three divisions ap Iplied arts business and tcchnhl any askcd the businessmen what sort of course they ielt would but suit the working force in thc arca Rohert Flcctham of General Elcctric suggested to Harvey Paine lecturer at the collcge Their lob Help Fill llalcomson was appointed man ager and Powellwas ap pointed auditor in udditinlhlo the election of officers the financial report for 1968 was submitted by ittr Littler nrlal revenue or 1968 was Industrys Personnel eeds Under Scrutiny that course in die basic prin ciplcs of business theory he taught to men who were employ ed in supervisory capacities All too often said Mr Fleet ham these men are call in to take part in the making process and we find that they do not have the understand ing and insight needed to make meaningiul contribution to the operation of the company They dont seem to have firm grasp of the overall operation and phil osophy that business operates un der in Canada Echoing itlr Ficetham Les Cooke of Cooke Cartaga The role of business in society may sound little bit odd as course but think it would give supervisors better idea of the overall framework within which business works Needs 0i Areaï¬mpioyers Delegates attending thefirst Iannual industry conierenca at Georgian College Thursday were told identiiying problem does nt necessarily mean that it will he solved Bill illctJtrrdy and Ernest t5tcwartoi Canada Manpower Itold delegates they once identi llied the need for course to train automatic screw machine th roperators There were eight companies that told us they lnceded trained men to operate tmachines said Mr McCordy lThc machines cost $5000 and lthere were none available for training purposes The depart ment of labor said Mr Mc Curdy did not recognize scrow Imachine operators as an ap prcnticesbip program possi ibility and therefore did not of ErnM cups New Projectionists Course iera course in the operation of the machines However the need still exists for these operators As result of this need the companies are stealing men from one another and in the process driving up the cost at employing them Georgian College officials said this was just the sort of problem college was responsible for solving Murray Romorougb told the group it there is need in the cornmlmity for such training course then theore tically it is the community col lege jobto provide the course He asked Mr McCurdy to sup ply him with all the informn tion collected and said the col lege would look into the pos sibility at training automatic screw machine operators Begilisï¬iltLibraryNelit Week rNext week the Barrie public library film service will be spon soring another of its projection lst courses Lasting three were Iings this course enables any pne in the community to obtain licence to operate 16 min iii sound projectorAlhe enrollment for the library course is full however anyone wanting to take the next course may leave Shame and addcan at the ibrary and as soon as date of or thenextcoursc has been selected we will let youknowl llhere has alyays been wait list for this course so it is to make reservation well advance once you have passed the pro icctionlst course you are then able to borrow ï¬lms and pro tectors from the Library The trade variety of films from which choose can provide you with any an enloyahlee gs en ertaioment There are films for wheels drum rkwpsvm en parties and for almost anyother org niza tion or individual that wis es to how then ms are Two of our more popular arms MY WCE Fifteen millions in color This is tin tour of New Brunwvick with craftsmen demonstrating pottery handloorning and icwci lcry design This is an ideal for mixed audience BLACK CREEK PIONEER VILLAGE Twenty two min utes in color This is film of the hving muaeum of the pion eer village situated on the edge Toronto shown as itwaa hundred years ago Linda Knight 54013365 Some of the trier sources oi revenue were grants slowed gate recuiptr $1294685 Midway whom and partmutual commisle MSW Total experniitura for 155 was stepson Major expendi When asked to be specific as to possible content tor such course Mr Fleetham said lcc lure on the profit motive basic economic theory and our general system of business operation would be good start What you are suggesting then intorjeuted another dele gate is that we now give generalized education to men who have so for specialized Your darn rightl am rc plied Mr Fleetham SPECIFIC 1038 While nlr Fiectharn and ftlr Cooke saw strong mcrits in that giving man good general education the majority of the delegates who represented small to medium size companies in the arenwantcd men trained to do specific tubs One ruanwho saidhe worked for an American subsidiary told the delegates his tirm needed men who could redraw plans sup plied to the company to meet Canadian specifications His ro nuirements were much the some as some of the other companies course content had to be specific and classes must be held at night The Georgian Bay region is made up for the most part of small tomcdium size 11115 few or which have the facilities to train men within their own plants Aa employers the busi ness men were candid about their needs and the cost they felt they could absorb that the centredor continuing education must put every course it gives on aselfpaylng basis In order to do so they said course must have at least eight people taking part In the past courses have been taught by the college in con junction with different certifi cation groups Tha Barrie Chara ber of Commerce and the Bar rio District Real Estate board have worked with the college to provide short term terminal courses to meet speciï¬c need Bill McCurdy and Ernest Ste wart of the Canada Manpower centre said they would like to see an ongoing course at the college Byrongoing they meant course that an individuai can enter at any time As cmnsellora said Mr Mc Ourdy we find that we have someone who wants to take the ammo someone who is real keen to start then we have to say Great the course starts in two rmnths By the time the course begins most of the people who have said they will enroll ave moved on to some other area of interest Notes were taken by the facul ty members for consideration and possible action at later Barrie Aquariumksccictyluunta GlGANTlC TROPICAL FISH SHOW sArURDAY Fsofls to sunoav sea 16 t5 PM lvmct Admission 23c 22GroveW Refreshments College ofï¬cials pointed out tum were attractions $360056 prize money $isllo165 repairs improvements and maintenance $4578 and wages $296023 Net expenditure over rcvaiue tor the year $9997 illr Malcomson asked mem bers oi the society how they could improve the Bnrrie Fair Everyone agreed more advertis in ing was necessary Other sug gestlona included better outdoor lighting more action in the rings for the spectators and music provided by various handsr It was also reported by Hersey that urzdargrouodiwlrlug was installed last year which makes more outdoor lighting now feasible FARM PRICES TORONTO GP Wholesale in retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Thursday large can me dium 477 small 403 Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers extra large to 40 large 3939 medium 37 30 small 3466 36 29 Butler prtocs Canadian Dairy commission tenderahle carlots buying 39 score 64 buy ing 40 score 65 selling is Iii row LnliNGEs QueensThe iii Spirits Continental ionsandy hibrtjn WellingtonNeil Jackson noyshorePedroCmez Brookdale Park inn Nottnwasaga InnThe Squires MOVIES mildCarmen Baby TNDECENT CALL An Alliston student James Edison Barry Fildey 17 was given suspended sentence and one year probation yesterday in Provincial Court for making is Review Policy Toward US Draft Dodgers OTTAWA OP review of Canadian policy on the admis sion of draftdodgers and mili tary deserters from the 05 is almost completed immigration Minister Allan MaeEachen told the Commons Thursday He had been askedby New Democrats David Orlikow Win nipeg North and Andrew Bre wio Toronto Greenwood to look into reports that iminigra tion officials at border points are refusing entry to us draltdodgera and military de aerters Mr MaoEachen aaid draft status isnt taken into account by immigration officials but they have 49min discretion where military desertcra ara concerned FOODS nor Wmflmw 347 BAYFIELD BABT TAKMUT SERVICE Open Daily tIiI mldnlghtt Friday and Blturda till Sandy ler Quartet 1he Canadian Way LOClil imperialist indecent phonecuils to Mrs rlm tance calls he had charged to ric Thursday was given my pended sentence and We years Exlieeve 0t Oro ls Appointed To Commission signed week In recve of 0m was Winter Mariachi representative to the Orftlia su burban roads oomtnlnionyesten tut lttr Gillespie was serving his eighth year rccvc when he resigned Jan HI nu scru lng his 13th year In member of the 0m council His appointment to the Drill suburban roads connniulon for term of it yam Stilt dro Workers Oil The Job Today bmom GP About lot ozllyom enipoyces won on strike today White 2600 thclrlduflmrsdayufloftho companys power genesIdol stations rcttnncd to work It company spokesman todays strike affects con struction project It Nautlwhc 25 miles south on Word and another near iron Bridge 60 miles southeast of Sluit Re Marie About 150 persons also stayed home from their Jobs at Hydroa head office in Toronto including maintenance 4nd data process unployces and the stat of the research division The reader at rotsitnpuriircs by local loco of the Canadian Union of Mill Employees began Feb nttor negotiations resumes Wt 000 otelectxie hum the Unttsd States and Quebec Thursday after the walhvm had created critical condition thrwghout the conrpanys elec tric system The company said the 29 gen erating stations were manned by skeleton supervisory crews Among the plants bit were Lakoview our Tomato Niag aralt3cck Stl anncs near Cornwall Thunderbay at Fort William the nuclear pointer sta tion at Roiphton and all of east ern Ontario The union is demandinga lowercent wage increase over tnoycar period and wage parity in all ot Hydrnascvcn regional offices The companys lost offer to the 9749 member local included 133 recent increase lna tuoyear contract TONIGHT Ney of Shanty Bay during the week of Sept 39 Judge Foster also orderciithc youth to pay 75 cents restitution to Bell Canada for three long diaJ another partys phone number SUSPENDED stomach VDavid Rosa Burton 17 of Bar probation for breaking entry and theft on three separateoocasv ions The youth who had no previous record was also order ed by Judge Foster to pay restitution to tbs establish menu enema mover Annual wardena banquetwiil be held at Trinity Church pan lint haltY at hitter St on an day Fd no It 12 den Arnold Vancin nvltad members oi countycoouncliand ofï¬cials nvomcotm title national department of health and welfare warns ants to be quite ruthlesanbout keeping people with colds away from baby nil0941 or Robert Bontlc workers who stayed away from cilia mm rumor on SNOWMOBILE chief of and police Constable Enn Jackson ncrai TY ivst BATLILIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 1369 rotating Bombxdicr Obt ariol Ltd are shown as Mr Jackson presents snowmo bile to the Barrie police de partment yesterday Bombar dier is providing the snowmo bile to the department for use during the winter season rnv axnnmnn WANT ADS ruona 7min BARRIE moo SANTA ClAUS PARADE common to all those who denoted funds or Otherwise supported the parade committee Aliandale Lumber Atkinson Pontiac Buick Allandalo Drugs AddieCnnfaciionery Aliandale Taxi Adams Furniture Ardaie Fabrics Armstrong Hardware Barrio Furniture Brass Glenn Bristow Barrio Second Hand Store Barrie Labor Congress Burroughes Furhitura Barrio Wholesale Barrie Equipment Rental Ball Planing Mlll Bertram Brothers Beavar Lumber Brennans Meat Market Barrio Fair Board Barrio Farm Equipment Barrie Examiner CPI Paint Store Cash Carry Lumber Charles Church Equipment Canada Bread City of Barria CKBB Radio Central High School Central Key Club Christies IGA Cllttnn Hotel Cycle Sport Christie Appliance Lal Cowper Photography Cusdens Pharmacy Craigs Mens Wear City cafe Canadian Tire Coitys Cleaners Crowa Automotive Dangerfield Motors butchers Grocer EMO Ellens Beauty Salon Fiaethams Red White Fire Dept Flrmans Texaco Favaro Studio Flemings Flraitono 400 Grill Elis Lunch Bar Gohecna Billiards Gracnwoods Garner Sports 4HClub Hodge Real Estate Hunts Limited Harrli Flowers House of Fashion irvine Decorating Contra Janes Stationery Jacksons Dept Store Lakovlew Dairy at Paper Lighthouse Antiques Laurence Sowing Contra Bill LeBoout challora Loblaws Lanes Lingeri Martin Rental Motion Mercury Mahcr Shoes Monarch Refrigeration Mostyns MrBrIdas Mcna Wear Mackaya Pharmacy Emory Mliier Real Estate Mr Transmission Normandy Grill Normans Shoes OK Shoe Repair Partridge Tractor Patas Piaca Pearson Shoes Stan Peacock Petroleum Robinson Hardware Roberts Hair Fashions Ralphs Barber Shop Gard Roach Mens Wear Rolnos Shall Sarvica Reward Shim Rcavas Jawailcn Roy Lam Restaurant Stawart Wholesaler Sartaani Simcoc CoOp Smiths Dairy Sunbeam Bread Smith at Rutter Simmons CeatStore Stransmans Ladies Wear Sally Shops Robert Stlnson Stephens Mens Wear SeaboardFlnanca SingerSewing Contra Shornays Opticians Town Shop Trans Canada Finance Teds Barber Shop gt United Staci Workers United Cigar Store Valiay Taxi Wonder Bread surance Wllllaml Jewellery Wright Cleaners