Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1969, p. 18

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12 TENDERS maturation of the Same inz horn interested firms Bulidmg and will consider in after the lease emiru Comfy Board of ablation Code roe RAMS Director of filtration LEGAL AND OTHERS All persons having against the Estate of Jane Gibbons late lotmship of inmsfil after which date the Estate WI be distributed with regard only to the claims of nhich the now dcrsigncd then have notice and auto on Friday February nth fans Specificliars may be obtained at the above office or will be mailed to interesed firms on request Telephone 75m Area NOTICE TO CREDliOltS IN THE NATE 0F PIIOEBE JE GIBDONS late of flour cllill Ontario Widow deceased claims Phoebe of the in the County of Simcoe ho died on or about the 7th day of Janw ary 1969 are hereby Illde to said particulars of same to the undelslgncd on or before the 23th day of February 1969 Simcoe CountyBéard of Education LEASE PROPOSALS The 51an County Board of Education lnntes proposals for me Cow Estimation Centre Office Build msnmmywumnmwumubmmme muhmmumm Sealed WM plainly nLarkad Least Proposals for the so one my Education Centre will be received by bheSimeoe Meet East Barrie th an Grove until 400 pm lzclitlDUGll Giairma rL I3 AUCTION SALES 21 and one mile north Sale tings and Hereford full line farm machine Terms ensh Fann sold AUCTIONEER Vcrnon Ayru Stmud hllny Illka tm would Kimmy tu um 11 Ontlrl the undersigned will not be notire da of January l969 El chVANS Barristers etc Holland Street West BRADFORD Ontario bons AUCTION SALE Saturday February 15 1230 pan sharp at VALLEYS GARAGE furniture including electrical no tcrfield suites antiques etc for the estate of the LATE rie Terms cash No reserve as the estate rmst be settled JERRY COUGIILIN auctioneer linhle to any person of whose claim they dial not then hav DATED at Bradford this 29th Solicitors for thc Executors of the Estate of Phoebe Jane Gib l3 AUCTION SALES 12 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE Sae of all valuable household pliunccs bedroom suites ches IillsffiuA THOMPSON fortn eriy of 172 Collier Street Bar Take Notice that icipal Office Stroud and the Township ALCONA BEICIIllcrdmn BELL ElVAlfTTrumblcys BON SECOURS BEA HOLLY HWY LEFROYA Garage THE 1969 RAM ARE AS F0 Female $700 without 19601325 all times will be chong Subsequent to the lst Male or Spa Female $900 ed under of April Phone Numbers mcr mannered hm MI med Aunt 111mm Danton AU In lot Dry LE mm FndaylAplil mude all Molyixliatg ru to rriinnpiinanm Mm 535 37 Nor ever mu be At int Concemon hlodonte lonr as life and memory tam Tetmship one mile mm of iar rafts Corners on County flood Holstein cows crossbred year atpcltm swine holischold item and antiques ARCHER lelIIL auctioneer pain war the out moment the rem you Telephon I4 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP or INNISFILU 71969 DOGTAGS the 1909 dog tags are now available at the Mun CliHunfcrs Grocery Store CllUllClllLlPJaciuons General Store CMWFORDDorions General Store 27 5ifilton Sunoco Semccs MINEFS POINTMinots Point General Store PAINSIVICKCfimpbcii General Store THORNTONGolds General Store Male or Spnycd Female $300 On or after theist day of April annalsor hnboilrcrs of dogs which must be scorner yeti Fermiqswo Animal Conncl Officer ldayi 1364710 Iiesidencc after hours 4364773 ANNOUNCEMENTS IN MEMORIAM mom I1 In $21qu der Ind IN IN 384 oan robinn if 1951 noenemlondhuxomlomt RE OM W6 belfl II lunu mmmmwmukm nil her mu than moon PATTERNS met our last no tac mums mu kiln II It Will or She rcu sateen wttaout roetoys mung proud ashes away PeonIan f1 law 5M on little waits on amt it Hour from birth God took her home to heaven Before the war rolled on urta shall remember thee mm by Aunt an unlun wmmln tom memory or on little niec hurry in who gum wa rebruuy it 951 or er III blow Iu amt ta mt mm mu motan no was near And those who one INK can It no lethal nudna without me on any man by nutit Donna tertin luvtiu rnznaory or our little mnddautmter runny stay hunter who passed wuy Februa tom Sh let us nuirlly her mournu unknown not so tut ul memory proud In ono WI5 mannered by rm and rum notion 495 sues 614 By ANNE ADAMS What looks fresher cleaner happllr than early morn sun shine Your littitt girlin this limit swinger with sunburst rays framing the band neckline and her smile Printed Pattern 4935 NEW Glrls Silos It 12 14 Site to takes yards Balnch fabric SIXTYFIVE CENT too cents in coins no stamps plLasel for each pattern Ontario residents odd cents allies tux Print plainly SIZE Nana ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Stand order to Anna Adams care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario Short on time More quick easy sew styles in our New FallWinter run Pills fronpallrnt coupn sile Newt instant Sewing Book Savavhours cut fit scw mod em export way over 600 pic tures Only $1 following locations throughout the Is Variety Store Hnndy Plan Service Station LLOWS attached to the do at the provisions of Bylaw No 684 199 the rates ltlII he as follows airman rot Officer Wm of Highway 27 Sun of all household ftnnilure inritding electrical applianccs nrd many nnliqncs Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold Alflf for full list February 21 AUCIION SALE Saturday February 22 at 1230 am about for ROBERT PARK AFLotZO Concession Essa Township tat Ivy illagct Sale of hi clax farm machin ery hay grain straw and household furniture including many antiques Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY CDUGHLIN auctionecr WATCH for full list Tuesday Febniary lo AUCTION SALE Friday March at pin for TLIJAM BURNETT miles West of Cookstoun on Highway 89 Cmnplete dispersal oi Registered Guernsey herd ulk cooler ail dairy equip ment including Surge Bucka tee and niillter units 436 lbs mill quota and baled Terms cash Farm ARCHER COLWELL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Friday1iarch 28 at pm ilrll line of nearlynew Farm Machinery including Massey Ferguson No 175 and No 35 Diesel Tractors Dairy Druipv meal tiny and Straw for PETER SIIETN12 miles south of Cookslmln on Highway Terms Cash No reserve as harm is rented ALDEN HORNER auctioneer Phone $534509 Watch for full list Monday March at ha AUCllIONSALE Friday March 28 at pm sharp for HARRY EUIlHIEl At Lot Concession Tay Township one mile noth of two miim east Sale of 350 Sui folk and Dorset ewes with lambs Registered fibriltorn cows andyeariings full fine high class farm machinery Terms cash Farmsokf ARCHEnOOLllfLL auélionc Watch for full list February 12 Mimi Shell 7217311 PATTERN AUCTION SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday February 26 distiller ANNOUNCEMENTS in 10mm WAGE SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagements Marriages and Birth Announcaments maximum towords ealh 125 Turn On Sunshine mam caveman auctioneer Waverley on Highway 27 and 1969 Time talru at tumultsir and Mrs Andrew reetnom or alorley Street Vuaga Death Wish to announce the birth of daughter on ruminanrzbn nary 1969 at mefloyuVictcrla Ifosfiltai Route for 1r mu tits Feutnnm Halifax Nova Scotla amt Mr and Mrs Rowen llflrlburst Ont NIXONAt the Royal Victorlx Hos pital Harrie on Slnndav February 10 19W tnllll Ind Mrs James Nixon of an Strand son nobert James special thanks to Dr Watson FREE From lkClassifieci anaxmnycinnwt MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useful assortment of well known items or mother and baby Yours FREE when you place zday announcement ofsour babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column of EXltllIlNEli WANT ADS trained Birth Announcer ment writer will assist you in warding your announce ment and arrange for you to receive your free Moth ers Pair from PLAZA DEUGS PHONE 72824 Barrie and District Residents Only ENGAGEMENTS JEWIACKLINMr nouns Jones of Barrie to announce the en thrir dlulhter Rube Louise to Mr gtRuhelt Clark Mtlilin son lir and Mls himiin New mlrkcL The marriage to take place in st Thomas Anglican mm bllrnu Bay on Friday February 21 It 17111 in MEMORIAM RascalAl dear wtte and Ears are pleued nameu or or laying memo and mothEr Lllltiii lrcnt Pg passed February lath silent mount secret tear terns I10 memory ever dear 200 Cards oi Thanks words 200 additional words per word in hiemoriarn too verse 100 Verse per munt line extra per line Cooling Events on request EIRTHS COMING EVENTS First grandoflld HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TOUE T0 GARDEN CLLIB SHOW at OlCEEFE CENTRE Wednesday February 26 Bus leaves am Free time Bus fare $275 Adrnimion to show $133 in reserve phone Miss Yentes 7286664 Mrs Mc Ghic 7266037 Lloyd Oun ningham 7M3 BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at WEIR COMMUNITY HALL NEW SOUTH WARD Gill St at Bond ORiLLiA PANCAKE SUPPER Hillmale United Church NEHRU KNIT By ALICE VBROOIIB Knit Nilsfashionable jacket to wear under coals now top of Spring separates Knita newsy Nehru jacket each pattern nostamps please to Alice Brooksaarc of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Depl En Front St Toronto OntalIn refldenla add to sales tax Print plainly PATTERN NAME ADDRESS Giant cw 1969 Needlecraft catalog over too designs to choose free patterns printed inside Sand 50 cents no Netvlt 550 Ilnsiant Gift fabulous fashions toys decorat or cccspories Make it today give it tonmrrowlldeal for all occasions 60 cents is Jiffy Rugs to knit crochet Weavc scw hook 60 cents Book oi 12 prize afghans 60c Bargain Quilt Book 1bas 18 beautiful patterns 60 cents fhiusauin Quilt Book pattern ford superb quills 60 cents mg 15 patterns so cents Boo Quilts for Todays TEA AND BAZAAR Tuesday February is to pm 5T GEORGES PARISH HALL Granville Street Bake table bazaar nursery Adults 33c Childrean Allspices ACW PANCAKE SUPPER WAY FEBRUARY 18 sr GEES alnmcu Family mo mgustoo Auspicns snmnnoon or ANGIJOAN clrunclmaN TELL MORE gt SELLfMOoE when you place yourVArticles For Sale ad in The Barrio Ex to hold rummage sale March 25 in Trinity Parish Hall Bar rie Anyone having good used clothes and articles later in Marchto contactany Paulette member for pick up It was agreedto havetb lug basket at meeti gs In this basket members our articles either haked or sewn and it is passed for members to buy Lunch wasservcd by Mrs Ken neth Felidwsbnd Mrsr man Richardmn The March meeting will be held St FaulsChlndi basement and roll call is to be answered with toy rtiasmiv manuanv in on raised leatpaneys in pm misfit seed stitch collar cuffs band onasammon Pm of worsted Pattern 7m sizes Saturdaycvening friends an Adults $150 Glildren $100 3246 included neighbors held surpriiseMpnt luck supper for Mr an ra mme my cum Coinsl for Frank Oakley and family in St Pauls Church basement Mr an Earne after residing on the 11th line for tha past 25 years The guests of honor were presented with dinette suite= brown table and flowered fabric env cred choirs Mrs Oakley Sr was given housecoat The evening was spent games Frank and Dorothy will live in their new ho cus Sb Barrie GOOD NElenaolts Iylercccnt snow storm proved that despite no that up are fast becoming an urban com munity there still remains the old fashionedgnod neighbor policyDuring the Jim the wards wereblocked one Barrie dairy driver brought for ashe could come and then left enough for the customers Law dudent and womens residence muse limb bath om talks over the student oc day debate toda tutinn party leaders mcntaryr as at reform matters as the Senate the provinces ST PIIULS ins Douglas Frolick had to return to Royal Victorialiospi tal where she is receiving treat ment on neckand shoulder rovs FOR MISSIONS The Paulette Anglican Church Women hold their Feb rary meeting in St Pauls sidenf Mrs Norman Richard son presided and there were is present Plans were made is asked ftraveL Nor s0ahley are moving to playing the to Man milk as fh do the read kirs ant memonesidnihliwififyfr mil aIiflei kaP these Wills in stillan on euniizcnum itiittoii fheiivphoncd to tell these AUCTION SALE ael unionism to husband aunts memo amen arc people they could Pick It at Saturday Apr an Dauglrflmla Kelsey nun Elia ghaidilcnl 1s siiwgryfgbffylvlfléincéfio tin be home Your reporter on re ran name turning from worlt after 11 pm slm men in mt memory Accessarlas and attachments hiviilllfisexlefiTtiii5333i got stuck and Mr Moore kindly Tifctms Yons tier salt and brother Charles inn their advertisemen on pcc ca hi dto shovel snow and ash Canoe my Essa Ital11 Wynn gotten away Thursday Pmm my trier um insertion in order can We west or ni 1937 my error or omissions may be re ttmcar foratzoul an hour ill the as Our brought do Upholstery portedgbcfore lull in order that expmy cold Many acts such little south of alder hr unto my be rrctlfied fer the div my not or in no my publication an nu athcsu donor proving am Where they 1qu examinerlsresnafiiotsro aodnei avc what 3Wt=lnlm bromar one lncurrlclly printlrd tum gt my rm 3d mum mom son lllfinrsnfigmmed Mm girlnjilmnngntscmrnéandthen gt v3 lng antiques and filmLlama noxunnc Karen iiil lhvolsegxtliaflhizcrtaiznziicr LEAVING pyreserve as the 523w WW I°d Itfnka it easier for the prospect ggtfidggngggn3upwmvgflh7g It is learned with regret that blllv Glimmer the Aillcltb corrections by maketonal 11 Rev and Mrs Alan llailienhy azr Ti MINER WANT ADS for Sale classification is fill mm mm rWEEHP and Esther will be movln 10 Watch for nu iis April PHONE 1252414 Peoples Market Place Smiliiiiy in rm when rflgfifil Ldflg Branch lnltlarthf They Each speaker will be limited to 20 minutes except the four Prime Minister Trudeau said in reply to Opposition Leader Stanfield that he will decide after the debate whether par liamentary committee should be established to look at the parlia pectsoi cullaiittllion llr Stanfield suggested for motion of such committee in light of federal proposals for constitutional reform in such Mr Trudeau repented in reply to another question by Mr Sinn Iiuld that the fcdcral authority does not accept that it should exercise its spending power only after curtain cansulfatons with However the government he lievedin and had practised can sultation with the provinces on church bascment The new prc cisity of Windsor with medical care insurance FORESEES TRAVEL the constitutional questlo across Canada and lie sold want to travel to various during its study rnittcc but it would not be on of the initial subjects era government intends programs with there is no precise definlllon spending powers In this field would be difficult milmenl SIMCOE COUNTYilEWS wish them every success in their new parish NEWjrios ny nuts Wanting Weekend visitors included ltlrs sister Mrs Norman flown of Hall and familyBarrie Visited Mr and Mrs rArchieJVanIgss hiruand Mrs Campbell Steele Laura and David at Etobicoke at Mrs Clarence ntinnscns Mr and Mrs Cline Rnwn and fam ily ahd Mrs Steve ann with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bartholo mew fiawkestone numberfrom here attended the Home and School meeting at Huronls Centennial Elementary School Elrrivalc Lloyd Dennis was speaker INSTITUTE Mrsl Frank Kenney was hoslt fess tothe February meeting of New Flos WIIbfteen members answered mil calL illirs Jirn Kcnnay commented on the met to Mrs Frank Kcnney who was in chargeof the topic spoke about the White Cross Centre in Barrie and Safety dolagate is to be sent to than Officera Conference at University of Guelph April whiny com mittee is to arrange bus trip to ho held in April quilting is to be held Articles for the De Garter and ers FKenne named committee to ba chargeror this TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE ran24m If yourBntrielitanlinzr not arrivedhy pm ple delivered tog naivqutinsstr cans STUDENTS wpation at wings in nu vbllad student in the corridor commons Holds Constitution Talks OTTAWA CF The Corn mous ci unanimously Thursday to hold special all on the roost sharcdcost programs such as Mr Trudeau said Ila hopes would be raised in legislatures parliamentary committee might places Andrew Brewln fNDPTorclb to Greenwood asde whether the fkcy and central issue of spendinapo with one diagonals ofFebfi lantern of the toe numb weeks ago but the spokcsman memeed Parliamentary mm said an extcnslnn was decided Mr Trudeau said this might eventually come before com Credftiate Mailer Real CaDMEIie asked whether tin fed withdraw from all sharedcost the province lilr Trudeau said that since to given cone will be missed as they have participated in so many ways in the community both in Church work and outside efforts We Steve Rawn as guest of her Stayner Mr andMrs Walter fair were discussed and Mrs znziaa had or The armorsqu opthomo by porn in rail There Is no charge for thisservice TIILK IT OVER the was area sit in deslyted to badr demands for yeater widen voice in NEW am IIOUIE TOKYO Reuters la panSoviet agreement sign Thursday will make Japan Air Line tho firstlforcign carrier to serve the transsibcrinn Mos cowTokyo route The agree ment snld JAL can begin inde pendent operation over Siberia not later than March 31 1970 BUDGET OOMJNG TORONTO CPl tress ury department official said Thursday the provincial budget will be brought down in the On tarlo legislature either Feb 25 or March Treasurer Charles MacNaughton nounced upgn because of heavy work load YOUTIIS FINED $500 BRANTth CF Ian Goulden an layearold Brant ford high school student Thurs day was fined $500 or 50 days in Jail for unlawfully keeping liq or for sole Guuldcn was arrest edNov after police rnidcd dance hall and seized 80 liquor and beer bottles VICTORY COWthD NANAIMO DC Nle official count of ballots cast in Mondays federal hyelection in NanaimofzawichanThe islands We no sd showed winner 153 majority over runnerup Mediate Que Teachers Strike queaac or The Qutrbec government arid school boards have agreed to mediation in an attempt to settle contract ncgo tlationsvwilh 70000 teachers The announcement was made here Thursday by Fernand Ic febvrc president of the Quebec Federation of Catholic School and in Montreal by Marcel Mnsse minister without portfolio attached to the civil service his Mass said the govern Intent andschool boards have Asitvd it tho third party sit in oiltalks with union repre sentativer for the provinces teachers iAhked if the third party would be mediator Mr lilnsse replied that term Were not im portant worn nailsIll BRIEF Douglas finished with campus dccisionmaklng went into its third day GP Wittphoto Eric Winch Mr Don gla leader of the New Democratic Party received 19730 votes llfr Winch the Liberal candid date wound up with 12397 Con servntivc candidate Dr hlagnus Vcrbrugge received L936 votes PARADE CHANGED MONTREAL The St Jean Baptiste Society has agreed to hold its annual paradsr during the daytimn after this city vetoed plans to hold it at night because of the persisting climate of violence city offi cinl said Thursday Lucien Snu nier chairman of the citys eclitiveconimitiec folda conference the society did do want recurrence of the rioting which disrupted the parade listl summer SiIUlFLES CAtllNET NEW DELHI Reuters Inn dlon Primo Minister lndirlt Gandhi appointed Commorcn Minister Diriesh Singh as minisfj ter of external affairs in an major cabinet reshuffle Thurs day night Mrs Gandhi who has held the foreign offn portfolio herself since Sept bur 15367 will continue to be as charge of atomic energy unfit planning BaliJtam Bhagnl minister at state for external nf fairs was givenuthe new portfnilx liunr foreignbatfc and supply FOLIO IIITS COUNTRY BUENOS ATRES Reuters The government of Argentina Thursday broadcast radio ap peals for childran and pregnant women togct naeclnated against poliomielitis The health department in Bilbao Aires dis closed 13 new cases of polio in the last thruc days bringing the taiol officially confirmed since the beginning of the year In 49 REPAIR Now PAY tATER on IMll convenient BUDGET xPLAN EXPERT Mechanical dairy and PAINT Wonk Phone noun DANGERFIELDS 23 Bradford Sn aunts CIRCULAT directly Isaphona sraom ltAit megs We can give quick service in supplying arsfom made rubber stampsat budg priccsDrop in and 211 uiiohnt wont well have it ready for you with fun couple gldays TO CONTACT THE EXAMINElt 72676539 us EXAMINER VJ Domtelly Circulation iManagar vtv ommcreislrtrinlinz Dtvfsionv miner 13 ION DEPARTMENT call 530 Mort to Fri and in 200 pm Sat

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