Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1969, p. 11

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lobGOOD 17 3ihe Pili iiitects The Homiones ly GEORGE THOSESDN MA Dear Dr nuteson is it true that all hormone pills are the some as the birth control pill have irieod who says so but always understand that some ere dilierent litre it You are entirely right lae birth tontrol pith are combi nation of two types or iemsia hormones dilterent brsnds use edilierent proportions and there is resesrm isan now in pro rest which indicates that ur iher improvements my be in the oiling However the body eonieiiu considerable variety of hor mones besides those used in not tilstinbliity et Mind conisone shot or bursitis mu tlhilsl birth control pills LI then any connection between the hormones Mrs Tochnlcliiy it is probably true that nli hormones been some millionth to others iii to remote ireet in the instance you ask about cortisone is injected into the at ieeted burn joint and the el lect to strictly local and com lined to thtt am There would he no conflict with the inking of birth oontrol pills at the am the pill Among others that um are given in pill term tend sometimes in other lorrnsi are male hormones itestosterone adrenal hormones tCoriirone end its derivatives end thyroid hormones So your iriend le mistaken Delr Doctor Would you die TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE aurmw ronomo BUFFALO ronoxro ll mommy PETEFEOROUGH Hunt It 130 051 Suourrne LUnkletkr Show len lIOutlider Dear Dr row have high blood premire and arthrir tis Pieese tell me what to do itrs EC Your high blood pressur may be part or the calm ol those ear noises but there are other poo aibiilties Follow your doctors instructions to control your blood prelsurl Dear Dr Wood thought had an ingrown toenail until read letter irorn someone who had psoriasis and now think it is that Please tell me what to do to heal it am past 19 end it good health otherwiseMrs doubt it there is anything as mdtrlflivlli healthwise trylngto guess what ails you it you guess wrong the treatment you try is likely to be Immoo mission have pelniul toe the quicker beet ipd ieut ex pension way to melt teal bet ter is to have your dootor take look andu whatreoiiy ails it winrrwn till it iniection psoriuir iaulty roublion or any oi severelother possibili uu lo this Vcoiumnl try to help people understand the vsrloui ills tint bother them but there is absolutelytno substitute lor llgernlng whet the real trouble bear or moatm is it true that intrauterine devices can he left in the uterus indetinttelyt it so the thought occur that these contraceptives worn constantly could protect women against rape and its possible alternuth oi terrible disease what is your opiniontMn ILLM These devices are intended tor continuous useeome women can tolerate them but others cant liuttbeir purpose is to pre vent pregnanty They do not in any my prevent vanerai disr esie JULlET JONES DONALD DUCK WING DRESSED NU HAWK WING MAID GMT wmt MRS mu WANT 70 Not runs at THECUPBOAW LADY vane REFUSED MEDICAL mamsm Tiiki €515 Yw AND THE NosPrvAL on WE HOOK ox EVERYBODY HAPPY CONTRACT BRIDGE amuse JYiveo PLACE SEEMS me throw fififiufim BY My BECKER MUSEUM orssizrroiwotse tfiiflfiwzelu hvslllllulher You are both sideswir the only problem is to decide Mlfigmm eiinvir 3555 mm Lift nershle The hiddng hes been the best part reora contract BOZD IM Perdners 4mm mu Totre is no good reason to think liltucr vast hunts rut sooth Wane ThllJltS gflgliah Chanelrail sine 10 Put PL hem or made hid wouldimprove matters eslt my 4wue won west 11er onion fig OPerrv lition Sign lino amt iiLurliln Ball 10 IJiorn Jones 7iohnnv cum Luv onerir Lurv Hm Bishop ILMcm mu llllonru Heroes 13mm mam lzGholt elvnrt My Lint 53 oo 1169 Smart lovle blrs Muir The Gordon lohlnvie one Aoosioosa iBioodhoundl ol ssnov Grimm mm Fm no srirutn or Ian protony llzto oNme or the more 11450 1197333th snan nearer the nounts ans 7Gomer Pyle Women USMC BMovle llNewe Weather LGaneration or more movie sport mo ssiovtz iDen North lzoNesrl Frederick Weather Snort eMo 11410 mm min Iilwlu Ichh pm Sepileinber Milly To Hell and Bark ouewllened 5bit 1200 llPlerrl Berton tour Hurts lSleve Alien SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 MORNING AND AFTERNOON grown For no 7nowlinr 14oumu to ur lluomrnt or rnith Center Lb lath 166 nltocsy 110 znrsny and crru flfigfig 7th Bunny Fliereuloidn chkv Races eCeotun scarlet oDilrtarl llIIVO kBaiunan rot twnfitonee 74pm am lznlonole ZUvbeet lZCurillll eTnA 1Dating Guru llsportamao IJD 7FIntutlc roux 1Nm sperm llwrestnoa roo ZWorid series All Tennis IIl art Fwd 3m 1storyboolr Iegores lArlrlv arm lShnxzsn lBshetblll 230 zBsnsna sent 7600 Th 2Coliege Basketth Jungle 322 OBatmhnSllplnnlll Him 50 The Mrm wiomy 7iinraliic Voym WIND mo Did MI irjrnhov Time nun xzCuto zUnumed world SlVestern nmhom mo Flifillnd Your 7Pro Bowlers econsirr sill 10utesrtr liJoI ro Humour ill11H llM urite Msrtlsow whet would you bid now with each the allowing our hands Mimis use us ems was con 41m QM 1076 14 53 Ohms me one rm Three diamonds Partners rabid indicates bond of the imum class but game posslv bililies cannot be dismissed when you have it high card points and partner may have as many ss 15 You indicate this by raiding Norths suit The rnisa is not torcing it merely says that game in spades diamonds or notnimp is possible it North is in the upper range tor his preliousrhids It is tar better to reveal the diamond support than to rabid the spades lt partner has sec ondary spade support as well us maximum values tor his two diamond bid he will presum ably bid three spades over three diamonds Three notnimp It wouldbe wrong to bid only two notnimp Tiiiswuuid be merely invitation al to game and permit partner to pass with minimum Values Since you have lull opening hid facing an opening bid You roommate sure of reach ing game Everything points to notrurnp as the best spot and net about this is by going right to three notruliip the easiest way oi telling partr peclally when bid at two henrts would lore parincr to speak again North is likely to have six card slit and can probably malts two diamonds Two hearts This unoer don bid nith three card suit is the best answer to ditiieult stiuation Obviously theres gnme somewhere but you have no way oi knowing whether its in spades diamonds or no trirmp Since you are naming new suit as responder North nil hid again He is not allowed to pass even with nonian opening hid firmly speaking ihree card mils are not bid dahle but occasionally you have to improvise in order to rilltlglht be contrsct Northfr response to vo hearts will pr bably point the way to the best final contract GETS VOICE BOX GHEN Reuters Eel nion team oi surgeonscarriad out the worlds tirst larynx transplant operation lilondiy and announced Thursday their patient is doing well Hospital sources said JeanBaptiste Borremans 62 policeman was expected to be able to speak again ihe same hospiti three months ago pertormrd Europes tirst successtul inng transplant operation on young metni worker Alois Voroecke llis condition is described as SECRET AGENT tM LEntNa urrLa Lemar ms mon nmnn new HES N50 DGNG AmdwOi NTINd THE RESTG Hts WY SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 EVENING Pass For practical pur stable one lMovle son poses you must assume thalt1 this 16Hnrest Thorlme achlna Zllovie is not game going and Jazilrere fifgflfigfiggft fimp fitfi North seemrto have betvyeen LONG Known Enterw room udnlitti 15 hhighly cardblpoirlits Zinc was known ui Roman Lrettimtsmusn an is ard possi at timosrin combination wilheoi zwss Hg ft33 impre rum our point hand isgood en performing the alloy brass but FrostPairing KimonoDOme ms ough to produce gnme the indtvrdual metal was not THE LiNEWirH THATMAS mu ON OUR UPSTMRS one it izsklngz 4mm Viueynryr Pam Once you reach this decision isolated until much later iznrvrriy fiftieth Hillbillies ions srt Aeaoemla 7hluule rfimfigrg lFitlntatones llhluvie 15W Licalim Hock llAndy oriultn no 16llChenspionl FM V1 1100 iiGaoo any LN Home olerroo ZMW 11 Lovn Lucy ltin tllovie 25m Alien ZGet smut NW iiih Hi All not err GThe Land as ours anfi Fuel Efifglygm Eilndlold trwiiim of th izconvemtion Cm 91 51min no rzso me my ot the zCollegl Talents Home and Mn Trlitidsl DAloflin tfigdv orirnto Jinn no it izrlsuonu TLawrenee wrist 11Movi Huslnesy llfcunsmnh Mister soot EMBADRASNNG SUNDAY rnnnuanr 16 MORNING AND smnnuon WWW in mo 4Tom Jerry ospel iiaur indGameni Dont WWW mm on mum If they Pleoio see the Nation TrCavalry were all the tidy wed be outot ojob Fandango tweon ec on itCstneom chime izoountry so llgather Known 8311ng eoorr the world so DAILY cnosswonn PM Tom 38er Heart 155 isssmlygggn mm sonoss Ersdiuted 1116000 7sklpny mo Toad not 9Illilln Album Lb PH illn Fuhegmriu iihrr tracker ffimég Faxes rzru guficcond Loon 5v LAltll DThtlnderhids within 114 Hear 11th on Lil imsar 21mintereem omittedn WE ishnnockey tw so 3Hymn nook sort1o sun We mm pudding BW1lti5is emr Lip and Live ilior to or in Wm Ham Ronfiubh 421mm Amp 12Cornlort taermm ILAhyaaea iiiE Liret lion 73mm isrlrnmnur river 155w mum71 mm lilonster Go Home 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assailon 31 om first THE MOST BLONDIE llCamern 0o Cnnalia BUZZ SAWYER riilsliivuiimls iii3i° jimgmi en 111 fllnrearnollesnnie VlrfimA 5317911 iiLniim Bowl gm filmmm aspiration 5331522 IE ezso esmnthar nrourerr Ml vno Ki do ru All6 Dis gnoev Ear ifsnl Me Mister ney mm werii swo Ihlela

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