Winning curlers participa log in the Lndies Veientne Open at the barrlc Qirling Club yesterday are shown Dear Andhndcrs Are you gtscdist or Just plain stupid Dont you realize how much trouble you cause when you rint letters that raise questions about paternity tbluceycd duuzhtcr of brown cycd parcnh dont care what your socailed experts say tucrn are exceptions to every rnla lily mothers eyes were lsort of hazel You wouldnt call them bl but they werent brown either My father had very dark brown eyes My eyes nre blue like rrw maternal grandmothers never thought Hiploint Detects iSubject Of Study VANCOUVER CF Dr Michael Bell has examined the hip joints of 5535 babiesthe total number born at Vancouver Gencral Hospital since March 67 The object Dr Bell on in uslructor with the University of British Columbias department Inf surgery was trying to deter lmlne how many babies are born with dislocated hips and to find out what to do about it He reported to the Royal Coi ego of Physicians and Surgeons Vancouver rccentlythat 43 of the 5535 babies had unstable hipsa condition that can be difï¬cult to correct it is nut treated early in life He said the joints returned to normal within two weeks in most cases with the aid of casts or braces that keep the babys legs separated and flexed He said that in some African scultures mothers habitually carry their babie th fants legs straddl her hips Color Oi rcler to your nnsver to the hove following presentational the Lnbatt trophy to the vic torious rink From Lclt to Right are Mis Rod ldcson ANN minus anvrsrs Child Does Not Inherit His Parents Eyes ANN LANDERS thing about it until your letter Appeared My mother was very strait laced person and im sure she vms no swinger but all mothers arent like mine worry about all those blueevedchlldrcn with browneycd parents What is father going to say when his child asks Ann Lenders says you cant bemy father So who is Why dont you retire you troublemaker DAVENPOET IOWA Dear Davenport Too bad you never learned to read while back devoted an entire column to eye color in relation to hered ity My authority was geneti cist from the National Institutes of Health He made it clear that no matter what the color of the parents eyes child can have another colorlegitimately Now arent you ashamed you LOCAL RINK caravans TROPHY WEDDING Mrs James Clyne James Morley who presented the trophy on behalf of Lahatts Mrs Howard Crossett and WRONG ATTITUDE Dear rtnn Lmden 31 yearold woman who works in this office is very pregnant and not married It is obvious that she has added at least 20 pounds She is not wearingma tcmty clothes lust larger dress es Yet she hasnt said one word abut her condition think it is disgraceful that this woman is allowed to re main in on office where six un married girls are employed Although she has worked here 18 months she has never had any of In to her apartment She is very secretive about her life What do you make of this What shouhlour attitude be VEXED IN TEXAS Dear Vex Your attitude should beimproved Its terri tile The nonraujust might be rriariied lnthdmelntimp why dont you girls take brisk walk during lunch or wax the floors or polish the office furnii bum You need to do something constructive with all that extra energy Dear Ann Iwas asked to be en usher at friends wedding have to rent tux and new shoes which will set me back bimdle Now am hold the ushers must kick in $1150 each to pay for the or chestra Isnt this going too far Please adviseINSUFFL CIENT FUNDS Dear in Yeah about $4150c worth The orcirmtra should be shot off your mouth7 Provides Tasty ny corral rrnNunnSoN Home Economist Bumper Crop 0f Garden Peas paid by the father of the bride Budget Food Ailkacrosr Canada fhere was buy Shanty Bay has been feted at position similar to that of the emotive procedure applied in he West because of thisrfcw of them ver up with bi an in run Simpson of North Bay receives skies from his fe in Toronto yesterday bumper crop of peas in 1968 and the processors have large quantlties of canned and frozen peas on hand It is up to us as consumers to increase our consumption of both frozen and canned peas so this surplus can be used up Frozen pens are delicious and nutritious way of adding col or to any meal Most people enjoy peas lost as they are with bit of butter or maybe daso of mint litany people like to add sugar Just be careful not ever eooknur be star mbnrtm at gentle bolt is enough Peas combine well withmany other vegetables and can be used in attractive dishes for var retyrForathoseof youwho ii foreign flavors try adding small cooked onions and tlavoringwlth butter and curry powder rice ring may be filled with peas that have had drained can nod slced mushrooms and ult mouds added Mandarin Peru is always pleasant change Cook liwo 10 adoogea of frozen peas es North suncoe County eat my peas with honey have done it all my life It makes the peas taste funny olnt defee ut it keeps them on mylmife mrch sud orange price in saucepan Add 10 fresh mint leaves and heat until sauce thickens Simmer two mums nrinteavm Add tablespoons butter and tablespoonleman juice stir into pea Add mandarin ar anges and heat gently Canncdnicas may be used as convenient last minute veg etable just swarm Ayn adding little extra to aplpln dish Add canned pear to cursory LFo uulck lunch orrsuppecfold us plain ornelot over wpful of drained seasoned conned pear Canned pens are an eucellent yaiter being elcete president of Assecutfon of nt ario Mrs Kcrv Johnston The cur lcrs are all members of the Ladies Section of the local club Examiner Photo Call Audrey Coulsou or MARCH WEDDINGS The engagement of Mary Ei lcn Howes to Michael Hokesch has been announced by the bride elccts mother Mrs Helen Howes of Epcles St Bar rie The bridegroom to is thuson of Mr and Mrs Mor tln bokesch Sr of Utopia Tire marriage will take place at an aftenroon ceremony in the Luth eran Church or the Good Shep hard Barrie on March at oclock Mr and Mrs Tom Exeil or Utopia have announced the en gagement of their daughter liclen Alice to Karl Arthur Olas Christiansen of Wawa Out The bridegroom elect is the son of Mr and Mrs Olas Christiansen The United Churchat Wewa will be the setting for the wedding ceremony March CURLlNG Finalists in the Business Girls airling for the Schenlay Tro phy competition taking place this evening are as follows Marlon Smith skip Florence Busch vice Jane Young sec bird and Carol Hines lead lrene Styles skip Marlene Word Jean Srigley and Sandra Green The game begins at 730 at the Barrie Curling Club SHOWERS bliss Roberta Louise Jones daughter of hlr and Mrs Daug las Jones of Ridge Road in bridal showers in honor of her forthcoming marriage to Robert Clark Mackiln The wedding will take place on February 2t The Jones family formerly rc sided in Toronto and Miss Jonea war honored at mis cellaneous shower there About 40 friends and relatives were present in the home of the PEOPLE AND PLACES be 1111 mum uranium Sheet Talk THURSDAY FEB Ll Catches Dogs enmsav Ont fall Stray dogs picked up by the local dog catcher have never had it so good Theyre conned tnto captiv itywllh tweet talk and if that doesnt work cheese When they are rafcly under wrapr ihadogugetalifttothe pound in white convertible is new approach to the fine art of do catching begn la week when Marlene Bun too was appointed canine con trol otllcer for North Grlmsby Township 10 mich west of St Catharines Mrs buniou believes shes Canadas woman dog catcher and intends to prove Liromanl touch can prove lust as efficient as male counterparts straight forward caninecontrol meth Tha mother of four bar wooden pale with looped rope in the trunk or her car but she hasnt even considlt cred using it HAS BEEN USED its for bandlingvery cross dogs and havent been on the Job long enough to run into that problembut do anticipate such trouble But Mrl Bunion has so far coaxed five dogs into captivity with cheese and sweet talk Sibyl Roberts at W7 miscellaneous shower was also held here in Barrie ut the Alexander Ave home of Mrs Gord Courts in Friday mun PLANT Tuesday evening the Ys Men ctles were conducted on tour of West Bend of Canada Ltd by Hill lloddy Coffee and doughnuts were provided for members by the West Bend Conway The lifenettes have made plans for an evening card party to be held at the YMCA in the evening of March l2 ed to members for tho Ys lilcn ettcs spring project which will be dance The affair will be held in the Holiday inn with bob Hunters llnnd Swing into Spring will take place on April NEW RESIDEENCEE Mr and Mrs Lewis Archi bald formerly of 114 Kcmpen felt Drive have taken up resi dence in an apartment in the Senior Citizens Home at we Burton Ave women 0i Britain Get Salary Boost WNDON APL For the first time in British industry women are offered the same pay as men under an agreement reached between union leaders and the Ford Motor Co in return the women must work the same overtime and shifts as the men The offer is part of new pay deal for nearly 47000 men and women which will cost Ford of bride to bes aunt Mrs Charles Taylor for the occasion hd Surveyors addition to salad Toss few Intonpotétosalad Tickets have been distribul lure entertainer at church tannins LADY Shares Fellowship Oi lLbdlga Benevdent Work How many busy mother of ore school are children are well enough organized that they find the time for daily outing with their ulfqzrlhgi Mrs Wy man Jacques manages to take her 5qu Keith and Brett for an almost daily skating us stun No wonder that the dril dren are willing to share their mothers time come evening Are you going to the lodge gain rnuml is what Mrs Jacques usually bears as sin of busy executive Noble Grand oi thclieavcr Rebekah lodge Mrs Jacques is enthusiastic about the fellowship she shares in the organicallnn She immensely enjoys working with members anl visiting the other lodges She was installed as Noble Giand of Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 of Barrie last October The elected executive for this year includes Record ing Secretary Mrs Frank Jones Treasurer Mrs Clar ence iiodgson Financial Secret tary Mrs Cliff Lennox and Vice Grand Mrs James Brand Last year the group celebrati ed their sum year of existence here in barrlc They have at the present time 160 memberl They are part of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario which is observing their tenth year at Rebekah Odd Fciluwship They are an associate organization of the indepenth Order of Odd Fellows Mrs Jacques describes the pur pose of the lodge as being hen evoluni it is their custom to visit the sick and help those in need both within and outside of the organizatlon The Barrie Lodge has wheelchair lending Wendy Hicks will contribute weekly column to appear on the womens page of The Bar rie Examiner beglnnirrg Satur day Airs Hicks chairman of the Barrie branch Canadian Save The Children Mind is knovn to Barrie and district residents for her active partici patlon in thuthtle Hill Play ers theatrical presentations as well as her appearance 55 fea and lodge functions Mrs Eritaln an extra £5000000a year Hicks is the wife of Dr John Woolworth anti mun rnha ERSARY SPECIAL ur bah ry produetrure prepardd fresh dallyin our shops according to our laboratory tested recipes Only the finest quality ingwedients are used Hicks of Barrie ayeelaly when box youre still undecided theres still the Gift We leaves to tulï¬l the obligation other activities but Mrs Jacv cheaply made fruit cooker in vented by department of ngri culture scientist in this Dkonrr gnu community should make small fruit processors competi tive with large operators The Rolltherm cooker developed by John Kltson won top prize at recent international competition of food processing techniques and machines in Paris With all the excitement and week bet there is ma to ï¬ll it again for Val some corn flakes handy Cream butter or margarine and egg and beat well Measure once of tartar baking soda and salt illa and fold in corn flakes Drop baking pan Press MRS WYMAN JACQUES project which is in great de mand They seldom find them selves with spare all the chairs are usually in use very special undertaking is supportiof the IOOF Home for the eldcrlyhere in Barrie Tihe Rebekah have lull inci ial life with two monthly mcct lngs where theydlscuss current business and enjoy tea in soc ial hour Sometimes the evening includes little private auction for membch only or perhaps draw Funds for their charitable ventures are raised at the An nual Christmas Bazaar Spring Tea and sometimes rummage sale The role of Noble Grand would seem to leave little time for HELPS SMALL PROCESSOR SUbfllERLAND BC all fails dedicated bridge er accues in teach or at banl North Collegiate and his wife play bridge re xularly with row of faculty wivu Mr ifCentral United dearth Mn Jacques is an Ic tivc worker in the UCW and also lions with her husband partial pales in the Couples Club During the year in which aha has been Rebekah she has alsolrept up her sports activl tlu While she no longer par ticipate in the hodroy and base ball she loved as youngster she finds skating to be most en ioyable The Jacques who arr former residents of Tuniscarnlng Quc bee came to Harrie seven years isoThuy reside on Melrose V5 tad ANNOUNCEMENT MRS Downer mum at sarleant banshee Agenq Idrnlted recently graduated with honors from Ontario General lmuvanco Agents Licensing bursa Mrs Haskelt also on the Gen oral Accident lmurance Comp any award for obtaining the highes mark of the or attend antlvi rent taste treat called cup butter or margarine cup granulated sugar egg in cups allprlrwse flour tsp cream of tartar my cookie jar about empty If you hunt entines day which tomorrow and have here by marvallom little cooioe tiratis conu F1th cursr coorrms gradually blend in sugar Adel sifted flour and silt with cream Add to butter rnrixurre Add van mixture by teaspoon on greased has to honour as well as the Tihcse are exquisite LAMPS funnlooal As you know the ï¬eld of SIEBEO and onlan bestlnslghtandsound So whether who really brows this so more Street Simeoe Fran east end rum non Men and business and gals too GlFlS Look for renowned fragrances at the tolletry section of weld better say youre glad shes doc BlRVIE DRUGS What lira km of PERFUME by Xian iieillknowynralhmsghsdalh 0f oounse ther to browse through Theres many Valentine 301 Blake Street Simeoe le contend apnea who in ME Barrie do justice First tlresrlew is delizhtful from pith Second ihcdeoor is tastefully done sous chore is plenty of room between man CONSOLES and MEWSION are now carrying JANA LlIiTE LAMPS which whoa cabinet they rest upon and are rich in especially when you see what beauties 0F BAJtflm Barrie mnrru onuus lug the curse from across the Province nun ME in nu by Jewel Ilromlcy ties or the Winter Carnival tsp baking soda or tsp salt Lsp vanilla cups cornfiakes mash measure before crushing the eioeance of any type design but not in price1 they are yet extremely SCOTS 0F BARBIE are well known in and would naturally carry the its an introduction to COLOR TV or STEREO orto replace one or the other do sdect someone specializes in it such as 7233606 on the scent or VALENTTNE cl Goya Coty orlhe DEW GOOD BATH 01L that Miss Clairol pacluages so attractively if your Valentino gift is COLOGNE by Jade East Dana Chanel or always the sweet thought of CANDY the rat old it Ho eyerf if Boob in arnrrn ways of saydng youre my 72b2429 to the NOUAWASAGA INN or their dbdng or cafe room wit tabla generously spaced the back of yarn chair and the next fellows Lust and most hnportant they have Chef now who makes the most divine dishes so Cherries Jubileeepu Suleiinhot Mu stlh Kabob and other dc solid enjoyment in yourbeloved on Valentines day find theres no Hwy 39 is no out Alliston sure theres going to be soiled professional oieanhig and course recormnond is by attending their DANCE uhiuh starts at pan You couldnt compliment to be desired at the NDHAWASAGA INN WlTflALL THE Wm CARNIVAL festivities this week lm garment or two that will need ch as Fiambee Bnkchlaska to mention Emaigota Baked lectable dishes if you cht ave mentioned then surprise her more Youll Harris ATS5501 theClEANERs OUllY They do thorough but gentle lug so you dont need to worry about thnt fragile dance frock let alone the rugged outerwear that has taken heart You mist coflrnlnlva SLAM cruise the cleaning is top qu your clothhrg Place it in IlTDulil St so um um To Oleanio soiled mop head ruearable Knot the top rn lity Ha Barrio the washing machine Th machine and the mop wi be Me in put it in nyfon stocking that Is not the foot of llt stocklnd is nll prevent lint from forming eatsa dean Bye rig Lids week ubouttheieApprcelalo SPECIAIS of U116 for men and nomenlts real bargain he fun and dont our 7260259 put in lh he lbr now