Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1969, p. 9

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Biqirdn Lender CaliforniaCi1$1i°ki Broken But Still Menace Seeks Ceflseffle mum Ian llalraa nu death emphasized loader Mal OdlunamOJuk would ba mass and linsland nu appealed lloaday to En wouldth death otapoopl mflm Emmi la Luvs lneanwbllo tha tad l° mm arai governmanta inlormation nod to suck up the remaining oil with pump boala or to aoalr it up with tons oi straw or similar materials SANTA CaliI Pl llast the oil slick all Calliornla coast has broken but it will be long time be Ihs nulnbodyoltha slickwaa broken up by winds wares and chemical dispersants but grant patches alsn tanked into the to bring about re the bird crisis is over Cormoran duck gulia ndplpers ioona still an In llorn oil poisoning deapiil oluatur and proleasional rta to them Threa hirdrescua stations ra ortad Monday Lost birds routht in time well on tha can lllor started leaking two kn ago 0i this number an ded Uneounted hundreds more ave been Iouad dead on tho achaa their leathers black ned with crude all their eyaa named their intentions urnrd with purgallle far on toxic than costar oil Tba runaway wall aptwad ore than 100000 gallons of oil to Santa Barbara Channel and long about miles at Pacific an beaches baton it was lunad Saturday The allclr fa extended over 300 aquara lea US Battleship Is Back MOON AP The battle lp Now Jew returned to the lotnam war alter month otf tiring lina and smashed 6t nkara south n1 Da Nang mill apokeaman reported today For tour hours Monday ths oooam battiawagon hurled 9001mm shall at North Viet amaaa lurtillcatlona least Ilva North Viet amaao soldier we killed canon reported The battleship had been In span for rotation maintenance The us command also an unood another American heli pter was shot down near Plei in the central highlands but ero were no casualties it was 235am v6 helicopter lost in the wart HACK mm BABES Viet Gong and Norfll Viet arnéaa forces during tha night tucked threa provincial capl aandy beaches said Paul Da Falco regional director oI the on air and waterpoilulion control administration Iha all still at sea should come uhnre la the neat week or so Da Falco said Roundtheech etiorta confine Pollution Closes Beaches When They lire TORONTO CPI Pollution in Illa Ottawa and Rideau Riv ers might allect the mental health oi Ottawaarea residents it makes benches unusable Harold blackensla lLottawa Centmi told the Ontario lodlala ture Monday Only last summer tha beach as on both river were closed for an extended period at tlma just vnen they were most need In Wctr tals two southern allied ham paciilaation team and gov ernment lulantry battalion in the Mekong Delta miles aoutlnvast of Saigon Viet Cong soldiers ripped into South Vietnamese inlantry hat talion with machian and smallarms lira Alter tits ac tion in South Vietnamesa aol diera Wen dead 35 were wound ed and only seven Viet Cong bodies were counted Viet Cong torus pumped so to too mortar rounds into Phu Bop provincial capital in the cen tral highlands and then stormed the towns military haadouartus tiring hnwolra rockets and small arms Again in South Vietnamese soldiers and at least haven of Wet Cong were killed live or six civilians were also killed and the wounded included it government troops and llva or six civilians Until Iha ooean and beaches can be cleand oi this allmba task that mny taka weekstho alieh remain tra tor wido winged birds that or the longlagged onea thal 11M Nigarian civil in an infinity with Stephen mh 1th Democratic manl minister Chld Anthony Enabo Monday dimlon that iedel al warplanes bombed Umuahia tho last remaininl stronghold of Ontario lagislatura seour the auxl or crabs and clams tor Scarborough West Ojulrwu said Saianla could call on tho United States and Russia 3to natural diplomatic mum to bring abouts ceasafira Than ha said there would bra flood opinion in thaworld which would bring prasm on Ninria to accepta coautua in an soeessloniat Biatra during tha last to hours Iarring To Enter Midefiast Dispute came MP nu assault an Agency ro Most Needed ed he said during dabatl on the throne match its not hard to believe our children greatly need this type at recreation and commotion during the sumrnar months when sdlooi is romsadd its called tor the Ontario Water liespumls Commission to eliminate eompleteiy pollution CM on the two river or give de taiiad account ol why this is not mtawha dtizana also nutter lrom deficiency oi lowrental that housing and adequate highway liniu to Quobecand thallth States he said to than bur war uAslrehd to cthmgzl on aortas onat at ha an an anpioi poaafllla tba starvation in Biatra tor po litieal purpoaes Dlukwu aald auemmblng pressura wouldbnnl death of magnitude Iraaiar thaa that caused by starvation month conflict soda is chlilfll or Ila rommlttea 0n Nigeria at tba 0r ganlzation for Mrlean Unity Relaxing to tha intraaal gence or British Prima lilian tar Wilson Olulrwu uld Ibo united States In tho oniyreoun try that could lllliuanco Hrltain policy toward the to Nigeria llidv at Monday that wlal aitad Nations anvvy Gunnar Janing soon would be siren lso represent lha Big Focr world powers to soaking an Arabiaan Iottlo rnen In dispatch trorri London quoting reliabla Western diplo matic sources the agency said proposal to this ailect has emerged irom current bilateral contacts among Sollat Amari aan British and Fund upro untativoa at the UN It Is awaotad to be ona oi the early reluits oilormal mower laiirrlentativaiy tar to begin next week tha dispatch BENNETTS BOUNDARY PLAN Premier w1acaeanétr alsoraelnleamaal oiBritish Columbia holds up mop allowing his proposed boundaries in Canada during federal provincial constltu is Monday Wirephoto itionnl contorence in Ottawa Johns East Ailaira mm ram MONDAY Feb ll External Mitchell Sharp said Canada has instructed its ambust in Stockholm to tall the Red Chineaa mission In Swaden that this country would liita talks on relations between Canada and mainland Gains James Meonth PCSta pressed or the establishment of saltwater Minister SEEK MICHAEL LONDON illetllersl warV rant was issued Monday for the fish marketing boarduaa tba Commana pasad bill sailing up corporation to rentlalor the freshwater fish trade Mr Sharp said that ml immigration ilinlator lian MaaEanhen plan to meat thlal week with Jawish and Chrir tIsn groups which hava ap paaiad to the government to acctpt as special immigrants Jews who want to leava Arab countries Barry Mather DPSor ray presented bill in tha Commona that would require the makers of household ap pliance to stats its lila ellpoo tancy at tho time of sale Ii arrest at British Black Muslim leader Michael Abdul lilalik Mldlael xalter he did not up poar in court on charlie of pos seslng marijuana lllnlik at yearold advocate of Bladt Power was free on ma bail amend TUESDAY Fab ii The Ramona pita at pm EST to continua debata on the governments omnibus bill to the Criminal Coda Tim Senlto manta nu pm 72837 iints Penna Postlchea II Wigs Restyling Complele hair eara BEAUTY SALON 126 PENETANG ST Below NCII oilleea Commercial Residential Completa Decorating Service VAN NOOETWYK pump sin ti Biiiuiiiuiiil sour BY STOLLKR CONSTRUCTION IIID Distinctive styling backed by quality workmanship Isa7204 BOLENS SnGWTBIow Arctic 70 eqliipmanl Barriea Larleat Snuwblnwer Display CAL MADILL Imfiimnmmmuamuaaaam iT5EUN ITS EXCITING YOU COULD BE WiNNER LETS PLAY JEMEEEP¥¥9E LAKEsIoE TREE EXPERTS Complete Insurance Coverage an lItllliMlNGBEil0VlNG CABLING Romanias SIUIILP REMOVAL RR DAflRlEl 7283465 standardv Follow Ibl Trailblazer this winter TRACTOR SERVICE Hwyl ll 7182752 Idnlzlasung plants Fresh out bouquéts Artistic arrangements Order oym inr local de livery or world wido through HEC Harris Flowers mull BARRIE ANSWERING SERVICE altering the area inthr prompt courteous service tor the pastla years tall moron STYLING STUDIO No appointment necessory Speelallu in cutting tinting and perms 0Wng and hair pieces Lowpriaea Hwy 11 renal or DIAL MISS CALL Iraam Stephen Newmandnnea 35 Dunlop mom 12526 Each week word will be scrambled In two advertisements on this lealule Read the ads lin tile two Scrambled words and spelllhem correctly mentioning the two numeaol the advertisers in which the words appeared Send your answer In The Bania Examiner co Quiz Editor The lirat twocorrectanswera drawn win tha cash prizes 1st Winner Miss Carol lllcCranllen 2nst ill Scott HENRYS FlSHNCHPS wanty Halibut any 0nlon itinga Shrimp Chips BARRIE WEST PLAZAl BARBERS Colorlnl Styllng Cutting Ladieserirla Hair cuts JOE GALLEs zoom war Eon Barrla elm TNAILER SALES This is Where Winter Fun begins morar mun SPORTSARAMA Rwy 21 lllldburst 72Hl11 ay Halr Styling mphIs TONYS BARBER SHOP Hair Coloring lbr menonly Angus Plaza IZImtt rowan nummm installed an any Gas or Oil Furnaea HAROLD YANCH HEATING LTD Izaaloa Why Wait Skidoo llNovr gt RIDGE ROAD MARINA RR Ora Sin 48122 Menu changes NORMANDY noon 7mm ALLANDALE FUELS Bruce Peacock Petroleumsthd Elm County Lartaat independentOIISuppliera Stove Find Gaaolina lvery Sérvrca Vlllelared Trucks Dunlop so 7256229 24LHR SERVICE LOCAL LONG DISTANCE ENJOY DINNER AT RIVER GARDENS RESTAURANT Banquat iacllitles tor loo Liouor licences available For sugcesstul banquet or Vddding reception at reasonable prices Call 7266944 liwy ll SHAGGY PUP All sizes and styles Onleluw Propylon Carpet $105054 Yd installed with undarpadding GEDRGmNnaY GARETSERVICE Phoaar 1253213 Stnyner LAURENCE SEWING Emma plasma or Pf 3ewlngMachina tling Yarn Needlepolnt Treat yourrleetv to corniort RoaSONs SHOE STORE Angus Plaza mm 437310 Hill tannin momma mm IIISIIIH 7375 35 Mill usunmns llilllll lllll Hillill aus ISIS IIIII sulllsullls DELUXE mountainuse Winterize Today SERVICE anuonataa ram SERVICE industrial CENTRE lioaideotiai Ftee lubrieatlona 7280370 Fashion llinglc begins with VOGUE ARDELE FAaRlcs Mi am Aw unattended oaavcoacnuass fl txfiiiiiihle

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