1I Soy ITO coon mum Hot PoolfProbIem Bother Mother By GEORGE MONROE MD Dear Dr fluteon My moth ernhoispast7ohasaprob tent with hot feet They burn so bad they keep her awake at night soshelswanddownsil night putting them in cold water nhldl doesnt help rlnleht Could you meet remede druid help more it had some lurther clue as to whidl oi the dilferent camea of burning eel ls bothering her But you may have and not milled it This rather common Lorn plalnl as talks gee on In years and one also is Imvaired cil culalion 0rqulte diilerent situation it may be form of neuritis particularly that which sometimes accompanies die betes Or the tiny blood essek may have been damaged in some way tum bite is one poe Sibility Fankly it isnt always may to relieve this trouble Again rath er simple remedies sometimes are gratiyirlgly succcslul Ill aim my reply primarily at eases caused by slowed circula tJon lf neuritis Is the cause youll have to look for medical care that inodudes diabetic cases Whll some elderly din bctlcs till it doesnt matter if dont stick to my diet the risk of diabetic mitis is one very good reason why they should Massagng the eet and legs before retiring should be tried Buergers exercise is an even more elledlve means oI helping rirculntlou in the legs lhs is done lying on the back and al ternately raising each leg for minute or so then lowering it With an older person box or some other simple support ls holulul and often even neces sary so each leg can be kept in an upright podtlon long enough to do some good Quinlne three to the grains on retiring in olten heptul And there are other drugs designed to help elmulation which your physician could try nmnotsure this is based on if there in high degree hardeoln ot the modes such remedies may not war There Just isnt enoush Rice to any enoufll blood Dear Dr nodular am NIv fenng from arthritis On TV program the other day one at the people nah of getting re lie from wearing copper brace lets and claimed there is some minarul in the copper that read favorably to relieve ar thrlsis What Is your thought on thisi will do almost anything to get reliel Mrs That ls one of the may Iraqu that has grown up around ar thntis It makes about as much sense as an aboriginal medicine man trying to treat diseases by chanting or inesntatlons ldontlmowsnyourebrar thrills becallse none yet exists Dear Dr Thosieson Is it true that from health point of view it is unwise to eave liquid such as millr or orange Juice in the paper cartons in which they come for more than tow hours have been told any should be poured into glass or dran containers prompty but tactMJHL Theres no reason related to health Why they cant be lelt In the original paper containers Main complaint is that occasion any the paper containers leak and cleaning out retrigeralor ls hard on the temper Not to III Youre being alarmed nothing Slgmoldoswny isnt disease Its method of examin ng the rectal area BEATLE SATISFACTORY LONDON Reuters Doc tors reported Sunday night that Heatle George Harrison is In saUsIactory condilinn following the removal of his tonsils Satur day The operation is not expect oaru on areas tour spades and West leads club Yul win Easts queen spades East takes the king castles the king of clubs and plays the ace and another trump must now find way of avoiding trying to accomplish your mis sion One is to play for lhedla moods to be divided in which event your heart loser will go on dammya fourth diamond lt tlllesse II West has the him you will make the contract this Wfly You can eombinelhesechnnc es by testing the diamond first and it they prove to be divided or worse fall back on the heart iinesse However you cant In the United Church hall or Min Madeline ltruax Reg and Bill Amstmng who are to be married Feb 15 son and daughterlnlaw Mr and Mrs Elbert French in Holland landing ln Penetang General Hospital gr colllllllcr BRIDGE sy lav aecxslr East dealer Neither side vulnerable VLQII enqu um urns KIOI um hires doom person on one mm sun was Nu am owner leadnine of clubs Lets say youre deelarer at You win in your hand and heart laser or go down one There are too obvious wnyrol The other is to rely on heart WIIVEBLEY By MRS DRINKILL community shower was held Mrs marlre French sited her Gordon hench Is patient Mrs Noble Shier oi Toronto will be held in Utopia ed to change his voice perma nently TELEVISION PROGRIIMS BUFFALO IIIIIIRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAIIITLNN 12 PETERHOROUGH MORNING VIEWING MONDAY T0 FRIDAY Illa rJo eM straw zm Card lzirr onl gr dCnnt Karlnroa errrvo nvnnersltv or me At llIlobln noun llPopeyt una Allen looa osramlrnr MeLro flDl ï¬rst lint Lkomner Room Lucille Ball ocnrloon Imlo ll lzElvo olle Schools TUESDAY FEBRUARY II EVENING 6Itueh For The Top 7Twlllght Zone LBewItched gtllPterre Berton mo zllerv Grifll lzzeunplo Gourmet 51 Love Lucy ilHml oNens 1Nen5 Around dGllllglna rilne TFlintrtones lMovie One Foot In Hell llHuek and run szoo asllster no tlerrv Mason dltocket nnbln Hood 7l Love Luolf llLuellle Ball lZCarloolu mo ZWhlig My Line sAboolt Ind Coslello Loanny Thomu slTruul or Coarenuenner s55 11Newl Welthel Sports mo 11¢le oo zHuel 1News mo laneer sJ mo iso zJulln min moo zJeopardy 311ANews INews sLuneneen Data 7Bewitchld 9Vomenl varlo IlBlnln It Home 1220 3in lzltovle 1225 TBA 1N2w3 lilo 100 slltovln sMevle llMovle znnlre nonalu inï¬llsuch rer To marrow 1lunny You Should Ark OEIlnbtonu 11well BIL ezoo zMelv Grlltln lzGonrrnet tunkletler snow 51 Love Lucy llHaxel mo zHuel mum or lGllllum mine lFlilrtstones rannl rotA aimn IlHllck Ind Yon TTNawl me 110 6Hucldelmry rlnn Hlovle APllry llunn 11 Love Luey lILuellla lander mo twmt lav LIu ranuu ounny llTruth or Conunuehcu llIIllltdtonu this tide Sports ow elmlr van nyho striker Snare TConelntntlan IZFriuldli Glnnt Cher lrelene lam lDeverly Illllhllllu 9303 v12 FederalProvincial Collier emailed Monday Tuesday Wednesday zsm la ddmiiiiil sonoela Tun Thur 7chlt Clvett DLlncle Bobby 1100 1Plnorulltv ei rain FDIIIIIV Thoma All 115 SEd Allen lzPlck or Week sllo 4nlclr Dvh oalz Sagan llBeion Noon enoe Programs the carnival which attracted Lilonvwood Souirns pre arenleen tTrulh coneauenm 5D it In nNewr Weather ma Sport llluQu nulz 12an YVlnlnllls sMolnerelohw lrlnln or Consequences 54m it is DFlylnl Nun lllly Son Lewis miim USMC ulia lllllno sound lzlted Shelton dited skeltun 7lt rehash Thlel enewltenen lINlen WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 12 AFTERNOON lulsn Kenyon eMm The sullen 1Vlrxinln Gnllun 5Lunelleorl DI Funds Goes To The naml 7Vlrglnl enann The owlrnnlmlpll lt Mn The in or gal Maire Deal 2Day Our leu lane Is It Many Splendor Thing uWenker 5e 7Newlswed Gune WEDNESDA rennunrw 12 EVENING liftsNew llllaneymonn uAwngeln soutess IlHawali 50 cmï¬ 0n Canstlblll Hu bGlen cmpbeu llZhlothenIllLlw 1Hur Come The lLxglllslol pm nm Hockey gt Iuilctlon Mo Zhlovie Dullan lwoleck nGlen Campbell IlUnder Atllsk lllorls my 1MYPD lnzoo zNewl Special tNewl Smlu 7Tnnu Lire nAvenxcrs Ilhlerv Grimn limo 4Dlssenlus lion 14 11 11 News liar ZJotmnv Carson lGideons My 4nny Blshuv DMovle man In The sun Illlovle ml Could is an Night IZMovle ITMI punlnmlty of th All 225 llNetu weather Sports sun TDoetnrt eGulolnr Lune oCorunatlon st ererryl Probe lile Mason lZCllendnr 100 ZAMlherWorid 124m so dSeuet Storm 7General Hoanitnl 94mm in oviduct 340 ZVou Dont tEdu oI rum 1Cummsnder Tum nnecrm Dllry 11 51m The olrls dBeverley HILIhIlIIOI 7hlovie The war no eGreen Item looo Hutuder ILhIIlEIC dFiveO snvmvspecln lllllerv drink one snner inn 2M Maoriu News lltlll IPierro Intel Jun 21ronnn amen Hosylanliun arerrv nun 6Movle All the Alr Merry language 21 fflie King Mrs Floyd Valentyne or Ances ter visited over the weekend at Fab with Mr and Mrs Morris Derby and Miss Zollnn Drinkill ML and Mrs Richard Potter ot Cargill Spent the weekend with the iatters parents Mr and Mn Iaelr Homing CARNIVAL QUEEN thene was an overflowing crowd at the Orange llall Feb when 13 girls were contest ants for the Queen or the Waverley Winter Canlival Div anne Meirka was chosen and her two princesses were Brenda Body and Linda Crawford They reigned the next day for large crowd Mrs Graham Dlinlilll and son Donald of Toronto spent some time with Mr and Mrs ling Drinldil while snll Glenn was patient in Penotang General Hos pital Mr and Mrs Clifford Brown at Vlllowdzlle Mr and Mrs George Barlow of Markham lis ited with relativï¬ over Fell Weekend really expect the hurt linen to work since Eastsls to la paintopenlngbldiaboundloln dud the king of hearts It may therefoloseem that Nu must go down unless the diamonds are but if you think about the nutter one more possibility emugen East may have been dealt tour din mondr in which case you no sthect him to very severe pree SIRE Acmdinnglykwu draw two more rou trump to pro duce this position arms VAC AQH sue um error Vat Innw oxen When you now lead you lad trump diseardlnglhe queen of hearts imm dummy East Is In Ielrlhle trouble Whatever he din you make the rest of the IVY 11 MRS JENNEIT Mrs Ted Marrow Harrie is playing the organ Vinflalrist Glurdi during Mrs listen Dav is visit to Jamaica Mr and Mn Oswald McKen nev St Catharines spent Sun day willl ltlr and Mrs ltlomas Lyons gt The parish pancake supper Oom munlty Hall lhleeday Fehr I8 Harry Cooper of Toronto brought two narloads of I30 Scouts to he cottage here for the weekend or Feb Mr and Mrs Don Newman and Inmily Toronto and Miss Margaret Standerwidr Vancouv er visited Mn and Mn Dov Jennett Feb Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ed Keith Bagllled nee Judy Deelkh on the birth of son Febr Mrs Wilmer Wilson Is pa them In Barrie hospital Residenn were glad to have general store here during the past week with all the snow storms nndtltnnlt Will shewell for keeping open all day Wednes day to meet the needs of the people who were almost snow boundi VESTRY MEETING The annual Vestry meeting of Christ Church was held in the church hall Jan Rev Rein ertson opened te meeting and suggested several plans for the luture The Iotionlng officers were elected Vestry elmk Mrs Ehnood Jenn sters War denI Henry Datris peoples Warden ltldlald Price Deputy Warden Brianjietcherr Chair man of Sidesmanjltiel Mon Lay Delegate to Synod Arnold Banting Envelope Secretary Mrs Harry Smith Executive Board heads of all organiza tions Auditors Jack Banting and Clifford Davis Organist Mrs Esten Davis Parish picnic wiltbe held at Essa Park July Your days work maybe finished but also judge manonhowhe make use ofhisspare the A0308 Mtlnnlhiv Overcast Fellow Wounds Alaskan Ernle to city Diamond It Wolfllin toner 12 Splnm Scatter lllIarnnguel Biblical 14 Grow old hootman 11 pomp Is raisin point mark in Cllla cry 11 Messenger to Astrin 60 min eat 20 Pine atuftv zi Appeu 211mm 23 Like some pigs diamonds 22 Excle 26Verhoee motion or lur anvil prise Ioule 29 cut as wood 29 Lind measure 30 Weather Jim Modern title 35 Road surrea Airedale or Pekineu 11 Rh all Block up 40 Drills 41 Poaselatve pronoun Thing or Vllue Seoul Twing mutjr cnossw0nn ea You and me Mr Famous run Capital or VOD mule Put on Clothes ammo tanked1s linu newipnpor puhllaher solarium material strum auraler Wilhelml ssmeon partner as Aimn an Fanum con tranttut 39 Mllldllll DONALD DUCK secnrr AGENT GRANDMA BLOhIDIE BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS tr sksnen JULIET JONES m5 IM OX al1 me new you orrerso roe CORRIGM MADhME Leonora HE our HIMSELF mum INSTEAD llr LOOKS LIKE THE TALK Anvervgr HAT SAMPLEOF OUR HOMEMADE GRAPH JUICE YOU éAVE ME YESTERDAV WAS DELICIOUS GRANDNIA LIFEIS LUCK LOOK HowYoU METTHIS new MWWHATADS mwemnmsxr morele Ens WWO¢JltI5MCLEANEIgt UP CAU ll FATE our ID SAY COME ALONG AND CHANGE ll ACCWEtï¬ MillSW It GANGSIER WAS snomlne AT lurcme Ann women war KIND WHO DOYOU Tlll LBTIIIEAIQNlt OLIIDFIT mousinqu uowvomeer slit MERLIFLIL ARMED AM llEAVENS wtlmKnlD lusr HELPED OFAJJB DOYOII HAVE WWW WIIIIIIIIS TRDIIBIE Hill IIER MISSING $It00TER5NC mommies GKANPMA lies COUPLEDFCHORK POLISHING THE SILVER FOR ONE WING ILL POLISH THE SILVER AND YOU CAN aria