an CanadianAï¬s LAers Abuses Pertinent Comments on Keeping Confidence CARNIVAL STYLE 11 well dressed woman Is tearing pomethlng extra these lays in Barrie She wont be area without he new baby The babies which are made in theVShcltercd lyorkshop are fashion rrm this week Shown above is Mist Leslie Gerow at Vancouver St Ex aminer Photo KEEP IN THE TRIM Fattening Overeating Habit Brought 0n ByOvereating By HM JEAN RAIN reader asks What lorch lite enormous appetite on me The nnswcr ls force oi habit Overeating la fattening 4trim brought on tryovereat ltl usy to overeat Food Mflu 50 good AhPetitnnnt genentices you to out be non your needs Call it the lure of the palatc Appetite is in fluenced by eye appeal aroma taste and memory What is the biggest dilfercncc between or petite and hunger Quantity iflle pleasant gastronomic mem dry ot how good particular food tastes can trick you into overeatinr The practice or eating beyond your energy needs sketches your lood capacity When you overindulge you cater to false appetite and this upsets the natural habit pattern that regu lates your load intake Fairly continuous overindulgence can train theappestat to delay the llgnal which warns you that you have had enough to eatuntil you have eaten too much Man you could eat morewith no coaxingit ls hard to know how mud food is enough On the quantity score road cr passesclung this suggestion Tell your dieters that the time ho be alerted is when the appe Lite tirst starts to get out or hand Continued overindulgence creates voracious appetite ior gradually takes more food to ive you that nice tuii iceling This is undeniably true Nor mally the weightregulating mechanism works ettcctively as long as there is no great diherv ence between the amount of food eaten and the calories ex pended But when you habitu ally take second helping and ï¬nish the meal with laVorite dessert even though you are no longer actually hungry you stretch your lood capacity How long mun take to cut your appetite down to size Once you stop overeating you stop wanting to overeatand in single week you can see the ditlcrance Results Of LSD Are Unpredictable No one is able to guarantee safe dosage of 15D sale series at doses or personality which is certain to create no un favorable reactifln to LSD Rob inald Smart PhD researng psychologist Addictinn Research Foundation Toronto reports these findings in an article 15D Problems and Promise which nppcars in tho tcderal health dcpertment publication Canadas Mental Health SWPIE ment Number 57 Many cases have been re ported in which single mod erate dose of SD led to pro iocnidly adverse reaction in oth erwise normal persona especial Iy where that dose has been tak en in an unprotected situation Even when other persons have been with the 15D taker sup posedly protecting him suicide and psychotic reactions have no curred the article says For more information on LSD you can obtain copy of this monograph from the Queens Printer Ottawa at 25 cents copy insoounts are available tor quantity lots the FORMER cum JUSTICE tormer Miss noon Dow wingtheir wedding in Toron Come 0f llge SAMMY an Canad crossed the thndrold 1mm pioneer country he whim ed nation when Caudlalu be came aura of the arts in Can tennial gear rm Mm mum Want so is ad tint vieryrutdtnt ot the Camden Mid ot Am chairman ol the Ontario fiber tre Study and member at the executive at tho Dmrlnion Drama MM Erpo and other projects throughout the country contrib uted to this emergence she says Not all of these wen period but things wen done and we learned Were at stage now where were trying hard to inmve the lot oi the artist and the gen eral arts picture in Gsnadn The Canada Council grant system is no nibberatanm wer ntlnn says Mn McGlhbon flhe applicltlcn goes to at least three people too of whom know the lppllaant personally lhcn the stat goes over it nalhv the award groom deals with it Dear All Laden The letter mm the hLDs wile was an ttemeiy revealing The woman was obviously attempting to do tend medical prolculon agalnrt accusation that cm the Great Healers make panel at women in the ng room She tried to put the blame on the patients by telling about the various type who have propositlnned her mouse 42 whom woman would ï¬nd it any to conildehut he also her very big mouth doctor who goes home and tells his wild about the patients who proposi tioned him in the olfrce ls vlov ï¬ling the ethics at his protu til can tell you from experience that the doctora wives at our club are charming but they Herbs Enhance 1CtVOI Of Fish ALICE UBNHOF lta ditï¬cutt to lmlllni sin gle herh spice nronuticated or rplce blend Which rrdgbt not enhance the flavor at tlsh and method Eglhdr white or red as or musing up ply the pungnncy hit Duet ï¬sh to be broiled with garlic or onion salt and liberal sprinlo llng paprika Large ï¬sh are extra good ll stifled with wellseasoned mirtum CAREFUL COOKING Whatever is used cook itsh careiully Overcooklng nukes lish dry and ilnwrlem Cooldng fish to turn means to the point where the ï¬sh flakes when pierced with fork at its tick est part Acld Items go well with fishgreen salads rel ishes pickles capers GRILLED Hm No lb ttiiet haddock comm or other lsh lultAblt tor broll lag lemon juice salt and per l5 olive or salad oil two tbsp lumen juice li tap each powdered mustard 1nd salt lit tbsp water Wipe fish with damp cloth and cut into servinng pieces Place on oiled baking sheet Brush with lemon juice ind sprinkle with nit and pepper to taste Top each with 15 but ter Place under broiler until fish is tlalry about live to seven min Combine oil remaining lemon ymee and remaining in grrdtunts heating well Heat and pot over tish Serve hot TUNA CABEROLE No tbsp each butter or man garine and flour cup milk l6 tsp each salt and thyme leaves crumbled it tsp garlic powder ti tsp pepper ill carrots studded tbsp celery italics cans to on cacti tuna fish flaked tsp instant minced oniont egg beaten rah tincs coarsely cmmhled sour cream oucurrber sauce trodpe lollows Melt hotter in saucepan Blend in flour Stir in trill ind cook until of medium dictates Stir in all ingredients except sauce Iltrn into hindered qt casserole Bake at 360 dogma one hour or until done sauce to go with this follow WEDS to on Saturday Vary Rev Fl CUCUMBER SAUCE Onequarter each ï¬nely cuounioer sour cream and mayonnaise at tsp salt or halt to taste it Lip mound dlll it tap garlic powder rlo tip whklte pepper Yr tsp lemon Jll Omnblno all ingredients and mix well Grill Mikes sauce to rerun with tuna dish TUNA BALL onion and water or cooked rice eras llghthl beaten tbsp line dry bread crumbs Va tsp ouch black pepper halt Ind ground thyme hot tot Mix hwtant onion in water combine all ingredients except tat Mix well ï¬lm inin l2 bath Fry in hot deep tat Drain on aimrbem paper Scne lrrr mediatoly Served six The sums sat aynarnntura FOR roMonnow have an allaround good day Along material lines financial transactions should go well especially it you are socklngla vorr Romance and social activ ities tnke on new bloom in tho late pm which should make up for any disappointments you miyhhvehad lnthe past 7A hours non run nnmmAY It tomorrow is your birtthY your horoscope promises high ly interesting year Career ad vancement business expansion and ï¬nancial galnx are indi cated or all Aquarians within the next 12 months not to spectacular degree to be sure but suï¬iciently satistying or you to further stapvup effort to reach desired goals The period between May ls and July l5 and the period between mid5eptem her and midNovember or in stance will be excellent tor monetary intercats as will early December and next Janu ary It will be important how everthat you avoid speculation throughout the year but espe cially during the first two week nt September 0n the occupational score look forward to some ï¬ne chance or advancement and recognition or past attorts notably in March July late Septemberrearlygpeeember and nextdanuary but dont lot the possihil or in or ed earnings during any one or all at these periods ltad you into the plttall of extravagance stars are more than generous They highlight romance and stimulating social activities especially between June is and during those two periods may take on most glamorous over tonesill careful to avoid trio tion with members of the lamliy out January yourdomestic com com should run smoothly child born on this day will be endowed witha line mind and tony route will be creativer inclined Whitley Shirt In No tsp each instant minced Yesterdays planctary airlin tlons lift now and you should also dealings with superiors drink lot and they talk too much the husbands at those women are taldng their protes slonol secrets home cat sorry for their patienlrAnttllrucr Inn bear Ant lm not at all run that wives or MDr drink more than wives of lawyers or paper angera but your point about keeping contidcncee is well taken and thank you tor mak lng it DWRHON 0F FACTS Don Ann Linden Jay and ltan been going together or two years Next wock he is driv me to lnuisvllleto meothll motherplle has asked that tell her am TI lnsteadvof 30 Also hed Ewechltc It it dlmt mention my previous marriage it religion cornea up lm to say lm an Episcopalian lm really Baptist And oh yes he thinks she would he more iavor ably impressed ti said taught Along personal lines your Sept 15 and Jan and your life in midDecember and through lro ed Corsetiere will be pleased to ensure your paltic proper fit for or figure school rather than admit to beinghairdresser According to Jay these are not lies they are small distor tlohs designed to make an old lady happy What do you think Zlom Dear 74m icii Jay to present you as you are or youre not goingtn which case he can find hinnrlt an Episco palian schoolteacher about 21 year old who has had no pre vious marriage 5mm Dear Ana London was hor rltled to read the secretary who look It upon hersri to rur prlse the boss and stralartcn around his desk drawer One morning she ran into pornogra phy that kept her blushing until five oclock ihat secretary must be new in the work world or she would have known about the unwritten law The Bosss Desk Drawer Arc lnvtolate llow would she like it it the boss decided to sur prise her and straighten around her panelNo damp semin Dear No Snoop The operative Cary should take it upon horse to slralghten around hcrbosss desk drawer unless she has his permission 0n tho other hand any ono of my eleven secretar lcs is welcome to straighten around my desk drawers any time they wish to do so up prcciate sharp pencils well stockcd paper clip box and pens that write word lr surprise No scorev mu EXAMINER WAY murmur MY tW Cowgirl Gets Her Brand On little Vietnamese Orphan VANCOUVBR CPI Car mel Gwen who twirls mean lartat treats just seconds to lay son fractious anti it takes good deal longr the attractive cowarl run Swllt unreal Sash reports to get your brand ï¬rmly alfqu In an orphan you want tor mrr DWI The Sadratehewan rd Inits unusual divumlanmw contributed to the delay in her case For one thing Misc Gown is single and is constantly on the movejra ulghtchdr enter tamer and cirrus performer not the normal quelltloatloos oi adoptive parents For another id Wed lived in Vletnam Mk Gowanvmrt whil cntaflalmn to Stats trooper with her mm let to Vietnam In ms ld had no intention at trying to adopt drild has Gown said in an lnterwbw whtla visit lug relatives Ind Wanting ll Vancomar was directly In porting child in Korea but decided had to do something about Kim started adoption tom and it was ï¬ve tore the papers went Then it took rmther men months or me to get her into Canada guess they invertlgst ed me because lm not married and most at my work tr In OPENING SOON THE WISE OWL NEARLY NEW SHOP 106 DUNLOP 5TE BARRIE PHONE 72884 on mourn unis STORE HOURS IO 530 THURSDAY Id FRIDAY TILL RECEIVING DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN an ANNIVERSARY FABULOUS MAN Lace Cup Bra wmwam Usually 400 underage 20Â¥5O Usualy 500 Complete Siz UFACTURERS OFF Range Available Panty Girdle 476 Usually Sold Pfimslyle vrrCottOn Bra coauthorsalgorithm cnoosr nerurucunorrr Misï¬rei011 ï¬lllllc¢l1If£7bllllllflll 0r llalwy