Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1969, p. 6

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Speak The Truth In Lbve To Bridge Generation Ga ny sum about Womens Edltu We have tamed Jesus Christ and its shame He is im prisoned In stained glass win dow Im sure thats not the real living lord He was young man who rcandalized the religious elite Rev Joan Huntley respond ing to questions concerning to days youth spoke to the inter viewer yesterday with enthuslt laslic conviction Preseoting Christ to todays youth Is an number one challenge She iinda to yours people keenness mind and an arts colste searching tor answers which penetrate to the very foundations or religious ialth The challenge that young people present to their elders can sometimes result in what is alien described as gener ation gap Itev Huntleys at titude toward this is that the lenerations should speak the truth in late to each other DIALOGUE Bridging the gap at misun derstanding with plain speaking and love would seem to be logical start tor dialogue in search nt truth The Rev Ilunt ley sees the church itch as family where this dialogue is on important happeninn The church is the lamin and housc hold oi God an inner core to hold together the generations Speaking to the poised and ma ture pastor oi St James Unit ed Church oi strand in her quiet living room one would expect to be somewhat removed tmm the tumult and changes oi the outside world tlut the daylo day responsibilities or her pas tornl charges In Stroud and Let roy have not caused her to become cut oil irom the social and political changes oi the out side world She remembers the time when the was high school drop out in Toronto who had lost direction When she hears the protests oi todays youth she re calls her own People act as though this were the iirst angry Young generation As one who was young In the depression recall we had our demonstra tions and protests Speaking of todays slicnated attitudes she recalls re member feeling exactly that way remember being com pletely disillusioned out oi the church out of political action What brought me back was an article read called Doe trine at Death The article had been written as aresult oi series oi violent incidents that happened at that time The writ er diagnosed tho world as sick and outlined his solu tiore Miss Huntley describes the article as mish mullDir fascism and communism Hcr response was to sit down and attempt to write raluta lion tlhon sherhad completed the writing shehad also dis covered something about her own beliefs Hcr reaction was Good iieavens it this is what you really behave jump in and do something about it with both feet And he did Describing reaction to her an nouncement that she would study for the ministry she re calls My parents were very surprised but they did every thing thcy could to encourage my tier years at Emmanuel Theo logical College were followed by pastoral change at Daniorth United Church Her second charge was in South River lilisa Huntley has been in Stroud ior Solicitor Generalitieorgo Mellralth sits at centre table for dinner during weekend immersion course in PICKET Ii STORES NEDNTO lOPl More than 150 demonstrators turd ay picketed 15 Dominion Stores grapes The demonstration obs in support or the movemtnt lo REV JOAN HUNTLEY pastor of the United Churches at Stroud and balmy secs herseli as totmar drop AN ACTIVE INDIVIDUAL Miss Huntley has vital in terest in many lielsd Paint ingvis one oi the ways it which shetiods seli exw the last four years She speaks oi the sullslattiuna at her years in Stroud what makes it worthwhile is the kind oi co operative and supportive congrclt gation that have here Perhaps it is the habits form ed during her years in journal ism that help Miss Huntley to keep up with the currents of idcns Whatever the reason she is one person of mature years who is with it Applaudlog the current idea of inviting young people aged 17 to 19 to participate in the church as stewards and elders she comments there are many self perpetuating traditions that just go round and round we want dynamic church The basic doctrines dont French spontwith Iiamlly in Quebec just north of Ot town From left liirs Theresa Cournoyer Mr ltraitlts French teacher Mr Mcilraith boycott Cdlilornia grapes spon sored by the United Farm Worlrars union which is trying to organise vineyard workers in the state out who entered the ministry only alter searching elsewhere or meaningful woy oi Ilie Examiner Photos pression The picture above has warm combinations oi green shadiogs which give the instant impression oi sum mcrs day change but the way we under island them docs Miss Huntley has found no special problems have arisen because of the act that she is woman in traditionally male role Her greatest satis taction she finds is in watch iiig people grow spiritually FARMERS RECOMPENSEiD DUNDALK Ont GP Cheques totalling more than $41500 were presented Friday to 18 Proton Township armors who sutiered heavy losses in cyclone last August About $20771 was raised here and the provincial government contrib uted an equal amount Serge Couslneau son of Mrs Jean Cousineau right Mr Mctlralths secretary and owner ad the home UP Wire photo FIRE DESIRDS HALL autumn one or firemen sutferedrminor Sunday lighting tire that caused aboot 0000 damage to the localraginn ai Prom AND PLACES Cali Audrey Couison or Sibyi Roberta at M6531 AT PENETANGUIBIIENE Mr and Airs Norman Shana han and family of Shanty Bay and lit and Airs William Crit tenden of 0m Slatlon itsiied rendentr oi Georgian Manor Penetaugutsheoe and irlenda in Midland on Sunday Guests at the Criltcndcns dur ing thewcek included Gary Dui fey Ailred Songchamps and Mark Gmlcr of Windsor all members at the Snowdriflers Snowmobile Club at Tecumseh Out Ill0M MIDLAND Visiting in Barrie ycsicrday Burt Blngle oi Midland was dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson or Rose St 51 artnnnws wars Llicvrntrnbersbps and pins were presented during the meet ing at St Andrews Vornens Missionary Society which ica turcd the installation oi new of icera or 1969 llrs Munro and lirs il licch received their Iiie memberships and Miss Ovens and Mrs Colin way pins irom retiring presi dont Mrs Lelshman installation of the executivo was conducted by Rev Her on Thc slate is as lollows lrs Ken lleron hunomiy pre sident lilrs Donald Bell prc sidcnt Mrs Earl Stephens Social note an Intended to com the general social life OI the city District Ieddlltll parties travelleri and visitors In all items at interest to readers at this page Your help in supplying this nela will be greatly appreciated Please phone Tho lisrrie Ex aminer 7266511 and ask for Audrey Coulsnn or Sibyl Ito bests at the Womens Depart ment vice president Mrs Anderson secretary liiss Ruby Canning treasurer litlss land martin and Mrs Jenney assistant Miss ht Chalmersirtendship ser vrcc liIrs ii Johnston Glad Tidings hirs Boyce cor responding secretary lirs Marshall hospital visitation Mm Stackiey llrs ElieCaw ltrs hi liiltcr and Mrs Bell social Heireshmeots concluded the meeting alter an address by lg Hclvn and adiscussion per David VALENTINE COFFEE IAIIIY The Catholic Womens Lca gun at St John Church are holding Valentina Colicc Cup andBalre Sale at the church hall on Thursday morning irom 930 until 1130 oclock TIIE BABRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1969 Changes In School Programs Explained To Parents Pupils Changes in school programs haw been the subject at ser ies at meetings between teach ers students and parents at Barrie District Central Colleg late Guidanco teachers trom Ccn tral are participating in the seminars and explaining pro grams available to pupils en tering grade Topics inclu individualized Timetables Subject Promotion Credit System Ungradlng and Computers Tonight atCeotral Auditor Ium parrots only at grades to and 11 students how attend lng Central are invited to at tend nneting which is sched uled to begin at 730 oclock AREA MEETINGS Per Grade students and their parents meetings will take place this evening at Sunnybrae public school Strand and in Varnicn public school Pains wicks Both meetings get under nray at oclock Guidanc teachers from Central will speak Tomorrow present grade 12 students may attend guidance OPEN BIAFRA UNIT MONTREAL lCP volua toer unit at Canadian organi zation to help relieve the suitor ing at children in Biaira is being opened here it was an nounced Saturday The Camila daide aII Bialra with units in other major Canadian cities seeks tohelp starving orphans In the wartorn area at Nigeria Toroitto Interim tonal AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE holly service LMALTONW PHONE zanmr rosin seminar at Central during school hours in the evening at St John Vinnney pa otc school grade students and their parents are Imiited to at land meeting which commen ms at 730 oclock Guidance seminars for yach 10 and ii students at Central were held Feb during school hours CONSULTATION For additional consultation the guidance oiiices are open from 730 until material evening irom Feb 12 to 19 Appoint ments may an arranged through the Guidance Seorctary at 716 $346 onchdnesday or Thurs ay Our iets put Britain Vianney CAMPBELLLAWSON candlelight Ceremony At GUthrie Presbyterian Guthria Presbyterian Church was the setting of candle light wedding on Friday even ing when Patricia Kathleen law can became the bride of Ivan Angus Campbell Red gladioll and white mums decorated the church for the ceremony conducted by Rev Baruch lira Florence Gabl well oi Shanty Bay presided at the organ The bride is the daughter nl Marshall Laan oi Maple Ave and the late ilrs Lawson The bridegroom is the son or Mr and Mrs Cecil Camerob of Guthric BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage by her iather the bride chose gown of white satin accented with coat of cut valvct which extend ed to chapel train head dross how heldthn bridal Illusion tulle lied roses and white carnationa fashioned tho Ws botrqtaet WEDDING ATTENDANT Mist Jollne Hobbs oi Barrie attended as mild oi honor The bridesmaids were ills Judy Perryrnao of Dalston and Miss Karen Lawson of Barrie No nieces of the bridegroom Lisa Cameron of Barrie and sherry Faragher of Oshawa wera now er girls The brides nephew liarlr hwson oi New Lowell served or ring bearer 1he maid oi honor brides maldraod flower girls unie similar floor length empire tasiuooed oi red velvet with otatdsing velvet headdres bows They carried white car nationsccntred with single red rose The hridegrooms brother Ross Cameron oi Barrie at tended as best man James Lawson at New laiwell brother or thebrldl and George Carr eron or Shanty hay cousin oi the bridegroom acted as ush ers REmPIION Eulhrwing the ceremony cats were received at Guth Community HalL Receiving tho hridegrooma mother chose light blue ensemble comple mented with harmonizing am sorise and outage oi white earnstions Ior travelling the brides go in away costume was navy blue dress with rose colored coat and beige accessories On return irom the honey moon to Niagara Falls the new lyweds will take up residence at 41 llaplo Ave Barrie Out of city guests attend ed irom Domnto Oshawa and Binlingl IQ Tests For Infants Subject To Questioning canon arrcna PILD group of psydiologists think they have demonstrated that what child sets heard and teams before the age of large ly determines his basic intelli genre at maturity They surely have presented large amount at evidence that the youngster in his first law months and years at infancy can acquire vast amount oi skill and knowi edga and ability to gain more of such Thcir bellel however that he does not gain much in basic intelligence attcr four is not so ensin acceptable to anybody Incidentally we dont know how accurately IQ tests measure in tclligcnco oi mung iniants Even it we can by sufficlcnt stimulation got the child atslx months or year far ahead oi whEre he would have been with out such stimulation do we know that like stimulation later might not have comparable ei iects The obvious conclusion drawn is that practically irom birth the intant should be stimulated with all sorts oi means through his senses touching handling tasting smelling seeing hear ing and the like from his car liest days and weeks The young parent naturally may suppose that she should provide these stimulators and that the more she provides the smarter her child will become An oocasional parent indeed might sumac that beforeihc baby ls four years old she can guarantee that he will have mind for the highest mental achievement that it he proves in elementary or My school to be retarded or slow learner it has all been her fault or that she has not adequately stimu lated his mind before the age of four all hope may be gone Using our own commonsense you and can see intellectual value in exposing the baby to adequately rich environments but we are not clue where the point oi too much stimulation Is recallednot or his learning ability but for his physical and emotional wellhelog in all the studies in learning oi Infants there is no indication niihe cited oi the stipulation on the emotional poise and nervous equilibrium of the youngster obviously the infant responding to environment which excites him will tend to be more exdtnhie lens poised more Jittery Can this excite ment be worthy price to pay for his apparent intellectual gains Haring brigbtcolorcd mov ing noisemaking toys over the baby in his crib he may watch them and road for them He may make movements and sounds in response to them Ito may grow tense and excited But he hardly grows more laxod then nor is he ready to sleep enough soon thereattcr on the market are many gang cts aimed at exciting the baby during his early months Air ways He looked upon them as undesirable or doubtful in contrast when the tiny in iantduring his waking hours sees his mothers dancing smil ing eyes hears her soft and lovely voice and tools the tender pressure of her cuddliiig arms he may be responding In less exciting way and still gaining in very osoiul mental as well as social growth 0t course we should provide short periods when the baby can get neeesaa ry experiences through his senses and to sat lsty and amplify his curiosity But let us be sure tilésc periods are not too long or alien and the excitement from them too in tense Ours isa culture in which there is increasing emtcmcnt and jitteriness More and more teachers and parents are wor ricd about the many children who are nanpy who cant it still right under your nose Nibslap er Air Canadas Britain Take oitiorlt this spring or summer on one of the two airlines that really knowiivhat Britain Is all about Airflansda and B0ACt We know Londonlnside out We know all the tun things to de Air Canada aoAc Upro29f dolhere and all the tun ways to make it easy tor you to tin le ourijlprw andcurGroup lncluslvé Tour We also know lots of fun ways to make It easy ioryou to get to Glasgow as well We fly there irom Toronto nonstop every day this spring and summer too London hriiaindiist spend how short minutes with your travelagcnt cr rta rao Bloor Streetltost lloronto V432 flights week irom Toronto torlonclon thissummer inclunlnp daily nondtop mains Yours frequently AIR CANADA

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