erty STllll PERFORMERS wnn erIYIIRR irons Leading contenders for Gears gian Bay intermediate hockey honors in coming play otls Stayner Lions have set torrid pace during schedul ed race Bob hchean lelll is one or the teams top scoring threats Goalcr Don Wardie who lives in Barrie has plays cd important role in Stnyners line showing Examiner Phi tol Pay or Council Gets Attention Although budget increases askv ed by various departments have received due attention the mostdiscussed item in current county circles conccnrs specula tion on recommendations for in creases in members allowances and expenses Members at the present time receive $70 per day or county council attendance plus mile age of 12 cents per mile both ways irom their home munlei pality if the members attend evening committee meetings they receive another $20 AGGREGATE SUM The same in rate prevails ior committee meetings and atten dance at other meetings on coun ty business The total payments were said to aggregate between 560000 and 570000 lor last year but complete accounting hasnt yet been made at county council meeting This is anticilt patcd at the coming meeting on hresday Feb 18 Some also feel that expenses paid members also should be itemized for the general membership with general trend cl in creases in payments to munici pal councillors some increase is anticipated for county mem hers but reports inoounty circles indicate this recommendation Will be for modest raises One suggestion was that per day be paid for county council meet ings and so for committee and other meetings but whether this would receive general approval rpm the membership remains to be seen uniform rate is said It too large an increase is made in members allowances is anticipated this might heigh on demand for changes in rep resentalion to reduce overall membership The present coun ty council has 51 members who have total at 74 votes special committee two years ago submitted report with two altemative recommendations for dIangcs which received conside erablc attention before it was rejected It would have chang ed the qualiï¬cations for munic ipality to have second mom her At the present time mu nleipaliues with 1000 names on their voters list qualify for deputyoeeve change to 2500 names or more was discussed but no action taken beyond iii ing the report with the sug gestion made that regional gov ernment changes would prohab ly deal with the problem ANOTHER IDEA Former Goldwater reeve Earl Brandon headed another com mittee three years ago whim recommended division of the county into electoral districts with direct election to county council instead or the present system of having local reeves and deputy recycs qualifying as municipal representatives lltr Brandons report proposed re ducing the membership in half There was considerable discus sion lat $20 per member per day but no action Reeves and deputyreeves or most municipalities also receive to be preferred various honorailtms at be local level Home Intrigues Museum armmmsr Stall One oi most intriguing exhibits to many visitors to Simcoe County mus sum is the reconstructed pioneer Spearin home For one thing this wooden structure is completely lunIish ed with early lï¬th century bed tables and chairs and cupboards The fireplace notonly served for heat but also or cooking in that age long before the electric stove when wood provided the chief fuel Crude lamps and candles provided the lighting since it was some years before Thomas Edisons gift at the incandescent light FIVE GENERATIONS According to the inscription the spearin home was originally built in 1534 by John Spearin who came to this area trom Lim erick lreland The house was located for many decades at the corner at Steele and Dude worth streets in the city of Bar rie and the logs used in the con struction were cut on the prop Five generations of the Spear in family lived in the house until it was moved to the musoum in 1563 after it was donated by Dr Spearini MOST FASCINATING While there are numerous rel Ics which show something of the pioneer age the Spearln home appears to be the most fascin sting judging by the attention it receives School students were heard to remark on the great changes in living sincethe pioneer era When the Spearin home was PEHMiiSTAM HAND nun Plastic on Visitors built Barrie was just com munity on Kempeofelt Bay The general store or 1890 Iashions of the gay 905 worn by wax models and other dis plays also reflect living condi tions or later period at the 19th century The pioneer arm display which is to be arranged in one of two reconstructed barns also draws attention to another phase of pioneer life in the county This is expected to be ready tor opening in the spring Pioneer plows at the museum include an early wooden beam model as used around m0 wooden single iurmw model and others some oi which were once drawn by oxen The second barn is to he made in pioneer transportation exv hihit and will house cutters hug gies coanhes long abandoned and livery nabs of the horse drawn variety DISTRICT RRIRrsi INNISFIL COUNCIL WOUD tStafrl Reeve Cochraneds expected to pre side at meeting of lnnislil Township council arranged for the evening of Wednesday Feb 19 at Stmud community hall GQDDVNEIGRBDRS EADYtStaU Good neigh bor policies will he discussed by Eady Womens Institute at its February meeting on Thursday Feb 13 with Mrs Fred Coombs as canvener The hostess will he Mrs Hall rNever needs an ink pad Fast Easy Efï¬cient Can be custom ordered to meet any sizeshape or message re quirement PERMASTAMP will reproduce colors line lines small type incesilogo typeseven photosin true accurate detail COMMERIZIAL PRINTING rnrvrarorv Hospital Group Plans Meeting Iii Alliston Feb 25 ALLISTON Stall Annual meeting of Stevenson Memorial Hospital Association will be held on Tuesday Feb 25 Election of directors will be on the agen da along with presentation of reports Original part of the hospital was opcncd in mo and it has served the people of Allister and district or nearly 41 years The late loblow native oi the Burns district erected and equipped the original hospital and also contributed to other civic enterprises Morrow GALE also mntrlbuted nonsld erahle toward the ï¬rst building and cqupment The board has approved pur chase ol adjoining property lrom the Ross Williams estate ior additional parking Goldwater Reeve Favors Local Administration COLDWATER Stall would not like to see local ad ministration removed too far my from the people it serves snld Ernie Miller diacussing re gional government possibilities and its possible effect on Cold Wateri It the village Is required to amalogamate with any ofits neighbors it would prefer to return to hiedonte Goldwater has population of about 000 lnthis event local board of trustees would probably be or ganized to look alter local at fairs There has been some talk oi tiledonte Goldwater and Matche dash amalgamating but this has ynut gone heyoncd the discus sion stage Reeve Miller was one of the supporters of the county council idea for setting up spe cial committee to study region al government and give its recommendations for Simeoe County Besides Reeve Miller mem hers of Goldwater council include councillors Morris Walker Fred Brown Harold Greenwood and Mrs Robert Maconachie Chester Martin is village clerk and treasurer Esson WMS Plan Evening Sessions one srnnim Staiil The Womens Missionary Society of Esson Presbyterian church will start evening meetings in April andcontinue these until Novem ber Afternoon meetings are held during the winter Current preparations are be ing made for observance of the World Day of Prayer on March at Essen church The group also will he represented at the Barrie Preabyterial spring rally at Drillia on lllay 10 Mrs lleriry Neuteld ofEast Om is the president BLIGHTY BINGO EMBASSY HALL 396 BLAKE ST are THURS in Sponsored by rBarrie Minor Hockey Assoc 35 rural leaders across the Alliston Hotel Awaits Liquor Licence Approval AHEIONtSIIiil Al soon as nocegary approvals are re celved iron the 0mm Liqu Hume Board plans or reno voting the WWr Hotel ior liquor ladliticr will be proceed cdwithitwnsshtedbylil Cassidy hotel cperotor Alt Casitbt said PIIca tion had been made and prelim inary hearing held We are hop ing to be able to start soon he stated The hotel hope In provide din ing lounge and cocktail bars iacilitics as approved lw Allis ton electors last Nev All At that time the vote went 070 to in tumor of serving liquor in dining room or 6H per cent and £0 to 467 or 617 per cent in favor oi oodrtnil bars Beverage room totes went down to deient th the menl beer rooms going 529 to 774 and Warrens 56 to use At listen has had brewers re tail store and liquor store since they wcre approved by Rate in 154 Before tint the town had been dry since 1908 PARKING SPACE heated at the corner Vie ornaIIIdMillstreetinlhoheart ol Altistons btslness aedloo the Windsor Hotel has mostderable parking mace in the immediate vicinity Oouflrucied tilsturdy pioneer material the 75yearold building has been shown to be excep tionally sound otructumlly The building was rebuilt following on rear fire which destroyed In ear lier hotel on the some site the Queens along with considu able section of the downtown area Mr Cassidy and his wile were both drool tecdaers in Tomato before theyhtamfhbere about year age to an Ivy purchased the hotel lrom Airs Ann Bolxer We both lie Alllmnwcry much said Mr Caddy dat ing be and hire Casddv were goreny with the AWATI GOABEAD Reuwatlons planned inehIda rumdelling or melons die in room and also cocktail bar These plans are subject to ap protel from the liquor licence hoard As soon as we get the go ahead signal we are ready to proceed said his Casidy stat ing he appreciated the patience oi Allistnn people ihere is good deal to be done but we hope to have the new facilities in operation by aununer or soon er it at all possible OMB Sets The Rules for Service Funds By The contentious servicesever ance fee set by lnnislil Council is payable on new plans and on lots sold on plans over eight years old This makes most sales subject to the 5500 service ice and until an Ontario Munic lpal Board ruling the proceeds could have been spent at the rate of 10 per cent per year by Council for any purpose How ever the board rules that the lee must be expended in the sub divisions where it was levied This is an answer to most complaints as it was generally anticipated that such servicer as water and eventually sewers would he needed and it isqulte understandable that new owners should contribute towards these costs recent conversation with Reeve Coohrane on this matter seemed to show thathe antic ipated that the lunds would be used as felt necessary by muncil in proportion allowed regardless of where collected We are in need of model pal building he stated and there is no reason why we could not spend part of the funds for that Tile ruling appeared in re cent issue ol the Municipal World and should settle the con lrovcrsy FIRE PROTECTION If the proposedLnew municipal ofï¬ces including the lire hall were moved to the 8th lineirqm RRDR Seminar is Under Way The Rural Learning Associa tion and the ARDA Branch of the Ontario department at agricul ture and food are conducting weekdong training seminar for ince This seminar is being nt ly financed by the ARDA Bran dies of the federal and provin cial governments and by the Rural learning Association it is being held atGeneva Park the YMCA conference centre at Lake Couehiching and is desitnv ed to create greater awa ness oi the needs and opportu ities in rural development work in the province The delegates are devoting their attention to developing skills required to deal Stroud the fire protection limit of live miles or normal insur ance rates would seriously iect the property owners along the nonh shore They would lose the regular coverage with the additional mileage Reeve Com rnner stated that he was not ln favor of the location at the 31h line especially Willi the old Rmud school property nvail able either by utilizing the old building as far as possible or using that site now owned by the township CREDIT UNION ANNUAL Only few days until the 25m annuol meeting of the lnnislil larrners Credit Union Limited Far 20 The meeting will be slightly different this ycarflteg istratlon will start at 730 prn with the business meeting sharp at eight lollowcd by speedier lrom various dignitaries includ ing the president ot the Goober ativc Credit Society represent atives from ClAG insurance the Credit Union League and urns Mutual Insurance the pres ldent oi the Simcoe District Co 011 Simtoe Federation oi Agri culture and the Reeve lnnis lil thrna Mutual are presenting large cake and plaque to commemorate the 25 years ser vice oitho local Credit Union short color movie will be shown on the work of credit union in deprived area oi Mexico bout lo pm the guests will par take ol buffet type lunch eat gred by thestroud Womensin stitutéTDnélairge draw will be made the winner to receive per cent on $1000000 for one day It is hoped that the new type at annual meeting will pro Innisiil iReeve vide an enjoyable and iniorma tive evening tor members and Eucsts PROSPEROU YEAR An increase in prolits for the past year means that the board or directors will recommend dividend ol per cent on shores hequlng accounts will pay an intertst of per cent and life insurance will he added to sav ing and share accounts Mont hers are assured oi big night as the lnnislil Farmers Credit ï¬on celebrates its 15th birth TWO FORTUNE In St Petersburg Edward Wright Tl died recently leaving multimilliondollar estate in cludlng many valuable property holdings His will namesmem here of his family and several employees as beneficiaries Last week another man named Wright was pidred up by city police as vagrant and when taken into nrstodyhe wasfoundtohcear ryiog small fortunedn cash nearly $200000 The 74yeanold nan was hold without bail for mental examination and perhaps admittance to nursing home where he can be cared ior though he says he only wants to be out and on his way VALENTINE MEETWG CARLEY tStati Mrs Hawke will be hostess for tho Valentinemeetieg of thrley Wt mens Institute which will be held on Wednesday Feb 12 Mrs Eallrwell will deliver paper on home economics and health On Health Board STEOUD Stall Reeve Oodrrane oi lnnislil is one of our county council members who have been appointed to the Simcoe Barrie and Crillia dis triot health unit other county representatives for 1969 include Bradford Dep uty Reeve Fred Grok Mat chedash Reeve Russell heiglr ton and Wasaga Beach Deputy Reeve Fred Martin with the problems of rural ad justrnent DINING our NIGIITS the district health unit has asked the county for tlhljal as AT £altieview RESTAURANT bsinunlop ARE MONDAY TO THURSDAY GRILLED LIVER AND oquNs BAKED VIRGINIA HAM with Pineapple Sauce Vlnglndes soup or Juice hot rolls choices of potatoes vegetables dessert and beverage 159 Children underil $100 MON TO THURSSPECIAL FREE lb of POTATO SALAD or lb of cote SLAW with pur chase infa Bucket or Barrel of Kentucky Fried Chicken its share of 1969 budget of 5547667 The city oi Barrie was asked for $20006 The city at Drillin will pay its share of the county grant for the ï¬rst six months oi the year under its separation agreement The new city was asked for $1Il31 or the last six months at the year The provincial government pays 75 per cent of the cost of the district health unit TRY EXAMINERWANT ADE PHONE IllMIA DISTRICT rvzws TEE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11 Wasaga Beach Reeve Active In Tourist Promotion Work WASAGA HEM tStati lrjricnis ol Reeve Gene Lange Im well lorown loulrealtor were pleased that be was ap pornicd to the tourist and indus al committee at the county for 1969 Victoria Harbour Reeve Car son Keelcr who was chairman of the committee last year was reappointed while other mombcrs include Deputy Reeve Ron Stan ton ol Drillia himsdt in the resort hrsiness at Port Stanton on Sparrow Lake Reeve Ed Boyntoo of Breton former op eratnr ot the Beeoonirr hotel Reeve Montcalm Maurice of Tiny popular tourist area and the warden Reeve Arnold Vancise of Nottawasogu lormcr warden Alex Mc Auley or Elrnvale was drairman ol the tourist promotion commit TObacoo EVERETT Stall Weed control soil fumigation and cr tilirers are among toplts listh for discussion at meeting of tobacco growers arranged for Everett Legion hall here on lhursday Feb Bulk eIrlng varietlcelnsec Lion and disease problem also are expected to be dimmedby specialistsol agriculture and cod and the Canadian depart ment or sgriurlttue tcertho year bolero he run clecugd warden in 1968 The non mi that year was partre ulnrly active In assistmg with the erection at historic plaque at places at interest Reeve Langovln in Currently serving his fourth year as head of the Wasaga Beach uracil DBpuLv Rmve Prod Martin is the other county representative while councillors include Ted Gordon William Si Pringic and Clair Robertson SCOTTISH MUSIC CREAIORE Sinill rnu sic night with Scottish theme is among emits planned by Crcemore Horticultural Society Datc chosen is Wednesday March and it will be an eve ning show at the munloipal hall Meeting report will be given on re search done at the research sta tion ot the Canadian divert ment of agriculture at Delhi The meeting is due to open at 11m VOLCANOES WMMON LANZAROIE Spanish owned island oil the west coast of Africa has more than 200 volcanoes Everett To Host STARIS WEDNESDAY niiqunCIrppI manpower IonHomwuuvanmongasmnmonn gt Candy wed rum of Iron pm Special Childrens mum Saturday2 Color Fcaunes ircnnteetar one tAST IIIIIrs TODAY lililill The motion picture that puts man on the moon rennmcoiwrnuavrarou Hum mum anonseven Am IMPERIAL FROM THE coIIAIIv THAT The eyeutcher Is In tcvltt the hip Curricula madam undrosl Cannon Bahy obviously is illm for very special clientele 94pm lovm who want to we what theyve been missing all those years and voyaurs who just want to son WWYDMKYIMES Wmtwanverruneun STARTS TOMORROW Showing At 1111 9I0pm GAVE YOU THE YEARS MOST TAIKEO ABOUT MOTION PICTUREIAWOMAIII tiltER scrim drum ALIERMLIzcztmsnmrnuckrn Mmmmm manmsmmumm Carmen herself Uta tovlta plays the carpet temprress for all shes Worth and thats quite something She has letsihrvelunlook in hireyes that recalls Molina Maroouri In Never on Sunday With in Delta vita parties thrown in for good measure the movie will give you your moneysworth WRIEASIMANCOLORULTRASCOPE