OTTAWA REPORT cnmrnar Cede Bill Carelessly Drafted Eiltli LBEEIIHIIIPI Published by Canadian Nompuom Limited 16 Bayiiaid strut Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher William Tailor canarat Manager McPherson ManagingI Editor mason mount PAGE Education Problem Stands iTerm Stays Tire older eneration ts iodined to view school at endanceas golden op portunity one which oosts many people lot of money each year From such view they cannot but be critical of some student action as unwise rejeo tion of all the tine educational things democracy holdsout The taxpaying public generally to large degree forced by educatronists have provided the young generations with great opportunities in the field of education and at high cost Unfortun ately there are those who do not take full advantage of these opportunities or anything like it The Ontario Department of Education should fully outsider if the gains in ex tending thc season is worth tho oostpf student goodwill and cooperation and that of many of the teachers its well But Hon Mr Davis has stated deï¬nile that his decision stands But of what value is the extra time Many teachers will declare little it any thing can be taught at that time of the Lengthened year Public school teachers are roduo icldnto mas babysitters during the same litany students say they can use the time to make money and quite often to loom that which will stand them good in earning ltving later on Even with the earlier clemg they are still at disadvantage with university students of course The students can make sure they will be out by June 13 by attaining pro grades to avoid examinations ey could for Instance put the midwinter holiday coming up in liiarch to do bit of cramming How many will The teachers actually have greater reason to complain than have the stud ents lianyteachers have to take sunr mer courses in this time of so many cur riculum changes They start July They do have 10 days at the and before they have to report in and prepare or the coming term Examinations promo tlon conferences etc will keep them pretty busy until June DOWN MEMORY LANE RAILWAY LIFE 55 YEARS AGO Barrie Saturday Morning Feb 11 I914 Excerpts from article titled The Trials of Railroad Life written by Rev Brown In its lovely bay setting Barrie could well be termed the Lu cerne of Eastern America In summer its shores are occupied by prosperous citizens from Toronto who seek that health which country life gives 0n south shore is railroad community form erly Allarndale village which Incorpor lated with Barrio town in 1897 and year later wanted to separate again The jAllandale man away from home seldom signs himself as coming from Barrie ex lcept in moment of extreme forgetful ness That which Allandale coni plexion of own is the fact that it is an important railway centre Popula tion of what is now Ward Six of Barrie consists of two classes the railway peo ple and those who minister to the body mind and soul of the railway people The station at Allandale is probably the finest in rural Canada Adjoining are railway ottices shops and roundhcuse At certain times When you look across the bay from Barrie as several dozen steam locomotives are in action the scene resembles smoke from battle field Behind the yards are homes of the railway people located mainly on Gowan Cumberland Tiffin William streets Burton Ave and Essa Road There is not mansion in the place but there is high average of comfort and ap pearance Ono main peculiarity of Allandale houses is that many are merely hotels so bar as husband and father is concerned lie eats and sleeps theresometimesbut so far as social or domestic existence is involved he hardly lives there His real life is spent on passenger or freight train anywhere between Toronto and North Bay or Hamv ilton and ltfeaford or Allandale and Pen etanguishene or Midland and Lindsay Yet wearing as railway life Is on the family he seldom leaves without reluct ance Railwaymen are paid by the month which is attractive and Grand Trunk is always regular with pay Once each month pay car rolls into Allandnle and leaves somer$40000 for local econ omy Storekeepers rejoice at payment of bills and for railway families the 18th of each month is day to anticipate thermartyrs of our civilization their lives are passed in weariness and pain and the shadow of death They are on titled to all the generous appreciation which the world has to give And that applies equally to the landaie community of the Grand Trunk Railwayu OTHER EDITORS VIEWS gtGROWERS WOULD BE HURT Regina LeaderPost significant rapid drop in cigarette useage would force many tobacco grow ers in Southwestern Ontario to divert their ï¬elds to other probably less rev enuevmaking crops but this would not oision the government has placed an onus on the churches to act as respons ibly as they claim They must continue to work together in areas of duplication the same way they did when their exist ence was threatened undermine the national agricultural in dustry The argument that cigarettes are too great tax source for the federal Government to campaign against in bigway is weak one CHURCH RESPONSIBILITY Canadian churchmen Ontario churches and synagogues will not pay any additional iaxesat least during the tenure of the present Ro baris administration In making the de IT HAPPENED IN CANADA 1V sunburnD DUTA mu our ENABLng waornommuucuuernro AloanFrwsutriouourlaus ounce TIIE Neuraauwror VACOULDNI DELIVERWA UP Ll TDBELLIGERENI MTIIIIISSp Es Ilse Mudm WWI JudM masonss AMMGWMIMDJI WIZIM sflWdiMéAprgrumfloy remvs 4er 90mm ï¬ï¬‚IEBE AosMaoe 2mm Wrens Lpgdon9ntu tltueoou coy HAS ISRAEL GAINED Toronto Daily Star The Beirut raid has not discouraged continuation of the Arab guerrilla at tacks which provoked it Instead dan ger has been added from new quarter montar firingfrom Lebanon on Israel settlements Dan those who ported the Beirut raidciue any bal ance those bad effects from thestand point of either Israels selï¬nterest or Middle Eastern peace PARAGIIHTE JilliMP uCANADA sumo usécro liIEiiZ PUT Eboobncu 5WD RLIN E25 geeztflowowm AIWWtflM mm The cailwaymenand their ï¬amilies are ulnxmamiluzumzmtala Sh0u1dFifld WGYS W1 To Handle Students By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst fihs hardest part about deal log with student radicals Is that they vianLtc prove that our value system is false and are constantly trying to make us take action are negates those values For example our system of justice is or should be based on the separation of tite judicial and punltlve functions we dis tinguish among MEWPDIIC¢ men and cxecutloners Further W9 pmum ma is Im EThcre have been numerom doc cont until movon guilty in cornL These are tundamenials of the majestic law edifice we have in cause of such principles that British policemen go unarmed and are not equipped to shoot fleeing suspect Even if they see burglar fleeing with his loot he ls still suspecttheyoarr not inflict bodily injury on him herich from Britain it Is bev blood exceeds 80 milligrams of can lJJWJEI mmemmmmum AROUND THE WORLD as punishment in the eyes of English law itis better to let inumerahlo orbrrlnab escape than to Wine on Innocent man This basic dstinotlon be tween what we nail democracy and totalitarianism In the case of university rudi cals the application of such principles is made doubly diffi cult by the solidarity felt Ivy tire young for theyoung In scul fle with student detmnstrators the police have no way of know ing whois and who is not to be eventually found guilty in court umcntod cases of Innocent riosity seeking youngstenr being struck In pollcergllllge NONACDNFORMISB And this Is precisely what the radical extremists want They want to prove that the police are repressive brutal and be have politely only towards those who conform By dfllnitlou the LETTERS TO EDITOR PDLLUTED FOOD Fellow Citizens of Barrie Do You Love YourChlldreni That seems like very unnecessary question to ask doesnt it Per haps should have said Jllow much do you love your chil drent would like to challenge each and every one of you to prove toyaurseif how deep your love is Todaywo read and hear through our regular news med ia about the threat to our liveli hood is water pollution and air pollution but very little or who ing regarding some things ls ever mentionedabout how our foods arebelng polluted Yes mean just that and say sincaws are adults it Is up to ourselves ifwent to die miser able deaths and have prolong ed unnecessary illnesses but why oh why subject our be loved children to such fate You may think am over em phasizing this but lwould like to offer youvu few facts that Ihsve learned In the short $ectna= Iilhe lame Examiner raBaofleldStré Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Past otiiee De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted subscription ratesdallyv by carrier 50c weekly $2000 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $150 year motor 18 ycar British posses sions $25 your UsA and foreignm year National Advertising Offices 425 Unlvcrslt Avenue Toron tutlbio Cat cart 5L Mont tea Press and Audit Bureau of Cireulatloug The Canadian Press is ex elusiver eutiilul to the use for republiciationioi all nows merit in this 08 Bl ress or Reuters and also til local news published therein Member tire Canadian couple of years that have been studying how our foods are being contaminated adulternted and devltallzed Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration sanc tion 12 diflererrt chemicals to he put into our every day food that are carougcnlc or cancer producing They will admit it but they say there is such minute amount that no one will be harmed but what they do not reveal is that these chemicals aoctnnulato In our bodies and do they warn you not to eat too much so that you do not get more than your expected min ufe amountt No they dorrtlce cream has known chemical that is carcogenlc but it helps sell the ice cream so they dont worry about the Innocent little childrm who love it and con sume It regularly Is there any wonder 50 per cent more chil dren die these days from leu kemia thapa decade ago There is deadly chemical put in hot dogs and hamburg as preserv ntlve Who eats more of these items than our littlechlldren Are we going to sit back and let Bruce big moneyconscious corporation get away with it say Howdarc theydo such thingl lhere Is tory rule that so called stana dard products such as ice cream do not have to reveal on its package what its obliterate are have mentioned above about the known clrodgenle chemicals but do you know there are hundredsof chemicals used in our finds that are harmfulvto other vitolorgans of our bodies our kidneys spleen liver etefv Why sit back with blind faith in the Food and Drug Administra ztlpnrwltose components arcdln actors of the large corporatimts and processing companies of our land whose main objective is to make money There is nothing wrong with making money us ually but there Is when little innocent children are involved and whose lives are being swept from the earth by untimely and unnecessary deaths ftno fntionoatlon surely is avail able to you it you care to take on this challenge ask again How deep is your love for your loved MRS VONA MALLOIIY ll Croswick Court Barrie Ontario young do not want to conform Had they always contormed we would not have progressed from the caves Another basic principle of British justice Is that the pun ishmentsth be relevant to the crime This is not expressed in terms law professor would accept of course but what mean is that we reject penult ment meted out in one conrparta merit of mans life for 1111 of fence committed in another We do not think tor instance that because man causes an auto mobile accident he should be fired from his jobIf his job does not involve driving Extending this Drinking uo must be careful not to begin dis missing sludean tram the uni versity because they take part In demonstrations even violent grams ASSETS bonds Stocks Mortgages immnmmtuummnmwnm Wmtnï¬nnnnuunimnmimmmm Office Premises and other assets LIABILITIES Guaranteed Trust Certiï¬cates Trust Deposits Other Liabilities Mortgage Reserve Total Assets under MYTIIKIGQC Chalmin DI the Board WWFMWMW rm ElmWIlmlbiiilliilititillhiiuw Cash and Secured Loans Shareholders Equity Estates Trusts and Agencies Assets Barrie rarities mooouou OTTAWAll you are convida eduadruukendriveraslre suit of the proposed breatbaly ur tests the punishment could be term But with little luck and skilful footwork the smart offender could get ofL much more lightly than the framed This is because lho onrnibul bill as the amendments to the Criminal Code have been called or the abortion bill or the hamosennls starter its all the moaortas to havn been carelessly limited 31 ilueo separate ring Emcee are listed in the omnibu The first Ippllea to every one who while his ability to drive motor vehicle is for paired by alcohol or drug driver motor vehicle or bus themare or control of motor vehicle The second applies to every ono who drives motor vehicle or has the care or control oi motor vehicle whether It Is in motion or not having consumed alcohol In such quantity that the proportion thereof in his alcohol in 100 millilitres oi blood The third ccvcrl ovary one who refuses to take breathulyo rer test when requested to do so by peace officer who suspect that be may be impaired MIST GD 10 PRISON iii the cure of each of there offences the same threctier scale of punishments ls laid down For the tint offence fine of between $500 and $50 andor Im prisonment for three months For the second offence impris omneut for between it dayrand three mvntlrs For each subse quent offence imprisonment tor between three months and one year denioostriitlom meaiw stu dents should be dismissed from university for academic tallurc and nothing else If we start In troducing other grounds for dis mlsml where will we Itopl And could we define clerrlq all the tom of unacceptable behavior for which student can be dis missedt How about mass strike We permit others to strike why not students And who is to be the judge The unl allulOIIIIB agafm whom the oftencc has been committed That would control vene the principle of impartial third party justicejung do not sit on easesfn which they are tho injured partyl do not know the answer Handing ev drything over to the judges may moan theneed touse police for arrests fight and therefore another opportunity for the ex tremists to court martyrdom and confuse the issue NETRU OOIIPOHATION 31st DECEMBER 1965 1968 administration Mitts 75mm President TORONTO spasm 8501710 1624311 332oo596 243070 545719567 3472203 7970781 124004 545000 2366743 $45728567 20246055 $65974622 The significant point about LIIIJ drill legislation that the rule at punhhmeula for the first second and subsequent of4 fence is pirate for each of the three dam of offence Thus perm previously cone vkted of tiny aired living would not be repeat offender when charged for the first time with Ith of tho etha two of fences Suppose one has already been convicted twice for drunken driving after taking breatbaly ser tam and is caught again The third conviction brings mandatory sentence of impris onment So the hep offender will on that third occarlou IImpIy refuse to take the hruihulyser test then he bus to be charged with that offence and first offender may with luck get away with smell flue orcmc wmr The Law in this way with little luck Ind sldiful footwork the smart Wonder may manipulate the actual offence with which he is charged and could have us many as at convictions in this field beforerbeccmingvliahie Io uptoonc years Imprisonment third offender What does no parts in 100 mean in plain language Not all humour react rfmilerly in alco bol roms might be severely fire paired with lower proportion the blood while other with strong heath cocfd be fully capable and unimpaired with higher alcohnl level in the blood An average man will reach this forbidden alcohol level after drinking two small measure of spirits or four plate of beer within two hours An Interesting point is this what constitutes care or con trol of motor vehicle Sup pose one feels tipsy while driv lng and pull Into the side of the road to rleep it olfcnrronc nevertheless be charged with being impaired while having the Serfor control of motor vcbi If pawn is ocuipylng the driverfr seat he may be cleaned to have can or control For safety against the law switchoff the engine take out the ignition key and move into the back seat before falling asleep BIBLE THOUGHT It In good for me that hlve been Ifflicted that might Ielrn thy statutes Psalm 110 Mirny people have been saved through sicfrness If your reflec tions In your hours of suffeijn has led tnyvufï¬generatlom theendymwillseethatithas been worthit all God works in mysterious ways ills wonders to perform SIS CONDENSED STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS 1967 1195292 8543816 1447207 129460270 249566 $40896151 ao9213eo 7121514 126324 400000 2326823 540896151 16444745 559340896 GORDON TAVLOR attain Manager Orlllil INCORPORATID IN 1911 BV SFECIAI ACI GOVERNMENT OF CANADA MEMIIER OF CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION