Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1969, p. 14

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NEWS BOUNDUP IAIN manning WAY FEBRUARY All Opposes Monopoly Strikes mnohm tCFt We should be prohibited inprivnte industry as well as public serv lm it the industry has virtual monopoly on an essential serv ice Renard Reilly tPCTornm Io Eglintnn said in the legisla ture Monday The Progressive Conservative nhlp said no group should have the right to deprive people of the necessities of lil He relerred to recent strike by oil truck drivers in New York city which deprived 150 000 homes of fuel delivery Regardless the circum stances and the reasons behind the strike innocent people were involved in what many and neously consider to be privnte warfare Nuclear Power TORONTO ICP By 1950 nearly third of Ontarios electrical power will be supplied by nucleariueitxl stations Stan ley Randall OnLrrio minster of trade and develotancnt told delegates to convention of the Ontario Electrical Leang leon day He said massive electric power projects now being canted out by utlllilcs from one side oi the country to the other will simply tomorrows energy needs in industry agriculture commerce and home Fight Hijacking MEXICO CITY AP plea in nu special security forces on board every airliner flying the eastern tone of the United States and the Caribbean to halt hijackings will be pre sented in meeting of members of the internalional Air Trans port Association March 45 All airlines operating in the eastern zone will send repre sentatives to the meeting Ar mando Pesqucira spokesman for Aeronaves de Mexico said Monday Committee Powers TORONTO GP Fred Cass Speaker at the Ontario legislature said Monday he will look into the powers held by standing house committees to compel witncsscs to appear be fore them Mr Cass ms replying to Don ald Jackson tNDPTiimislnarn irui mnmber of the commit tee on natural rcsutlrccs and tamrisrn and George Bcn ti Humber member of the com rnittiee on health who both said problems had arisen within their committees about their power to call witnesses RCMP Marriages OTTAWA UP Marriage remains one oI the prime rea sons hlountie quits the RCMP Parliament was told Monday written Commons return for Kenneth Robinson iLTomnto Lakeshore listed marriage as the second among the five most common reasons excluding reA tiredtent Mounties give or ieaving the service other employment was first and higher pay was third me problems was fourth and better education was fifth Jewish Immigrants OTTAWA CF ExtEmal Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said Monday he and Immigra tion Minister Allan MacEachen plan to meet this week with Jewish and Christian groups which have appealed to the gnv eminent to accept as special immigrants Jews who want to leave Arab countries if youre sellrig youcequities markets Var high take advantage and Spending use UITAWA CF Canadlhad better record of holding the price line last year than Britain France the United Sister and Japan newly released interna tional statmlcs show Among the principal indus trial countries Canadas record of holding consumer prim to percent gain in the year irorn August 1961 to August loss was only bettered by Ger many Italy and The Nether lands Trust Interest TORONTO CF Canadian tnrst companies will probably increase their interest rates on tcrm deposits to eight per cent within the next few months the president of Sterllng Trusts Corp said Monday Petersen told his cum panys annual meeting the in crease would follow naturally from rising mortgage interest ratesnow to per cent on older properties in Metropoli tan Torontnr We have to keep twoper cent sper between whatwe receive in interest and what we payitir Petersen said later Truitl To Trial PLAIISBURGH NYr AP Alben iruitt grandson of the late vicepresident Aibcn Barkley agreed Monday to go to Miami to face federal chargesoi nir piracy and kid4 napping Truitt 35 says he is not guilty of the criminal charges and guilty only of foolish con duct in the Oct incident in which the pilot of drartcred Cessna in plane low Truitt to Cuba from Key West Fla Compare Strikes QUEBEC OP Quebec had fewer than half the number oi strikes Ontario did in 1968 the provincial labor department re porled Monday There were 289 strikes in On lnrio compared with 137 in Que bec and four times as many em ployees took part liowcver more than twice as many workingdnys were lost in Quebec due to strikes2480 to 1006721because oi the longer duration or strikes The work iorce in Ontario is 2510000 pa with mono in Quebec Boy Is Stabbed CAP LA MADELEINE Que ICP7 man alleged by police to have slashed an eight yearold boy to death and wounded the boys mother Sun day with hunting knife is un conscious in hospital with what police said are selfinflicted wounds Police said the boy Marc Lachance was found lying in pool or blood in his home Sun day by his mother Mrs Lean dre Laehancer His throat had been cut Prisoners Pound KINGSTON OP Two pris oncrs who hid for two days in side Kingston penitentiary were found Monday crouched amid dirt and rock in crawl space beneath the prison prisnn official said Gordon Stover 26 of Sault SteMerie 0nl and Thomas Brydges 25 of St Caiharines probably climbed into the crawl space thmugh an opening in the floor in one of the shops near the boil er room where they worked They had blocked their re treat by throwing dirt and rods they moved forward Work man had to remove dirt and rock to find them alter Warden Arthur Jarvis ordered search of the network of duct and crawl spaces The prisoners were found at spot close to the main gate of thev maximum security com pound Bow Over Liner LONDON rteuten Ibo Brltirh government Mondly night stepped into over the luxury liner Queen Eliza beth by ordering an independ ent investigation of turbine trou bles which have prevented its acceptance by Cunard Stem Ship 00 intended owner and operator of the ship Erode Incentive Niton tCPt1axes are emdlng Canadians incentive to produce at time when greater prothttlvily frugality needed to combat inflation Greenwood president of Cana dian lrnperlol Bank of Com mrrce said Monday Speakingtn the Board of Trade Club Mr Greenwood said the problem inflation seems to boil down to the fact that the desire of people gener ally ior more at the good things in lifemore goods more serv ices more social benefits and more leisure timehas been ex ceeding their capacity and will ingness to increase output suffi clohtiy to generate the addition al resotnces necessary to pro vide all these advantages Residence Costs UiiltWA CF It cost the government $53873 in maintain and operate the residence and grormds of the prime miniaern home at It Sussex Drive 0t tawa in tile195MB fiscal year Commons return showed Mon day Examine Transit TORONTO CF One short coming of rail rapid transit is that it does not allow or irelght movement the vicepresident of General Motors of Canada Ltd said Monday Walker Jr of moon 0nt told the Canadian Urban Transportation Conference most mass transportation concepts do not include capacity for freight movement in contrast motor truelrs make efficient use or the higlr way system ha said kraeway networks builtiior automobiles should be examined to see whether they could ae commndate tnnsit service and freight service as well Military Gasoline Emigration Cut MAWA CF The man oer olcrndlsnr emigrating to the United Stator dropped Ilulply in race after six yenrl of hovering at the 50m0mark written Conan return ta bled Monday by more Minister Janine Pepin showed that the firm on mm 49656 in rees close to tho average for the five previous yearnto 1483 in Ibo drop of about was unexplained Fight Addiction WM CP Struggling against what he describes as pot lobby Home Secretary Jlmu Callaghan is planning new code to arm the govern ment with more flexible power to curb the spread of drug nd diction informants said new legislation may be ready by partial Csllaghln is reported to be particularly eager to nail evil doctors who oversupply power ful dnrgr to junkie patients and to Impose tighter controls over the distribution at such drugs irom léiltlmale factories While the home secretary is generally aiming his main fire against users and pedlarr or such hard drugs as cocaine and heroin he has at the same time put the boot to advisers Who me greoler leniency or thosecaught using marijuana and itsderivntlvesr per cent KINGSTON do retail gasoline outlot opened Monday at the Canadian Armed Force base here and was inunedlately criticized by local servicesta tion operators The Canadian Armed Exchange System outlet al though restricted to military personnel is open to their iarni lies and civil servants employed by the military service Sentenced To Life MONTREAL Bryce Richardson 30 was sentenced Monday to lite imprisonment after Court of Queens Bench Jury found him guilty or non capital murder in the shooting death of former boxer Robert Croxen last August our housevvhenthe of your profits Souy Canadaufe Annuity atihe lowest rate yet and sslure ydurSelf lifetime income that is Only partiali Itaxable Comesee us Well you Cant Ask Lives VWASHINGTON AP Avereli liarrlman said Monday the time is coming when the United States will no longer have the ridit to air American solditss to die in the Vietnam war Home For Family OSHAWA CF Mr and Mrs Ernest Latour and their seven children who had been living in studio nearby Green River have moved into tour bedroorn furnished home rontiree Joyce Holloway supervisor of ddld care services for the 0sha waChlldrcns Ais Society said Monday the home was donated through the society but the donor was not identified Steelworkers Vole PITTSBURGH AP United Steelworkersin the United States and Canndhvote on new president today undsunlnn loaders predict moderate turnout in anelectinir that lacks thecolnr and controversy or past years CITY MISNAMEIJ Jerusalem the City of Peace has suffered as battleground almost since lt was founded 000 years ago nun IiIBEBIlLl Dwaan Firefigiters and their host bali which reared slwward lines appeared tlny against from exploding diurdcol the backdrop of huge are drums during fire at Clrrys4 FIBEMEN ler 011p suburban Trenton Chemical Division Plant Sun day The main plant was not damagai NP Wirephotot dWhitef Blue iiooray for the carsaiathatofies you unbelievably low prices on Ramblers Rebels Ambassadors anti Javelins Free bonus option packages Free car radios Free power brakes Free vinyl roofs An unlimited choice of models and colours Right now your American Motors dealerisdeaiing like hesneverdeatt about are RADIOS POWER BRAKES VINYL ROOFS before Why not visit him and find out for yourself what great deal you can matte sings want at onoofthe low low prices were offering right now Thenpint bonus option package Youligetacarvvith manyoftho options Mva always warned as standard oqurpment Andthatsyrhadtbeolmdnyjs

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