Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1969, p. 13

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cum on ualrtrin Iirmord one Ilolairi rr And one rrrreronl hruer true Telvmhe alum thna POULTRY 8r CHICKS gt SEED FEED GRAIN Wham Etroud some PERSONALS SPECIAL WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlap St Wesl Ilia Ind want neio phone an hm tor v0 nor lhrrie irm hualnm or lrldlvldunl ICE RACING WmIem race on ire Anynut in coma in entering ram an DRESSMAKING NOW IN BARRIE Peifed Fitting Garments Made after the Ialml fashion from viorldknowri fashion hoult Bos by European skilled cau tiiriere No pattern needed For an appointment call common School and Firm min on Friday Call 728 Mb niler pm men use lost lllonoay Vesnra Ilrldford Strch areas containing iv tools use has rv iiit orinted no it Rcerd Tclcpflnna 7131111 or ovenlnra 72am lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP analrsanlluun renutred Ior Incal rhoinl experienced Only those within aieaoy enrolorneni hood apply Tllcnhnrle an Bnulsimn wanted startlnr lilureh 7A for prcschnolers weer ealr in rm own home Oakley Park scum Tclcvllont mllsi lieuAllLi woman wanted to baby ut children ln our Grove slrcct Come Telephone 7236971 alter sin Mnramm wanted in my home 150 pan to 550 urn Tclcpllulic Mills between to ll ran nzunnm woman or lanitor rerv ice iull or pan llmc days week Steady Job Tor rim person Holiday orid Please cnnuct Mrr Meeknan males Fm CLEANING LADY required pan unra App to innis wood Nummz Home llsulrnnlc St Barrie lulrr arun 7184168 MALE HELP umllllirl to cell commercill and household cleaner outstandan pro repeat hurinerr iull or part APka in writing to Kelrnac mtarprlml Dunlap St Ear rie out molar order rook wanted unl irorona rupplled usual company benefits Apply WWIIre ltrstaurant IIlltlwly and 400 at Cookstown TOLEDO commutator of Carlad Eton uraontiy requires cxpericrlccd utter to work on punch crews and hydnullc molding machines ho willing to work the to ll lhIft on regular basis All lppli ILBaust report to Mr keni at the canrda Ma ea tre 31A punlop sow gum fix 7E PHARMACISTPull time for mod on pmgrcssljimommzo rifle Idlil rirlnr mm or our wee rii lion r12 Elmo bramlncr TOOLMAKERS rootmma Mauler ImmedIIt ely by munutacturer In the automo li luduatry Good wagon and excellent dun benetlls Vrlte to Canadian Motor mo Co Ltd or llamam1 WHY NOT EA HIGH moons Agrrmlva nlcsmln wanted with Imbluon to exeeed present earn lnnr to sell larmr bualncsres na realarnuu nmpcrty Work In our riciv Bond Held oIIlcc Exha ad ventilan to new salesmen Tor our was arnannon omrrarn Commu rion ror eoniieentiu lease call interview vllllan Henson Ii elm Limited mom EMPLOYMENT WANTED INTERIOR Pal ntinr and PI rrhan Dependch service pleasing Hull boardedbo lullhequ ient Er Manuels crow gum strand rlar wanna ion wera and arerNoi all Eartha nun con tor ule one linutrlh runurio eolu Beulah tor aalo or uninha tor railatiir cow Trio ml rum or aale one year old to non uco Telephone 65631 laun and hatred min Ior ule mndiiioned my and line $600 NON TUES WED ONLY mm LA you our drinth roh 5h INCMIZ tax return NatalNd fo Terms cash No reserve as the kids 51 Dunlo West day or am For appalnunrnl phone no ce FARMERS MRKT II LEGAL LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of FRANK SLACK late oi the Tolmship bl eqlra in the County of Sim one Farmer who died on the MIT day at December AD wad are required to lilo prool of same with tho undersigned solicitors or the Executor by the 5th day of March AD 1969 zller uhidi date the es tate will be distributed DATED at Barrie Ontario this 71 day Fobruary AD 1969 MESSRS STEWART FSFEN MLIURK MILLS DICK barristers Solicitors Ouen Slrcct Barrie Oniario Solicitors for the Executor ll I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday February 15 1230 pm sharp at VALLEYS GARAGE 12 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE 5ch of all valuable household furniture including electrical lip plizulccs bulroorn suites ches inrfiold suits nnllqucs ric for the estate of the ATE PRISCILLA THOMPSON form crly of I72 Collier Sirccl Bar nc estate must bb settled JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Watch for full list lcbruary l2 gar liar rprinter Clmilllgl Cosmic aclsrsllr ANNOUNCEMENTS ralvohone lullour noox now ior brnouets weddings BIRTHS flIIIIClIr licenced ANAF Ladle tuxr tillary 12600 or mom NLIILIIIONIIr and In Nettlrion ifomlerly or Harriet are happy in annuunrr Ilic hirin or diuglltcr on Sunday Fchnilry 1960 ax Tumult llurisrOn Wednesday February 1953 at the iinyai Victoria or pltll In Mr and Mn Wayne llurst of oz nos sireci Barrie dough icr Amth Diane WM irionsTrrtliANhlr rind Ira sld Klooslcrrrlan oi till Thornton uninrio wish to announce the ihlrlti ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES Engamuiu Marriage and Built Birth Announceman lmumum eras Cards at Thanh lfi lords In Herbalism no verse Verse ipcr count Illll Coming Events DEATHS Tirirr our in Toronto rm Glncn Hospital on Saturdly rshruarn 196 in her in you niaeya piano beloved We oI nium Trimi or Woodland mun bear eaurnier nr Mn Lloyld Blahw or cadmium Ihler of re thin Alum at Victoria is an Ilrr fill at Richmond iliu rrrnr ulrnoo oi Now Dundee Slew Ir Whltehone Ronllfl nl AXIIdl slurred lairr Duoqu or sud mnlr um herour one Mn Vruirneourn Elalnl fill1 mutant in and aua illrr ar Bellmiflt all or the rlom Resun rt the Jamel il Lyon mineral lame ElmoIE alter on Monoay ior tunerai NILE on odlleldly Pebrmry II rm Temponry entomnrneni Elmvil Cemetery ChIDCI with men irier rt Allean unqu Io lhe canadiaau Chum would he appreciated CARDS OF THANKS KIRKTho llldllv oi Hare Kirk WIKIl In Illan OIII dear Irlcndl In nelrhboun for let of iindneu florll tribute era flurlm our benuvrment 596cm thank to Pastor lln Bowie millat putor crnmrnuei haousi Church Dr Frarkhshnnnnl rune l1 114er Vigor Hospu 15px Slddall and Miss SVIIym or lyrni on Ibo the lumen ninenr lime who turn helped Iu once Inln aI urn ol wrrnw 434 COMING EVENTS BLIGHTYV BINGO Every Wednesday at pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at aonii onulula Society IIddILIDflII lords l1 oer word cemetery In menwrloin denatlona luau CASH RATES MIL aaracr IlumyAl the Wel lealey llorplul roroalo on mu day rohnrary ray llula beloved hmarna Lb late Ida ll MUIS and lllhu of Dahlia III of Don LILI IM I110 Ink ro Mu hula orrnemher Tara land and Don ll was Ilfc member or the rationinr lluorrlr mm Kerr no Decldonl llo Siguct chapter iii afouni can lbw pereapinr la rnarnhu ol ltalxleua Temple and Sheba Shrin cruu Also nlrrnher of Aroma Indie HY Independent 0N Odd Fellow amu Rebsklh hex iso and lioer vCanadlm Lesion ar Md mum at the Jenncit runerri iromr is Bradford SL Barrie for acrvieo or Thursdry 900 am lnlermcnl St Mary Cemclsry sl 0nl upon Irnvll of melon an raxtrlu eiy Nannie my will or hell anexdav evmlu no our nuroim Kerr hid sTEWAn Johnsuddenly It liar rte nn Mundly Tchnury Io loos John sunan human or the Inc Mn unseat of vawonm Mani looa and cousin of William Fry pl liarrte mail at the lennett Punch Home in Bradford sued harm fur henice on Wednesday at pm lniemcnt Thormam Union cemetery IN MEMORIAM BAUERIn lovlnr armory or dear brother Kenneth who passed awly Froruary ll 1967 xfndwn urnrai Ill tclium uilllur hand an Ictlv mind Anxluur lo please Train in olIimI lovlnr hrotncr and alumni lriend 5rcir mined by llelcrl Klmlr IIc Em nd homo IIAXIEL lnr memory or dear oon Kenneth who omen may Fehruary ll 1967 Just when your lllr war brlrnicrt Just when will scum were but you were callcd mm IL world of narrow To norm or eternal acaI ioilnrly mintrubch by Dad and Mum Deputy Premier DEG Sleu art Saskatdtcrlali lleiil Premier Harry Strum of AI blimpin loving memory of our husband and lainer Kenneth who passed Tiny February ii 357 He in our out not torrotien gm Vodnosilal February loan itlh RP Vlclorla Ilnsplhl Banlc IIAIHIATcrn and Joanne liarr rice LOST FOUND herale or oilih om xshiiiorn 31er nnnnunre er dauchiir l1 Ills av 0151 on Vcd Wednesday pm ms mm an AM mum noseny February roll at lhr smltnl Carol near old child bclwccn htuat he toad hlue print nun and daughter ilmi Annrt on unyal Victoria Hospital llarrie GEDEIIE At the lloyai Victoria Hospital nn saiumay Icbmu was to Mr and Mrs Alvin Go the nl ll Queen SlrcLI llarrle daualuor Lee Ann luarlerlei vANrunr HENDENilIcrt and Sheila not lIilnlcrl ni so Liiue Avenue Ilnrrln AIIIIIDIIIICC Ilm IlIIIII of son Michael uoyi on Friday remum 1959 it in Royal Vlclorla lIor pltal brother for Marc FREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Valutr to $250 Con him Very useful meal or nell knpwn ii for mulher and baby Your FREE when you place 2day announcement of your babys animal in the Birth Notice Column 0f EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce merit ivntcr will assist you in wording your announco meal and arrange for you to receive your tree hlolh crs Pal from PLAZA DRUGS ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT COXSOLATION SRO ADMISSION 50c In support oi the Barrie branch Navy League lif Canada INGO JACKPOT $350 Canadian Legion Hall Every Wednesday At pm Jackpot is played all regular cards PATTERNS PHONE 72824l Barrie and District Residents Dilly ENGAGEMENTS IIOIVESBOK lioiraa oi l9 Escn llrs Helen pecles Street Home pleased in andollrlcc tho engacel mcnt 2r liar cldelt daughter Mary Euen Io Mr lllcnaei Bokosen run or lur and Mrs Martin nakeseh Sr or Utopia Marriage to take place on Saturday Murchllsl law at pm in the Lutheran Church at the Good shepherd llarrie EXELLCIIIUETIIANSEN Mr and Mrs TomIIltcll or Utopiawirn In announce the cnzldcment or tbclr daughler llalen Alleo to Mr Karl Arthur olar Chrlalllrlsennl Waive son or Mr and Mrs olar christianron Wedding to take nlaee in the United Church wawa onl Saturday March lst 196v REPRINTS If you would 13er have rc prints of any npivs pictures take by our staff photographer plcaSEcall at our VbusilliegolfV ice We arse sorry we cannot iii rate mom SALESV HELPR AGENTS Dasira to earn Enloy guiding and leading loqu long hours Mortgage Department liNo broker oompraition HOLKAN 10 Collier 2m START salami gt MANAGERIAL OPPORTUNITY For QUALIFIED REAL ESTATE SALESNIAN QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED 512000 yearly and up follow salespeople ADVANTAGES Salcs training and Emma Deprith MOVE WlTliSlMCOE COUNTYS MOST PROGRESSIVE FIRM In confidence to Charla Buch or Ed luiini hum accEPt phonic ordera SPRING TWOSOME Ry ANNE ADAMS Slimming skimmer taker you almost everywhere Add the blind neckline coat to take you where he dréss alone cant go Wra p5PlIII Prilllcd Pattflndlm NEW Hall Size 10 lZIz 1412 Islz Bla sire 14z bust 37 dress STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams cure of The Barrie Exlirniner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario Short on timoilMorr quick easy sew styles in our New FallWinter Pattern Catalog Plus free pattern courfin 50c Newc InstintScvin Bnnk Save hours cut lit mod nés Mrfiol CO LID Street If you live in or around th Telephone And owns another ycnr in nur lorchv hourr oi thinklnl hoaiw llut My little know the earrow Tracey PATTERNS 7257 my 57 ALICE nitooirs Watch how proudly your dog will walk by your side in this set knitted of worsted dogs lifeis happier and with this cozy easy knit set Note stylish standing collar cables Pattern 7257 sizes 10 12 ii is is included FIFTY CENTS Coins for each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Exarrilper Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronta Ontario residents add 30 sales tax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over 100 designs to gt choose free patterns printed irrsiiiex Stand 50 cents now New 50 Instant Glits fabulous fashions toys decorati or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow Ideal or all occasions 61 cents 1E Jifiy Rugs to knit crochet weave sew book 60 azan Book of prize atgblms 60c Bargainl Quilt Book has 16 beautiful patterns 50 cents Museum Quilt Book patterns for 12 superb quills 60 cents book Quiltsior Todays Liv ing 15 patterns lib cents in HELP WANTED PAPER ROUTESI lNWlEDl lame and surroundingllrear AVAILABLE le 2ydsx39rlng ya RETURN sDITYFIVEVCENTS usa cents BarrioCundlaa Road OFFER YOU in thfllngulhn signipslpleasi hr Harding can pa rn naro res ens doingnzesgfinmml dc Millicent sales Iax Print SUbdVsml An opportunity to join Sirocco CountysMost Progressive rinn plainly slzu NAME annncss crn expert way Over PIC turcs Only $1 rliouiihta or him are alwllys nchr Dan or sadness aIIII comcour ua rileuei innv think the wound is That lita ilehlrl ihe heart concealed andy remunhereo by wife llorlr and girls lleauaer Bonnie and IM WARM lion move tohovc Crown Eigen cics brought under the control of the federal Navigable Walers Act failed in the Commons Mont day night Painting lo the effects niprov inclal hydroelectric proJecLs on the Nelson River in Manitoba and the Peace River in British Columbia IP5 argued that Crown agencles should be made to conform to the standards set forCansdiausld general But James Richardson llanitobun and minister with out portfilllo In the Iiildciiu cab inet rcplind that it was iupp proprialc to launch such dc Ilnic on this little not The nments position was Ihal this was minor bill and it did not vant to launch major constitutional issue in tho debate The bill amending iheNoun ahla SEEK EYEWITNESSES PRAGUE Reuters The Czechoslovakia interior ministry Mondaycalled on eyewitnesses DI the fiery suicide by plIIIOSOr phy student Jan Palach to re purt lo police Palmi commit bed suicide in January to protest Soviet political interference but rumors apparcntly spread by Communist hardlincrs aiming to it his motives said can li te revolutionaries had tricked him into burning himself be death LONGSIIOREMEN STRIKE LONDON Reuters wild cat strike by 1509 longshoremcli Monday tied up 47 ships in Loll donllloyal Docks which hurdle onefifth nl British overseas trade was called by the majority oi the 3300 longshorclnen who were given suspension notices or leaving their jobs last week to attend payclaim rally PRISONERS IINYI LAQUILA Italy AF Prisoners in the plaiulail of this central Italian city revolted Monday set up burning barri cades and smashed holes In the roof in an attempt to makela mass sc squads aillied with info eh ri ezgu ns reached the root lis the prison ers tried to climb out The pris DIIBIS retroalcd into lhebuild ing The prisoners domandbet ter food mgrquIlOWUgh healthassistance and second television set BOOST BOOZE PRICE ISTANBUL lReuteTsl lur aforementioned areas please llll out the application below and return ll to THE BARRIE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPT 16 BA 7266539 YFLELD ST BARRIE or PHONE hay increased the price of its Illtcr cigarettes by as per cent MALE ETEMALE ATELY WORLD NEWS iii BRIEF The halfdaystbppage gGUflAHJCI All Otlluriu Supreme Court juryrrulad Moll day that YInlln Reed 54 of Toronto is iii to stand trial Ioi QPBEMIEBS MEET Dilli hurts ind Premier Bennett of BIIIIEJI Columbia share cordial moment at to receive third reading in the Commons Monday but it ran into the heaviest secs Also passcd ucrc bills dciiling with the matkingof precious metals establishing ircshwa tcr fish marketing corporation and amending the Avrunauties liI DEBATE WILL CONTINUE Debate on lllird reading of amendirlcntsto the Fisheries Improvement Loans Act was still under wrlyas the llouse rosc Fisheries hlinisicrJach Davis promised to bring in further bill amending the act toraise the maximum lishcrmcn may borrow undenits provisions in $25M from 510000 bill extending tllc Export anil liltlurt Permits Act for an other re years icccivcd second reading nlicr Conservative Dmieirs lla crsswthlgrlry Cerilrei ufgc at it be used and boosted the price of liquor by lo percent Monday The price rise was announced by llloliopillies Ilinistcr Nchlt Monica who also announced other increases for cigars and snull PUBLISHER DIES CLEVELAND Ohio IAPI Charles McCahill Illl once was publisher of the Albany NIirhesUnion and the pres ident of the American News paper Publishers Association died Sunday at his home after brief illness lie was 82 Mc Culiill Builalo native retired in lQSl alter is years in die newspaper business31 of them in Cleveland Ilppll Fl Licence To Sell Vaccine TORONTO CPI TheCon naught Medical Research Lubo ratorles at the Ilnlvcraitypqu rontohas applied for rational licence to sell Vaccine providing protection against iuur diseases and three main strains oI pnlia In Its 55th alirlualrcportv rc lEased Monday Cennaughtrsaid the Vaccine will protect against measles tcianus diphtheria whooping cough lind polio and is suitable for threemonthsold C0 naught has agreed to test small pox vaccines Ior the United Na tions World Health Organiza tion Connaughts main role will be gt to test vaccinesl manufactured lnlslabordtories in 12 South American countries gt Man Fit For Trial In WOmansDeath nunoapltal lriulder in the kniie murmur to told the ooiartthiit REEII is slaying ot Bealrice York n7 ol Uxbridgc lmmc July 1967 lioncapital murder in the killing Gerald Menu 35 the rvwomullis the slim day mine the Iltncss Onl ill Guclph Reed uisn Iacésa clicrgc oi oi Guelph brothe iiluw on Dr Kenneth Gray ql Tilroilu line at the present time Mr usiiee Hincsrcnrllcr cred an examination to deter stand trial rrrtmmr gig oi Ilced to IIonlrcaIJeuii lllelallcon is 250 University Government House Reception tor provincial premiers at tending the federal provin more bitch to agriculture Oil the Navigable Watch Act New Democrat move to have the bill sent back to comrilitlce was beaten down 80 to 57 in Tullcull vote The Liberals voted alone against New Democrats Con ssrlaliics and Croditislcs The bill Iinlllly won third reading on division alter the or position tried In Vain to have Mr Richardson agree that it protect Canadian Clown agencies WORK DF AGENCIES Most hydroelectric projects iii Canada are the will ill prov incial agencies Ron Harding NPD Koulen ay Vestl said there have been sail experiences in BC be cause no agency can insist on proper job belugdonc Conservatii lousoleader Geraldll Baldwin iPcaw Rlierl said conservation nu Liurities are worried about the ctlect the Peace River dam will have on llsh and game gt The dam already had resulted in an inadequate flow on other rivers Drivltl Orllkow INDP Will nipcg Northl said there are rcA poiLs the flow of water to the DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS uric olrQuéhocs foremost tench Ers 0i Frenchlanguage elncu tiou and founder of Le Devoir ClevelandCharles iMc Cuhill 82 senior viceprcsidcnt of Forest City Publishing Co and former president oi the ING RECEPTION should be amended to include eiul constitutional conference at otlaiva Monday nightlCP Wircpliuto Fail To Put Crown Agencies Under ACE UllAWA lCIt fin opposi put of Churchill may he cut by us much as 73 per cent as rice sull oi the Nelson River dam lie and Sin nleyKuowlcs INDI Winnipeg North Cenr Ira relcircd as well to the case of 600 lndians and Malls who thI be forced to move else where because at the planned diversion of the Churchill River tlaw into the Nelson Their best hunting land wouldnvind up be neath 35 color water Kiwanis Results Set For Monday TORONTO iCP The touch of Ottawas 10yearold Angela llowitt tor the piano Monday brought her another victory at the 26th annual Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto hngcln lunar in previous festival competitions demona stralcd she has lost none of hi winning qualities as adjudicaA tors judged her the best in the piano solo class competition for 11yearold and underShe got mark oi all one of the highest or the day ly 30000 vocalist and ans Will take part In the competitions which slarted Sale urday and end Feb 22 other Onlalio wiliuers Torons to district Class llflBglrls solo 15 years rind under BeverleyLou Bel Cluremorll Class Islfolk songs years and nude Penny Spec die Niagara Falls Class 559VIDIIn solo 13 ycars and under Pamela harmell Ridgcluwn Clnss fillmixed voice choirs Grades and Ill Lakcport Secondary School St Cathur American Newspaper Publish ers Association buaineasea including If you collaider that IDB are Barrie Ont Avenue The trial continues CAN IDB SERVE YOU On Thursday February 13th 1959 and on the second Thursday or each succéedingimonih One or our Rspresonlalivos Mr Lionel Hancey will be at The Continental lull Barrie Ontario Tortilla district and throughout Cdnddurdahy persond and firms in practically all types of vitedljoflrrange an qppaillbmhn the IDB representative by telephoning Telephone 3684145 lites Agriculture Construction Manufacturing Professional services Tourist and Recreational Businesses Transportation and Wholosalo and Retail Trades hove obtained violins from the Industrial Davolopmgnt Bank to acquire lurid buildings nnd inochinery to increase working capital in start newbusiness and for other purposasi can be of service you 7261834 pr lnadvance by writing to MlLionel Ilancéy at the MideOIIIarlil office of Toronto Ontario r1 Elicia

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