Come Alivel Youre In one woolAd Generation Call 2232414 12 nu BARBIE milNEIL WAY FEBRUARY PROPERTY FOREits REAL ESTATE 2APTS FOR RENT RENTALS 34 AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE gmgmuag OFFCICESPACE SNOWMOBILES Tam rides um um but in RENT EMORY MILLER EAYFIEID 9mm mm mahmflm Ml rum mm 00 lawleemogfwm Nannie unlnoa tor inn nlmm lo excellent mini lull willy healed Putin no on To 726 88 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST agilbgrm Wing mhpï¬emgg mmï¬hlfgzfn armour bedroom bun with gï¬ggggmmm not nice lor nnL All lootll Win ML It im led the ma Avllhble immedhw Maura lnr an it on minimum mommr no Oollior Street tor sale Largo lot mmmm 73 mm 175 miflmÂ¥3p 2313 bedroommromzmm tox mil gang3 lgnéï¬ellmipggnnéma nun blldl lmoe convened to ton apartments Call Gum Spencer gsmlllmmi mat22 leath loot and its noggin Jigmu khan 151 end narration STORES FOR RENT OOUXIRY AIiIOSPHEREame lot mlï¬ bedroom bri WWW Me an ms mlwwl caution and wing Mle garage omxbinaligu living rocrn and dining room4360 sq It at space on bedroom nnmment mllnbl mum 1967 ALPINE SKIDOO oilole lnr shoe repair Milne II no fleetTie nun enema ma bw as am d9 to named an memo may Ford Nil human and telephone connection lxl elmy room PROPERTYWANTED align ameï¬lmn iii mm mm 71 giganmmmmmmmmud helnu Em lis small mam HARVEY wrnnl new IKlPLEXIymir satest investment ls mum month now om istolllziia rnrwmm was ILTDT illnan 7181111 cm NEW 0er 5Pch mew rarer ton autumn or Snowmobile dun belng recalled in rent Imm this property situated in downtown purulent dulrtnn to route Euonl Pm dunlex btdmcnu nav onslrlwr model 11 to no ML nll arta hen anrLrncnls are always in big demand hrsi floor mm mm mum mum AUTOMOTIVE in and inner oi flu out moon Modalll home with Please lint Pllvm nunm not has line man apartment second floor has room apartment rIl lo NAMme 33am ii Telenhnno 7mm 33 NH Sim In and floor not Iltnisiled apartment hit in today for lmco °m°°° summit apartment or rent CARS FOR SALE m1 BUWBARDIEX slid HAROLD FORSTER Mom Hours mourns OLDa bedroom bungllnw nitb roll basemontjto miles ml ml mum uslall ED Down JOHN COLE null mlnlly mum Norman buvrull lite on And irpjir lag m° mm Bani Tax Mb ma an mm will must alter can all m¢ Iï¬ileï¬rollrdu In 95 1C COMPANY IIO$ sr has 11 I$u$iogihflcie iomiéiiigfr Â¥aaiff owns LTD Em In are more mum moss at no ass Alls For sun Ilorlgau Funds Available had Customer Partner and maroom mm mom Mus when Eï¬ng mom Chlidlgn weevil Emilio137 MGr JAGUAR mummy LIVING CITY comrENIENCES and lwovhedrooms store and refrigerator indllded Eï¬ï¬m hillghmilnlmf at Tiltin St mam NORTHWAY This compad bedroom bungalow is landed with extras including EVENWGS UAW hmadicom in borimorm and dull real dlalml at just stem mm mr rm gm NOW on Display close to downlown rurotsnoo two CO LTD Terms Call Irene Forbes or further details molt lyllnwril 7mm nob sous SEE THE VESTCHESIEE WW mm mum mnmmm mum model ma Liter tnlonontloo teleooon on use in VINE STREET tinEAR nloï¬mxm prim Remnants all 13 09m saloonin the lovely Sunllldaie areawell kept 12yearold brldr AVAILABLE THE KEMPENFELT mng Aï¬ï¬eï¬oï¬igï¬ bungalow with bedrooms dining arro and recreation room All KNOï¬Y PINE Lnxltnnul bundle besldlkhcbly KITCHEN AND SON amtan lll bearitilol condition Terms Call ltltn Scandlett tor inspoaion 3333b Jï¬mflfdguï¬ï¬‚ 67 Carrie mm mm EVENINGS $3 WO PIImO US REAJMR SPORTSARAMA nlm sureb Televhnna mu ESSA RD mm Em my AlnN xLoosrullmN undid lllmnmi noon mom BONE 72841 AVAILABLE Mmh LIIe one 3an unm mnwhlnmr or nle anonm Rosssz mam KMJOSTDUMN seem For AREA LARGE den too lloor bedroom lplfl llJGB FIREBIRD mud in soon condition Iaeal lor lan lonllrs 71m LOU GDFDEJIONIIT lzuaoï¬ EY max mm it balmy =1 va nlvnull hamLOpJOIded drlvuwva nvl sleonolxr Telephon Lollle lt llnv mists nniwr llocnnTlltm mom Recently redecorated bedroom large kitchen living room with Anonom nuoplledsellltouuouod Wm 7251 mm 11mm En SCANDIILTI 71435 cLllmtln nooullm 7mm dining arm mmm from hrouglmlth Larger an mm TRAILERS hula grim1 lullturr Adqu we For lurthcr details call sill bang moist cyonlngs mom sou RENT limit or rote no or in mi towraofoinrlloii iiiibtinilin 53m mm mm mm Norm Synnott 7mrla nusspnrson motel RUSSELL CHURCH $351 Uggrsvmicwotbgnm M5 313 $3iri2itiriliï¬nor7i2 mvJ mom 145 REALm Bill Hamilton 7286325 Rupert MeGlalla Elmvale 7mm militia mm In rulllno NIT mo teleonone Ltdtau WWIe mmzun nr nit me or moon or mas moo mow mu Lam room Homes its rs cnroflililaflfiiiz mm CAR TRUCK TERAyr WILL any IT run You 35 Elite 332 rï¬friiiioiirlo In rendition Us Tclrvlmnl This comrtahe motor will attually cost you very little because 611ml Glendale mnouzgegmngnturnsnf to KlanKn Service 12ml no Lilc tenant will pay the bulk oi the bills Each suite has living Normlardei wller upplled Lorinodr 1962 comr Sllllon wagon excel EREWIIADIO Comblnnlan no room minim and 13¢er as we as timepiece bath Ca MLS REALTOR 7284294 Parts and Se ce lull unnlc outdoor Avllla lent ronoltlon use rrtronono no mom in not cabinet cunltmwiary lww styling cc long like new Ilak SALE RENT mm lfl lot orlce mo le 72 ll CHOICE LOCATION noligtrtlol rug brick bodroorn bungalow Casi rem up Yum or man ï¬ailxi 500 Pnsthnk mMEDMm POSSESSION Tastefully dummy dam 83mm we landscaped WM cm mm Ave 7289356 0N bedroomhulcd Inlflmml door Iramlon Dime stccrlnc mrll lelcvlslnu ralli It youre math or action this may be ideal bedroom bungalow cred patio outside enhances lo baseman unelonluaronoolrtlrn paved time For more iiilriiriirtifhérriiiierï¬iiriiikiï¬ rriitonolirlrisooiiiirtaiiiiï¬ité tunic lrant riolo wrioo violins overlook 3355 Lam large mg rm has white family mmmmmn cm Helm mph MOBILF HOME ghirlllderymnï¬lllllcl Itlpp rd Tole blue new lemon Anson cub nus alcohonz mew sized kitchen winterized sun north also lnund mom and lurnace Wm WW me for In im at mom can now ry Elam Inusï¬n7z425i CalMlme line7250049 $513M mm Tamil nuslsts ï¬lm with oommont iï¬erlgrgwer hrzabrizutnluiiiii maximum $1121 mu Ilelen Hopkins7234662 Tam Foster7235243 would like to 1th with some main wine colour Telephone 424 mm mm charlie Read 7282817 Itugn human 7260423 gm Wm W55 54 AW ourl sum Inside zno ofllsflt Don Campbell 7260243 Dnug Crimpch mom INSURANCE 34h ML ï¬t km ma Taylor 72mm non All 45953 MRGEunluallmedhhultg Ivm SNOWMO ES men on rerun or or rant Penman most Dolllllarshnll mm 15 mm engage funds mum MOVING spam bedtiwlnar lunto lroom BOMBARDIER fleeing Soft floriMArriliioif amt Camille mm Rum Dick Em mm 33 COLLIER ST TELEPHONE 7234430 Dont Target to trouslcr your will l°°lror°nlnll2 SKioDOO km 7W INSURANCE Marcit Applv Ml nnyrteld SL SlfNS foremost he or ue wot on COUNTRY LrleG cm coNvmllchEs and it you need exlra who 667 hm urdhwd tormentanon bedroom bungalow with attached garage large lot located ln cnvcrnge of any kind see 0N BEImOOM noortment elull Only one lhnil galls the Arena gnaw gnaw shaglam good growing arcll Win not take look and set tar yollrsell STEVENSONS mm mm PM mm 0m can blflvl and retrlizarntor supplied RIDGE ROAD MARINE co LTD tilts REALTOR tn Collier St Barrie 7284401 BM DUN ST mm WWW MN Kit and Can Oro It hm Imm muRn Angus mm 5mm mm GENEML STORE PLUS LIVING QUARTBRS hDl IE Hm hullllrnu draperies lotosl aorta Callingmm 44 Mlsaga Eeac 1296640 Eman business rm 53mm as gnlrgupï¬aloï¬zg le ephone Home Tent and Awning lzssul 53030 and 5268142 Lucrative lurnover which muld be increased retllnzr tee Avonole lamb HEARING Ilrl bitterlen on airn Ivy Spacious living accommodation 17 PM 72513 THE ALL NEW gï¬trhlgwiflgnï¬fgfer ï¬g sr VINCE Good rpm srmy mm hem STREET ll uranium IMMEDIATE ï¬llebldliglli Ct$nellmvmollaahnl SNOW CAMPER No mum mm me 3355 Ham PM hum under mnslruc argue 10 1i ht and 2nd baiir sclllycnnlllned private enl HERE IS THE ANSWER Ipnmxlmllelv tall board fell New gt gm 53 £0055 dew can Wm jr if Myï¬zï¬efléï¬ggflgglge glceiagqlhmgft mam to the hunter ï¬ltering slalts hï¬nï¬fmriiniriiTionni Teeonorre new man snowmo ier racing monsoon till immanno still °5°73ililï¬tiii3i ARTCLESWANTED in It sits on is on call seep its ill all WW or can be mm mm down Mam mom more nu REALTOR ymmlï¬lstlgg mongre nglonooirr dhugizllow lur rant cold winds and host or all use lgguglggkib WW WI es inn manomu fluenaratnvad ed ate emmn Pat it all year raund mg 13$ Csm DUPLEX $3000 DOWN WEN mm Wi$ewhr£gï¬feg€onat 53381 mh mew 723 See It This Weekend VimgjCm war hiiieflgt rt one ha mam GUS TEN AORES One faur bedraom apartment APPRAISALS momon RENTALS Mortgage Funding to ï¬ofrixlfnitet 3moï¬tiri°ifr KNO PINE EMm mm mm km Thin storey house in excellent rents for $115 per month Scc aver lunaur Available March 583 SPORTSARAMA warren rnrnrmnrnt mixer in common Lange hm Dnd three bedroom apaerenl stationHomo tor herlarger Family bedrooms located in the simpsunssears mitigating Pmum onou condition reasunhly nrlced asking price $25000 Phone for rents for $100 per month Close 50th and ill Barrie only V2 black ï¬rm the bus line Gall Mr DUNLOP 51E HIEthIt 27 MlllhlllSl 51 1mm 57 more particulars llarg or Brian to Lake on attractive lot Call llose Egdrï¬iiiroaiiliiï¬m iiirrogiliioirroiioiiLiilrniéfor 7234111 CEDAR P05 Wakeï¬eld 421155 izi Alan Waldle mot TS Slu800Z bedroum brick bungalow extra large bright kitchen on son own limousinea i33n1iiziozts° mm An mum to buy too Ind In novmon corner norouor Higgins moist full basement gaad buy torlire smaller family Emllmr rash milbio to Ounhal some MOTOSKI in lllghlon Tilephonc 3914155 lizrtoo leman 71mm nuracolo 7250557 location within mm distal of can will sven lend tnurmouev an llousalor rent Napier StrulBlr Durhlln onurlo Allison mines iznssu navenon 728061 01 ll5 vonr tumtrue Snauln Humll rlo Well not itrmtlva compch Sales and Service ï¬ï¬ finfï¬lllfer gargaallyn Jtnninl Mr Rose Hindi $09M bedroom bungalow with Karl am or All Klein 7251383 Hannah Fen 718802 roossaPETs 4572le 5200004 bedroom brick bungalow natural woodwork partly panl mm mm °d iii rrriiiiï¬orrnï¬iiéfl filmï¬g UNIROYAL CENTRES min on behalf or client linnrnrt WHITE mlolalure oole lsten milled elled basement large lot Call Mr Maelrness 1mm Stewart would Ed Wood Wanda mwnrds 7232911 Alan warill for immediate occupancy on yearly It Ls ii Yvonn Rowe 72mm Peter llanron valRana ï¬jumfmï¬gï¬ï¬ cf lifemgzhï¬wslbl gaging lsitslit no Bradford 5L 7235965 édtlélgzgeM$9ldun but otter Graham Tatter nil709 Anltn nnd llarvoy srvllt 721mm 003531530 same home in mono madman routed in the rlo hammer MEMBERS BA ORANGEVILLE TORONTO RooRns hem of the mamas dimich would make ideal 0mm use MONEY To LOAN POLARlS POODLFSDACHSHUNIJS as good trinity hume with central toootion Call Mr nose ROOMS To LET Sales and Servimn idoÃ©ï¬ 3liroon$°ilr°anr3 SH ta llan RPLRTMRNT SITEA good buy call in Jardino SECOND omnonaomt nudism 39 flflimmm Eight 10C en ton nose Res mono Bill Illaclrness Resuflsoflllï¬ Arggnriï¬vmcglgqn irii iooatfin°ieieo3renniiooo CAL MADILL imam was MlllosNREglTOR Dink Hartley 7284913 Russo Sn Res 72259996 The Barrie plaza rmlsllnn noonl to rent 19¢m Highway 11 Petes EPJ gngdiLEmenrtï¬dmmoisncï¬ Umï¬zz 51 165 Wellington St ï¬hecfziiifl mm ee 7258535 sire Illd dim sis TEIeplwn HOME IN THE COUNTRY 72mm mm ANGUSViol POSSIBILITYFour bedraom home with nice kit Brick bungalow bedrooms IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS mï¬ï¬‚oiiiiliiirrii°2ini°liriiiÂ¥ Aw cheu living room partial basement llll hail acre lot Asking stone fireplace all heating At SI BERNARD PUPS AVAILABLE mm mm sum resumed vaccinated roi outrmrier $15500 Call Keith Melttaster 424m MLS 34178 lauhndgarage This fiveyear rennet xentlemon WL Ind henï¬lm well manned avg WANTEMWE Dr four bedroom Mm raga Have client 01d custom brim borne is Inca imam lile to lent Business 93 175W with substantial dovm payments Gall Kellit ltlelrlaster izlsobo gï¬ï¬gsstmueï¬ Re hglshwagwngoaor REALM RENTALS ggglsgggggflcï¬ï¬ï¬gmï¬ GERMAN rooono moron moorland we 3174 otter pm on 72 AIR COOLED ENGINE gï¬zmlhallaggufl netlo use ONE AND llth sronev BRICK norm IN EXCEIAIAENP For complete inlonmntion onono SIMCOE sum 0110 VT COrDIlION STOUlT AGENCIES um 3bedmnm ooitogé pioco baih HOUSES WANTED Effméi lliiflmionitriirrrixwir Jmï¬gnuyim Living room dining room kitchen bedroom and four piece bath Reallm living room kitchen screened WObedmnm house wanted to Immmn mm my on lirst floor Two bedrooms on second floor Freshly decorated Oro mm or Elmvale aw sunoorch element block roman mu would outer close to BarrleVOIkSWUQen ifs The Season Hardwood floors with pemanent lrnislr Full basement oil tion storage shed partly turn 23 lzglgï¬lm mm runmsnnn lam lemon In DEALER furnace Garage Vendor will hold Isl mortgage Gall Everett ished Full price smooo Cox hulet bomb with twin hlds sult in Gow St at Essa Rd Barrie lougnced 7mm 59 tact 1mm NEWTON Hawke Nu will mm m355Â¥$iss3rtiÂ¥i i353 RAWN bedroomerl house or bungalow mlo 7266488 stooeimtoa lmum one year referany wlLb ToyAdvelhse 85 SW kill $3325 mm lam it llohtldi Dqu 7254451 KeiLli Mmlaster 4245868 and BAYFEELD ST HEB95 Goad rosidenlia building lot 53 used truck Telephone limo lsabel Fisher 7287631 Norah Raikes 72mm SPECIALIZING 150 lolly serviced quiet sec APARTMENTS T0 RENT ghuck Lambert mount JGlarlysvslnclau 7mm RURAL PROPERTIES lion the city minutes to it verell oug ee 7132130 one bung 7284717 Real Estate Broker dmtWVDf NJ pnee $8000 Contact Balm NEWTON THE WILLOWS BARRIEVIEW as Bill Rawn 42am AniElznlggégzuSEgTï¬gég Most roundly located We are skilled in our Service and wrll give you Siman Beekhuizen 7231022 Ham Barrie Mn mIlSDlIEilefol rent Dick braver 4mm eolbonme Slrutld noisel 3915 TE3 Pmmpf Aflenmn Home or alas gt Htghcroft Road South and of Barrie gsnweiéhguhgmtun Divided washroom CLASSEIEDMSERVICVEVHEPVAD GUIDE Ediï¬réen Baiï¬e lmtz 129051 Ofspacev Be New 510V2ilidg95 washer dryer All electric underground Wiring mm mm ElleJtnc heatllgg pLASTERING RUG CLEANING IRQNING it aim NRA Mortgages Lillian Robe 72mm Per man ï¬r BETTER BUILT HOMES by OUQ Marguerite Moms 7291256 Phone mono litmstrrnbrllmltsrnlol SMCOE golï¬nggï¬glï¬mfno =5 cont SPRING DOUG HOMER ALEX 153mm Ltd ILLS Realtor and Ffghwhlï¬ 4mm Plastering moron Inside nraulglnde CARPET CLINIC hm W7 7136649 25 owe mlw Torry Steven inmate 177w 3TH BAYFELD giugfmm Wk we Professional carpet and Photo CARPETING tonycleaning in YOUR HOME Evenlngx Ernesllllatts Barrie 7mm APARTMy Ts Larry DeWiltle mm 181 EGLINTON ova SNOWPLOUGHIN mm PLANT HEUGATILE CARPET PlialoM Realtor Im 7m TORONTO 12 colflirmwï¬em Fmqme zagï¬lillilgogflgï¬ iorvmmlnelOlal and residential 31 mm IDUNLOP SWEETAtth Fivo Euiots Phone masts 7261032 PHONE 4873333 30513303153212 ï¬llies mwgï¬ï¬‚ gigging 59 mung on mid Ewmgs CALL tor appointment mote VV° INSULATION Freei matron onrl FREDRPLEH misled mines noon Apirtmenl rclrlger slants swirls ceLnAM5ignsvaCEi COUTTS and on in M15 Rem RéilEstaleBrbkér ANliCd illlifircli 113$ mini gunmanth Trig Emlng Tsieonono soon unlr mum NEW HOME 3311 Appraisers WE 5T 7232485 Emisw ro°ti€lnonl 1mm PAVING iTE on no non €323th liltililuinzmiil mill PANTNG BEAVER LUMBER Phone 7282419 photo mm mm gggfggghflngsgï¬gngnï¬y ALUMINUM SERVICE 109 Bayï¬eld st 7231071 is alld Md mortgages arranged PAINTING dz amen aVing inglirndlnrdst mssoi on law monthly payments We EVENINGS $49 FURNISHED APT 51me winjaws doors DECORATING Hana Expm cc of game Ap moan slings mortar buy your present no and 2nd GORDON COUTTS 7mm mmIv d°W°Wl sh no doors siding INTERIOR EXTEIlIOIt Free Estlmt COOKSTOWN mortgages SANDY Gems 7mm Modem piilllecy bedslltlnrr looms in Pa Hum Mm my Hum rm Dummy Mm llltellellet solt business woman Windows remulked Nplqced Also slgnrnalntlng Work guaranteed 49 zn col living room apiclnus Ann MARSHALL mm LTEE COUllS 7284311 MM MWLMldeE With modern sliders European experts stalls 1llssedtzlsrd Latins WW WW VAN NODETWYK 72W 13 ESSA two utnlwonl bunxllnw nules MDMIICIR to mums luun boa LAUilANS sniiuiiin iiiniii Rim Dom cflï¬illllti iiie 0m PRICE 50 579 WW6 tree um street biorirr to down rooms like men both wouto mm fmmpschï¬i ï¬rm FREE EHIIMATES Image flknodilnlhm rorom lg zxï¬lgzroirilaoï¬medthlmugnozuchDime sllnsgounllo lbo all Km ror this life also lllrnwuy 27 am ï¬ne Von lfligpngric 71114305 VF ALUMINle lNlellltm Plntlnrr ond renaming LANDSURVELY mini room laws mï¬ï¬nnglnï¬gmlvalgeglï¬iu rum nonifélilolngineonnmriliois mm 1mm ONE bedroom apartment lax 51 QWQ iiiéggffliï¬lbslfll ElfEkï¬tfluk anuexworth Hillerlanxi Ind hydrowllnaffrfllï¬ilï¬g up my nn rived i5ï¬liriwgliiilkiihtmï¬ggie xiii iiwuabkzhimmmmnxy 1W uii to House Rnlnllnr interior ex on wt ime mlllt MIL nnsllrn Cilli lilol lor Inlaruelslnaie ur gill 113th mMnnmiog ï¬lth my EXAMINER WANT AD tor vrrv reisonoblc lreointlronion lutown Asatill Duwlnay neoltor idBlIclled home Teluphnnl 7m eleobonemeotszovenloir PHONE 7232414 cut me illsill IRY EXlMlliEk WANT ADS s2 triz bï¬Fï¬llnCrm Idawn on owl3 till aimm