13 mluwro ice last fall Minnesota North Stars training amp roster read like pro agrain for the Canadian NaLional my team 00am Wren Blair had ï¬ve members of Canadnr 1966 Olympic team aimed to pmch tlonal matches and held the lights to three others Even In Walter the experts nicked illnncsota to finish near the too the Weiern Division of the National Hickey league But ï¬ve months and 5t gains later the North Stars arelhn is in fifth place Lbrce points away from playoff posi tion and centre Danny OShea is ethe only Canadian National team graduate not playing in the minors Gary Dinecn and Barry hladlenlie went to Memphis South Stars Minnesotas farm club In the Central Hockey League Deleoeeman Marshall Uohnston who spent two weeks with lheparcnt tlirh earlier this season is playing with Cleve land Barons in the American Hockcyieague arid goaltender Ken Broderick is with Phoenix in the Western League think the fact that Dineen flroderiek Mackenzie and John ston are playing in the minors indicolt how far they slipped back playing with Uie nalronal team Blair said in recent in trnview dont think they played 75 cyigarncs in live years with club Thats as many key games as guy plays in one season in the NIIL Ilnll in five years he will play more than 400 crucial games GAME FALIS APART Its like golfer who shoals If he plays every day with omeoile who shoots 7115 his game will Improve But if he re peatedly goes out lvlth duller who plays in the 1005 his game falls apart Dinccn was probably given the greatest advance billing for Soccer Player Stabbed By Fan IBIEXIOO CITY tAP An unidentiï¬ed spectator leaped the stands at neighbor ood game Sunday stabbed one player to death and wounded tw others The crowd joined the melee lIllc the assailam fled the sta dium Police said they are trying to establish his identity from descriptions He was be lieved about 18 years old liumberto Moreno Palacio loyearold player for Electrieis tan team composed of electrl ï¬ghting ith player from the opposing team of Nocaxa district ltle spectator intervened and tally stabbed Palacios three mes then turned his knife on two other players of the electri uans One is in hospital in criti cal modition amass nvcnronn on the ice is in front of the Oshawa net as players scramble for the punk during light cone Mute in the NHL In Angus 1W Blair him to Milk neapols wind and dined him and attend hhn $0000 over two years to turn pro He turned it down to stay with the Nationals for the 1968 Win to Obmrlcs Dhseeas hard in Maximal and be has the longest wiry tract of any of then Blair said it anything new him out the NHL It will be his heir of quilt start and checking At training Carma ï¬gured Dincen cm 35 per cent away from playing in lhe NflL Hes improved maybe 20 per cent but whether he can come the rest of the way is another story Dineen and Oéhea posed problem for Blair even before they stopped on to the loo at gaining camp in llaliburton int Published reports said OSlen had signed twoyoai contract for $75000 and the original $60310 offer to Dinccn now had grown to $100000 bad guys coming up to mo and saying lf OSlloaaud Di ncen can get that much why Last Fall Theré Were ms Now There Is One mosheq cant have number of dol tars this season Blair said RFJELT IS OFFER When they came into my of ï¬ce told them Id Show them OShens or Dineens mntraet But il shelved it to them they would have to accept the terms No one look me up on it OShoa is playing well for the North Stars on line with Danny Grant and Claude Ln rosc In 52 games he has 12 goals and 21 assists and Blair says hes interested in becoming better hockey player is centre Danny must Im prove his playmaklng and he needs to lorcchedr more he said But hcs learning to control the puck better Before he used to heat the puck to death at Cell trc ice then leave it behind hlm when he skated Into the offen sive none Blair who coached Whitby Dunlops to the world amateur hockey championship in 1958 believes the present national team program has only proved we cant do much worse But dont Del the NHL should play the Russlans unless they tlrrrl pro he said Right now Canada is using fablevel players because we lire In democracy and youngster has the right to make mnney in hockey if he has the talent HARVARD WINS BEANPOT nosmn AP Harvard ended Bostun Universitys threeyear reign as Beanpot hockey champion by defeating the Terriers 53 on goals by lion Mark and George illeManema in the third period Monday night in the 17th annual tourna ment before crowd of 9256 at the Garden test at the international ee Wee Hockey tournament in Quebec City Monday flown to young Nationals scored DANNY OSIIEA of lhe ltlin ncsola NorUI Stars of tile 11 tlonal Hockey Leagues west ern division squirts water over his lace during recent game five members of Canadas national team signed There Go Da Judge There TORONTO tCP Toronto Maple Leaf officials say they will try to replace goal judge Eddie blepham because he parcntly erred in ruling that puck did not completely cross Oakland Seals goalline during National Hockey League game here Saturday Toronto lost the game 41 and was trailing by this score in the third period when Mepham ruled against shot by Toron tos Floyd Smith Manager Coneh Punch Imlach said TV playbacks of the shot showed it wasin The decision to replace lllep ham was made Saturday night and Harold Ballard executive vieepresident of Maple Leaf Gardens said he is out lol lowlng Sunday meeting with Imlacb in Chicago refereeInchief Scolly Morrison wbo attended the breaking goal in thelasl miaute of thegame to beat Oabawa Dnt 45 Oshawa was eliminated Borden Pee wees Knocked Out Of QUEBEC Cll Three of tour Atlantic province teams picked up vietarles but clast years grand champions from Richmond Hill Orr were eli inatod Monday in he ioth an nual Quebec International pee wee hockey tournament ISaint John NB shaded To ronto Young Rangers 32 in Class AA game Labrador City blanked Valeartler Qua solo game and Charlottetown hu mlliatedBuLkinghaln Qu in 13 action neniilue failed to an f0 out of four for the All £2 entries whcn1t= lost 64 lo PrincevlileQlio in game Int ITouriidmént Vldndsor Que scored victory over Po RougeLQue in another Ceneouiiter but was disqualiï¬ed later whentouma ment officials learned the club had used player from outside the Windsor limits Richmond Hill which pulled an upset last year by winning the grand championship was eliminated Monday when Gall neaa Que won 32 in en counter Eighteen Monday fn other class Thornhill Fill games were played games 0nt cl hbe Saules Que heat St Marc des gs ieres Qua Waterloo and Murdochville Que won Z1 over Quebec Indians In class AA action Winnipeg valloped Sherbrooke Que51 Toronto Shopsys posted 52 victory over london 0nt To main Harveysshut out Toronto Etobicoke 441 Toronto Young Nationals came from behind to edge Oshawa Ont 43 and Quebec Beavers defeated Mont real Lasallesd In other Class games Palate Gatr au Que boat MpflimflrEMYfQL srzandia Tuque Que crushed St Georges lie Seance Qua Illll Id say theres no chance hell downed SL Joachim Que Russians MOSCOW Reuters RUE sinn sports writer has warned Soviet hockey players not to be come too complacent following their recent succesdul tour of Canada the official news agency Tass reported Monday it would be wrong to believe first the utter deltas of Cana dian Ice hockey teams during the tour at the first national team of the USSR predict funeral ceremony to Stock holm wrote Boris Korolev 1n the popular Soviet weekly Foot balllloekey His reference wasto the up coming world hockey tourna menl lnSweden Korolev Novlsli press agency correspondent In Canada em phasizcd that Canadian hockey officials regarded the Soviet tour as useful trial for their national team Tnss said But he wrote the Russian players also gained good les son before the world tourna ment He quoted Russian ace Boris illn ov as saying that Russian by the North Stars he is the only one still playing ill the NHL the other four have been sent to the minors OSllea has 12 goals and 21 as sists in 52 games this season CP photo all game said he will discuss Bal lards decision with NIIL presi dent Clarence Campbell and go for this VIEW UNOBSTRUCTED But hlepham said in an inter view never saw daylight be tween the line and the puck It was partially over but not com pletely ltlyview was not ob structed and amfstill eoni vinccd was right It wouldnt have been honest to rule any other way In Montreal Clarence Camp bell NHL president said that llleplranis future remains up to the league not the hockey club Campbell said that heknows of no reason why Mephram should not continue as goal judge Anliual Progress Report to send away to supply the demand for additional copies we must have THEBARRIE murmur rilesoav rmuanv GAINEID hlUCll EkPEfllENCE The Derby Lingers On mll Warned Stockholm May Not Be Easy Win much play at the Canadian de tencemen Karolav felt the tough defen slve play was made worse by the referees who let the more dlaas break the rules In games against European teams Tass reported in this sense Korolev says that Canadian referees are the most dangerous enemies of Ca nadian bociiey Tess said The agency said Korolev sharply criticized the hostile cli mate created by Canadian fans during games between Russia and Canada in Winnipeg The spectators were parthan and refereeing was the worst during the whole tour of Can ada Tess quotedthecorre spondent as saying NILSEN scam K0 MCKEESPOIIT Pa CF Paul Nilsen ol Toronto scored oneround knockout over Ronnie Harris of Buffalo NY In eavyweight light ay night it was Nilsens second professional ï¬ght in less than that extra press runs can be planned Use the coupons below to order mailing direct from The Examiner copies for relatives and frien office is 25 cents per copy LEXINGTON Ky AP veterinarian and trainer ddad Monday for tho part they played in Elit lng naocers bruges feed after the 1963 Kentuty Derby The alternative was nody umpensloru for Dr Alex iiar lhill and Dongle Dnvlr Jr They had been given choice the Kenloehz flaring Oonr mission which nlled after oaeday hearing that both were guilty of improper conduct fol Butlerworth Phillips Lead Ontario Seniors TOROMO OP All Phil lips Sr of Tomato and Arnie liutterwortlr of Otllrwo head into the third round of the Ontario seniors curling championship today as the only undefeated allies in the elflbrinii competi on Bulterwmth or Ottawa Curl lne Club scored two wins in tle opening rounds Monday drop ping Holracc Greenfield of Sim toc 95 and tiruco McClure of Brampiori 75 Meanwhile Phillips used varleLv of shots to trounce Allen Shirk ol Kitcheneranerloo Granites 72 and flag Merritt of Grimstry llsl The winner of the double knockout competition will repre sent Ontario at the Canadian championslups in Hamilton Feb 2t Thatbreeday tournament is open to curlers 55 years or older lowing the controversial Derby incident Beamed two days after the race when humid Downs slewlldrdisv closed that Dancers Image had been treated with phenyhrta rooe an illegal medication list before he ran GROUND TABLETS Darts said Dr ilnrtblll agreed to grind up number of awirin tablets and mix the powder with the 0011s feed pretending that It was phenyibutazone Ve Intended to test the hon esty of Lou Cavaiaris said Davis Cavalarls of Toronto trained Daneers Image for owner Peter hiller Dnlis contended that Calalarv Is and his assistant Robert Bar nard witnessed the sailing but did nothing about it If Cavalarls was above re preach Davis continued he should have told the stewards about the feedsaltim incident lmmcdialeb The racing commission at ready has cited Cavalarls and llarllard to show cause why their licences should not be sus pended Smilar citations went to the trainers Vlawycï¬ Arthur Grafton and Edward Bonnie COIIRS CLODIIERED ST IOUIS HIP Weller wcighl champion Curtis Cokes of Dallas knocked out Don Cohbs of St Louis in two min utesHSZ seconds of the first round in nonlitlo bout Morl day night Calms caught ducking under and connected with ri ht ï¬ll in down Cobtis roo players benefited from month and games are it ends build AtttE CRli en IOII xaminer ea GIS Advance orders are now being accepted for extra copies of The Barrie Examiner PROGRESSREPORT Publication Date iiiiiiiiv FEBUARY 28 request extra copies of The Examiners Hundreds of Examiner readers each year relatives and former Barrie residents No otherpublierition covers so well the growth and activities of our city in order to your order in advance so ds Cost including the sure to erclose payment with order otherwise order can not be filled 10 The Barrie Examiner Please mall copy copies of The Examiners in Progress Report to hum Piymeni at Senderl Name Address min FixTalon Please mail BILLIARD TABLES 1955 Fruit53 Report to FOR THE HOME wrlnoeimoii Eumpean Tnpg copy copies at is enclosed The Examiners is enclosed Senderr Name Address Prices Vlncllrde Frill Playing Equipment CHAPMAN Billiard Supply JIM Queen St or Tor To The Barrie Examiner Please mail 1969 Progress Report to Name Paymentso is enclosed Senders Name Address To The Barrie Examiner Please mail 1965 Progress Report to Name Address cnny copies of The Examiners copytcnplea in mamn mms of The Examiners Payment of $Ji is enclos Sendcra Name Address in Jifle no