Dozens Oi Permits Said Against Regulations WEATHER Gourï¬ skies Wadiwday with colder temperatures and snow tunlea low tdnlgln 21 High Wechcsday in Details page EXAMINER TELEPHONES limitation mos Classified Advcrttsing 7281114 All other Departmentr 72665 IOSlh Your No 35 PRIME MINISTER Trudcuu wears dark olassos to ease the eye strain caused by glaring telcvlsion lights during lcdcr at provincial constitutional Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday February 1969 conference Monday at Ottawa GP Virephoto Nearer OTTAWA CF Canada has taken the first towards its goal of exchanging diplomatic relations with Communist China External Affairs Minis ter Mitchell Sharp said Monday Our embassy in Stockholm has been lnstructcd to get in touch with the embassy of the Peoples Republic in order to convey the Danadriau proposal that talks concernlng relations between the two countries be held at mutual convenient time and place in the near fu ture Mr Sharp told the Com mans Outside the House the exter nal affairs minister told report ers that the Unitcd States and our other friends were told in advance of the statement so they would not be taken by surprise Mr Sharp labelled his Com mons statement progress rult port It was made to clear up rumors about the pending talks Premier Manning One such rumorthat the talks would be held in Cairo was entirely without founda tion Mr Sharp said The ministers announcement brought speedy protest from Hsuch Yuchi the Nationalist Chinese ambassador It was the ambassadors second such pro test in less than week The tlrst was made Feb exam if Cciitada Moves China He described Oauadas ap proach to Communist China with view to establishing dip lomatic relntlons as distress ing to the Chincse people to the governmentof the Republic of China and to me personally 0n70wn Vomit TORONTO GP five montheold baby died Dec 10 in squalid room heaped with gar bage coroners inqumt was told Monday Evidence was that the baby William Frederick Ambing died of asphyxiation caused by strane gling in his own vomited food Two social workers and two welfare workers testiï¬ed Mon day and five more witnesses are to be heard when the inqltest re sumes Feb 17 Ilhc jury was told the infants 16ltyearold mother Patricia Ball and father Thor Chad Ambin 20 were former menhal patients William Torrie an other former mental patient also looked after the baby the inquest was told CAPSULE NEWS Student Power Reaches Windsor WINDSOR Ont CPl This city had its first taste of studentkpnwer today when 55 students denlanding more say in decisionmaking sor administrative building barricaded themselves in the University of Wind IvPoIice Fire On no InBombay BOMBAY GP Police fired on rioting mobs today in seven different areas of Bombay as looters took advantage of the lac ticnal violence between language groupstlfnt has killed at lepst 30 persons and injured nearly 500 in we days Communications Saiellile Success area KENNEDY or The Western worlds most powerful communication hats Monday heralding an era spacecraft successfully relayed radio sig when small front line military units can speed memagea via satellite Michener Flys To To Caribbean UllAWA CPt GovenuorGcneral Finland Michener left by air today for tour of four Caribbean nounules dost nated state abroad by Conservatives Win the first officially GovernorGeneral Alberta Byelection EDMONTON cen Soccial Credit wmplamuy at least thats what the party president called it was jolted Monday night when Progressive conservative swept to victory in an Alberta byelection to till vacancy created by the retirementof Couple ilcquitted ronoNroaoPr George rrajuct Trial and Viola MacMillari Toronto mining promoters who have made fortune duclng long mlning career onda in thea BabyCholredt so days golng around the 37 Deaths Attributed To US Storm NEW YORK AP With snonplows working around the clock the northeastern Unltcd States was digging out from the big weekend storm that pnra lysed transportation cut off food supplies in some areas and throttlcd the flow of commerce At least 57 deaths were nttrlb uted to the stormwhich blan keted an area from New Jersey whfle trapped la Ed dirto mobile at New Yorks Kennedy International Airport Air rail bus and auto truffle began to move sporadically late Monday But return to normal schedules appeared some time oftvas gusty winds continued to pile drifts after the storm moved out to sea Onlario To Buy Hydro From 05 TORONTO CF Ontario Hydro the provinces publicly owned electric power commls sion announced today it will buy power from the Unlth States in an effort to offset strike at one of its main gener ating plants But the commi ion warned in statement that severe weath er conditions in the northeastern us will severely restrict avail ability or suchpower menu ï¬recraxmmrg More than 160 workers failed to show up this morning at Hy dros Lakeview generating sta tion in Torontos west end The station controls nearly 25 per cent of the provinces power Bomb Roclrs Aimed Forces Building MONTREAL CF dyna mite bomb exzploded Monday night outside Canadian Armed Forces building in northend Montreal the second blast to rock the building in six years maintenancernan working ln side the building on Batesltoad at the time of the explosion suf fered cut to one ankle and was treated in hospllal Police said Ernest Cassivl 55 an ï¬lame Examiner Not More Than 10 Ear Copy I4 Page AllS MEDICARE POtlTIC UITAWA lCP Finance Minlstcr Edgar Benson today shot down any possibility of the federal government offering the provinces Immediate financial relief at the second day of the constitutional conference Todays meeting was called to order at 10 am EST by Prime lttlnistcr Trudeau Entering the meeting Mr Benson sold in an lntervinw that nothing has changed since last Decembers fedemlrprovlnclal finance ministers conference At the December meeting Mr Bcnsontnld the provinces that if they wanted more money to meet their responsibilities they must ralse it themselves Asked whether the picture has changed slnce than in the light of provincial premiers de mands for interim help while working out constitutional change Mr Benson replied thlnk not PLAN SOME AID The only apparent newfcder al financial helpin sight was the prints mlnisters statement at Mondays opening of the geday cylere to Maine They included three on persons apparently givé yï¬lhfciat T1 technical assistance to theprove lace forsine extension olelanv gouge rights in education the courts and otherprovlncial in stitutlons However Premier Walter Weir of Manitoba was cou tiously optlrnistic about chances for federal concessions to the tax fields as result of todays sessions Wevcgot them to talk about it and now well have to wait and see what theyvegot to say hesald in an interview lodge Pleads To Be Tried for Assault TORONTO 0P Provincial Judge mien Kurata whose oouduothas been inveaigated in closed session by Ontarios judi cial cotmcll said Monday he has pleaded with Attonrey General Arthur Wishart for the opportunity to defend himself in court of law Judge Kurata 46 Toronto magistrate for three years told last week that the fiveman courrdl has recomended public inquiry into allegations against hlrn ofimplvper assault and interference with the ministration of iuï¬ice all deals with questions concern Judges Kudge Kurata who has not been assigneditnany court slncc Metropolitan Toronto police woman news conference heslearned ad Established under last years Provincialme Act the coun log the conduct of provincial November said the councils hearing involved allegationsof transom nos minors No Financial Relief lm on the side of the Camp dlan taxpayer who really needs some help these days in adding up his tax bill Premlcr It Bennett of British Columbla repeated his assertion that hls delcgntlon is here to talk about dlvislon of federal and provinclal responsb bililicsnot current llnonces We shouldbe talking consti tution said Mr Bennett fhls is constitutlonal conference and trnances should be dis cussed at finance confer once Mondays first day of the threeday conlerence saw see cession of Prairie spokesmen challenglng the governments handling of federalprovincial taxsharing pollcics The result was decision to reverse the agenda puttlng the Gunman tots hours darted to safety Monday night as police gunï¬re killed her pistolwaving captor Janie Lewis 17 escaped harm in cafeteria where longhaired paroles had con lined her in booth relectlng repeated pleas to free her Olflcers Identified the slain man as Freddie Robert Mullins of Dallas They said herhad served term for armed bery in Minnesota As many as 501 persons as sembled at tlmes to watch what was taking place at the Big Town shopplng centre in mhur ban Mesquite Police Chief if Limmer 33 sald he motioned with his eyes or Mtss Lewis to run he bind retaining wall in thecaf eterio when Mullins finally di verted attention from her to un screw light bulb in lcww hanging chandelier Three bullets pierced Mullins chest and he died as he felt The Examiner TODAY nnnLanaersr my News2 Classiï¬ed12 l3 Comics8 Deathsill Distrch EditorialI Sports1011 ThentrH TV Hstlngaélo Weather2 Womens6 NANMMO EC 0P Tommy Douglas scored an easy victory in Mondays Nan movCowichanThe Islands fed at byelection His political image returb ished by Milvote margin thenational leade ol the ow Damocrarc Farin Said it will probably be at least aweek be fore he heads hrr Ottawa and the Connirons seat denied him in the general election last June few dingla express myvthanka personally to my constihrentatfor thelr voteof oonlidence said Mr Douglas Ha termed Mondays victory which retained the Vancouver Island seat for the NDP me morable landmark in political career spanni $5 years Ive been doscr battles but thlsxcertainly ranks as one ofrthevmostcmemorehle the yearold veteran of 16 elec tion campaigns romnrited Chairman MESSAGE not porsonal yictory but rather mandate from the pg tell the govarnmcnt that Caeadlous de mand leadendhip rather than in erti Mr Douglas took thclead on lDOuglos scoresEast Byelection Victory the first poll reported Monday evening and lncreased it stead ily through thenight With all 218 polbreported Mr Douglas Prairics fiscal concerns ahead of the federal cmphasls on lan guage and other fundamental rlghts Prime Minister decnu nc ceptod the change without prolt tust and federal spokesmen called It mlnor concession since the language lssuc will come at this afternoons session Theyheld to the stand that the federalprovincial distribu tion of taxing and spending pow ers should be dlseusscdnnly in relation to the constitution not it was clear that the Prairies with some support from other parts of the country were intent on lull string of their financial woes Mondays opening session at imos sounded more like fiv nancial than constitutional conference Killted go Flees lemer estlmatcd dozen shots were fired including three from his own pistol as the police chief ducked behind table only 10 feet from Mullins Other ofï¬cers reported Mul lins got off single shot from his ncalibre weapon UITAWA CF Premier lohn Roharts today called the natloonl medical care insurance program one of the greatest political frauds ever porpo trntcd on this coimtry and dc mnndcd federal rompensatlon for its cost to Ontario ance plan introduced by Ottnwo Machiavellian scheme plan out of which tlng nothing He demanded lisch eoui lentpnymcnt of cosh by pt wa to the provincial treasury equal to the beneï¬t the province would get if it joined the natlon a1 plan Mr Robarts strong language capped the opening few minutes of the federalprnvlucial consti are get of taxing and spending powers Prime Minister Trudeau suge gestcd thedLbate be kept on the subject of how the constitutlon should distribute tor and spend ing powers between the federal and pr cial governments mier It Bennett of Bri Columbia said the real trouble is caused by clause in the rit North America Act stlptrlates that the federal guvémmeht fie revenue by any mode or mcans Thls all the provinces PremierWalt Weir of Manl loba said he is more concerned about the immediate situation but could make proposals lor Drapeau Raps Federal Policy MONTREAL CF Jean Drapeau reconsidering his role as mayor of Montreal as re sult of ï¬nancial austerity that has hit the cityendedhis third scheduled special televisioan dress Mondaytfnightand left his futurestlll in doubt Mr Drapcau began therap peaiances in French and Eng lish last Thursday to explain statement made Jan 29 that he may not remain as mayor be cause austerity is stiflinghis hopes for Montreal His general theme in speeches Thursday and Friday ran as had 19712 votes Liberal Eric Winch 11693 and Magnus Ver brugge the Progressive Conser vativ Present standing in the $64 sent Outmom tubemls 154 cant The riding had been held htrougtr sicfcdoral clcdlonsby New Democrat Colin Cameron the partys ï¬nancial critic in the Commons until his death last July gt Jrc DOUGLASrwlU 1min gives the high sgn Monday after winn federal byelectlon in Nana Cowi sault on federal fiscal policies was continued Monday Throughout Mr Drapcau has insisted that it there is any con crete hope of change in feder nl fiscal policy toward munici palities he might remaln The 52yearold mayor began what he calleda period of re flection Jan 29 wben the city announced austerity had forced closure this year of Man and His World He said he wanted to explain to the public on television why he is reconsidering his role as mayor is post he has heldsince 1962 looser votive Dn Magnus gVerbrugq ge The byelecticn or Mr Douglas to House of Com chap The Islander over Lib mans after defect in June 75 lelntarioilrcmier Ottawa Pay Compensation He termed the medical insur Ontario nonepartJeipant is being taxed by 315000000 for tutionnl conferences discusslon Demand JOHN MBAWIS constitutional reform to the its col field at Sometime in the fu ture If asked Ottawa to freeze all of tspartlclpatlon in shared cost programs now and consult the provinces on changes in cs new programs or with drawnls from existing pro grams ltfr Trudeau sald both the nd Weir suggestions WcreWorth discussing by the conference ltfr Robarts sald Ontario wants some ground rules wrlt ten about participation in sharedcost programs Ontario did not like being forced lnto such programs and we want the fiscal equivalent He intervened in the discus sion on tax revenues when lttr Weir said he would not repeat Manitobas objections jto the medical care insurance plan be cause it is over and done with it would be heating our he do against stone wall We dont feel that way the Ontario premier said We still object to medicare and will con tinue doso Montreal Police Students Clash Meghanu CP Police early today clashed with stu dents occupying part of the main Sir George Williams Uni versity building in downtown Montreal Early reports indicated that at least fourpolicemcn and sev eral students were iniurcd Lib oral RoyFerrault in the na ttpnalJNDP leaders former home riding Burnaby Say mour 0P erephotot