Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1969, p. 7

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T0 GOOD HEALTH Pernicious Anemia Can Be Controlled ozone THOSTESON nab Dear Dr Thmwn hot is the ditterence between BIz diet and liver mbHMV Some years ago it was discov efed that pernicious anemia could be mntmlled the pai ient ale large amounts at liv TELEVISION er Later liver extract was used to prnitde more concentrat ed term and relieve the pItlent Iront constant diet at liver Still later Vlth WI discovered to be the important ingredient in liver extnd so now it is widely used in con PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO EUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILWN 12 PETEFBOROUGB BATURDAV FEBRUARY EVENING 00 lHorut Rana oooir IDannv 1pm IIrtun eLnen rzonut oo iDuin Izsaiow 133 Illlblxll ml El triflerune oour amt outdoon lino 2C ntry Music Ill limlfiGnll oivli World at IL Lindy nature Hum Dem IIGlaaet ezoo zaaa llope clarsln coir IIlne in the Giants mo 710 we 2AM Sm tritiiiano or our 7star mom can HLilul HUM 7Llwren6 lZConvknltion Inr via DIX It 900 1iiovle Incitey For Lovers lint SeIK unlimit Bail IzPro itocxe 7Dlnnv Thoma IiCeuntrv Clue zMc at and Ian lHV Seal IIGunamniu Tom luinr IItornr name no Liemeat rnnetien 1itoilrIood him 114 Iacornedy Cate nv rift The inn no list Itapoineui alley Days overly ZAdam Ir iZGood Guys Huhll oruran 7r Lou they Lisa 11021li sNm Hal litter rrnimeer in on sun 14in MIMI lNetil iisim nun Elm5s the mu Whit army Orient flrtilaiuam led new Welk SUNDAY IFEBRUARY MORNING AND AFTERNOON Loo nzxo lTorn as ieny ePreaio 72iii nc oon Iv liCathedial Chime Ran no 2lnterlnde AAqulman enn svr 1lt0chtIhln llIiallln ronmi in one 2Chuxch invitation Iozno aThe Answer 4Pepcr Caner eIroi ethiqu omnnnerhirdr iuzxo 2AniLv II Till Lila 3ymn nook HLook Up and leI sI nrue Vivate etn moo lLlls of tha airmen arn Prore gnizrwcnr You elIvn IBullulnkie not llContlnenul iillnlIturu 7skippy Izuo Izuo ZMwle Ins 2Worlfl Tomorrow ssrmo Irert Ismau World sSunday aiornton oitalin Album IIJr Hockey were nihilism iriir mi sniirrrn noundtahle 7hlo rm lllnue vain flu BThlGNli WI aNtiona Business oniahoo visit 911an zGerpel Hour 115 IFIEI the Nluan 7D INle wwua You Wm MINOM iicmny ciln liFlthu Knan Belt on 11 Space 73in Bukeiblli 140 Iéhedul IHecond Ml mum llJitvll circle 30 2hour 0Pm teeny tWmld lMillll llmUnde luck Jihfllfl IIIt Ir Written DILcnttonn or the 133$ on came SUNDAY FEltRUIiBY EVENING me 12minute World uttiese IIooo film It ClIasle on coil IllTiny illeni Tim gimi IZlilsn lille HemClaude Klily 7Nowlyweg can Daeorua nu uaenuo sen mom Haul on 11min arnr Dllovie 74 Rut slum has IIafim mu gimme Bowl $100 12qu Dim 34m Century Mm 230 Wild Kinxflom tNm llWllt Dian World Lionel lSpInaeul DW zItuck nnn run 213 DiahIYl or Izoxern Amt Be Dos Altair Io 13 Artin InrIzrac war nroun some lloPeytcn Piue loan IIDrunae 00 2w thug no stahm In 33le fimnlrmgerrt ova oldieBriton 6Movli crew ea or or rayurn IIII 0PItb Duke Sullivan ZMmmLaw or Jeannie shifiaonalnn Undlr Mutt Special MORNING VIEWING MONDAY 10 FRIDAY 52Tqu Show 4ClpL Kangaroo smo ouniveraitv er the Mr lIPoplye limo us oIrornin stairs or zrav card It liMr Dune Yea Millet Snub ll ill liltoblri Hood lZEd Allen an and cut 37 ricirirnm 747m cm fiUnela lobby am nullity mo eAnav ortrrua nnav Thou EA Alla has felling it Inemls lit used or wroose 00 to treat nerve dimplev tor one 34 no be given prinieuly Ind in exact done liver injec tions have to be dveo in larger quantity and are painlul Ind in addition they cause reactions in Ihout Io per cent patienu Thin 311 is welcomere tinement in treating pernicious InemlI Dear Dr heeleun About to years ago when was child was given eeverIl Mexican lumping beans by another child to swallow Since then have learned that these beans con tain worm have never taken any type at worm medicine Ind am wondering it alta Iil these yeIrl have whole lImily ot worms in my intestines have never mentioned this to anyone and am too embar rassed to tell my doctor as IinI mature married woman now have always tired easily and wonder it this could be the cause liG ltlds will mllow the darned est things wont they After 10 years though you can sately stop worrying oi the thousands 01 kinds oi bugs and worms that exist only scant low inhabit the lntealne as aalurIl place to live Chances are that you expelled the lumping beans without your digestive Juices penetrating the shell of the beans and that was the and claim matterputts sheila did come apart in your intestine the little insects died ho quickly No it you have pinworms or round worms they didnt come tram your childhood bean swal lowing Dear Dr naosteson am in CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER West dealer Both sides vulnerable none one 11mm nae rt noes ears no 303m xas fém 42m filblddlnl wm some not South Plan run 2N1 has run 3m Opening load live at hearts it is sometimes possible tor decisrer to accomplish hy grille what he cannot accomplish with ordinary play but it is not al Ways easy to improvise the stratagem required in partic ular case Consider this hand where Welt led heart Deciarer won Easts ten with the lack and war laced with choice oi tack ling eiflier clubs or diamonds He realized West could not have long heart sult headed by the AQ and the ace of cube and king at diamonds as well West would not have passed orl nally in such case and taking birth control doctor toils me will my WM when meno begin but have read or long as Ioman in lab in the pill Ilia will menstru Ite no matter what her age is is has worried me lor some rimMn cm know the story you heard been rpreld about rather widely but the tart remains that pill or no plii menstrtn Ition will cease It the appro priIte time Dear DrrThooteoon see where well known doctor stated that to give up smoking alter iileiime at it is harder on one than the damsge it does no you think he should have said that Some ol the weak people use it an excuse to continue Mn Llll Dont ask me to Judge what somebody else ought to have aaldornotsIlthavohouprk hard enough trying to he res ponslhle or my own statements lily Inswer would be this It ltmi patient in say his late 70 or no and he enioyed smok ing wouldnt worry about what might happen to him in or so years later But it he land em physema or other breathing dilflcuity then would suggest that he quit smoking You cer lainlywcll know my opinion of the benefits at giving up cig arettes earlier in life pi JULIET JONB DONALD DUCK ilE BfiUlslNfi EIGHT LIVERPOOL lAP Henry Clark 5yearold heavyweight xer from Los Angales draw with former British champion Brian London in rough hnria lng Iorounder Thursday night The liquorold Englishman was cut over the lctt eye and on the left checkhone so he had to credit East with either one or both at those key cards in practice South led club at trick two and quickly went down when East took the ace and retumod heart But South would also have tailed hldlla elected to enter dummy with spade at trick two and attempted diamond finesse West would win with the king and presumably lend club to Easts Icc whereupon heart retron would result in down two The only line 01 play that might have succeeded would be to win Easts ten at hearts on the opening lead with the king instead oi the jackl This extraordinary play rrdxht have convinced West that his partner had the jack oi hearts instead of declarerand could hava allceted his play later on liftcr winning with the king South enters dummy at trick two with spade and linesaes the Jack diamonds it East has the king South has nine sure tricks and his imaginative play at trick one has done him no harm But it West turns up with the king of diamonds daelarers position is by no means hope less West wins but may all into deelarers trap by returning low heart in his partners pre sumed jack if this happens South comes home scot tree SECRET AGENT GRANDMA FOREST WHAT VOUR EULLEIS DID TD MY PILLOWS IF YOU PROVIDE ME Wml SOME WHY is GRANDMA iNSUCtt EVE RYBOW SHOULD HAVE HOBBY HURRY SHE JUST BOUdHT COLORING BOOKDF SPACE MONSTERS AND DEMONS AT THE PRUGSTDE some our THE All MADE ME SLEEPY THINK lLL TAKEAi NAP aurora DINNER VS BAPEECL bJau PANCDEELORDSIS MY STOP You IDIOT DONFVOU EVEN mow ana Allen on Km rnnmt me wru navel YOUR own FATHER Iaexer or was nan manlonkmgatamanwhohadfltooo eta 1Hoilywooe spuliu Schon micll Thu Lue wagon Colin Bcutoon Pllirhouu 7Dllllnl or enamper noon umu GMlii Schools IHeveri Eda$41142 iFederaLProvlnc Mongerlumen ma thirteenth Chex Helm 1w Llifsvirg Noon Itas lllI in Conlerenee Programs we Elllhlliial erupted Monday Tuesday WedneedIy MONDAY FEBRUARY to mmoou Heo 4y 55+lzpltgwr eImnm mt ltifnwfiiiidmrra suitant Ill uainro It Home 12qu 12 111mm nuurru 346125 For it It FEHIHOHOW 7llako Shonlldyr sh nrnntstonu znm or llLucille aIr iLave oIravie tDepOflIdt IiMovle HW lllnanxtrratlon ove at MIKE ll Le ll 2r dLurreheon pm moo mo 2Merv Grlllilr wowGalloping Gourmet AMnIIeIIer snow Dl Love Lucy llHlfll Weahter Ionaldl 2Huel vMilfilDBenlllill 40 hrs In TFlltlfflnll nvle inc dent It Phlnlam Hill 11ch and Your ifllelllll hDer It mm e4th llllere Co Brides Pi re Jeanniem Limit Master LEM tPerry Muon oIomt moms Lou Lucy IILuey 12Flintxlonu sno Lottowun ma ntuu tutii 7Danny Thomas itliiiin on atom Izah ek iIlllovl tflre cnare Hid FHHEE 7Y5Ylflil ima Elihu rot liPlem Baton Iroo Lilnvle 7Jnlai Rival lliIoNun and 1h 6Aa The Wolld lit Splendored rninr exvuku sex INewiywed Gama znoetorn MONDAY FEBRUARYVIO EVENING ortewr ilhtonkéya IMy Three sons mo eTruth uncann toummnke eranon my arm era onomn Ind aran Nil no wotIII Iinu 11min SWIM Regular Pl Iauidlnx nine Heronflan Si 7Dliln Gama iTPrliin 124mm ZAnothe orll MilTlilwlo 9351 rsiiifii In Eairuct Imi all LlVEl lvlell mo LeifEa olluyat thawing For Girl lMavurry nmu auonsiat SPO wolfc are neatly harmml Io lCl Elihu SIt TILL The data marrow ini°i II Néwi ivertnér om llpltem Burton or Muir un ewl Wei iii 3r ll rlw in if to in AC ow or Hohnny omen oMovte Elmo Ind LIth vanity or tditheWahnuthiaahapidmistakemdw ole now unemployed Murmur Judith 4Wander about Idly 50M 01 A0805 spotlight the whole range Culture medium mumm ified mien or 0H ILMIIAI locomoti stoned nttleerzahltr 91rojoetlnr 11 sun god end at 10 Ever poet church Illlimit 113mm bird 15th ilJIGIIJId 201mm ob stratum nunn nitgutted neongo 161mm suiti Aching elevln 290IVity Solitarry enumqu or battle inspection 31Ernmetl 23311 Cutting teal 391mm finch end to end DAILY causewmo Biblical pair ham BLONDIE 28nevlvu or IGIIEWI 2mm to advice heterofedora from 211lelght 3L8hup Iblii itsMolaan amines aa JDJur ud mm craru 40Anger 42 Sheep talk 4aCompIn point lan guage aaicwairy sword BUZZ GREAT RlSK YOU SAVED Mvurs Auto venue smil ensues can NIW ilFEBUT lDiA AND HOPE THE FREtKlEFACED BUY WinilllE OJTESMILEISSHLL

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