Linda Eastman Amrrican Iocietygirl whose name has BEATLE LINKED been romantically linked with Ecntie Paul McCartney shown after she left McCartneys res idence here title ailernoon ANN LANDERS ADVISES Display Of Affection 13 Cheap Dear Ann Landcre Please say something about kids into walk down the street with their arms wrapped around one an othcrs waists paw each other in public and kiss in the school corridors Yesterday two car pies were necking up storm on the bank stem and teacher almost broke her nedr When she tripped over them lily closest girl tricnd told me her steady threatened to drop her unless she allowed him to caress her publicly lie said it was his way of advertising their relationship so the other guys would lay nil Do you have an opinion nANps err Bear Yes and Ive ex pressed it many times Public displays at ntfeotion cheapen girl and they dont do much for telianv either The smart mrl insims that her boytriend keep his hands oil when others are presentif he doesnt know bet ter Deer Ann Lenders Jim and are being married in Iour Weeks Last night asked Jim to promise that there would he no reading of newspapers at the ANN MNDERS he had always read the news paper at breakfast that it was ritual with him and was ask ing too much am also made the point that he is not in very good humor in the morning and we would both be better on it he stayed behind the newspaper In my view he is being selï¬sh and obstinate Please comment TT Dear TT Jim has told you two important facts about him self ll He has become accus tomed to reading the paper in the morning lie is not much ertisementf leave him alone with his paper So lay oil lady Dear Ann Lenders In the past live years my Siyearold brother has worked only one third of the time He has never paid room or board Mother says we should Iorgive him like good Otristians am 31 unmarried pay the rent and grocery hills lily broth or cats and sleeps criticizes complains and kcapsme in constant state at tunnoil have never been able to buy decent clothes or take atrlp although make an excellent salary have passed up some good tip porttlrritlcs to date because my mother says my first obilgotlon is to her This means Come home alter work and keep me company dont mind supporting my mother but resent supporting my brother My friends say am crazy Any adviecTIRED Dear Tired Your friends are right Id substitute gudtvritl den or crazy but it adds up to the same thing Your mother has done splendid job ol crrp pling you so youd never leave of morning communicator and her Now you need prolessional breakiaat tahie He insisted that raunrrne insertVi SMITH an Australian teach ing in Indrson oormntnvity Potatoes Supply Vitamin Iron Canadas Food Guide remin abouL miles northeast of London out enjoys folk sing ing when she is net prepar GREATEST SELLER The greatestseller oI any phonogrepbic record to datels White Christmas by Irving Ber ing lessons tor her students She teadres to finance her traltels or Wirephotot disadvantaged housewife ence dittieulties in ct Centrqunccisllege Students Hold gFebruarerpen House katralia Collage stardom and stall will be hosts at the annual college Open Home on Feb II and 19 This years plenum felines Vibe theme More Read with twink This ill be iotarpréted by exhilib canning livestodr proa dudIon Imam engineering hairless rnaoagoment foods lentils home management ap plied arts and other albieds Marty at the eldiibits arranged by the bottle eoonomiu and Ila clariture Mull will Icahn new products and now techni ques which have becorne pas aihle ttaigh educational ed vanees The Open House will be on Idluary II from to lo pm eadFebmary toth am no pan 1be Position Show will be highlight at the troyam Home Econonuc student will model clothes made during ciao res at the College flie publieisluvited to take tilts opportunity to meet the stat and students at Ontarios newest colhge of agriculture and home economics Starting in Seer maybe Horne Emaorrdoa Division of Centralia College of Agricultural Technology ufllotter new on mm In the twoyear diploma course to lmmve and update the merge Firstyear students will take general course with so per cent of the time spent on home economics ethical and the re maining so per cent on the be havioral and biological sciences Inthesemndyearofthepro gram the maxim will include food option community homemaker option and clothing optioni 1111 the girl with special talents and interests can concen hate on her drown field during her graduating year Sunterns willbe encouraged to work in an area of their option between the tirst and second year Food option graduates will have excellent opportunities or unployment In the loud service industry They will be able to work in hospitals remurunts school and college dining mom and plant cafeterias as food mp ervisorsand managers and as tedmicians in test idleitena and college laboratoria Graduatu of the coulseare eligible to be come members 01 the Canad ian Food Service Supervisor Association The student gradu ating trim the communityhom maker option may ï¬nd inter ercating work asuan amtiiiary worker in social health or wei fare services There is need for the home economics gradu ate in help train women and to upgrade tlieirslriiisas house hold workers so that commun ity neerh for household services may be improved few com munilias employ home econo mists to assist in the training of both the handicapped and the The help to break The chains that bind you hope you get it soon and clear out 01 that squirrel cage Teaching Finances Travelling Hobby HICKSON Ont GP Teaching is Jenny Abbott Srnithe proiessian Travelling is her hobby And she has worked out an ingenious method of using the former to finance the latter Ihe toyearold Audralianis currently teaching at lIiekson public school In July she Vwiii be off again to Mexico and eventually to South America In 1964she left Australia or Britain where she spent all years Between jobs sbe hitch hiked through Europe Teaching she considers labor of love andteels tb muneration in iantastic In her philosophy persons who are in jobs they enjoy shouldnt make as much money as those who do jobs in an undesirable ategow or are engaged in dull routine work At Hickson she is involved in apregram to help children with learning diitioulties Many of the pupils have an average or aboveaverage IQ butexperi work Misa AbbottSmith an 0n tarles county sdmol system rugnzabove thatiln Australia gt which operates on state level She finds the localized govern ment and central schools more etircient inmeeting the speciï¬c needs at children OPENINGleth nuwrsronr chaining option mediate may ï¬odworkmthetskicJashion Choose Tumips As Vitamin Source tinny Wise housekeeper will arouse turnips when she goes We tor vegetables They are inexpensive readily avail able atvthia timecf year and are agood sauce of vitamin The colorful turnip can be served in combination with other vegetables or In meat dishes or it can be served alone lnrnash ed creamed or baked form on into sticksend sened row it is tutorial relish What does good turnip look like Food Specialists at Mao doneid Institute Universibl of Guelph give this buying guide select smooth wellIormed tare nip that is lino and heavy or its size the most common vor iety oi turnip has round yellow body and wide deep purple mantle bridal or home furnishings do pertinent or large stores Stud coin with talents may be aide to establish their can dress designm bustne sees indium ottbe three options will be competent to work as airline stewardessea appliance dcrrmstrerore ores tedinldanu overseas with CUS0 or other agencies The course at Centralia Col lege wili provide on re lty for any girl toobtain trairr ligasahomemakcr Tne attrac live fully appointed Manage menoAptatmentwiii provide me dent with invahtabie experience in group living Rearing house together in small groups for Mo weeir periods they will grin an Insight into theprobloms lnv ed in plarniing budgeting and cooperative management Students with Grade XII Sce ondrtry Sdrool Graduation Dl ploma from any we at tour or tiveycar program will be ac cqited Students mar at years of age will be assessed on an individual basis ITIIE BARRIVJ EXAltUNERLSATURDAY FEBRUARY 1969 WHAT THE By ESTEELLITA FOR TOMORROW Generous planetary influences indicate pleasant Sunday Especially favored Social func tions family interests enter tainment oi alltypes FORTH BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that ambitious plans along Job and ï¬nanciallines should prove high ly remuneratlvc within the next It months Keep alell there fore and capitalize on all avail able opportunities to display your innate ingenuity and spirit or enterprise Dont however expect immediate results Look lor Good monetary progress during the uexttwo months the test two in duty the weeks be tween Sept Is and Oct 15 and those between Nov 15 and Dec 15 Consolidate gains then and prepare for line period for ex panding idiaseintercst begin ning on Jan I910 Chances for job advancement and recog nition are indicated during May the Iirst two weeks oiJuly in September midNovember and or late December Be careful to avoid friction in close circles in late June early September midOctober and midDecember and you should have smooth sailing on the domestic and social seas Mast propitious periods for romance The entire months of May Au gust and December tor travel Middane late August early September and the Dec IsJan ls weeks child born on this day will ingenious and enterprising must curb tendency toward excessive volubility however DAY AFTER TOMORROW Keep in close touch with de STARS SAY VEIOPmenlsaround your piece of business Monday You may have chance to strengthen ty and add to Original ideas close attention ion rue amnion If Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while you can make good job headway during the next months it would be sensible to concentrate on reasonable goals rather than to strive for the im possible as tbo Aguarian fre quently does As of Jan 15 you entered an excellent month planetary cycle goVErnlng this area of your life and further boosts are indicated during May the Iirst two weeks oi July throughout September in midNovember andor Illa De camber Where monetary interests are concerned you should have op portunities to increase assets between now and April 15 dur ing the last two weeks of July between Sept 15 and Oct 15 be twccn Nov t5 andDec 15 and for two months beginning with next Jan Avoid extravagance in August and speculation in early September and early Nov ember however Personal relationships will also he generously governed during the coming year with emphasis on romance in May August and January on trevci in midlune late August early September and the weeks be tween Dee l5 and Jen is child born on this day will combine idealism with prectl oality being extremely versa tile could succeed in any told of his choosing LADIES SECTION Curlers Trophy The Ladies Section of the Barrie Dating Gut will begin playoffs tor theGilbey lmlity on Mmday morning starting at ociodr Eleven rinksde be represented in the illBroil with sums Irorn the blondambin 35 pate Skip imdy Stepheru Vice Grace 9150 Secondarol Wallace lead Ilarg Jaggas liar Amos Helen Stollar Aud rey Power and Girolyn Strind an Doris Homer Del McGï¬ rlek Norah Dyer and Eleanor Hair stylist Bamie Safire puts fall of raise nuts top on Norma Startz in Satires new beauty shop in Encino Retired Iusiice Plans Marriage TORONTOCPI IlIcRucr tormeruchief justice oi the Ontario Supreme Court will be marriedEeb9 to Robina Dow 55 cousin at his Iirst wrfe Mr ltcRuer 79 retired from the bench in 196nm conducted Ontarios one man royal com mission on civil rights His first wife Mary Dow died 18 months ago DOUBLETROUBLE DURING CARNIVAL WEEK AT in the Carnival Spirit 8r find themselves in you two big Lieatures to help you enjoy Carnival doublo trouble giving Wee cu5toinver during Woekf Begin Playoffs Armstrong Grace Oogh Helca Harden Jo Scanh and Dorothy Jones Marion Parker Betty Sterheos Barb Rodgers and Verna Dyrncnt Belly Gone Rossyn Dppleti Pat liiciding and Joyce Heels Roda Green hiiy Webb Lillian Jackson and Data Hebert At time of going in press playotf representatives trom the TuesdayFriday atternoon relied1 uie had not been decided All lady orders are requested losignuptorthereguiarsched ulc Sunday Feb at pm at the Barrie Grim Chi Insraurcuats run TOTS Caiit where he caters to lots lrom to II Now the kids can have instant curls just like their mothers At LOWER RIGHT Norma poses with her own curls and LDWEII LEFT she displays set of also braids AP Virephotnl Ie hoeFi byWoikwel is it possible for child to outgrow pair of shoes within three weeks Yes it is possible and it happens treqnnntly but the grouth is mt true growthduring that short period When childs old shoes are too abort the child vill unconsmnusly draw up his ardt to keep his toes from humping the ends of the dimes Draw ing up the arch shortens the foot Try it Suppose the old shoes were size and he new measures or size MAJ ti shoe in the proper widlh will permit him to relax his foot and then the toot settles hack in mmial it may measure8V2 to The new Its are outgrown and the shoemnn catches headache because the parents allowed the Child to wear 7s when he need ed its If Lite shoemnn attempts to anticipate this settling process and tits the shoes half size too Cormvn NEARLY new SHOP 196 punter 5r BARRIE WEiWiLL SELL FORYDU clothing at all kinds and accessories household rterjns and small appliances sports equipment an oys gt All items must be freshly cleaned and in good repair RECEIVING DEPT OPEN FROM FEB 10 Hours 10530 Feb 10 ll 12 only 79 or inrtherdnformation PHONE7289387 before izvoooh or after tun ha long it invariably turns outthat this child has natural butch toot that doesnt care to set tle ihtl shocs turn up in front like skis they look like some neighbor ga you and they are worn out brdore the child grows into them You cant win mends you eat one serving of potatoes daily Do yourirnow W7 ii Both specials attactive untii Sunday Feb Idth Phone AHEAD roe TAKEour 728094l Open Weekdays ii 75eturdayvunftl 342 BAVFlElD ST at Estee Lauder Comertoï¬p annals wmm LCAKNIVAtx Sce oilde It is because potatoes are im portant contributors to the days requirements of vitamin and irnrtas weilas being good sources energy One med Iumsized potato it properly Iy nearly half l2 semen tor particulars ream 5133575 55 DUNlD ST llMlRlE iw void linpy that va