sexton an ax 31 poltltnity program as selling suffered from this Harold Bair stowgt 01 firms are ï¬nding that while d9 alsvilla motorcycle Barries six mayors for the week gathered with Mayor Robert Ilanlcy in his otllce $ll4478IROM GOVT Sewer Barrie will receive Mm loan from Ille lcdcral govern ment to assist In the construc tion at sewage pretreatment plant The loan was announced ycs terday in Ottawa by Hon Paul Heuyer minister responsible tor the Central Mortgage and Hous Ing Corporation flhe pretreatment plans to be constructed as an addition to existing sewage scryices was apA proved by council last year and has been waiting approval oi the cderal loan Mayor Declares Mayor Robert Bentley said yesterday the city must devel op new sales approach if it Is to continue to attract indus try to the city The mayor said he would like to see film done which ad vertises Barrie as community and whim could be used as means of approaching industry He said he was impressed with slide presentation recent ly prepared by the Huronla tour ist association and lult that similar approach could be taken of the city with investment at traction He said the city should use the act we are not included in the equalization of Industrial 0p point rathei than regarding it as liability The Rio grants firms forgiv able loans to locate in some communities Barrie is not in cluded in the progmm and has industrial commissioner said in his annual report The fact we are not in program only proves that we are complete community and have healthy economic growth rate the mayor said This should be selling point lot it is nice to have quartermil liondollar forgivable loans they have stall problems it they to cate in loss vibrant communities Skilled men and women dont Loan Granted plant Must Sell Barrie MllYOBS WEEK T0 yesterday to discuss winter carnival plans The high school and public school mayors will Plant The total estimated cost ol the plant will be $171717 The city will be responsible tor raising the amount not covered by the loan The loan is for period ol zo years and will bear intcrcst at all per centi For work comptctcd on or he lore March 31 1970 the NBC may lorgive repayment of 25 per cent at the principal amount of the loan and 25 per cent of the interest that has accrued as 01 the date at completion of the You can sell man thatits good job but youve got to sell his wife thalits good place to live Theres hardly city this size that has the variety Barrie he said Castro Continues To Grant llsylum UNITED NAIHONS Reuters Oman sources here Friday said there was little likelihood Pranier Castro would diange his policy ot granting asylum to persons who hijack planes to Havana Alter 13 plane hijackings to Cuba already this year Castro is under strong international pressure to reach an agree ment primarily with the United States to hand over the air pi rates Many ot the member states ol the International Air Trafï¬c Its aociatian IIATAI 1ch that hi jacking would quickly stop it Cuba declared its intention to return for trial all hijackers But the Cuban sources admit ting that the hijackers were strange mixture or political in gitives criminals and lunallcs said Castro recently informed IATA that he was not prepared to change his policy want to stay Diek Howie ielt liarrle nursciyman and Walter TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS ASSIST lIT CARNIVAL assist the mayor in various carnival events LEI1 T0 lthIIT Rick Fraser diaries Villon Andrew Pmor aaan Morris Brion Parker Mayor Bentley and Heather lldcod arr new TttE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY v19694 Says Govt Should Tell People 0i Plans In Satellite Field OTTAWA CF It is time the Canadian people knew just tion the legislation was back In the Columns flvmcommlttce Votingflige what the government intends to do in the ï¬eld of space satel lites Heath hlamunrrlc lIC Hillsborough said Friday PosumsterG ral lec Kieransvannounced some time ago that Canada will put domestic telecommunications satellite into orbit posiliy by 1971 but Mr ltlaequarrie said in the Commons the flow of in lorniatlon about this warm is too thin The Prince Edward Island MP said he would like to know WIlcther Canadas first telecom munications satellite will be de signed and built in this country and the way now is clear for third and final reading gtIn debate on lrcshwnter lish marketing legislation the gov crnment yielded some ground to the opposition and agrecd to allow fishermen or their repre sentatives to sit on cornrnit tce that will advise the market ing board BILL AT THIRD STAGE The bill to establish the board has roamed the stage ol third and ï¬nal reading Lloyd cmuse PCSonth Shore led theybattle to get fish ermcns voices on the advisory or the United States He spoke during consideration at government bill making minor dianges in the act gov erning the Canadian Dreams Telecommunication Corpora Trial Ends In Hung Jury TORONTO OP new trial was ordered Friday night alter the case at Joseph Poison charged with the noncapital murder of Gwendolyn Plait ended in hung jury ater to hours of deliberation committee moving on amend ment that onethird of the mem bcrs be people actively engaged in freshwater ï¬shing The government accepted the amendment when the opposition ayeed to an alteration proposed by David Anderson lLEsqule maltsaanich making it per sons or representatives oi per sons engaged in freshwater fishing Mr Anderson said this would pcrnlit the appointment 01 per sons lornlcrly engang in lrcl watergtishing but no longer ac tive in it LONGEST REIGN The alienate jury went out at noon Friday lollowing dimin um charge by Mr Justice Mau rice Lacroucielc It retunlcd at 10 pm Friday night unable to reach agreement The longest reign of any of the 262 Popes hasrbeen that of Pius IX who reigned for 11 xiiawyers tor the defence and Will Compete ht Kivvanis Festival young Mplc who will polished awards classes singing piano st wind instnmonts mm choirs bands and orchestras About 8000 musicians will play in 150 bands and arches tras the largest nunbar to reg lstcr in the llstitals Dr David Oudncrlony acting principal ol the RolalOonserva tory ot ltlllsic Tlomnto and Kiwanis Music Festival Associa tion of Greater Toronto opened the festival Friday night ch In Favor ill Lowering TORONTO The exec utive of the Ontar Progressive Gillscrvatlva Association voted Friday in lavor of lowering the voting age in thepmvincc Alan Eligleson pfcdcnt ot the association told news zonlerence no age itoJrIlILh the voting age dlould be lowered from 21 was recommended by the executive members but about pa per cent would favor Ill In other decisions the execu tive decided that nomination of candidates tor the next pmvin eial general election should begin bolore the end of the year and that schools or train ing campaign managers should be Miablishcd bctoro the next elections The executive also voted to prepare brie tor the legisla tures select committee on elm tion law to review the associa tion constitution and examine structure of the 11 district asso ciations Iind Nollrthrilis litter Drug Used MONTREAL iCPl Mont real doctor tcstiticd Friday that he examined 18 arthritic pa tients treated by Dr Robert Lielmann and all seemed cured at the crippling disease Dr Lielmann faces 16 charges 01 selling drug not ap proved undcr the lederal Food and Drug Act Dr Prudhomme St Germain told Sessions Judge gt Jacques Trahan he gave all the patients routine examination and could ind no trace of altllritis He admitted however that he had taken no xrays or blood tests of the 18 patients he exam ined the prosecution were ordered to present their closing arguments years months Crown comlsel William Coch rane told the jury that POIZEII 34 denied killing Miss Plait 75 the daughterol an Exetcr 0nt aroa tamer Feb 1968 Her body was found in water trough last March However Mr Cochrane said evidence at pathologist FrederJ ids Jallc that Miss Plait died of stab wounds and that an at tempt had been made tostran gle her coincidal with the testi mony of Kenneth Globr Is the chief Crown witness Gloor bestilioddurim the trial that he watched horriï¬ed While Polzen strangled Illim Half and then threatened him unless he rnoua maul BARBIE gymnasiumammonia er encountered this twoyear old elephant at bnlsh manu tactuloracidlibit at the 1960 Canadian Hardw Toronto any Unituvttiieitly helpcd put her body in the watertronghx Hydro May TORONTO 0PM lIydro plans to cut power for balfvhour periods across the provincoit it is forced to shut down generatingslations Hy dros director oloparations said Friday Robert Hillary said in an in terview shutdownlat large generating station might set all massive power blackout si lar to the onerin 1965 Hydro supervisors who have been titling in for missing work ers in the series of rotating strikes may only be able to operate alargcr station at hall normal capacity Mr Hillery said The lost power Vwould draw mini outdoorAdmirer CARPET Inslalled toronly Shop At Home Serylce homo and show you tasta $25 Snow are Show icul Oil Power For HallHour Periods Ontario mih ironi other power SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ONLY Featuring full range or carpet inelddin AcrylanLFortrcl Propylon GEORGIAN HAY CARPET SERVICE PIIDNE tad3213 STAYNER tnstalledwith 0ur iéprcscnlative will call at your full range of samples to suit your March Ztt Barrie and districtlIIllecians are among the 3500 Ontario at the annual Kiwanis tlusic FEthal at Toronto darting Billed as the largest festival at its kind in the world must cinns ranging lromitoddlers to performers will own pete tor more than $8000 in music scholarships and cash VPrizes ranging from $25 to 850 will be awarded in elm lohn It Tudrer president of the crowns rose talented downs will be among feature attractions at the Barrie Winter Carnival arena show Feb 13 119 Stow aunrxmmm vu Iivahwahwx ro praroan IIT lililiNll will also include nduor the key ï¬gure skatingpa pasta bul match ï¬eased pole Appearing will be the carnival queen and teen queen and honorary duhman Didr Elat to contest and mildbike rm school Tax Collectioiis Confusing says lhe new county sdlool board Most tamer in the city al thought would be am may taco problems in organiz ready received their first inter ical tor the taxpayers lhtae ing its ï¬mncial planning be was nothing else we could do imtaxbills andtlm mayor said came the municipalities that the question or school taxes was With no instnlctiom from high oollcct the sdltlol taxes have or levels of government calming some coan and ditferent tax billing system some rumors Wild dont the city could have elected Mayor Robert Bentley said in to collect sdlool taxes separate nu like an interview yesterday Barrie lotions an interim bill ing system that mucus taxes tram businea twice war and from residences our times in year Other municipalities have their awnyaystems Mahabyorwascritlaal ol the provincial department ot unini cipai affairs for not giving mu nicipalities direction on the me thod of collecting taxes under the new county board Each oily and town continues to col ect school taxes independently under the system he said lhalirsttaxhiliisbasedon last years asscsmcnt pl 106 mills since the citys budget and the school board budget will not be struck until March The bill does not divide the 106 mills into separate units for school andcity taxes There is rumor about this 106 pills that the cityis coll ediflgrmeflllllg it is not en titledto This is simply not true whole ly but haveno guarantee that our collection cost will be met by the new board Ii we had collected this way it would have meant one large bill in Novena berg right More Christmas and it would have meant an ems $111000 to the my with no guarantee that we would get it back The mayor said the only in struction the department at od ucation had given was that the taxes were to be collected by Dec 15 We examined the quation of sdtool taxes and ar rived thevmethsod that we Fire DeStroYs companies through the sprawl ing electrical grid system that co an the northeastern United States and Eastern Can ada draw that large could black out the whole system he gt said To prolect the system Hydro would be forced to cut down on the use of powerin0ntario Meanwhile about 2500 Hydro employees were to return to their jobs today in the north eastern andvnorthwestern sec tions of the province but techni cians and linemen atthe publicv yvowned utilitys construction sites walkedout in the latest of therotating strikes Nylon 100 wool 100 Dllpont Nylon Crrpet undarpadding so yd Angus Garage BARRIE HEALTH Fire destroyed an Angus gar age yesterday and brought orit icism ol the availability of the water supplies in the mad community 15 miles west at Barrie The tire dutroyed the build ing and its contents which in cluded an automobile and sev oval snowmobiles The lire started at pm It is believed to have resulted from steam iennythat over heated and exploded 13X ï¬re deoaahment reported Zaba president of the An gus Chamber of Commerce said the tire demonstrated the need for water supplies in An gus All water is at the mom ant trucked in he said Estee Lauder Comes to BARRIE WINTER CARNIVAL See STUDIO Just behind Northrup Eng Company Hesaid the 13X detachment from Borden and lands and PHONE forests ï¬remen were at the scené long betore the Essa 7281501 0R llovroship Fire department 728876 The building was misled by Sargon Guergis and Jack Mun son No estimate of the amount 01 the damage was available WDMEN this morning although the loss to the contents of the building osruoarrrs isexpoctcd to be hiéler than the building itself DINING bur NIGHTS lakeview jalslliurulr us Dunlap has MONDAY T0 Manda for particulars ys Edition GRILLEDLIVER or BAKED VIRGIN Includes soup or Juice of potatoes vegetables beverage MUtTlPERIL PACKAGE mucus no Foryeais we have stress ed modern forms at insur ance Make sure your program is up to date Call the trained people at SAW Childrc under chart of Bucket and itd FREE lb of rorArosnLAD or lb of COLE SLAW with puk Kentucky Fried Chicken moist rliuasoav ND ONIONS la HAM with Pineapple Sauce hot rolls chblct dessert and $159 21 00 or Barrel of