Jen Zzattlle Caught in violent storm on the Sea ol Galilee the disciples pleaded to be saved Jesus commanded the storm to cease Mark 43511 Ah riving at Gadara Jesus order ed demons to leave mad roan lheydidoateringaherd BIBLE QUESTION BOX By Dale Hideout What is the mystery that Paul speaks of in Walla 197 Mrs Mal le should first learn what Pa intends by the word terry The language of The King James Bible glossary at the ordialc uses of words In the King James veidon give this as definition of mys tery Soinething not explain cd or understood not necessar ily incomprehensible may he simply not yet told revcaled or explained may be known to one but not to another Paul shows us that this mystery was something not yet explained when he says in messiah How that by revelatlon he made know unto me the mys tery and again in verses and Unto me who am loss than the least oi all saints is this grace given that should preach among the Gentiles the unscarchable riches oi Ginst and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the new tery whinli from the beginning of the world hath been his in God who created all things by Jesus Christ Now just vitiat Li it that God hid from the hemmzf Paul tells us this in chapoer verses verse throngs Whereby when ye read ye may under standnu lumlcdxe indie nos tery of Guisl Wield in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and Prophets by the Spirit That the Gentilés should be fellow helm and or the same body and partakers of hispromlse in Grist by the Gospe The Jewish people had been chosen by God tor particular task and because oi this choice they felt superior Those who were not Jews were Gentiles and there was limited dealings between the two groups of people The Jews looked down on Gentlhs and had rituals for cleansing alter there had been contact with Gentile The mys tery that Paul was writing bout was that the Gentile was to have an equal part in the pmmlse of Christ Gentiles were to be mepted by God and would have the same opportun itir the Jews NEWS OF CHURCHILL By MR5 ll SAUNTER Richard Partridge rrie will speak on The Bruce Trail at Womens Institute meeting Thursday evening Feb 13 All ladies of the community will be welcomed Kent Sturgeon spent the week end with SwtlNeilly at Water loo University Due to the storm most of our students did not attend school Tuesday and Wednesday CURLING CLUB NOTES Churchill Curling Club has re corded 91 years in this commun lty Both the ladies and mens sections have staged recent hon splels The ladies chose Burns birthday for their spiel as the Scottish founder of curling in Churchill John Lennox came llPlO By MRS IRVING CARSON Sympathy has been expressed for Mrs Irving Carson and fam ily in the death of her brother Stirling Knapp Jan 24 Mr and Mrs Darmos wa lowdaie Mr and Mrs Tiler lowdale Mr andMrs Thom ton Almira Mr and Mrs Feasby Sandford visited their parents at the weekend Larry Richardson ot sodbury has been home recently Mr and Mrs Ed Kennedy Toron to visited at Gerard Morans on Sunday Mr and Mrs Hav eroa Anne and Stephen Tom to were Sunday guests at the Bernard Loitus borne Mr and Mrs Charles Marshall Baxter Mr and Mrs Robert Brown Toronto visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cull Miss Mae ONeill was in Tor onto tor few days last week IMINESlNc Dy Mn FRALIQK The Womens Institute Janu ary meeting was held at the home of Mrs Stanley Eraliclr with good attendance Resol lltlons was the topic The Feb ruary 25 meeting will he held at the home of Mrs Ma guirc Ell Crawford is able to be home from hospital and feeling much improved Mrs Harry Howell Barrie spent ii week with her sister Mrs Fralick SOlNT MEETING The United Churdi Women held pot luck supper at their church Jan 29 at which they entertained The gli Clmreh Women Scott school inspector showed instruc tive slides of the early history of Slmcoe County especially cen tred about Penetanguishene and the early schools with interest ang explanations of each News lne 4H Homemaking Mines llng held SUSIEHISCVDIIEEUHE home of Mas Crawford The unit what shall Iwcar7f is to help girls plan and select clothes to suit them Each girl will make blouse trat tits into her wardrobe Presdent ishtarle Voiiicr sealt retary Heather Luck 0th in ers are Joanne Mayers froth Johnson lntrlcla Taylor Crolvloidfasslslari hlarilyn Crawford TRY bitumen WANI ans IL Crawford Leadec is Shaw from Ayr the birth place at Burns At this event first prize win ners were Marlon Noblolrene Dimer Kathy Melbourne and Helen Hand from Bradford and Marion Smith Shirley Day Joyce Heels and Jean Cole from Barrie Prizes were colored bed ding Winning second place were lnez Spence Vera Eow man Norma Smurihivalte and Jean Reynolds and the rink of Joan Robertson Wilda Johnson Norma Webb and Betty Bartlro Towel sets were presented to these winners The history at UN ladies club goes back to Doc 15 1554 when they had an organizational meet ing electing Reta Allan as we sldent Eveleen Stewart vice president and Dorothy Con stable secretary treasurer Thirty four became charter members In less artificial ice was installed the first and only such ice in Innisfll Township to date Churchill curlers are elated Vllll their new ice surface After much volunteer hard work by the members last fall the two pads of ice are the best ever in the Churchill rink 4500 square feet of tour lnch styro foam was used to cover the ground to keep the trust from going down This was covered wrth polyethelene The pipes were laid on this and levelled with sand The cc mm thick now two In lava when John Lennox found youths of Churchill play ong horseshoes behind the beta he remarked can Show you better game than that Fel ovnng an explanation ot the merits ol curling club was organized and games were play ed on Houghtons Mill Pond Lot Can and on Hemlock Creek south of the village Founder John Lennon was the first pre srdent of the club vice presi dent Wellington Wilson secre David Reyes treasurer llhom Patterson chaplain Donald McNeil committee of management Jonathan Irving Henry Sloan William Reive Gregg other rim mem bers were Hugh McConnell Davrd Rogers Andrew Patter son and Joel Wilson meet ing was held three days later Greggs Hotel now the Ter rell Burns home with the fol lowing membe em Th 15 Joining Robert omas Reive Ja Mathers Francis Barclay dial Donaldson James Kerr Alcxf Coulter Hanmer Joth an arms Suitt Johnson and Noah inseam rshlp feewas 15 cents In 1889 Glurchrll curlerswon trophy donated by the Royal Caledonia Curling Club otScot landpreseated to mark their golden jubilee The trophy is work of art three inches across more than half an inch thick and weighing nine ounces show lnga pair of raised curling stones and broomSand raised figures ofel curlch playing Through the years Chu curlers have topped manyrlillllA lsplelhsi bringiiiig home prizes rop esan fam vi Wm our com ens Club Bonspiel tinSatur dayiverellrsl iz nonhuman em and Maurie Kell second plize Wayne Knecshaw Robert Knee Wsyne Mandy and 1y thlrd prize Harvey George Nesbitt Arm winners for the mmenkurodi of swine and driving it into the SeaMark Srla kidr in ï¬rpcrnaum woman suffer ing from hemorrhage which liy lt ii Miiséi While there are enormous differences between life in the first century of our era and life todaythore are as well basic factors whidi have not changed Men and WTUL still softer from pain and diseaseDcath happens to allot us Nature still breaks out in dustmctive vio lcnco in bphoons earthquakes hurricanes etc Sin still abounrk and man still need God When Jesus came into the world He was free ot the toroea of disease sin tear etc but He was able to recognize them in the lives of others And He delivered both men and women from these tragic forces Wher ever He went He subdued the rebellious forces of nahrie He set men free from demons He raised the dead He revealed the truth about God the Father and dellverul mankind from the bondage of sin The first event at our limon the storm onthc Sea of Galilee took place on the same day as the parabolic teachings dis cussed in last weeks lesson After the multitudes had gone home Jesus and the disclples set out for the far shore in small boat distance of live to ten miles Soon after they set sail violent storm arose Being ï¬shermen some ol the disciples had been in many storms before but none appar ently like this one Yet Jtsus slept through It all in the stern of the heat When the boat seemed iiiimmediate danger of swamping the discl ples awakened Jesus He arose and spoke to the elements and was obeyed The wind ceased the wach grew calm Then He rebuked the disciples for behlg afraid Faced with peril they had momentarily lost their laith in Gods are or them Their fear had betrayed the smallness of their trust in God The filth chapter of Mark to cords three separate miracles oi Jews The ï¬rst was the deliver ance of the maniac oi Gadara Soon alter Jesus and the discl ples had landed on the opposite shore they wre met by mad man whn lived in the cemetery th The dernanpossessed man fell on his knees before Jesus and worshiped Him and Jesus oorrilnanded the demons to leave him They did entering nearby herd of swine and driving them over elitf into the sea The madman new cured re tuniedto normal existence but his neighbors after hearing his story and his praise of God and Jesus became afraid and asked Jesus to leave thoJr town Jesus and the disciples ielt in their boat for Caperuaurn There He was met by Jalrus one of the rulers of the syna gogue His daughter was desperately ill and he beggd Jesus to come and heal her On the way to Jairus house woman who had suffered he morrhages for twelve years came through the crowd and touched His rooe for She be lieved that it She did this she would be made whole Her heal ing was instantaneous and com plete Realizing what had hap pened Jesus loolred about and asked who had touched him The woman came torditreni bling and conlewed Rather than censure her Jesus reï¬t sured herof her heatingand bade her to go in wee messenger from Jaims house broudlitthe news that his daughterhad died When Jesus 11 All Weleemc 72557093 WAT had lasted 13 years was aired by faith and touching Hie robe llark 52144 Charging the parents to scanty Jesus esUs RecognIZed Fear In Lives Of Others heard at this He encouraged Jalnra to discard his tear and replace it with belief Taking Peter James and John with Him He entered the house say ing the dilld was not dead but Asleep He did not mean that shEWaIs obtaclnall dead but was rising ï¬gure of speech common to His thought since our land lrequenlb used the term sleep to indicate death Hearing this the people in the house laughed at Christ and scorned Him But taking only Jalnls and his wife into the girls room Jesus took the dead childs hand and bade llcr rise Immediately she rose and POINTS PONDER WeCanDoSomethin IlgingOiSpirit NetOl Body By Dorothy Clare Zulllii Since moving to the country we have gained great pleasure min our blid fceder which is just outside the kitchen window One day heard an urgent call from my son to come quickly nerelooloing lncredihb beau tllul were two evening gros beaks eating the sunflower seeds Their brilliant yellow black and olive feathers form ed breathtaking contrast to the pure whiteness of thesnow laden trees Gregory Clark wiote in one of his Weekend Magazine articles that he imaginml bird watchers are people trying to come upon lwrllllElll cum MAss TRINITY SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1969 PM roLLowEli av PRESENTATION CHURCH iN REVOLUTION INrARISH HALL wELcOME BMNadioICKBBhnpact 945 Family Bible School OUTSTANDING ADULT COURSES BIBLE BOOK GALATIANS Mr Beers CHRIST1AN MENTAE HEALTH Dr Dick HOW TO STUDY YOUR BIBLE Mr Knight llSr 7BIBLE PREACHING SERVICES Music bydho Knight family andlchoir Youth emphasis and meSSages by Patter Bowie EMMANUEL and ted and left been BAPTIST CHURCH 128 ST VINCENT 51 Rev DTHolllrlny Pastor VAMr Bowie Assistant inllisrlllirul SUNDAY moo lesson ByliliredIBuescherl raised Jairirs daughter from her death bedMark 523541 IGOLDHI ll Corinth 3M walked about the room Her parent we are told were as toiilshed whldi must have been the understatement of the year Jesus swore them to secch re garding the miracle ordered naum tor Nazareth GOLDEN mxr And he allll unto me My grace is sufficient for thee far my strength Is made perfect in weakness Most gladly therefore will rather glory in my Inllrmi tier that the power of Christ may rest upon me II Corinthians 129 gilhout God unawaresto find Him not old but forever young How talks long to be forever youul But although we cannot esorrpe the aging of the body we can do something about the ng of Ute spirit It Is the dwelling at the Holy Spirit that brings new freshness cadi morning to our spirit lady remrkedto her friend that the thing that botheredher about lilo was that it was so daily How true it that the same job the same house to clean the same circumstances can produceaboredom wear lness of spirï¬t that shows in the droop of the shudder the lack lustre eye CHURCH Guest speaker lot morning and evening services Rev Harvey Chuio from the lllldlAnd Alli ance Church Special music Mr Ross Beadle The Peeples uflm BARR enema aawaoar FEBRUARY in NW urrll Birming WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Telephone 7W1 Organist Mrs Norman Tack 330 AM Manila Wenhlp SteldlastJnd Uninmsle Guest Minister nu John Honcme Church School and Family Wonlllll Visitors are slimy welcome CHURCH or THE NAZARENE an unseen 6min Pastor Rev Roller Illllock 7284717 SUNDAY SCHOOL 945 for all ages pm Music and Message 1000 am Morning Worship Nurseryeane The Friendly Singing Church Alliance Church heated at corner of Stacie and Cook Pastor ltev Black mResldenetLltsIllo 945 aim Bible School 109 Morning Worship rule pm Evening Fellowship llnur lino pmï¬ Youth Fellowship 830 pm Youth Fellowship You are always welcome at the Alliance FREE METHODIST CHURCH 2in Rnyiicld St FEB 1000 am Sunday School moo am Guest speaker Rev IV Stoneheuse Area Superintendent suo pm Childrens aour FEB 12 315 pm may and Bible Study Rev Carl Bull Pastor NOW HEARD Mon Fri CFOR I005 pm Dial 1570 Radio Pastor Perry Rockwood Prophecy For Today Gas el Hour gun heard Sundays 930 am ml SUNDAY nanlo aaoancasrs Toronto ClilN ism mo am anleu friendly slidebelieving missionary church Midland cum uzaol mo Im vvvv wvaYr VSuhjeet And amine MENNoNllEs ARE DOINGIT TOO PM NEV nizolo Meiinonitesfock tells how no im baptized In the lroiy Splrit speaking lnotiier tongues at the great move lat thefSplrltuamang the Mennonuopeople today Plus Grut Congregational Hymn Sing HIle Gaol Weenlee evlll geilat Paul Martin rmd hiahacordion mso amsane School au Family Worship service Ea MARLIN maimed your ï¬erce PEuraeosm Amen too am PLEASE All church oopychangca must be in to The Examiner offices byThnrsday at pm Oshawa CKLIS 1350 530 pm TUNE IN and write us Box 1660 Ilslilnx NS Canada FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St Rev nyl as an Parlor Werehlp Service l000 am A150 pm Back To God flour Toronto cuav Sl30lm Snadayvniornlnn ES ROAD Presbyterian Church can alarm Ave Allandale Barrie Organist Mrchtt Churchill REV CRABB ALA we LII caurea arnwlr Junta tassnlot Hun and Adult Bible Study and Discussion aroup 11M mol rauue Worlhtb Sacrament of Banuun What comma lllleve Tho will 60 Nuner and Kindergarten an open during worship that narrate my attend and worlblp lorrtau Visitors Welcome GROVE PARK CHURCH OF CHRIST Grove Cook Sunday Schedule Sundly School In am Assembly ll am HERALD orralmr RM CKVRTV Evening Meeting 700 pm Thursday Meeting 700 pm if you would like to read about Churches 0t Ouust begin with your New Testa moot MINISTERS Wesley Jnnts Dale Itldcout Sis Grove ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERMN Owen and Woraley 5t Rev Ken Heron BA 131 organist Mr Van llerncrt 1100 am ltlnrnlng Worshlp THE ncseem nrro HELL enema 945 am SEN Church School 1100 amJunior Church School and Nursery Visitors Welcome sr GILES human as Cook Street Rev Herbert Drill mo am Holy communion and ChurchSeliool lizoo am Morning pm 700 pm Evensng Everyone is welcome here the speaks to you Christian Science Radio Seder CKBB SUNDAY MORNING zetioorl MA LUTHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD match at REV KUWK aunoaa Hwer BARRIE mm SUNDAY SCHOOL 215 PM DIVINE WOMIIIP it RM NORTHSIDE mall CHAPEL Gun Peel Sta imn Supper moo am Evening Service 100 pm me Prayer and nible Study sr MARYS CHURCH Roman Catholic 95 IIIULCASTER 5T 7232955 SUNDAY Masses ti amTv in 30 am SUNDAY MASS PM EVENING DEVOTIONS Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual He Novena FIRST FRIDAYS SSESE WPEMON at wonsml Pastor Rev Harold Allaby an all use am Bible School 1100 am NM BY MIGHT Installation at Deecons 100 pm rzra BELOVED DISCIPLE lzlS pm Young Peepiel Meeting Wednesdny 300 pm Prayer Meeting You are welcome It First Baptist The Anglican Church of Canada TRINITY CHURCH 2C Collier SWS Next To Poflyoulcu we mainly Communion blankManila Payer Sunday Senall Nursery also am Morning Prayer Arelam and 7m Twmflm ioiy MASS ca choir st Jamel omllll Young Peoples Do All Are Welcome Enalsrlllll sellNEE SOCIETY 159 Collier Street Church 5min Sunday School 11 All Testimony Meeting 2nd ch each month PM BURTON AVENUE Minister ï¬vflfl Puidon BA Organist llirD Garrawa ll DIALOGUE WITH THE NOW GENERATION cannon scaoor ron ALL was you ARE mom CENTRAL 54 Ross St Minister Rev Donald It Jay BA Bl Choirmaster David Wltlick ARCA Organist Mra Malia Walker Morning Warship ii oclock Meditation CHURCH OF THE REAL Oil MUSEUM OF THE TRIVIAL are School meet at who an Nursery Facilitie 7toprnHIC Meeting nicest Speaker lvrr aunts Snilth WITH U51 lloaloclri COLLIER ST Corner Collier and Pant Minister REV PROCTON ILA Annclnta Mialiter REV Mana on organist and Chplrmlllef Mr Lloyd Tulford 00 am Sermon THE ARGUMENT OF LOVE Church School nao==nznley in 1100 amI to years PrsNurIery to yearal during worspr WARM WELCOME TO ALI THE UNITED CHURCHOFCANADA GRACE UNITEDS Grove it Cook St Minister REV 0K Organist MRS PETER CAVIEL llszD am WORSHIP IS GOD UNDER runm YEARS or Adar Grade and up lightan Nursery to Grade or age You are welcome