Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1969, p. 7

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armor auras By Sharon Jenkins and leather Santa Ticket sales tor Oklahcma are in full swing now as the date ll this production draws near rickets may be reserved but act Nuts early to avoid disap pointmcnt Great effort is being put iorth lrom both the acting and musical sidcs Mrs Well vrooduho hcads the drive tor pmps and sets needs sur Shed be pieascd to bor no cars contact her in room 104 Sales or Ovcrtonc are boom ln two thirds arc already sold This years has better pit turns write ups and coverage of school crank Buy yours now Last Friday Ccntrals basket ball tcams competed at North with good results Our Juniors now in first place won Notclt Surrey Needed ed in by Leo Gunmans Rob bie Stewart and Perry 10 toot stinkhby LeoGoupmans on rs to narrow 23m win Solid play by the hlltornla Dreamer and Gunner Delaney mu noted 51 tr finial an exciting drmnlcle at national happenings it has beer announced that rel ect ensembles from the music organlaatlon will be flying to Regina in April to perform tor meeting of Canadian music ions They will pmvida the Despite the strong elforts oi David ilcCann and Glenn Thorn icy to stem the tide the Sca iorslost hard fought con tcst by 3927 The new student newspaper Voice oi Tomorrow is on sale Friday afternoons now and worthy pertormaoces were turn EASTVIElN SCENE 600 Are Absent DuringStorm By Lyn Grand Ind Guy Lalondo High once again Now this past week is sure to he favourile among almost everyone On Tuesday our too plus attendance was dccreased lcaving at the most mo students to wander around the halls look ing tor teacher or any iriend 1y lace The problem of taking attend ance on chncsday also creat ed great difficulties because in stcad oi sending down lists to the office oi oi those absent the lists in most cases named only those students who were present in one class of 2t with 23 students absent it is easier Query Worth Of Giant Smokestack rorrorvm lCP Installs tion at 1250ioal stack at the International Nickel Co of Can adas plant at nearby Copper Cliil will not simply mean pollu tion is spread beyond the 35 milcradius now being damaged by sulphur dioxide emissions Health hlinistcr Matthew Dy mond said Thhlsday Dr Dymond was replying in the legislature to Elie Martel NDPSudbury East and Elmcr Sopha lLSudburyt who questioned the effectiveness of the new smoke stuck Erection of the stack was an nounced Wednesday by Dr Dy mond who said it will climl nate any possibility that ground concentrations of sulphur diox ido ram Copper Cliff will again reach the point where they can cause damage to vegetation The health minister said Thursday the staclr will bring pollution from the smaller to level lower than that recognized as sale by the department of health But he stressed the de be partmcnt regarded it as an in4 tcrirn measure only Dr Dymond also said his de partment has received no rc qucsts tor compensation for the costs of importing household water supplies from people livv inginthe vicinity oi the Electri cal Reduction Ca plant at Port Maitiand Ont to count the Mrs Ayrcs telt that it would late good portion at the monring last to get attendance lists out to tb tow teachers who made lL All in all the days were something to remember Those sclectedlllath students will remember Wednesdays tug torlai Want another licorice Mr Wiltch Since formal classes were im possible at 2100 the studnnts challenged the teachers to both volicyball and basketball games be two volleyball games the teachers and students both won one apiece but the students were victorious with the basket ball game On Tuesday Centrala basket ball teams travelled to Eam vlcw Mr Edwards Junior team won agalni Unfortunately the Intermediate and senior teams were not an lucky but all must be commanded for really making great show and the Sailor teams hold Central to the line throughout the entire game Maybe next year eh 8M5 On Wednesday We were suplt posed to play an exhibition game against Siayner but due 03 MarineGets Asylum Twice STOCIGIOUALlReutersi An American marine who twice ch sertad the United States arrned service has been granted asy lum in Sweden for the second time Philip Callicote 21 of Mans iicld phio had travelled to llloscow with live other 05 do sorters last year after lacing his ship in Tokyo He was granted asylum here in May but decided to return to the us to face his sentence leahlvlnnf his Swedish girlfriend Aliens commiaslorr sources here said Thursday that Calli cote was placed under arrest in Philadelphia and when the girl travelled there to see him the pair tied to Canada They were married by Caliicotas lather Pentecostal pastor living in Canada helore returning to Sweden tha sources said ical accompaniment fora paper at Fisher on Ihe En semblcTbese young musicians are being lostly rewarded for the eitorh theyve put into their studies Once again this Friday the Key Club to harm dance called the Hippo llop the always great idle Reception will be playing At 23 with eiudnet lcard you cant attord to miss it Would you believe that aprinx term exams are ooLv four weeks away litany have already be gun their review have you to the road conditions known to all this gama was postponed un til further notice On Thursday there was scbcdulcd game against Alllsion on the list but whethcr the police allowed us to travelthere will be answered next week Thursday was supposedly big day around Enstvlew but due to weather most of the glans pcicred out until later The prefect were also to be given any to perform on Thursday Approximately roo Grade sludcnts trorn various parts at Barrie were to be given tour or the school withthd prefect as guides This may not pan out to meet with the weather either The biggest disappointme all was for the Grade lit stu dcnts who were not allowed to write their SACUtests on Wed ncsday Were ardtc sure that each high school had several incidents of students beating on the office doors begging to write the tests tThis is to be taken with ittch of sarcasm Tee Hoe Oh well Thursday or Friday would be the black day then Beiore we sign all here is plug for us There will be dance at Eastvicw on February 21 We will have more details on this next week Eye now New ilmateur Sports ilwards TORONTO GPl new se riosot achievement awards tor amateur sports will be awarded to selected coaches managers organizers nndouistanding par ticipants the youth and reelea tionrhranch of the Ontario do partment of education an nounced Wednesday The department saldgtprovln cial sporisegovcrning ho will be asked to namecandi dates for the awards but nomi SillCt nations from the general also will he considemd Winners chosen by special cormntttee oi the youth branch will be awarded scroll cita tion and lapel pin at core many inthe provincial legiala tore tlu public spring as Minn mmnmr rume Busmrssynmars ran cannons aortas mun traumas blush 5a hasnbdeea named guide and ma n1 dim of Falconbride Nickel Mira Ltd the carnpany laid in Tbrvnto Thurslay its one Fraser who hing vat up his posts at president and chiei executive MEN oi bic lntyre Formulae brim Ltd COMPANY FUHGIABED Great Northern Capital Corp lAd Torontobased holding comruuv has purdused Melt Corporation rota Ltd Win nipeg holding company Price involved is about 56000000 Radcriti it luclsaac who with lonely owna Rodell aid in INVESTIGATE DEATH HAILEYBURY Ont GP Provincial police are investigat ing the death of hlarguertta thdovcr 51 whose body was discovered early Thursday at her home near here An OPP spokesman said hire Windover was beaten to death post rrrortcrn was planned HOLDING DEPOSITS wrnnsormm ca lf landlords hold back sccinity dc poslts to pay tor damage to diar pmrdsea the onurof proof is on the landlord not on the tenant County Judge Thomas Zubervnrlcd Wednesday Dur ing case involving $74 secu nty deposityJudga Inger said tenants am restrooms tor dam age beyond reasonable wear and tearbut it is up 00 the landlord to prove more then reasonable wear and tear had occurred GETS EIGHT YEARS TORONTO OP Albert La Pine it at Toronto was sell tenced Thursday to eight years in prison on conviction at man slaughter in the boating death last Aug 19 of liturch Dunstan 30 at lbronto BOMB SCARES SUDBURY CPD search of union hall here by police Thursday produced no bomb alter tolopho threat forced evacuation of building Polt lice said man phoned the hall of tho intematibnal Union of Mine Mills and Smelter Worth era and said Blow up at four OPP SEES UFO SUDBURY GP Constable White of the provincial police detachment at nearby Noelville said Thursday he saw Wednesday night alter receiving call irom two Mason Town ship rcsidents There was deiiv niteiyv sanction up 1hereila said He said an orangeglowing object which hovered above trees near Highway 59 was not COUNSEL BETTER TORONTO UP United Church ministers are batter counsellors than Baptists Law rence Beech of York Univer sitys Glendon College toldthe ntaria Psychological Associa tion lhursday He said study of 66 ministers in southern Alberta showed United Church ministers were less authoritar ian in their approach than Bap fistEvangelical pastors BLAME HORSE TORONTO it coro ners jury Wednesday urged or controls and heavier penalties to prevent livestock from straying onto highways The jury attached no blame in the death of Dorothy Jean Wat son 19 who died Dec is woven car die was ridingln collided with stray horse worvuuv ammo smooch OWEN sourvo arm uel mmmv66 oi lioronto Thursday was remanded in cus tody to Feb 13 for prelimi nary hearing on change of wounding by stabbing Police found Amy Tippin sz tnber Mentord barre bleeding mm knife wound in her stomach Feb Sh hospitalthe next day some atom anyone CRY When the fire alarm sounded at Strationda Northwestem aw wary school runny never hundred students tiled out in orderlyfaahion However too did not return The students who tool their coats with them said they were protesting the an unidentified flying object movinanst like plane or wharcicaaed irorn Winnipeg when elected oruldantdfirvatmrtm PLAN EXPANSION Canada Safeway Ltd will ex pand lta Ontario operations and open urncur of new leper ceeds machete in Toronto it on an trounced tn Whraim Ilrtasday Salem operates more at antics of northwestern maria centruasweliaszsostomin Watern Canadau zanrmvoa nacuma Nora Sootla light and Power Ooulld reported in Halifax Way net income at more for rose am of is 123 from the previous year Earnings were 55 coal share tor 1m ocmparel with 59 cents in 1N7 your News mamas longer school year announced by the Ontario department of education Nell Taylor presi dent oi the student coundl said no Gnde in students were in volved and the walkout was world mournannual IONDON Ont OP Loom ard Mler at Inndon was fined $150 and cons Thursday alter pleading guilty to stealing metal cutting mips valued at $725 The fine levied by Judge Jxlvi Sensben was only the second since courts in the city began controversial crack down on siropltiters last Novem ber sentencing oticndors to jail tor up to to days DEFENSE WITH roan SINGAPORE Reuters Slnnpore dispensed with Nut and oirsarmstance Thursday by celebrating its 15 annivor sary with topless dancers and Chinese girls playing bagplpu The big anniversary celebra tlona will be Ange the fourth anniversary oi Singapores indc pertdencl from Britain SUBVIVE UNDER SNOW KABULchutml Forty tlvc passengers in bin sur vived 17 hours by breathing drmrgh broken windshield anda hole they do lntheanow color they wcro buried by an avalanche in northern Atghanl htaybe the singular this community about 10 miles north cstof London 0nt LONDON tAP Grassroots voting in the Church oi England shows no clear mandate tor union with the Methodist Church in Britain but Lhc Archbishop of Canterbury said Thursday ho still is encouraged Voting in 43 diocesan contor cnccr has shown that more than 70 per cent of the layman and on per cent at the clergy favor union The figures fell short howeverv oi the 75 per cent yes vote which the Church at Eng land ruled it needs to go ahead Asked how he could be en couraged when two out of every should read Brrr Slowing snow during cold spell in southwestern Ontario cut vis poscd the proposed union the archbishop Dr illchael Ram scy told news conference at Lamhcth Palace All oncs era cauragemcnts in lifaarc cola live Bearing in mind that there are good many months More the final decision am enooun aged have seen misunder standings in some minds rc moved The archbishop conilrmcd that there would be no changes in thc tlmclablaragreed byitha two churchcs The hicthndlsi Conterence also makes its tinal decision THE Aaron siws 1r arr iblllty severely on roada north of London Wire photo Archbishop Still Hopes For Union Despite Vote some high churchmen hold that nothhrg less than complete reordination will sultlce to make Methodist ministers into priestIor presbytcra as they will be called Soma low church men argu that the ministers are already fully ordained and nothing rather need be done MARK ANNIVERSARY IDNDON AP The British ymy and navysiired gun sal utm Thursday and flags ilew irorn public buildings to mark the l7th anniversary of the stan it Was learned Thursday five church rcprescntatiVes on July Que accession to the throne OISE SUCOBIID lull Klfl Pate VANWVEA YDRONXO NONIIML The newest thing in the small car world is happeningrnowl Its the Barron 1000 and itcomes in two deluxe models2 and 4dnor Both are sporty small cars that look good Icei right and go greatl Anci practically all they need to run on is other cars anywhere near the price Thc new Datsun 1000 produces 62 wild horses and winds up to 84 MPH 6n the read And for every gallon youll go 3540 miles Whats moreDatsun gives you 100000 mile reliability Govt To Pay $50000 In Olympic Costs OTTAWA UP lhc laderal health department will 911ch °ahlallafll°°cf WNW like all loathe 196805 These Daisuns deliver more marOlymplcs atlliexlco City horsepower and perform better than Health Ministaruohn Munro gave the tniormatton to the Commons Wednesday in Wlllr ten answer to Don Mazanirmveld PCgVegrevillel The department wasorirl nally prepared to grant $73465 to the Canadian ohanpic Assn ciatton towards the cost of sand 135 guanine minimal to ames gt BEAUTYQUEEN PRINCESS Princess Grace othionaco an ahc talks reporters in riimvevar flindareernentwu displays the beauty that made Web on Thursdw The um the department slim would be 5019 bent and the tormar Grace Kelly waaguert fling oi the magic screen jot honor atopentngcorem reclining bucketséatsi All the extras are standard equipment There are moré thanJSO dealers coasttocoast in p33 Canada and $1000000 in parts to back you more than ever the morefonyourrnoneycac Daisun 1000 introdhces you to fun way to drive with 40ntheflobr andgives youVall you can use in the comfort department including In Man CNMIHD PIVISION lemma vrnlry CI wssrrnu DlVlSIDN Nlalanlld7 an more 00 605550 DIVSlam 15 Pa non BM Mon la 07 MMlTIMESDI total coflaltheugh not fully es tablished appearslo beAsliy1tly er $100000

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