LAliouuulrnr worm INiuï¬ Mottï¬elrf On Bureaumis By PEILIP DEAN Fink Affairs Alibi Published by Canadian Nemnaaenllmitod 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario William Taller General Manager Mothon Managing Editor nutty Beecher no race Walls Publisher there was We guer rlila war in that country and tA Guthrie Bell BEll New Lowell awarded military duty come casualties he some splendid work wounded last When Anarchy Is Law There is no doubt that violence breeds violence What may start out by being 1horribly strange may end by becoming rtembly commonplace When the ï¬rm bombs were set in Montreal they were things of rare horror The Montreal Gazette recalls But after more than half hundred bombs have been set 3with many explosions they have become almost casual and customary Whatever the motives may have been for the early bombing the motives are now endently various As Montreals Police Director 01le said recently bomln have be comc commonplace expresston of feelings and ideas Nor can the deterioration of human conduct be limited to those who place bombs to express their hatreds and in ner conflicts The readiness to do oth crs to death is only the extension the more complete exprasion of the Wish to harass and intimidate that has spread 5far and wide the Gazette continues The western tradition of progress under law is being discolored by imple mented hates from the pleasure taken in harassing somebody in body or in mind to leaving the bomb in the night and scurrying away waiting to learn of the results and not even caring if one wakes up to ï¬nd oneself murderer The confusion within the western world today is that there is no common cause but diversity of violence and even violence without reason It is the natural outcome of any sit uation in which anyone group claims the right to go outside the law and to take the law into its own hands to become law unto itself Once this happens and nothing effective is done to restore law to protect the security not society condition where And Chaos 15 Normal of all her how different and lullelated its hatred may be can become mother law unto itself Under these condftlors even the bombs cease to travel pattern The bombers flirt about on their several pur poses They are prepared to murder for unrelated enck All that they have in common is the assertion in which one confirms and strengthen the others by example that they share the right to hate without restraint society and Montreal has be come an example of such asociety that uses the bomb as commonplace expmsion is slipping backwards it is not orin slipping backwards in time back beyond the reign of law bank into something more primitive but such society is slipping back into the regions of instinctual tzte and violence The greatest danger is not that viol ence may become commonplace it is that those who are not violent should be passive Unless the law is reasserted law itself will disintegrate in society where it loge status and function In all this there is nothing new The conditions for human liberty have not flanged Edmund Burke wrote in 1791 It is ordained in the eternal constitu tion of things that men of lntemperate minds cannot be free society whose streets may be filled with groups going about their tive missions of violent intimidation is achieving new birth of freedom It is chaos wrll becomeithe new normal and anarchy the new law DOWN MEMORY LANE vso YEARS AGo TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 1919 Lieut son of Mrs John for gallantry and devotion to after the other officers had be bookcommand did in leading the com pany or infantry spent Clutstmas with army of coca tron at Forsbaoh on venison hunting ground Barrie pointed mmmitrtee to arrange for returned Brown Elmvale is home from overseas Clarence home Germany and dined from the Kids Council up banquet soldiers Pte Harry Sloan Churchill arrived he was severely wounded in ce two years ago and recuperated Ln Englan Jack Mimehail Ailhndale year now home Allen Miller through his mother Mrs lltVAlltlillt3l Ullt 1ka CTOSS Auinhary for box received at Christmas Ross of Utopia welcomed community Robert Edenvale another soldier just France Sapper Patterson Hawkestone admitted to hos pital in France with wounds received Just prior to amnistice Among sol diers home this week Frank Clark and Pie George Reid Hawkesicne Ptel Murray Heard and Cpl Bert Benton vBame SapperW Bloxham Holly reported dangerously ill in France his brother Poe Percy Blonharn was killed in action August 1918 Douglas Pue Shanty Bay son of Mr and Mrs James Pue home from overseas Pte Tom Crowned and Pte Wilson Greaves Craighurst arrived home both IT HAPPENED IN CANADA BRITISH FLAGs TelATWERE RAISED or 125 ADAM BOHNE EMPIREWALISE writectwme FORESTiANDIN New Brunswick in feel ers private co ruled that Pte suffering from wounds received in ac tion Pie James Gilchristhome at Shanty Bay from overseas Dalston community welcomed Pte Charles Wu hams and Pie Charities Waterhouse both Gunner John Lang ltoyal Canadian Horse Artillery borne in Elmvale fmnroverseas PtefAr rhurlllaylor spent Christmas in Brussels gelgrum His brother Signalman Edgar ay or Thylor Atlandale Si uneil voted $1200 to Chat shelter rental in Barrie Gommttee appointed to look at houses now to purchase Judge Vance society sliding into WNW any other gimp no matter backwards in mind back beyond restraint and mental order ll no we wou UNLE65 THE TD ROOF FRLS OTTAWA REPORT Voters Of Cana rnrnrcu NICHOLSON OTTAWA The voters and taxpayers of Canada have won greatylctory in forcing the Liberal government to modify its proposed communlatic ester tax Never in living memory has any single government proposal stirred up such volume of public protest both in the news papers and in the form of let ters to cabinet ministers anr lllPs The truly iniquitous proposal announced by Finance Minister lcnson on Oct 21 were modi fied by him on Jan 30 These modifications he announced reflect the governments re sponse to representations made yCanndians to the minister both directly and through the Membersof Parliament voice or rm PEOPLE Ottawa Report was the first to describe how the proposed tax increases would compel the sale of many small family busi nesses and farms and in subsc quent columns kept hammer ing home this antisocial an antiCanadian aspect of the pro Qounty Counoiideferrcd until June ses sron report of special on reforestation winch recommended $5000 green to nty Council on record time Fred House Hayfield St OTHER muonswuws PERFECTIQN AS STANDARD Brandon sun Manitoba Against series of crises we atiem to balance moments of satisfaction and triumph gtApollo8the 56215ng of Vietnam peace talks perhaps moments of personal sutlsfactlon that do not make the headlines Apollo has given the world something to aim ata stan dard of perfection that must become the ideal forfpeople oncarth if each yeiar lshottoybe worse than the one which came before nia UNION JAoK FROM 605 WHEN mruuo resource ToENGMNEUNliLr reomneu merrier umme posals Allicanadians wnuld ob Sect to their lifetime work being destroyed by higher taxes in feed Ottawas recspendlng minclng machine asked that letters of protest should be sent toMPs or to me The resultant TbeDaily Journal nemrd nf Onkville commented editorially that The Estate Tax Protest was touched off byfederal af fairs columnist and author Pat rick Nicholson whose column is published across thennatlon Indeed renew mall Dakvillediatrlct alone to MP5 and to me was stupendous Un dEfStandelyn have not been able to acknowledge individu ally the letters tracelved not only from Ookvlllc but from all parts ofCanudeBut passed them on terms and now full acknowledgement and gratitude is reflected in the retreat by the government dip Torrie disava 16 Baytleld Street Barrie Ontario Authorizedas second class mail by the Post Office De pertinent Ottawa and for paymentof postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Deity Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2500 yearly Single oopies 10c Byl mail Barrie $25600 yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw off 18 year Out sideOntario mower Outi Maureenp SIM£5 IAid KW755W VII6 Aï¬Mg W57 57W raidc CanadaMBrlllab posses alnna $25 year USA and foreign year National Advertising Offices 475 University Avenue Toron t0 13640 Cathcalt 5L Monty tea Member of the Canadian Press and Auditilureauof Circulation The Canadian Preaa ls ex elusiver entitlai to the use for republication of all news dispatcher in this paper cred ited to or The Associated Press or Neutera and alao the local none 1er therein from in wrtbm Win Greet Victory Three important modifications in his earlier proposals have been announced by the finance minister llrst the basic exemption rcm tux her now been altered so that an estate of less than 50000 will pay no tax at nil Second every inharllor who is unable to pay the tax due in one iump sum will now have flu or Clan of paying in six annual ins Inlments Third the monstrous injustice if an undetailed tux applying to all deaths occurring after mid night on the dry when it was announced Oct 22 has beenlilt ed in the case of any denth nc curring before Aug 1969 in those cases the taxpayer will have the option of using the old cxumptionsratber than the new This softens the hardship im posed by the inequity upon lcslator dying before his lawyer could redraft his will in the light of the new tax TRICKS IN TREAT But there are still grounds for riticism within these modificar tinns One of these is that while all estates df less than $50000 will be freed from tax liability the basic exemption remains at m000 far larger estates Thus typically estates of about $80000 for more will pay tbe same in creased tax as originally pro posed last October Forinsiance an an estate of 5100900163 11 trust with the in come to the widow during her lifetime and the assets then cannons soon By non aowrvran Wben British Columbia agreed to Join Canada in 1371 the deal was that the federal governmentwould pay the prey ince aubsidy based on popu lation of 60000 Canada also in transcontinen tal railway within 10 yearsand that the work wouldgbegin years However in 1874 the Conser vative government under Sir John ltlacdonuldwvas de feated and the liberals led by Aiexandcr Mackenrie wentinto Go office Mackenzie was appalled by the prospect of keeping the promises that had been made to British Columbia Some of them were undercover deals Fagin stance the estimate of 60000 population was fictitioun The tnie figure was closer to 10000 Canada wasplso feeling the affects of severe depression that bad engulfed North Amer ice in 1673 Madrenzie maln talncd that the dealwlthanltlsh mains had been insane fandeaid that itwaaa bargain made to be brokenlic tried to compromise by substituting transportation route that would be partly by rail and partly by water In the meantime Amwr de Connorth become Premier of Britishvtlolunfbia Heihad been bom William Smith of Nova Scotin but changed liia name to Armando in ï¬loycrwf the world when he went to British Columbianaod became nnvoemias rm engine wwwmamm APromiseilo Appalled The Mr Nixon Is my dimy againllncuebebldfor ergo Gen erful manorelrtbkoften erlan He cannot run the world mné it auor or er aoc rider 33 binaucratx have their own policies width no light to Preserve Nowhere Is this more Appar cnt currently than in Vietnam policy but been built there over many yum Supporter of the policy within the harem cy were predicted opponents were rent to ctiier ntrapiea of the bureaucraq to deal with other territories Thus the ex pem on Vietnam are nearly all men oftha anme med They are believer in us military role for Southeast Asia They have In 14 year of their lives manhailing um merit to buttress the case for 415 military presence in South east Asiathey bad to their lu pedore wanted arguments for intervlowa congressional convincca man eo well as his own wcll ordered arguments how often do you find that you think man is righ1t because he agrees with you GRAND INQUTSITIDN natural selection process as operated by new in various grate of the state dqrarnnent thePantagon and the CIA till believers in certain policies man certain posts Vlelxram la not the only icxnrnple American officials handling Grcck affairs served their up prenticesblp in Greece when dd passing to an only child on her death the new tax will be $13 200 wbldjils more than double the old rule of $6100 The most significant point he hind Finnncerltlinlsier Bensons retreat is not fhcmodiflcution in his proposed tax but the fact that he admits govcmment Withdrawal in the face of bitter public reaction The will of life people prevailed in port With this precedent there is hope for all taxpayers that siml Western Europe 1m campalgns could come 111 It wrll also clear the deck for government to withdraw from moving ahead with Sowet here 55 wamon and excessive pm flatlona on disarmament and diturcs necessitating spiralling other issues Domesticaily it taxes encroaching uponthe lndl willyscrve to illustrate that the ï¬duals d5creflonnry spemilng new prestdent is an activist who income has moved rapidly into control There are some delicate diplo matic decisions involved rung mam ing from just whom to visit in Tut1T LETTERS llitdrlilowlliisfls To Thurman But it appears that President The Examiner lliVltcl con de Gaulle of France as the squeakiest wheel in the alliance lribullona to its Latteralto the editor column on the ad in recent years is assured of ftorlal page When possible the honor of stop Nol on the tentative Nixon itinerary latter should be restricted to 300 to 01 werdr and they American dispatches from Paris sayFrench officials otter should be signed ertcflmly use pen name if they de expresslng hope that this Amer alrc ican recognition of Fro By anon ltllthNZlil WASHINGTON CPIPresl dent Nixons plan to vlsls major NATO artncra next month la in line will his pledgaio repair United States relationr with status has been nailed down are urging at the same time that caution be used in forecast ing any substantial shifts in French policy as result In skinth in being said bet ter ialaflnns with the lls from the French viewpoint rest on the avoidance of pressure to have France resume more ac tive role in NATO or admit Brit bin to the EuropEan Common Market The White House has said only that Nixon is planning fen tatlvely to Vlsityunspeclï¬etl Eu ropesn capitals The Washing ton Post lists these as Paris Bonn Rome tendon and lime Eelsseat of NATO Witb Lon dontobelaatonthellst If that pattern holds it would editor of newspaper Perhaps be something of departure he might be called the original fmm the sredgl relationship Canadian hippie De comm that has existed in the past be waswmmg to have gems 0f tween London 1nd Washington anneal changed help the American newsdlsnatches Mackenzie government because quote French officials as re mm GM to get garding the Nixon vlsrturgpst drydock nun at risqurmalt ism as 53 ï¬ltered 599 near View cialrrelatioushlp in pm change in the ixona accep euro terms of union soenrnged many mm 013 1° people in Victoria that on Feb Power conference on the Middle my of about mo in East plus alwarm exchange of jaded the legislature singing letters with de Gaiula made weMn Da Comes public in Paris also testify to aour nppletlee Well hang De WW1 °f France by the smos on mur apple tree Edmmmnumn As we go mum on relations wrth France D60 05 was hm bah went sour under President Kerr jmnde him in mm nedy who in 1961 launched his room and the members of the legislature were driven out until they passed resolution stating that no change could bermade In the terms union without consent of the electorate De Cosmos resigned from provinr dnl politics WHEN EVENTS Hovernor and Council of Nova Scctha passedrcwlution organizing legislature Imdipper and Lower Cane uda offered free land to 05 cit izens whowould settle there 1867Lord Carnalyon intro duced British North America not in House oflmds duleWnr Purchasin Board was created Mrs Ralph Smith became first woman member Legislature of rbrfliehiOuluiï¬Mdr insGold rush begun at Red Bunk0nt Tbeï¬naldisecuntdntefor the City of Female March Md $800 for female After lnuoase $200 each cry Thurmflw Lonnonrlnsrrr gt Sen Joseph McCarthy wu con voting grand tnonisition in us last wltdsea men running Greek affair for gemzï¬hlluwam ablped car The one of Vietnam is ounce muebmm vital to the world at large Mr Nixons unr demonnary of ethic Alexia Johmon declared the other day that be recountnob continuing unto the some policy it in paying dividenck and think It is going in the name di rection The cvldenu has been nearly always to the contrary for the revere years The vulng ind policies which haw modaVletmng partbans out of so Imany dispossessed Vito nmese peasants are contin uing Henry Kissinger Mr Nix ona new special assistant for national scanliar affairs din grew with Alexis Johnson But through whom mint Mr manger lepertat iinnucb MKJohnsonnod Mr Colby and is in drurgc of arecalled baciflcaflon in South Vietnam Ho and othcra includr lng Alexia Jchmon have said for yum that they were right in Vietnam To mange their views now is to make public conic salon of error No gureoucrat lich that Nobody SHIP GRAVEYARD Appmidrnatcly 600 vcaaeb have perished on the French la lruids of St Pierrediliquelon Slim 1816 lllliERPRlZTINGCTHE NEWS President Hopes To Repair US Relations With Europe foreign visiting in Ottawa and then went on to Paris Later acts including special missile agreement with British Prime Mlnlrter Harold Macmillan fed the de Gaulla conviction of special AngloSnxon pact hostile to French interests Under President Jo on Vietnam was major llritant na wellaa the French decision to unit must of NATOI military activities conracr cool Johnann vlalled Paris only in 1967 when he was in Europe for the funeral of tanner West Gen man chancellor Conrad Adey nauer and his contact there with de Geulle was made coollyfor ml by the French leader Prime Minister Wilson on the other hand staunch ractltien er of the special relatcnshipia widely believed here to have wonr out his welcome With Johnson Johnson has been quot ed as saying privately he felt Wilson was using special access for domestic political advan tage Canadas lane in foreignvis iting prlnrl ea remains uncer tain and uniniown There is al ways the possibility which lacks any official basis yet of Nixon pausing briefly in Ottawa next month on route to Europe or in returning Quick visits by either himself or Prime MinisterTrudeau could be cranked up quickly as Prealdent Johnson demon strated on few hours notice in 1967 in halfday excursion to Expo 51 and Ottawa However diplomats from both countries have noted that until Canadas foreign policy review is completed any visit might be open to interpretation as having influenced ihedccislons yet to be made on NATO on Canadas continuing role in North Ameri can Air Defence or on seeking tinlks with China about recogni ton BIBLE THOUGHT rhau art weighed in the hammer and art found wani trig Daniel 527 Every man must weigh incn rim scales of God to see how much weight he really carrlcsu The Lord seeth not as man sooth world To ALL not OWNERS the pinchose of dog licences in 1969 To take advantage of the discount you may forward your money by mail or call at the lbeasurers Ofï¬ce in the My Hail lih rater until March are $600 for male or maycd ternalo March 11069 the mte will nmuamf Clerk