Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1969, p. 3

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ram J22 farceK 92 €2393 the Blind during 1968 according THE CHRISTMAS used to stand right here said Mrs Thelma Gibbons yester day as she toured the house she lfved in us girl of seven The house on Maple Avenue is to be torn down soon Mrs Gibbons was faking last nos talgic tour through the nnlv vacant house Examiner Pho lol Maple Avenue Home house on Maple Avenue about to be torn down She lived thelc 48 years ago as girl or seven Mrs Gibbons learned that the asyearold house was to be torn down to allow for future expan sion of the Barrie Examiner printing plant she asked if she could take last look before fhewreckers started taking it apart spent some very happy years in that house and Id like to look at if she said Do on tering the vestibue of the now bare siX room ammun bare six room house Mrs Gib buns pointed to where tall hall chair once stood still think its nice to have vcsfibuo she said ZIt gives people place to sta their boots Thelma Gibbons lived In the house from approximately 191 to can remember seeing my first airplane right out there she said as she pointed to Lake Simone It was during the war and the plane came in and landed on the water can member dunking how terrible the women were then for sitting on the lake front and lulit ling on Sundays You didnt do lhatsort of thing then she said The house is adiaocnt to the Gray Ooatlh terminal Before she was married Mrs Gibbons was known as Thelma Wice She liv ed on Maple Avenue with her mother and father and brothers Hoyt Arnott and Carley and sis tors Mabel and Ethel The lum her mill was over there before it bluned to the ground she said pointing across the street Life was quiet for Mrs Gib bans in the house on llfapleAve was little girl in this house she said as she walked through the now cold bare rooms Standing at the bottom of the stairs Mrs Gibbons pointed to small cupboard under the stairs and exclaimed Canyon imagine years ago my sisur and used to pl dolls under those stairs have very vivid memoir les lot this house The pantry just off the living room was ap proacth eagerly by Mrs GillV mp the snow oif av thought she was the most heau bolls wonder if tlle bread board is still here she sold The white grooved panel doors were pullcd burl cautiously There it is the pantry is just thesame exactly the same never dreamed it would still be here TIIIE tour through the house moved to the second flour As she fondled the bannislcr on the wayup Mm Gibbons remarked We used Do slide donn this bunnisler My brother would stand at the bottom and catch us before we fell onto the floor SET2 SMALLER The rooms upstairs were the same They do seem Iltlle smaller but they are the same This was my side of cupboard she said 95 she opened the clos et My sisterand sharedthis room for most of the time we were in the house Standing in the upstairs bed room Mrs Gibbons talked about some of the things she used to do as girl We all went to the Dreamland Theatre which was yust up the street she said can remember the Charlie llaplin films and the man playing the piano all the were silent then you know We used to love to goto Erysons ice cream parlor that was where everyone went My brother Hoyt once had wire streched from this house to the Finley house that was on Dunlop Street They had radios set up and would talk back and forth think it was one of the first in Barrie she said Maple Avenue was gravel road fallen We would swim just about where the marina is now she said In the winter we would hitch rides on the back of the cutters when they passed by the ho MORE MEMORIES The more Walk through the house the more remember said Mrs Gibbons There was him Realty at the Dreamland She ran the theatre and we all tiful woman in town can re member her long ear rings very well The tour through the vacant house was coming to an end fall COunlyffBlind Visited Byc CNIB All the registered bunkqu In Simone County were visited by the Banie Committee of the Canadian National Institute for to Field Secretary Norman Gil by In addition Prevention of bblind cases mostly children needing glasses were also vis lted by the committeeu The report was given at chB meeting at the home Mr and Mrs Harold Webb Valley Drive The meeting was chaired by Owen St John to the absence of Enlae Blown chairman Th5 treasurers report reveal el expenditures of $600 for the Christmas party and other serv ices to the blind While attcndirlg theTornntu co3rcncc oI CNIB Mr Gilby anti other members were con dductcd an atom of the new Na tional Vocational and Training Centre The centre is mile stone in the new facilities for the rehabilitation of the blind said Mr Gilby The VTEIMBIIIHILDIALWy tend nounced at the meeting The re tirernent of Mr Sparks who had been visiting Simcoe County tor 25 years was cheetive Jan Jr The Barne committee agreed to recommend to the United Ap peal closer consideration of the INEARLY 106 DUNLOP WE WILL plothing of all kinds items and small appli and toys repair PHONE bslhra 12 OPENING SOON THE WISE OWL ances sports equipment All items must bejfreshly cleaned andin good RECEIVING DEPT OPEN FROM FEE l0 Hours 10530 Feb 10 11k 12 only 79 For further information Brings Back Memories Thelma Gibbons spent nost algic half hour yesterday in My young brother Carley was born right here in thls room said Mrs Gibbons as she walk ean bedroom Wonder if could take peek at the attic again naked Mrs Gibbons as she was pre paring to leave the house We usm to play up here and get drussed up in old clothes We didnt play inside very mudl though guess that was because we didnt have tolevislon than The tour was over Mrs Giblt bons walked out the front door and marvelled because the door fittings were just the same Ev en the fancy wrought iron dec oration around the porch light is the sameshe said The lilting will always be the same It is being taken down buffed up and painted Mrs Gibbons said she would like to put it up somewhere in the house she now lives in at BalmBeach near Pcrkinsfield Theres many conman or woman who will try to play the welfare system to personal ad vantage and Barrie gets its fair share of such artists The games are many but VelA fare Officer Stephen Hines knows most of them and rarely gets duped The provincial welfare not pro lccts the citys cutters from many of the most obvious lac tics but when it comes new to the final statement its question of how honest you think the person is and you get pretty astute says Mr Vllines Sometimes you can tell right away they look like old pros they come in gang When they come in gang like that youre suspicious right away he said Underlhe welfare act per sonmust be resident of city and be able to prove re deuce in orderta he recipient Persons Provincial court yeslcrd CITY lvzws TllE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1569 IN TOWN TONIGHT LOUNGES WellingtonThe Smiley Eats Duo ed out oi what was once her par whenitiscbeckednoo not Still Have Right TeDiffer Und naoen lebell principal of Eutview genera School Thursday Inlncd the Bar rla Mary Enstvlews need for expansion this spring The In cost for the ndditlon of 17 class room two you and three shops will be $1250000wbicb llr Mll ohcll said was as per square foot In Increase of nearly 25 per cent from two years ago in addition lieMitchell dis cussed computer sclence Ind Its Kelauon to philosophy of educa on Ilward Grant To Collingwood Nursing School $9176 oonlrilmtion from the federal governments Health Resourm hind has been up provocl hr the School for leg istered Nurfinfl NSIMILS of the General and Marine Hostntol In collingwood Ontario Announcement of the contri butiens approval was nude lhIs neck by National Health and Welfare Minbter John Mim fund will assist with costs of building and equipping the school which has been completed and now In operation The school prondeseducalion nl fadlioes for training mglster ed nursing assistants in two year course It Is dmtgncd to accommodate 25 students In each mm onesumy brick building strudon for an addiuonal three floors in the future LOCAL GENERAL llIIPAmED DRIVING Kenneth Kennard 21 of An gus and Leonard Bouncy each pleaded guilty to charges of driv ing motor vehicles while im paired by alcohol in separate incidents Bonnoy was fined $103 and Kennard was fined $80 In BayshoreThe Sweet Sounds Brookthle Park Inn Queens The Roman Candles ImperialThe Wrecking orelv RoxyFar From the Madding Welfare Office requent Target Of Con Artists You cant justwa1k in and pick up cheque You must fill out an application and then the depart ment will visit you at your home for more information It takes lWDnl three days to process the application If you have nothing to eat and are in real need you may receive nominal emergency grant but these are rare lnmany of Ihese cases by the time youve checked the per son outI theyve left town Mr Hines said The most common way to at tempt to work the system is to try to collect welfare in two places In Barrie the welfare depart ment processes rmany applica tions from people who live out side the city and attempt to gather money from both the city system and Simcoe County They nfalte an applicatan in both placesfigiveva false ad dress in Barrie not realizing the department will check and then knows them there Some people from surround ing omnrnlmitins make honest In 1968 budgets ot the participating agencies Mr Gitbysaid the suggestion was made that the United Ap peaf consider the entire budget of each agency and set their goal accordingly NEW SHOP ST BARRIE ELL FOR YOU 11d accessories household yollo AllAN 51 Lil slow you tne complete and Wlntlowa It will give you ESA RDAT TIIE HGTITS ro The money from the federal Home uteri pm er New System By using computer to pro gram classes hlr Mitchell sold more variety of options could be made available to the students lm lime lbree days compared to six necks without computer When asked by Rolarinn If the computer would be made available to private business and Industry llrt Mitchell replied it would not The admit rc ccive an education discount and the computer must be used strictly for educational purposes However the computer will be available to other schools and they will be Invited In use avail able computer time Mr Mitchell also stated the Importance of each school rc tainlng its individual approach to educatlonlle also gave credit to the Simcoe Board or Educa Tlnn for acknowledging the right of the schools to be different DEATHS couGlrLlN WI hill In the bean has Jannasud to mutt 01 mum at on ensy clloidinni husband of Grace For Leone lira Ind the Info burl Leo hnmcll and Mpnnnru nest In at tho lama loan or aloud to itll rt av an Al rlch churchI Shaeolwlaflrlor mum mau Ian em guy erlllombnsenl EtaN Come try me vanitm Wlulam President of Parker Construeuon olpn aw at st Jase Hob pllll Guelp on day rebrulry monomer central commissioneeof pants for hfelml Toronto tall with qurie Has In Siunmdale Parkland Open spam and parks are not there to grow geraniums or ros es but to glow better people provisions were made in Its con hum 51 Guelph tn Beloved husband or lamlcson and dear father or trtl Hanna of Mn hullne Ion onto Parker or Gust l5 Ellnbelhl Parker Alter pm lturd ull at George Will ml undue In sL Ge can Ch nzh Monday Gudph The and runml home and Sunday evenlnrs 79 Remembrances beat wuuun Putter of 74 bur nu nu yur nutn Mary Hamilton allr Janet nrunger of Orlllll James of So and wnuun Junleruu Brother of Mn oulden and Arlhur both Gudph Prrdtccw no bv one lot and two mehan oclock lntrnnant Woodllun Juliet vrltl urdly Thompson commissioner of parks for Metro Toronto said last night in panic Mr Thompson was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Barrie Horticultural So ciety nus Suspend Sentence OI Barrie Youth In Marijuanaflose Gregory Allan Myers Ill of Barrie was givcn suspended sentence and one year probation in Provincial Court yesterday The youlh had been found gull ly Jan of possesslon of mari iuann noun olllcns entered the Vincent Street Nov and found his son and two other youths in basement bedroom The effic crs searched the room and found quantity of cannabis resin derivative of marijuana Judge Foster said the reason for the suspended sen tence was that the youth was home of Harvey lllyers on SL The Canadian Way Continental Inn Damlel DeLasalle Nottawasaga InnAl Mathews Trio with Girlth Scotti MOVIES If your doors lllII windows hoVelnlude dodger then See Nicholson Building Components Opemsaturdnysr Crowd mlslakes They are told to come to Barrie and of course both the cily office and the county of fice are located here llfr Hines said The most diltiCult cases for the department to assess though are those of transients The largest numbercome in the late fall after the harvests have finished at Bradford and at Delhi Some are honestly looking for job But they have to demon strate this to us They must reallyrbe tryingrlhey cant first come back every three days for another handout Welfare ls temv porary aid to get through tem porary predicament Its design ed to fill in until unemployment insurance or job takes Its plane he said Every welfare applicant is not conman though and there are many cases that give Mr Hines lot or personal tisfaetion When you help an elderly per son who is really physically uo fit To work they appreciate any thing you can do for them It really makes you feel you are doing something for humanity lr Hines sa druughl DALE for range of Nlcholsoa Dont wnrnt feeling unfll imfz2au not trafficking and had no rec ord Tllls OFFER VALlo FOR LlMITEDtTIME ONLY NOW sLocarloNs ro SERVEYOU pulvelu PLANT 103 VBAYFIELD WBRANcH srolzss 153 DUNLOP 162 NAPIER sr The atlifudc ot the parks com bc Iv friends my funeral Home 05 Numtk Street Guelph tun mer Ilngllr Ifternoon rt SHIRTSor LNINDJRED Gary Stoncr left direclor of parks and recreation in Bar rie and William McCrsary mlssioncr concerning Ills parks is Iaissczfaire let the people do what they want to do People have fun doing the things they like to lo which is why we dont have dont signs said llfr Thompson Slides leefertolters and swings are not used in all Mr Thomp sons parks Whyf Because he lievcs after child goes down slide on his back couple of times and then on his stomach there is nothing left for the child to explore about the slide and he loses interest Park experience should be an exploration experience said Mrfhonglson Natural parks are never the same they change just little bit every day Natural parks are always new always dynamic and provide our to 990d BARRIE DISTRICT NORTH COLLEGIATE PARENT TEACHER CONSULTATION NIGHT by appointment WEDNESDAY FEB 12 700900 CALL 716654l during school hours and askrfor Mrs Armstrong president of the Barrie Hort Icullural Socicly Examiner Photo Deal child or adult with place lo gain intimate knowledge of na urc and perhaps himself Mr Thompson also discussed the Barrie Country Club park land He pointed out lo the sa ciety members that $2000 an note is Chcflp considering the irrgclion syjcm the turf and building are already palt of the property He said Barrie citizens were payim no more than it would otherwise cost to develop raw land Mr Thump son also pointed out that the parks commisshn has paid as mutsr as $300llo an acre or more for parkland In bronto Flth WING ACTION The wings of hummingbird eat at no beats per second PM Pants SIutIts and Ploin Skirts EANED It aux noxflrux mu mumrm Hanannun

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