SPECIAL TRAINING Owen Street struck the Emms The lyphair car was backing Two llrrested Witnessés In WomansDeath Barrie police last uifltt arrest ed man and woman on mat erial witness warrants regard ing possible murder case in New Weard Jack and Ann Windover were picked up last ntglu at lino pm lc arising car bearing onto licence plates They are wanted in connection with the death at Mrs linrean ct Windorer found dead at her home in New Liskeard yester day Police said death was due to injury Tlhe arrest was made by Cpl in VESPBll Study Auxiliary Fire Brigates Advlï¬ibility of setting up aux iliary ï¬reLighting uniu at plac cs litlo Minesng and Little Lake raked by CouncilhrrHarry Adams and will be includ ed in general fire protection survey of Vospra township Gmncillor Adams said the aux lliery forces would be valuable in on emergency since they wotdd be closer to the scope in these areas than equipment from the peanut litidhurst sua tion The liucewbay fire hail would then become the central station The Ontario fire marshals dolt partment provides the survey service without charge to the township ksa lnnisfri Flos Stayner and Wasaga Beach are among other Simcoo County municipalities which have had such surveys Municipalities in Muskoka and other areas also were given similar service The recommendations are not obligatory on the township and council retains its right to do eide on what it can ï¬nance Training of ï¬remen and com Report Series Of ilccicients On City Streets Barrie police are investigating hit and run property damage accident on OWEn St yesterday Police said car owned by Norman Edward Emms was damaged on tbeleft rcar fender while it was parked unattend car damagcd on the tall or right rear fender which is possibly white or beige is being sought by police It may have traces of blue paint in the dam4 aged area Damage to the Emms vehicle amuunlcd to 8200 Police said the other car had backed across car in the rear and leftthe scene The accident at tzzio pm was one of several minor col listens in the city yesterday At am William John Coulis 24 of 55 Blake St was struck by car driven by Fred Ty phair 35 of 219 Duckworth St out or driveway on Dueloworlir Street police said Alana pm on lohn Street Carl Frank Stansbury 25 of Angus and behold liarrod 20 of RE Stroud were in coi lisicn causing $150 total damage The Stansbury Vehicle was West CITY NEWS THE HAMIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY lm over Saturday afternoon but no snow is expected tomorrow There should be little change in temperature and winds will both linue light Saturday of 28 is predicted for the Barrie area by the Toronto weather oiiice Barrie Examiner was 12 light windsare expected to pre bring cloudiness to most of the lower lakes and could cause its Material Ken licKcmie eftho Barrie Pol ice Department The pair war turned over to the Ontario Pm tincial Police for transfer to New Lislseard this morning Ontario Provinaal Police in Haiiejbury near New Liskcard said thisrnorning that another material witness had been ar rested in Epauola ihcy said they had been qua tioning people and they expected OPP diet in specter McBride who is in make statement later this afternoon mnnicalions receive special at tention VBplas volunteer brigade ls nowhcaded byRobcrt Byers oi llidhurst Equipment includes general fire truck and also puntper vehicle Marlboro of the volunteer bri gade have been trequentiy prais ed by members of council and others for their services lhe township has modern ï¬re hall which was just opened last year The construction was done as centennial project Goundllor Adams felt that Vesprsa should have adequate fire protection which could be financed on practical beats with due consideration to rate payers The contribution of vol unteer fireï¬ghters made this possible Bordering Barrie Vespra town ship extends from liildoway so to 0m township and westward borders Surinidale and Plus RECOVER CAR fhe Mealord Ontario Provin cial Police recovered stolen car early this morning after chase The car was stolen from Waterloo Township Robert Bechtel 16 or Waterloo and jttvenile companion who were apprehended in the car were turned over to the Waterloo pol cc Sunny skies will be clouding low tonigtt of 10 and high Noon temperature outside the Synopsis Clear skies and oil over the greater part of On alio today Saturday will likely ome snow Windsor Lake St Clair Most Now Mend on the case to iv The new nongraded aye tern being put into cflcct at Ccntrul Collegiate next year is To Introduce Noneéadedj School System All Central Grade students planning to enter grade classes next year at Central Collegiate viilmeet with guidance officers next week and team of new non grad ed system that is being put into elfect Ronnid Mossop vice princi pal oi Central explained the systeni to some as grade eight teadrcrs and principals yester day We have designed sys tan thotdoes away with the idea of different streams of education said Mr Moscow In ttro past student entered chosen arca that was referred to as stream he said The sub jects were allrnlatcdtoonean other and were designed to give the student rounded education in given field of study The stream science tech nology and trade business and commerce and arts and science were broken into four and five levek ofstudy for these com given close look by mem bers of the Simeon County board of education LEFT 10 RIGHT lrving Hal leaving hint sdrool usually took the fivedycar rnograrn The non graded system be ing introduced at Central next fall does away with the stream idea lttr lump explained to teachers yesterday that each student will draw up his own course of study The only ob iigalpry courses will be those the department of education says student mist complete he nun As an example lttr Mossop en larng on the Grade program of study Title department of ed ucation has told us that every Grade student must take Eng lun gmzraoiw mathematics Science and physical health and education We have established four pldszry Grade subjects The levels numbered ll 45 or are designed for students with year pmgrarms Those planning to continua their education after DISTRICT warrant Expect Saturday To Bring cloudiness chance of some light snow late Saturday Little dlange in tern perature Winds light today easterly is Saturday Toronto western Lake On tario northern Lake Huron southern Georgian BayLSunny today clouding over Saturday few cloudy periods today Sat urday mainb sunny Not much change in temperature Winds gm Windsor ly cloudy today and Saturday Oecasional light snow Saturday alternoon and evening Little change in ternpcraitrreNorth east winds near 15 London Hanultori Lake Erie southern lalre Huron Niagara bound on John the llarrod ve hicle was eastbon and making left turn At 520 pm on Gunn St John Gushue of NorliiPark Road was in collision with Barbara Kurstvell of St Vincent Street causing artolal of $100 damage with few sunny intervals and mostly sunny today01oudy light today Cloudy with few light afternoon Little change in tem 51 Thnmas 3° peraturelVinds light 15 ï¬g Eastern Lake Ontario Hali Mohnfï¬m 13 25 burtonrMostly sunny with little Wingth 15 Chang WWW may Hamilton 20 32 5mm 113 ms St Cathanues 20 32 Sndbnry North Bay northern Toronto lo 32 Georgian Bay Tamasami Petcrhorough lo 23 Sunny with few cloudy inter Kingston to so vals today and Saturday few Owen Sound 25 snowflurries Saturday often Trenton lo so noon Little change in tempera Kulaloe 15 turcVinilslightTv Muskoka 25 Sault Ste Marie Algoma North Bay gt5 20 White River Cochrane western Sudbury L5 20 James Bay Mostly sunny Earlton do 20 Sault Ste Marie 25 snowfiurries SaturdayLi tic Kapuskasing 15 change in temperature Winds White River 10 20 llioosoneo ID 10 MontcalOttawa Sunny with 15 to varying degrees of academic ability For example if there is Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Saturday 20 30 Timmins My nual showvto be held altho YMCA Feb15 and lGFROM r1 ï¬tness am no munr arm Smith presidentnf the society Bruce Twaddle Dennis Vcln WK nob Brennan and Bill Hawkln Enamincr Photo FROM Police officials announced Thursday that lit charred bodies pulled from tharuins or the Vic toriaville Hotelhavo been posi tiveiy identified the victims today room hotel to rubble Jan 25 arid reduced the threelstoreyso destroyed an adjoining Toronto lJornlulionbank building in this community of 5500 about 65 miles south of Hamilton Ill amistant martianturf academic affairs Ronald lifes rpp principal designate at Central Collegiate Mus Me student who just cannot liandl in that untied andpï¬ltawtlr four or rivalch to the otho subjects he takes FIND LEVEL We hope in this way sai tolling Most sudcnts have that tics in as follows LEVEL azoultable for stu denta in year and to who ex perience real ditficuity in hand ling mdrjectr at general level and who have not been mgularly promoted from Gr9 LEVEL basic level of he struction leading to the Sec ondary School Graduation Dig loans LEVEL level of instruc tion for students capable of good adriovement andor greater interest in certain subject field LEVEL for students With 75 percent average or hotterv in subject field where the student can pursue subject in depth with minimum of assistance from the teacher LEVEL special level for the 12th year Mr Mossop referred to levels and years of education lhcrc will be no more grades said Mr Moss student will be inhis 9th 10th orllth year Shelter Grant Coats Soar TORONTO GP Cast oi Ontarios basicshelter grant is at least $12000000 more than the government figure of $160 000000 Plus $150000 in adminis tration Liberal niember told the legislaturelhursday iirerebate is grant from the provincial government to property owners to relieve them of part of the cost of munlcrpal taxes Let the government tell the people of Ontario that this grant was financed out of provincial debt saidEdward Good Waterloo North flat the gov ernment tell the people the trooooomo is now ddcd to our Provincial def Bodies or 13 fire Victims lire Identiï¬ed DtlNNVILIE Ont or will be released rm of undetermined origin mathematics we would suggest that he enroll at the three level Mr Mossop to place stu dent in level that he can handle for every subject he is academic wealmascs amt we hope this new system better on eommodates the studentsabili The dmlption lo the levels is to talk to guidance are mud to call the 561 and make an appoint Kay superintendent of aca demic affairs and Gard houso ma superintendent for Barri Elimiflt PM his will study at abject level that best suit his needs The non ended mm means that student willhave schedule of his own and will not be stigmatiscd in any way should he happen to fall behind in subject MAJOR PROBLEM One of the biggest problem we have had to handicsaid Mr Monop is the biological aspects of having mutants in different ï¬rearm At times there was stigma studied to being in the science technology and trades stream Students sc grcgnlo themselya oral thero wmt the rnixvthntvwe wanted to see between students The vice principal said he hopes that by having studens in rooms by years and not area studythoy would inter relate better Each student willhava room Ihat is referred to as his home room They trill have theirown schedules and travel about the building from clam to class said Mr lifesaop The individual schedules are possible at Central because of the use being made or octopu ter to set up each shaderito schedule Mr htossop eiqflained Once we know the subjects that student wants to take we feed all the information into computer it will work out schedule that gives lira majority of students what they wont Mr lttossop added that some conflicts will undoubtedly app up but time will be worked out Once the system working we will have atudents allowing ma thematics at an intensive level becausethey are good mathem atics students This same stir dent maybestudyinghisbery at mom simpliï¬ed level because hemaynotbpaveygoodhis tory student or he just may not be interested in his subject Planning for the individual requires lot of advance weds on the part oftendters and prin cipals Next week parent of Grade students will be invited to the public schools toniscuss the courses their children wish to talleslf they are planning to enltlar CentralCoiicgiato next fa Mr Mossop has asked Hie Grade tendon in try and have the option forms that par ents will till out completed by February 20 the nonyall The details ed and the way it can best serve the individual sudent will be ex plained to paran dining in terviews next week Parents room Monitor TORONTO UP Wholesale to retail carton eggaaverage weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Thursday large 515 Ame dllim small 412 Eggs Wholesale prices te country stations fibre cares quot ed by acommittea efwhulesalc egg dealers Extra large 41 tt large Antssilt medium 36419 small 3536 as 29 Buffer prices Dairy Commission tenderable cariots buying at score 54 buy Orion Dally til irasr Tanaour SERVICE midnightrlrlday and Saturday till ing 40 score as setting 55 representative of the Cana dian Council of Christians and Jews said in Barrie snowmobile Driver Dies in Collision head on collision bellsGen mowmohtlo nod automobile mulled in the death of the snowmobile driver Gyull Gerry Horvath 39 of Birch St Commend Mn Laverne licllecbnla ol lovelin wu thrdriver of the ear involved in the accident which took plocoon side road in Colitnnood Township an liomttr who was and on arrival at Colliotwoed Gener al anghugwmumm was mant so ol two childmi No charges hm been told as fire can it still under invent tton by the liteford Ontario Pro vincial Police PRANKSTEBS on no topsr ronomu or you got set of Ontario ilcertca plates with the number printed upside down it meanlprankrtrrl are loose in Mtllbrooh prison ualn cashier at motor vehl cla licence branch was now chatant Wednesday when motorist brought in set of 1969 plates Made at the maximum aecurlly prison Peterborough the platerhad the Ontario and use printed rtghtsido up and the number printed up aidedown Ernest Gilmore said that in the past motorists have found mismatched plates in their envelope tltm plates instead oi two or notes such he pw being held here ï¬ninat our will Canada Should Concerned With US Race Developments ibursd bee that Canadian should be wiry Morrison dismissed thochargel was laid against constable Wil liam Johnson by Mr Scragg That charge was alsodiamtsaed Is Made in Japan and by Judge Morrison corned about development of hu man rUrLI in the United States ruse of USinilucnco on this country The speaker Stanley Griulo of Threats note to manners of the Barrie Civttarr Club on tho subject of brotherhood He said while people control economy and have establish ed racist society They hive lostcred tho idea that super lor race mt donunale rule andand Iridi on We tioo to minimum be sold Black Power ha been recur ed by tighliol and violence raid htr Gdnle and it has taken position of strength Mr Grizzl DDWres black Power if it in volves violence since its bottom violence multiplies itself We must condemn our system said Mr Grluio rather than iadlvtd unit in the Black Power move ment Mr Gristle black people must produce and compete in the mainstream of the nations life they mull be at their heritage mu Mr itinto raid the race color and creed relationshipme ireatydtmmédiid That must continue to fight for human rights so that we rosy lit in accord with one another Hes Cleared 0i Charge charge of being drunk to public place against Roger Scragg Wendimined in pro vincial court this week Mr Scrnu testified thatha had been to hotel in Deccrre her and left the building with Salmon Scrogg said he was singing Christmas carols with his friend when he saw police constable and invited him to sing with them Provincial court judge Curly against Mr Scragga charge of common assault FILM curs At Feb the Barrie Public Lilmnry received another strip ment of twenty films They dis NO REMEDij STAY 27 rninutcs black and whitel is an excellent discussion film which could be used with man community groups Filmedlln Montreal high schoolit talscs Ia deliberately biased look at to Eoplo to prepare them for adult gt BUY LOWIELL MIG iamlnutea black vllhite gves spontaneom vely view oftiio Montreal Stock Exchange BOY NEXT DOOR 19 min utes in color when French speaking Jacques mover nerd door to English speaking Jim my each is amazed to find that abo for five interest is payable rnv mountain warrr ans LibraryHos New Shipment OiMOtIiesOnManySubjectsj home to be explored on dilti ti rally is soon overcome play great variety of subjecll on numerous subjects are avai able free to you or your organ lution it you are member of our ï¬lm Service The fee is to yearly If you wish to borrow filmaand ore not member the service charge would be 15 cents for every minutes of days educauonaIJIystem and block and white film and 50 how it fails in the eyes of young cents for every in minutes of colored one more families will use our films and projectors They can pro vide many an entertaining even ing of viewing with friends and neighbors and childrens parties on be enlivened by showing low oi our Walt Disney cartoons or fairytales the otherdoes not speak his vices we provide please ask at language However when there the library is bike to ride 6ra haunted morons Grill customise INVESTMENTS rformulaofiiflordygm moy be left to accumulate and be compounded halfyearly Trinamee Ann Auntremap av LAW Fort Tlla INVnsrrlENT or TRUST FUND Tliillf Ann uncomeoNALLv summon VlclflRlA an nun some rlroun ruzur We hope this year that many If you wish more information at our films or the other ser Mada Knight eors hglfyearly or all