Ii HIE mam EXAMINER FRIDAY manna III OBITU MISS HELEN MILLER lit and hits AIEC Mill Mrs iiarvey Johnston and as its Walker attended the funeral their cousin Miss Helen Miller in Cobourg Feb The late Miss Miller was the eldest daughter of Gideon Miller formcr resident of Mount St Innis PATTERNS DRESS UP on Alice unooas Dress up quiet basics and daz zle everyone with sparkling jewel lit accessories Fashions on gold rush crochet glittery bib belts necks lace ring with pearls gold beads Costs pennies Pattern 7048 directions FIFTY CENTS Coins for each pattern on stampspplease to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecrail Dept on Front St Toronto Ontario rcsldeois 3c sales tax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over zoo designs to choose free patterns printed inside Send in cents now Ncwl 50 Instant Gifts fabulous fashions toys decorat or accessories Make ititoday ifve it tomorrow ideal for all occasions on cents lo liify Rugs to knit crochet weave sew hook cents Book oi 12 prize alghans Elk Bargain Quilt Book has is beautiful patterns so cents Museum Quilt Book patterns for 12 superb quilts so cents Book Quilts for Todays Liv ing 15 patterns 60 cents llBIES Born in Dresden she attended school in Dresden sod anthem later alerting to Ottawa She graduated irons Queens Univerv city in Kingston taught in Com wail High School for several years and retired in Coburg sits aidmess cochd her team in career One brother Itsrold of Fort Wayne indlans and sister Anna Mrs Lung elyt of hieadmwale survive in terment was in St Peters Cem etery in Oobourg wruss ltI roan armorr wellknown resident of flay oer William John Synnott died in Royal Victoria Hospital Jan 240 in his 83th year Funeral Serle was at the Mathers mfli Home Stay ner conducted by ltev Downer assisted by Rev Shaniz interment was to Stay oer Union Cemetery Pall bearcrs were Dickey ii Peacock and Rundrle Born in Mulmur Towmhip near Mansï¬eld Sept 29 1683 he was son of the late Edward and Sarah 35mm lie farmed in the stayner area tor over so years retiring to home in Stoyncr two years ago His wife the former May Mugglesworth predeceased him six years ago He is survived by three daugb rencc of Barrie Bernice Mrs Ii ibbitson of Toronto and Eleanor Mrsw opulence oi New Lowell and two sons Ed ward of Greemore and Harry of Wasaga Beach Alsoolrviw log are two sisters Elizabeth Mrs Sandy Cannibal Statues and Sadie Mrs Martin Donor of Coilingwood and two broth ers George oi stayner and Norman of Barrie more rare 16 grandchildren and erght greatgrandchildren Mr Synnott was mgular worshipper at Stayner United Missionary Churdl itris involv two miles which he always seemed to enioy Tumtlghwt the district he was known as keen horsoman and in his younger days his team of matched hackneys attracted much attention on the road THORNTON ms near St Judes Anglican Church Women will hold their annual St Valentine supper in the church basement Feb 12 at 530 pm Everyone will be wal come MESSENGERS Messenger Group of Trinity United Church met Jon is with 11 boys and girls in attendance Meetingsare to be held second and fourth Mondays and the next gettogether will he Feb 10 the church schooiroom Furth cr particulars may be had lrom Mrs Peter Stinger or Mrs Bnlce Wesson who are leaders JUNIORHFARMERS Junior Farmers ot Simcoe South held their annual banquet in Thornton Orange Hall Jan 25 with an attendance of about Bailey Ercthct IL Nevilla tors Margaret 51 Law ed walk each Sunday of me are an loe lerud It slx No1002 ms sari NEWS ROUNDUP Note the location of thchit chsn which has such convenient access to the extra washroom and basement alsothe front and rear enttancss both of which have protecting porches Livingdintngkiidlen areal at entrance letei Short stair leads to rearloeaisd bedrooms all of which have annrleclosets Cort Govemlnent Spending Blamed For Serious inflation Problem MTAWA CF Mounilng federal debt and government spending at rate taster than the ootmtrys growth were blamed in Senate committee report Thursday for the unac cepiabie rate of inflation inflation the Senates finance committee said now is one of our serions pr obi em it added if we are to exercise control over the unacceptable rate of inflation that has been going on wa should at least keep the growth of governmental expen ditures within the rate of growth of our economy and bring the federal budget into balance The report resulted from the oommitteas study iastfail of the 196MB financial years feder al appropriations now passed for the year which has less than two months to run The summit tee reconstituted Imder new Senate rules with wider powers and lower members will begin studyingnext years expendi tures soon Senator DArcy Leonard committee chairman who draft ed the report said that whether inflation has been creeping rapid galloping or escalating as other senators Suggested it has been unacceptable and that was tha word adopted or the final report He began moving towards my hand and lust inches away he stumbled and disappeared Carriers said Sunday Protest MNDON Ont CF Stu dents at Londons ll Elieal secondary school plan to add now twist to the growing series of protests over extension of the school year by the department of education Theyre going to do their prof testing on Sunday Eckerhard Pllz student coun cil president said Thursday night massgathering of Real students is being planned for Victoria ParkFeh iii aimed at giving the people of London clear indication of whether or notstudenis have accepted or rejected the longer school term Geese Return noonrsmn Minn ant Just as the swallows return to Capistrano Mission in California yearly so do thousands of Giant Canada geese return to the banks Lake of Rochesterr Silver Theyre eating well in what has been bad winter for other Minnesotawildlife in year or snowstorms 101 strucan ls brick veneer House eoald be built on so foot lot Sisndard blueprints for this desim No on loos cost $2500 for the first set and $600 for additional sets Blueprints corn ply with the National Building Code of Canada and are ob tainabie by return mail0nt arlorrsidsnis must remit per cent sales tax Charge Housing Corp Creates High Prices minimum rp or was coursed of behrg the biggest land attenuator in Ontario and charged with creating ritua lion which drove up land prices Edward Good LWaterioo Northt said lbs 01le landbuy ing activities In Waterloo Town ship and provincial govern ment announcement that new town was to be built on 300 acres in the area has resulted in climate speculatorslovc Speaking in the legislators during the debate on the throne speech the municipal aillln critic for the Lbersi party said the DHCr activity in the Watch loo area was only one example of government interference when overall planning is needed in developing land Ha said municipalities in the area had not been consulted and the OHC has given no thought how services would be cs tabhshed in the area All they havesueceeded in doing is to drive up the price of land in Waterloo County he yl is superfluous The Barrie Examiner Harrie Dot Enclosed please find tips for thidl send me the book entitled 1SUEURBAN AND COUNTRY HOME Please malts runittanou payable to Th6 Barrie Examiner said So disastrous has this land nab ol the 0H0 been that prices have risen to the point whsraevsn the city of Klirblt eoer oanrrot flord to buy the in dustrlsl land it so badly needs sisrs run race air Goodhslso accused the OllC of selling land at whatev er the going rate happens to the corporation itan paid for it tiers we have land specula lion at its worst he said Speaking on implementation of systcmoi regional govern ments Mr Good aid the peo ple alfecled should be permitted to set their own timetable for bringing in the system its said Municipal Affairs Minister DarcyMcleough should not bapermiiled to lm piement the system because of an inflexibility mind Mr Good was critical of the governments policy of basing regional governmant on the re commendationa vol appointed lowing recommendations of sslcct committee which studied taxation in Ontario llamaran showcase He said thagovsrnment has discounted the committees re hlr llicKeough who wants to turn the scheme into show case for himsali in other legislature business Syi Apps PCKingston and gtiho Islands said Ontario hLPPa should be given more clerical help since they seem to find their work load so heavy they cannot attend sessions of tho legislature be without regard to the Price commendailons on the advice of rsssnsulsusrrsssn Mr spoke during debut on thegiono speech about two hours alter the legislature 130 pm opening the time there were members out of present19 of 69 Progressive Conservativ members seven of mrlhcra and seven or 20 New Damig crailc Party mcrrbcra Hikers Would Link Bmce Ganaraska Traiiifs runr noon CF Hikin enthusiasts hope to link the mile fianaraskan Trrail helle the Bruce ira rom mpg on Fails to Tobermory in the Peninsula Jack Goering chairman oi the Ganaraska ihail Associatlofl here says mcetlng will be held Feb 14 in Peterborougll with officials of various hiking commissioners instead oi oi clubs He said proposed now trod would most likely run nortgi past Undsay to Beaverton around the northendof Simone to Vaubaushcne and Midland on Georgian Bay and south to Collingwood where hi Bruce Trail passes along ills Blue Mountains The GanoraslraTlail folions the old Cannonball curt lina from Port Hope to Lindsay it was built in 1857 and nbanlonca in 1951 TRY EXAMINER WANT All PHONE 7282414 Advance orders are now being accepted ifor extrnicopies or The Barrie Examiner PRUGRE881REPORT EDITION foot snowdrilis sleet and wild liie starvation visitors are sur prised to see covorting to on Miss Eieanor Wilmao of Hastings County and Robert Brown Waterloo County gave highlights of Recreation Work pArrNs Adjoum Hearioo PmnaoaouGll CPI publication Date FRIDAY T0 SIZE 46 By ANNE ADAMS TAKE IT EASY in flaring shape that makes it so my to keep fresh and pretty all day Flare sleeves are thermost fash ionable Very easy Printed Pattern 4501 Wo mens Sizes 34 36 3a to 42 44 46 48 Size 36 bust 38 re quires yards 45inch BUTTFIVE CENTS its cents in coins no stamps please for each pattern Ontario residents arid hcentapalcs tn Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLENUMBER Sgnd order to Anne Adams of The Barrie Examiner Member FaternDept so Front St 1oonto0ntario Short on time More quick easyy salV styles inour New Fall Winter iaitcm Catalog Plus free pattern coupon soc NewtlnstantSewinggt Souk hours cut fit sew mod ern expert way over 50 lures Only 51 Shop winds they recently attend ed in USA Thornton 4H Home making Club and Mrs Douglas Drew assisted in serving the dinner an and Mrs George Holt vis ited Mr and Mrs Charles De geer Minesing Feh UNITED CHURCH The annual meeting of Trin ity United Guards was held Jan 27 with small attendance Re ports frarn all departments in dicated busy and successful 1968 with samensurplus with which to commence the new year New faces oothe board of Stewards will be Ray Maltby James Henry and John Sander llirs Cecil Brethet will assume the office oi secretary oithe congregation and Miss Edith Greene will be UCW represen tative on the board Mrs Ii Black upon completing 82 years as organist was presented with an engraved gold wrist watch by the chairman of the board Lennox silent tribute was paid to the memory of Carr clerk of Session ihirtyaeven Thornton and dis trict residents enloyed an outing to Toronto Feb to attend the lee Follies The trip was spon sored by ThomtonWJ stop ofi at Summit View Restaurant for turkey dinner on theway home ciirnaxed the day Sympathy is extended to Mrs Mabel Jacobs in the loss or her mother Mrs Mahoiia Arnold who died in St Michaels Hos pltal Toronto Jan19 in her 37th year Interment was Bald wm Cemetery Jan 22 FAMILY NIGHT Thornion WI entertained their namilier Jan 30 in the Orange Hiall Mrs Omnlngiï¬m Mrs Siarps and Mrs Caldwell convened the banquet audit was attended by 90 guests Mrs DrewyMrs Heatty and Mrs olaslrey were charge of the program and dancing commenced at 330 to Webbs Orchestra oiCookstown and guests participat ed enthusiastically in the novelty dancessiprara dances stunts Husband and with teams enter ed quiz Know your Male and the three grim winners wera Mr and Mrs Va derposL andshirsrvcmurke rInndiMr Schandien Some played euchre while others took part in gameotcharades Preliminary hearing into dan gerous driving drarge against the driver of bus which was hit by is ONE train at level crossing Nov 21 was adiorned Thursday until Fob iii Clement Riley 56 was girlsShelly Riel it and Sills iay Glnnlngham 13 Many of the other 36 students on the has were lnlured The adiournmant ol the hearing was reun by James Idllico Ri icy lowermwlaojvantcd more time ongamre his defence Prior to the adjournment John Nurse Poverborough mechanic said he examined the bin alter the accident and found that it was in nomrai condition for its age Dies Near Rescue ammo Qua or cheon Larabie so died in in blazing home Thursday inches from theoutstretched arm of rescuer Moments beforeEugena Lar able 72 whofshared the twosto my home with his brother was riere 28 and Denis Heaudette Beaudette said the doors were blocked byliames and he and Carriers foundEugene Larabie at lhe living room window shouting for his brother cant make it Icant make at was the reply loom the vie Thetwo passersby pulled the unwilling brother through the window then reachedior the victim OshawaWhitby amendment to the biliasking thatlt be read sec ndltime pulled to safety by Roland Car vsix months Hencem effect to kill the bill wild geese try topanbandle corn from passersby Minnesotas winter is proba hly the worst in 20 years and other wildlife charged following the accident which killed tWO Peleliroroufl species are in anger The geese are attracted to Rochester by the citys Silver Lake which remains lcedrsa and warm from power gener ating plant The hookers are eslt tlmated ct upto motto this year nor has Bills mi ice Naw Denis cratic Mrs continued Thursday their blockade of privategbiils dealing with insurance comps HMS Three of them continued de bate on ajblll to change the name of British Northwestern insuranceCo to Eagle Insur ance C0 and to increase the companyfs capital to 35000000 Wm roman Edward aroadbent NDP an Amold raters tunenuns kamingl said ids party opposes private bills increasing thecapi ial or insurance companies be cause or the millions of dollars thus diverted from deiIelopment of lands oNcn vanusars Allanian was once valued at $543 pound Thinking of BUILDING Thinking of REMODELLING pound geese tumbling over snowbanks Their surprise often turns to amazement when the Hundreds of Examiner readers each year request extra copies of The Examiners Annual Progress Report to send away to relatives and former Barrie residents No other publication covers so well thegrow th and activities of our city In order to supply the demand for additional copies we must have your order indadvaace so 1that extra press runs can be planned Use the coupons below to order mailing direct fromrihe Examiner ies for relatives and friends oriï¬ce is 25 centsper copy Cost including Beisuie toenciose payinclit with order otherwise order can not heifiiied To The Barrie ma Please mail 1969 Progress Report to hn To one Barrie Minibar Please mail loes cram oepoxtibx gNsrna ï¬ddle ï¬remen or Seaderl Name copyitionlesiursné Enaminerh dour oopleaoflhe Examincis py 1969 Progresslieport to Sehdrrs aim Address Tallulahrte Examiner Please mall copy copies of The Examiners To The Barrie Examiner any copies of The Examiners Please mill 1969 Progress Reno tor Norm hddsess Payment of Sendrrs Name Address is enclosed LNOIEiOrildrsmust borecoivadnot laterrhan FebruaryZO Ia1rici3€timimr not aka