T0 coon HEALTH Tonsillilis Can Be Very Inle ly quRGE THOSTZSON llLD Dear Dr Harmon have rmtbervlnlaw and lathervlnlaw who claim up and down that tonnilitla is not contagious have been told by my doctor and others that it it Matty in action is it or notYMn GV dont know where your in lawa could have acquired such belief ionsillitisAnaarmutlon oi the general area at the tonsilsis usually caused by germ with any disease Involving the strep germ transfer oi the TELEVISION clious enn hum ooa person to Inoth gr carries the ride at passing alarm the illness in word hindllltls can be highly contagious and is aeri oua condition The gonna can be spread by aneezea noun or even carried on the breath in invisible dropleu ol moisture Dear Dr Thotonal My eightyequ daughter has cavity in tooth but her lather will not take her to dentist Ha insists that it it is its up treated the tootiaadle will be gone And he rayubsolutely no sugar loo her not even on her PROGRAMS UFFALD BARlllE BUFFALO TORONTO BT BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILION 12 PETERHOROUGH FRIDAY FEB can oz aum onula lGotmnrl olloura rum ol Love Lucy lIHlxll 101 ztlarri saw Emu1th CWM AGliliflha island 7rllntstnau ounvr twian ol liank re Ma Horn Yall Mason llLut llaJJril Ar bin 7t Love Luci ltructlle llall lzcmoonr Snorta oCnunlrv rlll tw id lrlronm ilGholl 9Movle ilitlnvle thraoh cu sup llTruth or Consequences lZlllnktnrlra 55 llNewl Weather Sports eoo rrlavln irNewe Slaughter wmner Sparta met anltk Van kal kllovta onewuenen tThc my lirlam nertnn situm SATURDAY FEB MORNING AND ï¬léelcht For The too aMnrlne hey Evm oCartonm ilEd Allen The run zBranv and earn 4wmv lures Laue Bunny ocntrln scarlet llmo 1vouinry Ctnlrr n1 onocky llzro Jdtlnsnv sDartarl tom zrllntrtaner JArnhle 1Svldrr luen Lumla Bonny an nlleu llBlflndle moo tom zllanana Sulltr Hm 7Gnorze Junzlc ohlovle Anastasia than 14mm alvmem aYou and Family 3Popeyc Aiiairnanlsuporman oon Salari 7minute voyage osnlder Nan llltnbbv lima izcamenr 00 lStrner Kernel kNn llserond Hundred Years ltOuulder oTruln or 51 it is 7Newl wmnu lIPltllcolt Junction Chaparral kGhort And Mn iltulr ITom Jones olrereu LuCV 106 lXGet Smart Maw Second NW1 arm at the Game on ileser 7Gnmer Pyir USMC 7Falnny Squad soo Zllnderdna lHerculoida ulle Your 25torynoelr lAndv unlit EVENlNG The lniormen Iutaka no nnavln muonsl ï¬b 1vnt count 00 pnraenmenrrnw nce 33in mum Gritiln 00 aruua all all 1111 Nm nun nnnm larton 2mg Clntiil nnv mya Blraon 7Mevlr two so nus salavle tih heft Handtd Gun lld Wu ilftPEiun ulto llMovle IND nteusana Women anlnrte Clltixornlal 11 my Gravel ol Wrath 1210 rilnvle tartrht Vietory into zstev Allen AFTERNOON ï¬enlllllxlunul ilIignient ol iruth hoe ur Ill eaaa 7Datirl Glml 1151 an no ZWorld Senes at Tennis 7Blg Valley llwrestuor ruin lKlleldospolt oauketbau zzrn 2Cnllcne Basketball 70umm llGadabout GaddLl mo liiluel 110 frit°€°m no annva on lDth lo the the Earth Tho Jlrnlrpm Your SATURDA FEBRUARY EVENING mo iIYorest llangln GolI pnanny Tamar ltrttrn iIchtiJo ms owewa tzQucrt mo in u5um grogtn Valley DAY oOur amt Outdoors aoo zcountay Music Hall 11601 4aowllnz svlne World at rts no llAnoy Griltllh sun zuam Dance uonmt rmnlr cl Bo ODE asst lGdey oum q£the Giants oNawa srne Land of can Imrxx Crosbv Gull 1141mm Hobo Flintstnn mo not llCounliv auo slltv so slrnvle Darling 51B slatlons Liners Hoiinlyrror muns bna zllovla rSnerts Hot Seat 41m Academia 1Adun lzcana nuyl VJacklc Gleason im Lucy 2Get Smart lzPlo Hockey 7Dlnny Tllnmar ZGhnrt and Mn Muir rLmence walu liGunsmoka Tam Eulba 4Hogana Heroes sun trettleeet Junction 7Hollvwnnd Palm iiJildd Bali ml llComody our logo 7invle the Girls er llnlovle The inn The Sixth Happiness evrril ilCharnplnnl Club ewa 1115 2steve Allen Ellghixai the aotne lrnlgllviulo Henry Orienti PMDVI ns 12 ovl tliim UNDAY FEBRUARY MORNING AND AFTERNOON ill klorn skier 5Plcfln 353°lll uh IV DM at edral calmer tnterluaa eAquzman 6Du reu svr 7R09keLSth lllullan Journal Hill 1Cth invitation loloo arne Answers lPINP Canon euol at LAutra onlpndernird trace tho taskiony 1215 inth an Ltl gt ollymn Book 1inch Up um Live dLInnul Vivantl aneu mm zLite at the Church Xn Prncei 12well You Bolleve IIaullurlnkihl CDn Mil Mlnlatures Elllovle Young Man 1Movle mu rnlrd 1245 llflfl lNatlena zGasnel Hour Lumen dwelt raglanaw Ii WI 155 aSmaii vma etbal sSueday Momlng $ltaiin Album itJn Hockey rilelne Word lieCathedral imo lllmld nt 1an tButlelo noundtable sra Great dElshop vain ITllltsln 115 slsouaealni Hr avahy Chill lZCoantry Calendar Flt0mg period on ilThtr Spine A1 Nation quera rzoo 2nteet the Press Lcatnemul or Tomorrow Humor Look 7Challtrul 9Pulae rlruu cirei zuo Zlnternom km Heekev oWorld at tluue lzUnder Attack sno ZGoll AflThaatre illt in Written mo luchlldren ol to World llClmtra on Cauld Lineolrr Voice nuslnesa SUNDA FEBRUARY EVENING DD Luann lZTodly the World 7erld oer liyrth llLittlest Hobo mo znob Hone Clarale Gait llTlny Tllent Tlrna aoo lZllan Ailva Heancleude Killy Newlywed Game Gears Knudsen tGentie Mn too he mot aLuxle 1Man and universe mo 2walt Dir World iiMovle entle hen lAmntour Hour 14 km or n1 gtlilr Silent Ilun Dar mo 116 out 52 Hnnege am zwnnuaey zltuok rlnn nHern Alpert Programinan orelty Duke mount on dGnillle BDavld Frnat Deadly Mills zmthmrnL ol Drcarn 01 Iranian moo ZFred Astaire AirgunTin WIY oTou Jone ilPeytnn rim ill moo ll unet 00 VN WI Weather Spam VI Lhigvlim GINn Finn lMovl Udla Ellie Sanld than Phyllclanl nefl en Sullivan tins oaom msa An Jinan 1mm 12m male and In good health but Eisbmflfl in the Sun ten All 1N nconaaed gwiurl emu be not oélémerr ram NJ that can mm It Tooth chides dont care thera adoQIlhenwttakabarta dentid doat you Drla That poor youngster in deeper ale and conltrsed but iie has not Iouod solution wind will answer her problem Both the and the embryo will be harmed at ootase by this starvation but ttla extruriely doubtlui that the snbryo will die instead your lriend will collapse and need medical care and then her secret will come out anyway Ittar the additional hIHn ha been done She isnt the lira girl to get ncraell In ouch lit Them are agencies in Imst cities to help Just sud girla and the sooner ï¬le gotr help the better Alter all the babytobe has none rights tool Dear Dr ethanol am my natal has hcon secreting tiny bit of liquid which cnista up and the odor is unbearable wash it away but it always comes again What is it and what can do aboutit In lno principal possib tlts it may be an inlection la the navel or belly button Or it may be that the tube which once was the umbilical cord did not close all completely attor you were born The other end of this tube CONTRACT amour By JAY BECKER You are both sides bul nerable The bidding has been North hat south We What would you bldn with oath at the allowing in hutdl arm or oxen slime usesvqoz oxom altosu v1 orsoa or M10 aromas am axon than exam Double Galn is uncertain at thir point and the best aoltl lion in to double tor penalties You can probably take iour tricks on dolensc and should ex pect partner to take three or four more or penalty ot 500 to two pointa You shouldnt let East oil the hook by choosing any other tortn ot lotion Two hearts it may seem more natural to bid two dia monds but this could lead to ditticult situation illith now raid two hearts To pass Norths rabid would amount to suppres sion oi the heart support to raise to three hearts would be bidding more than your hand is worth An immediate heart raise avoids this diitioulty and puts the decision right when it be lnngs ln partners lap Pass Two spades would be forcing and could lead to terrible lust complications it partner lacked ma lieu Sltphenoon Illlnwra and Mr and am Clarence Gli lleI ot switt Durant Sash are visiting their aiï¬ar and brother ln law Mr and hire Waller Hurlbert ilrr Clarldga attandod the golden wedding at Mr and hire Flannery ol Shelburne Mr and lira Wiimrr Palmer trialled recently with Mr and lllrr ilanr Delano am Carl ton in home lrom indoor with his family or tow days it our with rem that reai denla learned of the parrinl oi itov Father ORailiy Satur day lie war parlor here oi St Francis and St James Colgan The room Baking With Yeast held in the Town Hall was uncertain when isiadlea the ommunity attended Mn iii Potter war the comma lator and iilrr Hurlbort the demonstrator who made bread and lancy rolls Themmors the Womens institute served alternoon tea with sampler at the batting and no draws were maddonlhbtiafloui braids Congratulations to Don Gal hrallh Don hlilla who was mar rled iIrt week He and his bride were visitors ailh his mother Mrs Galbraith as Well as Mr and lira Jack Dunstan and family at Calcdou such risk it is better to pair Partner still has bid coming and little can be lost it he is unable to take lurther action No notrump The ehlel bids to mnilder are two dia monds two notrump and double jlhe double ll not recommended in this case because game pros pects are excellent and the po tential pinalty may not compen sate ior it Game is almost certain to either hearts or notrurnp One advantage of bidding two no trump directly ir that the bal anccd distribution is immediate ly described and pa cr is pre sented with clear nice be tween notrump or suit con tract Another advantage is that potential club rum in suit con tract may be avoided The alternative id of two dla moods would create problem it Norths rebld were two hearts You would then have to choose between gamanhearta or no trump without knomng which war right Three clubs small alarn or grand slam appears highly likely and the best way at con veying the good news is by an immediate cuebld The cuebid shows ï¬rst round club control and implies good heart support it strongly suggests aalam but how iar you go depends mostly on what partnï¬i does GRANDMA spade support Rather tltanrun OFFICE HOURS DAILY crossword ACROSS Mr Huntley and 47Womerl along Erased nunaaliua 61mm DOWN with anoea JJEenny tomncn Goodmana river gt instrument SLDixlo fund Biblical 12 Supreme mountIirt Courtnanta alireland uPoruvlan albrttt Indian Dllpateher 14 Land An old maid meerure anarpem 151ermlnate luv 15 Compulalnn Formerly 17 GrAttllty dutk satiety buds 211mm name nRelated once more 27Kllidled once more 23reshei Ansellr Nerve pathway 83 Entity an Depot abbr aawmn instrument alMoadow grus genus Himmler Llan lilllablo 121egalorder on place tn whion pineapples are grown receptor Wight Leava nit 12 Mollteltl as flower polI aa syllable Its problem for you to solve the company phone number beceuao your yeapold has learned to dihL 254 Edu WHOM next refuse to change Islam tiuu lemme Emmtalll ï¬lm name in amen allenu 20Manl nick name allocates stint ligated eatod 2lGioorny 28Drnlry Drank in nitimaml amall denture amounta Dutoh er Linen commune wanna Inna DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT MMEDIAYELY Buzz SAWYER eternal MUGGS SKEETER Helenmucousme macaw surnam mornurwo never wouautsmmxmoum Am sane mromnonl DID mar oouoll orrsuo FOR Carmina ulna In All MINE GRANDMA SAID 5H VVONTDWEWE TDBAKEANVCOOKJES IWAV GEE MOMS WINGEY MAVBE HE WELL HES THE HA3 GPDWINB FJPST PERSON nwswwwsuo Hr WELLAOU auusTEchoME =MEWaï¬5 momexamine INTO WDFFlCE Mm TO USE MYOWM PADERWElEHlj DlD VGU no in 50 tzsmslosormeuumo AND Mltunu Wtults warm or raw mun wetwm we wur AND SEE HE MAYBE ONLY AN WESSON IF HE TESTIFIES mom we now mils NE not we to wet KIMlEADEKS tun ABOUT AW WEVI IOTiM aurtlanv your MEWNE MW FOLKTUNEG anewnous l1