Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1969, p. 12

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10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP TIME MEANS MONEY Put sparrbotn to work and ms the autu and 3w by selling AVON sunsets Poblmdler no Ros us Birds tr mam AHMAD Hamid rinldn Indvcmmllblic lPCMBI 011 33s alignno Barns HIHII nlmllxl LADY for mnttl lnnlns And chums brimto work qul he nut ins meticulous Also irongnu Ior to shift Telephone mmz KITCHEN HELP Munro days week Just out side at Barrie Dun usnspomtinn required telephone noes CLEANING LADY mums pm ume sooty to man mood Nuninl Home I75 UNI 5L Barrie lttxs amnnwso walrus rearile Immediately on days ISti Anpit iii Petes Place In Dunlw gut LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDIIORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF PHOEEE JNE GIBBONS late of Chur chill Ontario Vidow deceased persons having claims Btatc of Phoebe of the in the cuniy ot Simcuc who died on or about the 7th day of Janu ar 1569 are hereby notified to send particulars at same to the undersigned on or bctorc the 28th day of February 1W9 ailr which date the Estate will slributcd with regard only to the claims of which lhe uni dersignod then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person oi whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Bradlord this Nth day it January 1969 EVANS Sr EVANS Barristers etc 21 IlollandSchet West BRADFORD Ontario Solicitors tor the Executors oi the Estate of Phoebe Jane Gib n5 the City of Barrie Cosmty oi Simooe who died January let 1969 at the City of Barrie County Simooc TAKE NOTICE that THERESA EMMA HAYES Widow of the above deceased as Dvstee and solo beneficiary of the Estate will distribute its assets Mord 7th 1569 having regard only to the proper claims of WIde she shall then have notice Notice can be given to LIVING STON MYERS It WORN Barristers and SoliCibors 15 Collier Street BARRIE Onta no NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF HAROLD FOSTER UNION Deceasui late of the Township of Essa County 01 Simcoe who died July 10th 1968 at the City of Barrie County of Simcoe TAKE NOTICE that Phyllis Mary Preston Widow of the above noted deceased as Ms tee and sole beneficiary of the Estate will distribute its as sets March 7th 1969 having le gard only to the proper claims of which she shall then have notice Notice can be given to LIVING STON MYERS dz OOCKBURN Barristers and Solicitors 15 Street EARRIE Onta ran 12 TEN nsns oNlAnlo SALE OF BUILDINGS AND HINGE Sealed tenders will be receiv ed by the Disrict Mint Db panmeoi of lands and Forum ILR No IprE Ontario lo and mill 1200 noon Basins Sinnde Time Nday Felru ary 211 1989 tor two sinplus building and we feet at lessee on Simone Coumy Ibrost band as inflows BUILDING N0 Comte Block Building one storey it 20 ft complete with inside gamrtittons loil furnace and pork rated on lot Grnctssim 0m Township BUILDING N0 Control Block Bulking one storey 60 ft 20 It complete with irside pactitiom oil turnace and on work to oatod on Lot 31 Mission 0m Tonnship FENCE 3370 feet it ac tory lence with strands oi barb hire on top one pair of gates and steel posts every 10 foot located on lot at Concession 0m roundup Tenders will be comidorod from any person for one or both building amtor fence PLEASE SUBMIT SEPARATE TENDERS FOR EACH BUILD INGADFENCE Buildings are sold as are and must be dismantled to be moved from the paupertl SLDER District Forester onumo SALE OF BUILDING Sealed tenders will be rereiv ed by the District Forester De partment oi Lands and Forests RR No Maple Ontario up to and until 1200 noon Eastern Standard Time Friday Febru ary 13 1965 for surplus build ing on Simcoe County Forest Land described as lollons HOUSE IDCATED ON 101 16 CONCEMON Ct MEDONTE TOWNSHIP DIMENSIONS OV ERALLZIIIX305TTWOlt STOREY SIX ROOMS The building is to be sold as is and may be dismantled or moved intact train the property MET particulars and loud or forms may be obtained by contacting the Management Forester at Coldwatcr SIDER District Forester LAKE SIItICOE DISTRICT 34 is TENDERS TENDERS FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL OIL Sealed tenders in envelopes pro vided will be received bythe undersigned up to PM lEl RUARY 10 1969 for the supply oi approximately 90000 gallons n1 gasoline and 20000 gallons of diesel fuel oil over tlloycar period Specifications and tender envel opes may be obtained from the City Clerks Office 34 Collier Street Barrie Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk LAKE SlhICOE DISTRICT 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday February 22 It 1130 pm sharp tor ROBERT FARR At Int 20 Command Es Township tat Ivy age Sale of high class ilrm machin fly hW R110 51 Ind homebold iumitun indudinl nnnyjntiqucs iemu not No men is the form is sold many COUGHLIN Iudioucu WAN for lull Ill Nada February ll AUCTION SALE Wednesday February 26 at 12 won mam tor GILBERT HORTON In THORNTON VDJAGE Wes of Highway 21 Sale at all bousntwld Muiture including electrical appliances and many antiques Tums wads No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGHUN auctioneer WATCH or full list February 21 AUCTION SALE Saturday March 15 at 1230 pm sharp or GERALD KENNY At Lot Manon Oro Township one mile east of Casino 11111 on one mile south of Gasoline Alley 011 be one tOro Sale 01 50 head of 51mm Hereford cattle full line of arm machinery my straw grain and some household di ects including antiques Terms cash No reserve JERRY WUGHHNIEIICUDMFJ WATCH for iull list Maid 12 AUCTION SALE Saturday March 22 at 11 noon for the estate of FRED RUIIIZNEY At Lot Concession Toy Tourrship one mile east and 215 miles north oi Vosey Sale of high class farm machinery hoot cattle sheep baled hay grain and tools Terms cash ARCHER COLIYILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Monday March 24 at 12 noon shorp ior NESTOR MATWIJEC At Lot 12 Concession 11 Essa Township ilk miles southwest of Thornton Village Stile of 55 had of dtoicc Horo ford cattle high class farm machinery hay straw grain poultry and some household oercIs including antiques Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for lull list March 19 AUCTION SALE Saturday March 29 at 12 noon for BOB SWEEZIE At 141 18 Concession 12 innis ill Township one mile east of Highway 11 at St Pauls Sale of high class farm machinery truck approximately 300 pigs 50160 1115 tools welder and equipment baled straw some household effects Terms c391 ARCHER COLWILL allLiiDnJJ AUCTION SALE Wednesday April at 1230 pm sharp for VTLFRED FERRIS At Lot Concession Wed Gwillimbury on Side Road mile north of Eli Highway 0R miles cast of Highway 27 Sale high class John Deere farm machinery nearly new corn equipment cattle sows etci Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHIIIN auctioneer WATCH for full list April Watch Classified Ads tor terrific furniture and3p niiance bargains CALLIJS HRSIL 7We areisltilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED snnvmn REPAIR GUIDE PLASTERING Lathinl and plasterinn renal and Lieu WDIk winter prlccs 7254643 Plastzring repairs Inside or nutsldc We guanntee on work Telephone new SNOWPLCUGHING sNoerowmG driveways IoLs Alilndalc mo distrch 72s 1577 anytime or mono eveningi DANCING NORTHERN SCHOOL OF DANCING takcs pleasure in announcing the opening 01 its new studios at OWEN STREET New classes forming in tap and ballet all ages Classes in Modern Jazz Classes iar adults Fitness and eiieicise slim and trim Feel better in Iew weeks Free aptitude tests given in the home at no obligation and RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Prolessional carpet and uphol stery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA RD PHONE 7234761 PAINTING lNrBKlnn Palntlnn Ind PIFHIIIIII inn Dependable Service chon Ible rltu mom House Palnuog interior Ind extN tor Very reasonable rm estrustn Col Erie nuns ALUMINUM SERVICE Sellstoring windows doors shutters patio doors siding Windows reuaulked with modernstlders OHIGHESI QUALITY LOWEST PRICE FREE ESTIMATES ALUMINUM IRONING CHINE per lilsht mlhlnl iiiu lfflnmléjo lz shirts Pickup Ind ileum 77401197 BUILDING CLEANERS Pi M55 BUILDING CLEANERS Sand blasting Waterproofing ruclopninting Masonry and brick work repairs Residential and industrial Metro Licence No E743 Call collect lslinglon 231159 CARPENTRY Ea wnmzn files now ml home no nnvlttons remodelling and lessen contraction moons CARPETING momma CARPET for commercial and residential THAT Section pllnl IF Notice 10 011 PRDPMTY OWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIPSOF 0R0 VESPRA AND INNISFIL THAT ABUII THE CITY OF BAIL RIE NCYIIOE 0F APPLICA TION to The Ontario Municipal Boardmby lion mm for spprovsi ot uydsw to regulate Ilnd use passed Pul lbo Planning Au TAKE NOTICE the Council at the Corporation oi the Cityo Barrie intends to apply to The Ontnnio Municipal Board pur suant to the pmvislons oi Sec tton 30 at 111 Planning lid for approval ot Byiow 695 pas and on the 13th day of January 1969 The Bylaw nod and planation oi the purpose an fact of the Byvlnw and stating the lantk nliectod thereby LI printed below Any person interested may Within loulteen 14 days alter the date of this notice send by rogistcred mail or deliver to the desk of the My oi Bor ric notice of his obloction to approval or the said Bylaw to gether with statement of the gluunds ot sicbobiwion The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By law but before doing so it may appoint time and place when any objection to the Bylsw wiu be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have tiled no objection and who have tall with or deliverede the Clth undersigned the ad dres to which notice of hearing Is to be sent The last date for filing object ions will be February 11 1969 January iii 1969 SIRAUGIIAN City Clerk Box too BARRIE Ontario BYLAW NUMBER fill5 laylaw oi the Corporation oi the Cily ofBarrie amend Bylnw 2380 WHEREAS it is deemed cx pedient to permit the building of Swimming Pools in rcsident in areas and to regulate the location thereoi NOW THEREFORE the Coun cil of the Corporation of the City of Barrieenncts as ions THAT Section 515 oi By Law 2880 be amended by add ing the following 615 Sllinrming Pools permitted by this byLaw but no part of any Swimming Pool above the suriaccoi the mound lot lines than the minimum depth of the front yard or width oi the side yards required 1m the main building erected or to be ereclrd that zone THAT Section 6212 of By Law 2880 be repealed and the following substituted therefor 5212 LOCATION Except as may nthenlise be provided herein all accessory buildings in residential zones not attached or connected 111111 the main building and Swim ming Pools shall be erected in thereon in my Buildings erected in the rear yard shall be at least tonel foot clear of any lot line except where double garage is divided along the propaty line Swimming Pools located in side or rear yards shall be at least tone clear of any lot THAT Section 725 of By Law 2880 be amended by acid ing the following Ihereto And Swimming Pools See Sections 613 and 6212 idly by adding Law 2880 be amends the following theret And SwdnnningPools See Seila and 6212 Section 823 of Law 28110 be amended by addinyg the following therebm And Swimminglools See Sections 613 and 5212 THAT Section 833 11¢ By Law 2860 be amended by acid 1ng the allowing thereto And Swimming Pools See Sections 513 ard 6212 THAT Semion 843 at By Law 28th be amended by add ing tile following thereto ofB Law also be amended addiiilg the roll And Sectionl 11663 of Bye amen od ad the following thereboy dmg Swimming Poo Se Sections 513 and 6212 is ByLaw shall come in to iorce and have eilect mediater upon the 1111111 pas5lt lug geolfihsuyect to the ap prov ntario at Board Wimp AREA first secondond third want to Section 50 of in front yard shall extend or be closer to the hunt or side the side or rear yards Acces 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday April 12 hr at 12 noon At Common Inntslil Township It mic east of opkstown 011 iii mites not at Htflzway 00 at Cootstouu do edsi Sale of hiya class tam madtinny bee cattle baled hay straw grain and some ottedsTemn lamb ODLWIIL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday April 19 at 11 am for EDJREYNOLIE At int Concession West Gndllirnlxlry mile north of Bond Head and Sole ni tarmmnchinery mixed cattle baled quantity of howde Tenn cash iumittzt AUCTION SALE Saturday April 26 st psn for GEORGE GRAHAM Al 101 Concession ll Fios Township one mile west of Highway 21 Sale of arm ma dtinery and Misehold elicits Terriis cash AUCTIONEER Vernon Ayru sunuo Ontlrto Molly successful sales over the out yous would Ipprccllto the op portltmlty to um you rileanano DATED at the City oi Barrie ACCOUNTANTS SE HARRISON to Cnlllli st Photon mm Chlricred Accountants Slmuei l1 nose CA Trustee in Bankruptcy FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME su mtan smvrcz AT lillomzluls cost Convenient Term 30 wonky St Elmo new Iv PETtHGK FUNERAL HOME Chapel or Thoughtful Servicl IllHOUR SERVICE 127 Hayfield Street Barrie Misstep one Insert mile east of midway 271 ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer sulcucanmin1ul 11 tin ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer CLASSIFI ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 cunlma adventurous no new the we must mm by no by osmotic puhlkltlnn or noon on SIIUMII with ts manual or cluutm elmv advertisements which must be In 1m noon aran au DID LASSIFM Anvumtttsitfilu CHI BIKEXIII HI ID DIN HH 4111 DD 1° Iflltfllflnl be per MDIHM Tom ctirllisocutivis tn uum cr up oer mt tlon win all 511 consecutive no word ttnn toill Milannuns mail inlv mama subiect to uncllll Ion when nusrauaiy mun ob h1nli110 per cm additional chulo If not plld within haven hay straw grain ya A1111111 Lmsn box until use or Exlml box Number or an Number you Letter Boxes will be hrld only in our Alter lut nubilenan gallons on CDMICHDNI All nhflnl Insertion orders If accepted as convenience to tho advertisers insretan tho cimllled Advertlsln Department requires all save er to kindly mcneck mell uyntlsement Immedllttly nitzr nrst insertion 11 am that any error or omissions may be re ported more MIL In order that non only be notified or this lol uwtnr dly publicltlon The un rte Dlminer is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Inscr Ilon or my Advertisement Ind then only to the extent at portion of so that Involves tho misprint Ennis which do not luun to vllun oi the advertisement are not allusi or conlcllons by munroads The ItlrrIe lzumlner mams the right to dually revise or rellct In PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MUSIC lESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Tuchcr or Pllno Singing Theory Pupils propred tor examinations or 111 noysi Conservatory or illuxlc ioronto All tides and ARCl Modem methods stun 27 Hr lord st 7mm ANGUS ROSS 31A 9111 St Barrio mam Registered Music Teaches instmctlon ln man mo Theory Ilsa lutorln in French LIIIn no other sauna subilcls EXAMINER WANT ADS 7232414 shun of so at ma or ti ANNOUNCEMENTS AN SPECIAL Birth Cards to words additions words not In Mensalam no verso VIIu paoounl lino mm 0min Events one with questions war BIRTHS LEIIDZLI lu mi Mn Hui Docul of 1N Rcmchlt Drive Bar or am 11mm WIlIIuni on sun day renniny Victoria Hospital McIranllv the vict ons Hololtll on Monoy obrulry Mr and McKeniw of 101 Steel street L¢Agtu5 IN MEMORIAM MAltIYN In loving memory at £113 infirm Ind ItherdCllvln no passe may suddenly lcbnilry was No mornlnl dlvml no nlrnt returns but my thouth at you Mlny sllrn tear is shed when llama alone lcslvln 11 my son compn on lilo uuuo with my own 1nd day by miss you man AI will through life Ilene mom Ind ilmlly nutty Illrold and Darlene oxen1 In loving mllnory ol delr moltch Ind grandmother man who pafled wa memory 51on mLud and AIwnyl rrmrms bored by son Sieve daughter1n Illw Helen um grandchildren Plul Ricky and Jelnette uncrich in loving memory of our belovrdwiie mother and mother Eva Beckett who nvnv vcrysuddlnlv Fab 1955 one no and lonely year ba name since our mu sorrow tell The shock that we rccclvcd that Gov No one could ever tell Shh wished no one In iucwcli Nor even ssls goodbye Our mom And only God knows why Hu golden hurt stopped belting licr huSv minds ot rest and took her home to pm to us lie llways lakes in host sadlv mused Itwsys loved Ind remembered by husband ususnler Anne Don Kundchtldren IeLEANIn lovinl memory or oeu husband other and grand LUCY Etiiford Mchm who passed away renniny 1957 Our Helm cnnnnt lcll wont to av God alone Imowl how we mu him daughter Klvlnd Inmtly Want Ads Dont CostThey Pay ril blow to lnnoum 1a hith 1969 tin 111ml Duriv lovld udlv missed wile was gone before we knew our lips cunnot tell how we min him in home that Is lonesome toflly sdly mlxxcd by his wife Hazel woes mollsted to contact smvmmonlvi Manager at 734002 to arrange nn intervi mullALLAN It In so of Mr Alexander lion or to Jr Pl lacy my to Mr Robert 1111 III 111m shuts Ind Murray both at 7113mm Allin ol Iiuller Inaom MdeIr Jack ll HARRIS EXAMINER HEIDAY FEBRUARY gt NOUNCEMENTS NOTICES CASH RATES Dogremain Marriages and Dem nomineesan lmxlnun to words lord MONDAY MRUARY lit al 1030 am to give skilled advice on Veterans benefits Any penswos treatment or allow Secretary ENGAGEMENTS Mn Clule hcltv Indian Street mo in happy to Innounu casement or their dlulhilr Alin Nrlnd 11m 111mm Allan Sndbury Ian 11 win use piste on 1m panei Monument Ionus Suddlnly Frbmlry Toronto on manual ov loss lohlnm Steele victor stoma ei ter in Vera Vincouver lmtlns st tn mien Vunml Home is llrsdiorn comm com nrlur nul rianuu AI in nayl Victori thby To or chcl on Friday at interment Bani Union cry limitI man an urodny Fobrulry low Hue orcneo Livingstone beloved win 11 no our lute at Livingstone or Clrlton Rertlnl the mm ml home in Endtord street Harrie for service on Sunday 11 prn Interment Numiuitot Cemet ery later In lieu linen dono tons to the Clnldiln Canaa Sun ctlty would be lppmilted COMING EVENTS BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday 23 pm COMMUNITY HALL NEW SOUTH WARD GIII St at Bond ORELJA RUMMAGE SALE Sotrnday Felruary 10 am 43 DUNlpP 51 WEST Auspicea SOROPTIMISI CLUB OF BARBIE Its The Seasan To Advertise SIMCO ECOUN 11 ET PLACE ii 23104 swoon 002591 TON PRCTHnjerQUR DAIRY RATIQN Try our Vegetable Protein SUpplni GUARANTEED VPRIC From December 23rd to July Isl 1969 4361231 in 72 of our dairy customers In York and Simcoe counties are now using this supplement to help reduce herd prob lems for gretlterprofits Advertisers IrenuentLv ask this DEKALB PULLETS Your teacher Lloyd Gabriel is Best carpeting in the nortd 1112 Strand 436mb 16 adilmaltv passed the choreographer and has danc ed on such TV shows as Show of the Week Pig andWbistle and many others CALL 7mm or metal SIGNS gymlFtCIAIL Truck 7333221 nmp serv cs luster Ill 10 yum expellance magi INSULATION nnowmo Mtrrnun Fr insulation clilmt Gumnriun work LAND SURVEY fir Iflrkpatrickuc Duckworih Strut Hilflr 7184255 DECORATING ELMVALE Decorating Service and seamless flooring ALBERT ARCHER SONS 15an IREFRIGERATiON snnvwb Free information and demonstration ELOMS CLEANING SERVICE 206 Napier St WTIM REFRIGERATJON lhe STAN BRYSON 33 Clappertbn Street thir 1969 THE CORPORATION OF permit the ming poois zoned areas subcht to certain IFDIILF€EI qulr turesabo teenth day of January AD CITY OF HARRLE 115 Bentley Mayor Strsughan Cierk New ifapnroved will erection ol swim in all residential and side yard re ements but prohibits SING Moreand more poultry men are choosing IDekalb Pulleis Started readytoday and dayold chicks For service orhelp on youi1 poultry problems call CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD FARMERS ATTENTIQN SELL TRADE or SWAP Livestock household articb cs farm equipment or be VE¥=3EW°I¢WJF WHICH DAY 15 BEST IMONDAY ITUESDAY WEDNESDAY lTHURSDAY IFRIDAY SATURDAY question Fortunately there 11 no best day to RCIYCXLIEE Each day now wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satlsiy their wanisr We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you ge re sults After many years of ell perlenco with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to thgihe Clasnliu

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