Come Alive Yo ran mum 5mm nuDAv million mi REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CHOLKAN CO LTD MLS REALTOR 10 Collier SL Barrie mlul Angus m1 Shelburne Wasagn Heath 4290610 Collinnood Midland 5256441 TWO BUILDING WIS in an $100 $1500 $2000 DOWN exclusive ruide areawilh it this is all you have dont 61 asthma the wont last feel bad We can arrange hey are ready to build on For timber details call Joseph Dinamln 736661 Call today IIan or Anita Swift 7230755 and liOiiNIAGE IThrm bodmorn brick bunga oiv xcrlieal location Closo to school and oping plaza limmnculale condition For lurlhel details call Dolly lllortell 7204674 LOOK AHEAD VIA lots available Camp Bmv den area Name your own down payment Call iat or Theresa Byrne 4246717 IVY Two storey insnl brick bed room home pin hath hith acres oi land mum in Ville age Please call Les Lovegru will GOOD Triple all ni $11500 Make your call to Will Laurence 7734101 COMMERCIAL ZONE Home and stern on Highway 11 Barrie east end licuse rent earries mulluugc large lot substantial down payment le nulred Call Vivian Garner no 7605 or ilalV Suill 7230 luzclnson Dlrrarnlu Duenull Mariel lidMarilyn Junnislil Pit Clrter llrmnrh Pent ri whorl Alan vardle rcirr umlrm Anila and Han Swill RS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE Ti IITO BOAIIDS SHELSWELE WILLSON 119 DUNIIOP ST 735142 COAHACI TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOVWilh iinishcd recrea tion room Attached lined garage and enclosed trerzrway Silliu on nicely landscaped two acres nl land all it may 27 South To inspect this home nail Chuck Lambert 7283001 tillfl DOWNTOWN HrlRRiEExceplinnally well kept duplex with both apartments sellcontained Financing available To in eet and THE OLD WOMAN WIIO LIVED in dice nouid love this east and homo Five bedroom ortis tically decorated quit level on extra large lot Try 3000 down Call Alan Wafdlo 7268181 NEW BUNGAIDW 822900 Nearing completion in east end oi Barrie hilly corn pletnd in colors of your rhnire 11 you set now One oi the spe cial features of his home is walk out basmncnt to large private back yard Md or April possession For details call Graham Tattersull 728 7309 LET IT SNOWLET lT SNOW It my be later than you think Spring is just around Ute Dor ner and you will wantln move into new house Why not buy now and let lhe builder linish it to your taste iliis bungalow is in Painsuick and ill be ready in iew weeks Call Marion Nouman mono or more details 014mm Earnr Simon Nerven Allunmr lmnu ard Ytnndl lows nnhnm Tau MEMBE ror iurthor information call label Fisher 7202631 No naw Deed Atkinson 7289796 Joan Lana 71il376l Ore Brown 724M255 hInCLZCn nilWill Dull 7El4il Keith lleMasicr 42150130 isabel Fisher mien Norah likes 7261139 Clinch Lambert manor Gladys Sinclair marsh Everett lmzheed 723le Jane Young Tlflgtl7l7 Photo in litaltor ammo STREET noun LOVELY TO LOOK AT dolinlliul to own is this split level bungalow MI fully leneed lol new 12le garage bedrooms living room and diningroom nicely ï¬nished recreation room launcer room and work shop lilxes only $13000 This iOiilQ is only minutes south oi Barrie and would make retired couple real dream home EVENING CALL 7Zsmlllllhe llacus nonunion Sultr vzolzwirolue Galllpe rlsssss BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION Higllcrofi Road South and of Barrie IO DIFFERENT PLANS All electric Undérgrnlnld Wiring all and 833 NHA liorlgages BETTER BUILT HOMES by GUILD SPRING DOUG HOMER ALEX lSBRrlNDT 7285097 W397 7280019 ROGERS or CONNELL Photo in Reallnri DUNLOP smear ansr At the Five Points Phone leasass avaumss CALL rlisD down main CHAS pecans leiliar PHOTO MIS REALTOR 58 WOMY STREET TELEPHONE 7266681 Norm Syanott 732333 Iluss Carson Htsï¬lm Sill Hamilton 7285315 nupen licGrath Elmvale noun Bill Lang 72041114 INESQN sran Hammond Cannnlun Frank anlcr MLS REALTOR 7284294 Elaine masonï¬llings Catherine Milne7260010 Helen Hopkins7731662 TomFo 243 PRUt0 ins REALTOR uownusr gt APPnAlsnis MORTGAGES RENTALS Duran Rosa Res manan lliackness nos lieoils IDick Hartley 7207970 RusSeII Smilh HES 7209996 Frank Jardipe 7201670 rBlDWELL llierlgagc funds available TELEPHONE 7234430 mml rvAN Mmme 7HW33NANCY AICKLNZI man mlTH LLOYD WHITE 7207179 uls Realtor 33 COLLIER ST WlLuA BlnwLLL 1RY uolinlsou 1V1 FISHER hnhznlnw quiet blocks tr down town Separate nlninn room New iurliaee Hardwood throughout lhi lsbenrooln In hnsc tree lined siren something or you in horne in Derry SMITH REAL ESTATE lN DUNLOP ST The dream ni every child Photo storey home with Ii Well why nnlfhnrc your olerlooking Smith Campbell 726 851 Slim Cnli Ed Donnelly to ELIlflflI has gnan size dinin in and dining room Carries $12300 Phone Percy Ford in Sluulzr Liv Tirrirt main Ii hedroo Gibson WiIIoughby Ltd 223A Owen St 36 acres with stream only nine miles irom Barrie nn pawl road as 375 feet road from age and full flowing stream the entire depth of be properly Terms BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY miles snuth iii Barrie on Highway 11 run equipped butcher shop plus modern room dwelling This is going concern equipment is all in pcrleel condition There is noth ing in buy Especially low it edas the owner is entering new field of business The own Dr will take back first mort gage at low muntluy payments ELLIS Realtor 7254141 Evenings Larry DeWilde Lloyd Lilly Till3253 TZIHEGSZI 7261032 MLS Realtor AIGRIESBACH 7289844 SHANTY BAY HENRY ELRICK MICHIE 3Real Estate Appralsals Mortgages in COLLlEn ST 7285583 Harry Minnie Appraiser Ted lirlgrrrll 7268160 Paddy Miles 7785200 Real EstateLtd 108 BAYFIELDST nilHIS SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Real Estate Broker Evenings can all Rawa 4264mm Simon Bet utzpn 7le1tllz Diel Draper VB LUCORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlap St Phone 7282110 lst and 2nd mortgages arranged on lulv monthly payments We buy your present is and 2nd mortgages MAEEli ilhnsliArlumlsoi GRETA zrnrnnn 72le11 nilmin LAUliANSKEF1ll Arurlnn transit Loan butstandiusz bedroom vlllte hiieir hundalulr min rouur ui Barrie on Highway ll notions uiler 09rllllmTcIWhnE 73th lt PLANNING 0N crarconcesslcn Vtsln 100 BayfleldSt 7284071 BUILDING iivtnnizfliirurrilsirilrcirml IitlLlll mini owl sun room nirnne setnun Apmkm mung mvned NEW HOME ho onnuhl Telephone 7am cnrraclzmnlrriigln ELVA MILLS mom BEAVER LUMBER liiEleASTHOUSW Tn nun hrmntlnl nrrrcrrsl lloinl JOHN bl WHITE 12119770 129 illallian St 7185341 run rltr irrlznrnallon Imflux lst HAROLD FORSTER 8r COMPANY suml CA REAL nsrhra LinnED PHOTO liLS REALTOR R0011 OF MY OWN main and pieue balhranm and planDeni has recreation rncrn with more room also laundry room ilrmdlmln in liedrum Indny Forced air ail iurliare WHOS LOOK house btlilt on oneni our better 1015 one oi SimLOO Colmlys smaller lakes 7237Jl20 EMORY MILLER REALTOR illDllnuu noun IN ANGUS LARGE BEDROOM BUNGALOII This roonlyhlune is close arcs no to nail carpet in livA or nil bath rug in living mum and stairway attached garage Call lclci Gubucls SJRAWNL PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Paciï¬sm For SALE Erin Dévvsnap Horde 53 Must sacrifice Asking 511 BUILDING LOTS 00 down 873 financing Would truth For information on above RB 77389 72547241 ertlcs call ANDY or ERIC ANDY ENGLAND TABitll Ms Y0 ERIC Dewsyrtr ehen lovely Full basement bathroom Work shop and enlli mom and master Terms available Gall us AND 00 OWEN ST 728ZIB3 MORTGAGE MONEY AliAllLll Plinth MKS Realtor Highland Park Make it ennle trllt bedrooms large kil 31 NOW azV memento matc out you had been that crazy Charlie mall 7281817 liugn Plowman 725gtOl29 Drn Campbell mom Dung Campbell 7250241 Village Fred Taylor 72111205 lion Allan 0565313 Paul Pcnlnan 72hlila Don Marshall 7232357 glway limits or CNR tracks turn Icit uli trd road ailer railroad Lillie Ave and our model homes are on he ilrst read to lhc leil 10 HOUSES TO CHOOSE FROM Price Range $I9995 to $21500 FEulllrrs low taxes aluminum storms and screens arid iinish ed to NHA speeiiicalions elc Fur iurthcr illiormation eall Gordon Coulis EV NING GORDON li CDUTTS 7280275 SANDY COUITS 7181283 WALTER COUlIS 111 FOR SALE ST MARYS CIIURCII REC TORY and GROUNDS10Cdch all 95 MULCASTER St BATI lllE consisting Di approxim ately acres in me inspection by appointment only phone 7284985 belween El am Richard Eeer 72041897 67 DUNLOP ST Centrally localch Asking $147 munrliiy and Asking cnl nnallon and kitchen on rations 73825 iEliH REALTOR ALCOer BEACII lellbulil bedroom brick bungalnrrrwlth lots of rup PROPERTY WANTED boards Hrge kitchen panelled iivina mnlu llifll basement laundry lulis oil iurnacc only $18900 Conlael DOROTHY or T011 FITZSIMMINS Clluitdiill lib2620 no loll charge VILLAGE OF LEFKDY $1500 bedrooms separator living main dining room kit chen basement oil luruatc paved road close to slorw churches and Schools Contact DOROTHY or TOM FllZSIM llllrS Olnlruhill 1562020 in loll Chillgel WERE GOING TO THE FAIR Wont you let us take listongs and pictures of your home farm or business to lite Sports mans $1an with us Contact DOROTHY or TOM 175le Mle ChulLhill 1564 no toll charge prcirlably with hot water with prob or ii llcdrumns iale bul serious consideralion ntnie at the end oi lhc satin large the iamin all away ur so slinno cash We have rllrnr with this amount or cash antlnl to lurrhasen or bani room bungalow ilusl have lull basement run he in road condition CallMr Rose rennin evenings malls liose Realtor la Owenstroll Barrio KEITH 111 nnnLTon MORTGAGES AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babeoe Barrie mom Colbournc Strand isolate mm Spencer Thornton 45841211 15 an San snoud 43641118 Mortgage LDaIlS AHYVherB Ed Grew Ban3r 7234124 ON ALL HD115FA11115 AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 47 90VVOFVALUATIONS If You Need Money To eonsnlldate ncbu Pay on existan maritime Or mungices enmlnu due Home Improvements Any worthwhile cause Write or Phone 7200981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsousSears DUNUDP 51 Member Ontario Morlan Brukero Association ewlonV Hawkestnne 4372103 Lillian llollerls 72605127 larguulilo Mqu 7287256 and Filzsimmins Churchill 1502620 Torry Slevens Elmvale 1770 Ernest Waits Barrie 7207205 181 EGLTNTON Ava rononro 12 PHONE 4873333 ALCAN HOMES VLA LOTS cauncuiin our $3500 down $21900 full price featuring Alean universal homes Frigidaire appliances eomplelely iurnishe 1fllll0lt FOR MORTGAGES WAYS DEAL WITH MEMBER of the ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS AWTION our members in younarea MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Duninp St East GEORGE En EDWARDS LTD Sunderland Oni Homeowners wall breadleem essinnal decoration ill restrieted subdi vi on Panoramic country Need Mortgage View close to ingest express Toronto bus schools shopping and chumhes Immediate or spying pussrssion For living as it should lie see our model homes at St Vincent and Rose St Barrie There you may choose your Olulrdlvill homclt site Open daily 10 am AVCO DELTA REALTY Limi ted has hidden cash reserve or you and will advance up in 00 oi the hppraised value of your home No brokerage iees0pcn Morl gageand 15 years to repay Dont Hesilalel Call our mori gagelnnnagec Now AVCO DELTA REALTY LIMITED 165 WELLINGTON ST Bariie Plaza BARRIE0ntario seminar MAY naloo LATE Telephone Barrie 4206421 COOKSTOWN Home and Illromn yilopLlIy un largo lul zo lnhl llvlnc room unaelous entrance with Windlnu stairs lltlga hunched dlnlnx mom kltelltn nlrh cupboards to spare large bed rooms piece 1Ied hatll will wall hrnanloom throughout eltr Jiflfllit AtIaLilellIsBliglwilnnm ills Realtor on sohooi bus route close in Barrie Would i964 uré in The more nonunion REAL ESTATE Now so it 12 General Glendale in Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILE HOMES SEEL TIIE litYEAR MORTGAGE PLAN zIAPTS son RENT MORTGAGES THE WILLOWS no You elm Inn 55 Dunlop oralll my We mi mimetic ior lent Raï¬wmmmlumw Uplstnin downstairs Bl conier or Patio If aliayrirhl Street PlIOlO nus neurons mots LSWm mm Divided vulrronrn vraril°n Mortgage Fund Available Free Customer Parking 7268366 Igglflmriflmu Nolla 1F you LlKE FARMING nuns is YOUR onth Ownn ls mm 9°V°drldl¢ Ihfl dry ecuuni leeno iorcui to sell this maize tarin due to ill health ihc Zeiorry BEDan am my Pug we 513 hull iii mimic AvlllbiT home is in immanllatc condition tins garage hams ioxtio my name mm um lat Tlltvbone mm nuricn lntiievincluded is an the Jim equipment Lunslstlng at 530mm hm MOBILE HOME urani cosy miner rm milk cooler ml nu nnldilnes la news wires also milk Lon gamut VIA Wmly In dalilfll ï¬lm 111 iran Owner is willing to take house close to Danie as am BEDROOM him THE BAYFIEm mm em Em 45 luilmenl Earm is located in male Asking price Siam pony maxim mm TRAILERS Am ror unhel paruullars call Lou Goedemendt BEDROOM SALE RENT APARTMENTS noun ior mum on ENNIS mm and ham RUSSELL CHURCH Corner or Bayiield Ind Grove Thwriinhï¬m all noggin inhumane rain ï¬hmh 3° WWW in R31 iiiidioms halt are rial omes °° alrii Escnuiiim 75min rmnuhoooumo mam Iincume property Allandale m°m°° ï¬lm an Km Dilan Ind Irlfllnffl Norzhlander rt5iiil°ï¬loltiis Mum mm parts and Service Highly TeTEphoM moo alln ROOM AND Bomb SALE RENT available talcum antinan pulp PM Cash or Terms up to 10 Years wmmï¬ï¬w audition ï¬rwwfl MamWu llhy minor Ave mom mornvloomrmnrr iiiDengue welcome 3AM Plan IMII KW AND MAID Avllllhllr ion III MM Telephone an laundry GHQ lunches MIM TJHJ For 1e Ultimate HM Parklax lvllllhle No DMN Ion In ileum nnlv decorated unitin lament advh vntnnrv lint hydro inn rlrlu inclunn S96 mortuary iIu or mu min or Burie hug an Blunffloohlliplmrné atom an El and l1 lll piled hcruml location or or air Aai mono north rash CW to downtown IurnIflted two Minnie or on Display WESICHESIER it model today rï¬ HOUSES FOR RENT our rmmmrifllraé nhln workern cerium on Dunloo vui Teluohonenmusll STORES FOR RENT Telemann moral Iminfl rill use 0l=l=icssAcE FOR RENT RENTALS unnla Abner lou lent location char repair buitn 111 DUNLOP RESTAllitANT who would ilk all rum also lllchw prints of lee We are accept phone WANTED 6BEDROOM HOME tlin has good two storey home with charm and diarader heat on oil Good waeious room near public iven Auro BUY IIT i967 1963 196i i964 1965 1964 i957 1965 Telephone 7260285 apartman withTririHl value SIZi monthly Sopnrntn Illmncei hot vlt mullullru Ahnnrvlnh smlmn llalllo mornlrrrn nuwii owlivr Cooksluwn malls in tanks and hynro Cnmhlctrlv rl ntsu at only carter rhino our ALWAYSTATSO CAR CHOICE 45 BRADFORD sr us Opportunities In southern nrmlh Columbia in quiries lo iloyle Mom Hoyle British Columbia WW 719m bosom EXECUTIVE SUITES Trans In mu Hy luxury iumbned one and two ml 100 up rnnln apartments liodnrn P11 1214592 Toronto REPRINTS It you would like of have re tina by our staff photographers please call at our business 01i to arm and farm home you like to sell and ill term If your home now is little lmllea note for me at Bler 53 BARBIE EXAMINER Realtors especially invited CARS FOR SALE WHVTERIZED GUARANTEED RECON DITIONED dow silver grey ï¬nish contrasting red inter HrsnAliszouLyf radon AVAILABLE lit osmium mm mm KNOW PINE °° 1ilrriirfrlyi In brawn am ted SPORTSARAM in at shrillle tanninrehab 7284l all new altar Inland 11 Calluil million Taorim ileum revulsion balm wanna nut INSURANCE unner flupllix withdulconyx fetid lv 10m terrain 51335321 MOVIch Ind 7lgrmnrv noun aeolian Ind mgrï¬ngers an n9 Dont iorget to transfer your ts INSURANCE THE KEMPENmT and it you need extra Egbgiï¬lnlxriéflltb AUTOMOTIVE coverare or an kind mvmstows running mi Tkurxs Foams ST 7251301 rune noon Apartment remxer star stove but water and but supplied con In or our may are No hildn and illrm duplex rurnlsliea Lbed morn loulmenL P11th endm run nerlr Anulu or nppaintsneni oriunl lit ror tidy mm her llama ll nnru central not TV we brill suit inulu moral weekdays AvanAnLn tmmedlalelyyhrle ma dern ton floor maroon Irm menl with billconv in cut end Appuncu supplied Sall¢onlrolied lint wublnr ilelilllel Adults only Phone mm BEDROOM apartment Available now Children considered For Illcr detllil telephone mm Now in fleet luau it Oar nd we build lplrlf Soï¬a no EfrenDanni c1110 Hr mi Ill rnen tux cable rv balconies 21mm MW box tune it cman liei rattn pm Two Ivbedronm ulnurnlsbed amn vnrntv ielrlllentnrr stove heat lnd wlter lele unholy when and male parking Avalllble Mann mun InolutlIlll Cabl om nPtnrim one block from downtown contains lair bruit loomedllvlnl mom Ind dining room with Iirrpllce bedroom in will room $115 Adults no pet 7256301 alter pin our bedroom lieled abutment nvnlhble Februlry 1Fne pukinr and pintIll Stove nlrlï¬u or and laundry luluuu lupp ed Tell vbwat allmi HOUSES WANTED rwo bedroom horn winterl to rent vmuldrrem clue to hos pital Ilelerenm available Tolu nbnn viami ROOMS TO LET LAKE clean unlined room And kitchen Qu1el gentleman Celiau Ineltlon Telephone 1211600 TH 2er Cl he LonPrice one owm ny new pictures sorry We cannot orders new motor 1981 school and roller rrlvm rue ml More 1968 um pan MOTIVE gt WI QUALITY 30 DAYS MAJORMECHANICAL WARRANTY 0DOWN TERMS TO SUIT AMODEST BUDGET Ford Ton Pidraup 1ng box oil no on cylinder motor or iginal candyapple red ï¬nish matching interior only 21000 miles Cannot betold from new Snow tires Licence aauc MERCURY MMEOR door Deluxe small Vii motor radio compact car with big car feel no turquoise finish with lnatdbing humor immaculateoondition Licence 99159 Mm idoor passenger randl wagon automatic power steering and brakes radio newtires GIMMEIEI powe VB power tail gatewa This weeks buy Licemxm Ford Galaxie 500 door hardtop Till othstanding auto is equip pad with Cm Vt motor automatic power steering and brakes radio white walls and when were Black ï¬nish with contrast ing maroon interiorr Dont miss this value Licence 21m Rambler Classic sedaneccellelu cylinder engine econom ieal standard transmission lineal one owner automobile Good transpmlaiion Licence 11 Volkswagen Deluxe custom transisterized gas heater deep tread tires new snow tires local inil limitedin flawless dark yeen Cannot be told horn new licence men Popliae Laurentian door sedan cylinder alumnatlc rad white wall tires with snows new light blue iimsil with matehinli interior very ï¬ne nidolmbile especially Suited Myths family man bicnlioe 341ml Ford Fairlane door sedan big cylinderr engine atlc radio ï¬nished in presidmol blue with blue interior very low milea One owner mined byliay city since new See this come 21141 Pontiac Parislenne door liar an oil Vn utomat and power steering power brakes implied in gleaming Arctic white line with blue interiorfdeap tread unite wait tires yiithsnous automobile that looks and drives like new Licence Lanai Pontiac Laurantlan door sedan cylinder alnomat White wall tires with snows ï¬nished in original Halt ttnqmrse with turquoise interior truly beatnik oar reflection emellent care by the previous owner Try this special licence milii FORD GALAXFE 500 door hardtop white finish red interior Va motor power dieting and brakes radio good tires This is one owner ear with low mileage Linnea 12941 GA 11 Ion pickup cylinder 1000 puller Mun sell an on Lunar 3600 nan rm our monthlv owenb 72un AM pin AUTO REPAIR rhISSloh riid Automatic Spa at liary St CARS FORSALE mp oer standard rMmrnanlcglcnrr nlltorr 15501 on agar 1pm owner riv eoun rr mom in imacumr convertibler power corn meal lawr mile 1m TOIID Gliid 5W lflmlu Plth SlEelIIIK very non rannltliin seen ll Blldlfllfl Sir ms anIrswnGnN lulu miles Private Teitvhonl Mal lor nie In v53 noon nourish Ttltbholll 7161 iï¬ï¬‚muc Mdmn er er steerlnrfhr excellent eonnlloc lstil cAMAiw mnuurnntic bu lret mu nanole vleiwhonn up io us hm idemï¬ ï¬le11lom luridal1 libm any axanmzn wnur ADI ruoun mm DENCE Al 00 Leader autnistinishedinoriginai relies irrrrr rm cialists 7W1 its Radio ryiln ii III Hon alum um is 1an wheels tell liters pan lWfléclig In lrrle radio lsbotl moronanon MG MIDGET near Teienhmt mam uni manna CARS $1683 $865 $845 $395 $97512