WEATHER Sunny sides will cloud over Sat Inlay Iflemoon with litio mange in immature and liflit Winds flight 10 Sit PJ Examiner rersruonss Emulation 1166539 vCllMllid Advertising mriii All Other Departments 1266511 lDSth No 32 Proposed Tax Bill snun he Shelved Says Tory Leader omwa GP Opposition their maximum in estates Sportith on SOPHIA Actress Sophialioren gets kiss from her husband pr0lt ducer Cerlo Ponti as they were reunited today at Rome oner sizooooooo Settle Drug VSuits NEW YORK AP Five drug lirms accused of harvest ing huge profits by rigging the price of an antibiotic offered Thursday to pay smooopoo to settle almost 100 civil law suits Tlieofierifaccepted by the claimants most of them states and local government would be one of the largest in United States antitrust history Even individual consumers would share in it it they can prove they bought the drug at the in llated price The justice department has said thatthe drug tetracycline regarded as one of thermost ef lective antibiotics was pro duced for as little as 16 cents per capsule but retailcd for 51 cents each The live ï¬rms are the Ameri can Cyanamid Co Bristol itlyers Co Charles Plizer and 10 the Upjohn Co and Squibb BeechNut Inc The suits lnvolve the sale of $100000000 north or the won dcr ldrug during 13year pe riod beginning in 1953 For the live manufacturers the settle ment offeriis the latest act ina drama that began 11 years ago with charges Iiled by the Feder at Trade Commission ï¬nances namsrarcn These charges were linally dismissedhut the justice de since the strikes begun Monday Liiile Optimism airport Miss Lorenreturned to italy with her sixweekold son Carlo Jr Ponti announc ed at the airport that Miss partment picked them ttp again American Cynnamid Bristol Myers and CharlesPiizer were convicted here Dec Ti 1967 on antitrust charges alter axleday trial Theywore later ï¬ned $50000 each the maximum penaltY The convictions now under appeal opened minor to the civil lawsuits all for triple damages At last count suits were tiled by 89 states 10 cities and counties 15 private hospi tals miscellaneous Nuclear iPower Station Hit say Strike Oi2ill HydroMen TORONTO GP Canadas ï¬rst fullscale nuclear power plant the Douglas Point station near Kincardine was hit today by strikejor zoo Ohtnrio Hydro workers The walkout is part ofa se riesof rotating strikes designed to harrass managementand to support wage demands of Hy drofs 9750 workers The strikes began Monday but there have been no power disruptions llydro spokesmen said gthe plant at Klncaidlne 40 miles snuthw oivcn28ound on Loren will lake the baby with her to Moscow where she will do some film work AP Wire photo by cable from Rome groups spokesman for Charles Plizer said He added that no individuals had filed claims yet Under terms of the settlement proposal the fire lirrns would pool $100000000 to payourrent and luttlie ctatmsbyv5tate and local governments ubolesal druggists and consumers They would put another $20000000 to settle th private hospitals and claimants such as hospital plans that made reimburse in on tetracycline pur chases Lake Huron which can be oper ated by six persons monitoring equipment in the contralroom will he manned by supervisory personnel Meanwhi 50 workers at the Thunder any power plant in the Lakehead and 800 office work ers in Hydros seven regional ofï¬ces did not report for work this morning Hydro spokesman said Local 1000 or Canadian Union of Public Employees notified the company Thursday night that the 1200 workers in eastern 0n tario whostayodhome during the day were to return to their jobs today The uninusdded that about 100 dataprocessing workers at Hydros main office in Toronto were to be back on the job imiayThe dataeprocessors did not report atuzao pjm Thurs day marking the first time that certain ai Joan Drapeau said may mt he is worried about the lu turo of Canada and at Montreal because the lederal crippling built be ledeml eraeach merit on sourdcs ol cities is hampering ids ability to guide and develop Montreals growth wayofiiciatsmaid 10 persons were ed Thursday when the Sydney elboume streeinltoer eupros roared into freight train and burst into flames 104 miles nordieast ol Melboume the gleaming Southern Aurora police said covered Severalhours meridian dent rescue workers prying apart the twistedbumed Wrockage at one sleeping car in which 20 personawcre travel iured 40 oltiic1nseriously enough to reqidre hospital treat ment and railway official said one ran thrvugh stop signal Dep uty Railway Commissioner Rom refused gto conlirm this report but said It was probably due to human error The Southern Aurora ran into the locomotive hauling the goods train law where the crash occurred stMVliLE Mann and when uw accidénr rook MOW Cl Mayor government Ami he hinted he may this financial re Tin question is heaaid in television mess can do MELBOURNE Train Cirosh rvKrilis Ten 1001316 ioaiaormna CPt Rail Of the 190 passengers aboard 10 bodies were ro ing found no bodies About 100 passengers were in llhe twotrains met headon In Violet Town the little hol STRUCK KILLED William Cotilhlluflz oi Pli ierion street Elmvale was struck by an unknown ve hlcieflast night to rrpnr oran borne Elnivnle or set up road blockain the are in In at tempt to apprehend the driver Mr Copyiiln was returning totals homeJustbelm 115 Place fllï¬Censhhle Bah key saidwfljorther informa tion is being released utrat hasto be done in the cil rrraie that it will have to be done French and then English was the that olilnco be explain his statement last week that he may step down as mayor and Monday whether to stay or to leave he said lverdecided nothing the townhall was turned into an iolironnry and chartered buses came to take the loss seriously lriiured on to Melbourne or Theresa McIntosh told pre liminary hearing Thursday he found the threeyearold young ster loaming at the mouth and locked in the car of his wifes lWy friend preliminary hearing of his wife Diane McIntosh 20 and Mi chael Manellis 38 both changed with abandoning Theresain ï¬rmer lilaely to endangerflhgr and wi conspiring toge to alrandonhm midway through an inquestth the death or Theresa tn Dabber last Seioembcr after his wife lelthim he discovered Theresa locked in Manetlis car in parking lot near the restaurant Manellis ran inwestend To ronto He said she was dirty and began screaming or him to get her out billion and her hair was matted She was screaming to get out of the car Hie said daddy daddy get me out they told hirrl not to cause any more trouble and ordered him out of the area Mr Drnpeuus address in He will weak again tonight dont say We decided He would stay in office if be Injured in TIMciurtisn Tittill grandsBabysuui Up In Holvcar mnonro for The father Ian McIntosh testified at the Charga were laid last year Mr irunrdsh 24 said that She unis eovaed in sweat When he tried to call police Mrs McIntosh and Manellis Canadians might pull the try apart in spontaneous pro test agairxt linancial conditions iom umii Feb 13 of the discontinued hi with Manetlis Sept 27 because Stewart tbCochrarie duced bill in the Commons Thursday to have likenesses of former Canadianprime minis ters put onCanadian currency could oonvince nuself that the situation is not desperate The ledInnl government hes made the condition of cities such that we will have to ask it there will be time for choice to will we be witnesses to the splitting of Canada As long as there is not one in Ottawa to me out ntdi reaï¬siio vieuo on the impor tance of municipalitith and who is ready resources they are bound to to leave them ï¬nancial ppcar His disillusiimment had been continued by last weeks an nounced closure of ltlari and His World 6er to Expo 67 be mm of financial risks to the oitpalterihehlr had muni lated in 1963 deï¬cit of 35500000 more than Austerity in Montreal timid ot perrrdt bin to noon his dreams as mayor be sad Mr Drapeau was worriedthat Comi ndtbe lack of essential serv The hearing was adjourned George Alexopoulos ooowner restaurant said he partnership obieotod to his partners as souation with Mrs McIntosh Would Place PMs Likeness 0n Bill orrawa cal Ralph intro The it got routine ï¬rst read ing goes to thebottom ofa ing and goes to the bottom of long list of such bills from pri vate members Mr Stewart said bavingfnra mer prime ministers on curren cy character Wuttld givenit Canadian estates or less than $50000 $20000 rather than Vibe ï¬rst day déscribcd the federal gov moo was Western Canadalarmer and small businessman who would ernmcnts proposed changer in estate taxes as step In the face to the provinces This in itself would be sidii éient to throw thisbill ouithe Conservative chief said as the continued second reaglng debate of the measure to mend the Estate Tax and lhelrlcnmc Tax Act Today the Commons resumes debate on bill reestablish Ireshwatei fish marketing cor porntion hlr Stdntieid argued that Otta we should put the tax bill in cold storage until the prova Incas are consulted on It He said the changes should be included in is promised govern ment policy paper to drastically bo Di sai Va ol rlc rolormJnxcs The government hadIprbmlscd to consult the province on these changes hilt its manner of proceeding with the estate taxc anger lolt him with serious doubts about these intentions FINDS OTHER FAULIS But aside from the lack of consultation Mr Stanfield lound faultwith its taxing as pects The bill would eliminate death duties on esiates basing be tween husbandsand wives And tic mi duties Rates on higher estates would be increased with the general exemption limited to the first sai hi 40000 Mr Stanï¬eld said that be cause ihe taxation ra reach Jack said the tax changes shift some gt Leader Blottert Stanï¬eld Thurs $300000 orrrnmo instead 01 32 the the hit the hardest Let usnot coniuéethe issud with lot of pretence that the oimllllonnirea is at stake Mr Stanfield Conservatives belitved that tent to the ma Va and energy were impor ntenance of pr to enterprise usr as catterur We have to exercise some care in the degree to which we pose those taxes Homer tPCCtowiooit the burden from the very to the middleclass farmer The farmer said Mr Homer had to sweat for his money was in contras those liko Prime Minister Tru dean inherited their health Steve Otto tLYork East said he agreed with Mr Stan ldithat the estate tax changes ght have been part ol jthl taxreiorm package But he disagreed that the hanges would stifle incentive to up wealth lt is not the prospect of leav ing our wealth after death that pleases us it is the prospect of controlling that weaith during Gila lifetime that drives us be sa would remain free death sand it his part could support the ii the minister got rid of those aberrations which have the effect of making the small est estatehit the harder by tax with the yery largeones in some instances paying reduced taxation Canada survivaidisilssuei Trudeau Warns Conference OTTAWA 0P Lines of di vision were drawn clearly Thursday for next weeks ledcr sitprovincial conference on the constitution ye in the Commons Prime Min ister Trudeau made blunt re in buttal of the stand by Prairie premiers on formal extension of French ianguage rights And in Edmohton the Alberta Eoverhmént described as ob jectionable and unacceptable the recognition of both English and French as official lan guages Mr Trudeau tabling laden al policy paper in the Commons said it would be folly of the most dangerous sort to believe sir gu that FrenchCanadas discontent has disappeared in the last year The iask of constitutional re view has become even more ur gent since the first meeting or ago he said Caoadus survrval remains issue The document tabled by the prime minister dealing mainly with the proposed charter of human rights and governmental ucturesfsetrnit Ottawas tens tative Mittens in advance of the threeiday conference open ing Monday It made clear that federal priorities in dealing with the provinces =remain unchanged arantee of human rights in cluding language rights shout considered before dealing with division of powers nonhuman tflPlQaade mammary of be sewn said Thursday niï¬it deepeningidivcngenciesinCanadian life leave auiittle room for optiniismover the federal owncidl wu Wowwyw Quebec Manor Siep Up Biaira War Manlindliis World LAGOS Reuterslelieporbs of heavyfigiiting on the Nigerian QUEBEC OF The Quebec civil war hoot and oblique hints by federal goverrunerit minis government is willing to step in tars have given rise to fresh speoidaï¬oo that the federal fiinal to save Montreals Manand His pm has begun Woridexbibition itthe federal government will cooperate in ï¬scal deal ï¬nance Minister Paul Dozois said Thursday told news conference the proving is prepared to assume no v500000 ofthe operati delta of the eidiibition 23 had stayed da have elected to bertried by on strike for two judge and jury stotementchief defence lawyer onetim lrvin pyrrvond had toldthe the jury atClry Straws con cnmlnal strict court iuijy spiracy trial he saw SiawLee that Harvey Oswald and David it is our intention to proveto Farris together you that not only didClaySbaw ligree To Tet Truce NEW sarqu tandemme United fsiares and fawn Vietnam have agreed in principle to call ceasefire duringtho period of the Tet lunar newryear 15 mission spokesmansaid today The testimonyby notengage in conspiracy but Collins ofBaton Rouge was the that be never lrnew or laid Irish Strike Spreads mm of Windows eyes and own or Fec cousin Januarya fiveday strike by anon mintenunce Thursday as the prosecution ne men spread or ablg shipbuilng yard near Cork today when 700 mew men stopped work after piekeiswere set up outside thegates Oswald former New leans resident was named on nedya killer by the Warten commiston The report said be operated alone with no credible evidence of ln opening District Attorney lihi Garrison told the jury the state Would show tire president was struck by numberpl bullets coming fmmdiflerent guns at ditferent locationsthus rig that more than one pe wasshootlng at the presi hicr attorney mos served notice tha the Warren report would 59 effect oor defendant maior defence posiilon Show isaicilscd or cdhspurlng wibhOswaid Fame and others tominder ï¬reside ohanf VKenned US lyers Killed mama téPlrlihe iwbman eiv crash of United states Air Forcelight bomber ol Portage la Prairie Thieves Shoot lilee Iv MONTREAL and sawedolf rill robbing eleoce objections Asa lstrlct Attomey James Alcock madeno attempt to first lay the lmmdailonfordhe dill Insteatl he opened the anssnlndqmi 12 Comicsis Deathsf3 12 outnctés sou ldflh owing be Oreo sw ing the oid reoordrol 199 set in 1966 at St Francis College Philadelphia la The stunt unï¬t cttvruei universityweeii sideng tonioTexao photo at Marys University downs got fish number 210 to not what school and student government rm