tive of Quebec imtructs Grade class in oral French now PLASTICS As Popularity lIiCIéCiï¬GS Furniture Will Coist LeSs mam host it wasnt too long ago that plastics were in the stepchild or Cinderella categoryjut thing have changed aiï¬now plastics occupy an exalied positions In Ialiti and inflatable lorrn ii is starting to make itself seen in the furniture industry The pieces are mostly on the expensive order but the shares that handle them and the deco rators who use them say that as their popularity grows prices will come down It is amgzing homespun at these stark plastic pieces ï¬t so well into settlng of mixed pea riods room done in all plastic pieces has coldish look even though the plastics sparkle on their own as they catch and re liect light Many ofthe items we have seen are by foreign de signers but there are some might impressive unliture and accessories being created by our own brilliant originators working in themedhnn Atrylic malleable plastics such as Plexiglas have been bent and worked into exciting pieces For Tots LlitltlixfliENCH Jocelyne Fantogrooso na at hnental program Monday oi school in Toronto Iiionday The Metropolitan 1oronto separate school board began an exper instance strikingly beautliul chair fashioned ot slnglc sheet of hailinch Plexiglas is amazingiy graceful entirely functional and most attractive without any extraneous detail Comfortable tool From the same designer comes love seat seethrough gracdnliy trained piece that he says is too big or Act Like Lady Think Like Man Mrs Charles Scott In executive vieepresident at national manuiactuiing company who was selected as Atlantas Woman of the Year has this advice for othat women who also want tonicceed in big business fihink like man act like lady and work like dog plastic pedestals These include chairs sofas pil lawsI hassocks and variety of teaching French in is Grade classes at various Toronto schodli Wirephotot one somawiut appropriately close or two Small plastic tabch are turning up here and there in various interiors ï¬tting in nicely even in period rooms and of course wonderfully at home in smart contemporary settings Plastic seethrough cubes are growinedn poptilnrity as tables as well as decorative pieces that include handsome pale blue BLOWUS Apart tram thenollds the smaller pieces done in one piece and the larger doweled ones there are the inflatables iightingiixtures whole series at inflatables is being affected by an old established New York furniture stores We understand that several items did nicely in the holiday gift department No doubt about it plastic lur ntture is growingin popularity and interest and will continue to do so inst as has been the case with stainless steel chrome and SiSiétéiPrépé in Radical Béligmus Order Sis cernms were radi oak wi the Roman Catholic Church when th order was teachers parents and am discarded the 1y traditional tloorrlengths ab it and head apparel tor skirts that showed their ankles and grey hats thatrevealeditheir hairi in tile 1969 revolution the order has albolished the nuns uniform completely except for those who meter to keep it Traditionally the sisters olr Service soughito helpthe an in their own homes as would health nurses or travelled the slums as social workers or roamed the Prairies to train priests in the teachingotrelizlbn Under the new diallSes some live alone For those we together in one house experiments with ditto re at forms oi authority will be tried in some houses nuns willelect their own superior in other they will rotate the otiioe of su kizrP INTHE TRIM srBeratural Usé 0i Minded ean help you to stay forever youngl 0n Ytitesurface that statementn1ght seem to be anointing exaggeration but it is tau Whé every movement you neso asto use your mosaics tit wa nature in tended then Youre xercising 1e Youll keep supple Foryogiflightenment testevery day Wotajone correctly Place hair sideways to Now sit down slowly in muscles only back weight Sit hips against the girl din slitltiollgh only helps you mud itis streamlin sitghtly ch can up again using mpowerlulthlghmus pulled cles oping girdle musd tut snuglytand hips con treated lfyou catch yourself getting out of chairs withrthe aid otycur anus dtange that walk upstairs to mannered tinderor trail ing The streamlining way into put your whole toot on the stepY glandwour knees and iift with gh muscles fhip mimics eoritracied Keep your back straight In wining down let one toot hang over the top step be ding lmee hack streigh Thats it malle and melt over low heat stlr mainly Rmiove sew Cheeses fellow man eoming novice and if she Keep Body Supple And 0qu Margaret Denis Sir iHZilZ maps crisp nearer glass pieces for the home perlor and in still others they will do awaywith the otiicejal together Instead the three vows ot poverty chastity and obedience the sisters will take single vowolservinetoGodaodthair Today there aroma Sisters at Service in Canada droplet about 10 man their alltime high in i960 After thesenond Vatican council rthe Isisters sut credodrop in the number of recruits and some established members left the order 13 encourage new member ship new form of participation called associate meubership was created An associate mem vesand pays rent in the houses achuires her miessiounirhainiugibeidr phones can continue dating The assouaie membership is open to women who after bringing up iamily want to devote thetmelves tor period Cutie said gt We had come to be consid coed quite respectable and this alarmed us said Isister lwewili heradi arooonarn savanna crispy goodie for everyone In to quart sauéepan measure zdtbsp butter or margari Meltover low heat then mix on tbsp sugar tbsp mcoaand it tsp salt Add 18201mm tmm heat add Vt tsp vanilla eel mix together until covered with comav min it square well out into Iusi Society To Help Handicapped WMWA Qt 1i Cans dlanslrc going to have just they must concern them selves with the wuntrys handi capped people hip Midi Marshall othronlu told re centL meeting at members at Manaacrentloru at Ottawa in not ntd atioo was there was no program tor homebotmd handicapped Marina Creations has LEAN MEAIY BLADE on lablle We 5111M Ext iii or turner disabled person to workmh their own house on handmade boutique item lmmltmwtntaaoun tryvndo organisation providing erntyloynaent for hundreds oi dis nhled men ladwomen Mrs ummamuchoweow pl at George Marshall vineV president of the Society inr Crippled Civilians from which her organisation evolved Why this be or In some 000 wor at artiï¬cial latterlyout el ventrrtypo gins nod boutique UES satiation ROASTS cross cur THICK no ROASTS SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS VACH HABITANT PEA on VEGETABLE SOUP VBONNIE Doe FOOD Las son ONSTRAWBERR RASPBERRY JAMS or ORANGE MARMALADE La 24ms cArELLI MACARONI CHEESE 922 continue their oz if itera lnhen handi capped Mild lad hilltime en 11 AW mm Ill ploymeat Ihmk that it wfll tome nl although Raine mumWad Edward L991 Emugan clam Me Sim from whim iii our mod out imported trotn Britain boot three years ago is appar ent in Jackets and trousers both for casual and formal wear Edward in look is char by jackets with high is generally tang deep inverted pleats big preview of mens and spring fashion at the mar tine ol Menswearyltetalleri at am We mg ml America Feb 16 133 MW and in United States Eneilnd trance oollarlesa Nehru taunt flowers are and Germany ablseiit alter briefnine oi pop but not hip Maggi LBS FOR Mammy 99 git 100 if it 100 99¢ iii in 33 Pl=E3vxa 139 LBS FOR INSTRNT aataarasr Managua HOMESTEADV EGET BLES VI YamAnte he remains II