Four oars piled intu the tied up numerous others The median on itiphimy 40 at incident was one at numerous tummy 11 this morning and lamps and home oolllsiors Seé HigherC ounty Tax Cars and 1m iron up ior taro Provincial police an inn this morning on illgï¬v the route to reimve tour cars way 400 at Hiyrwury 11 On cnv News THE EXAMINER JVEDNBDAY FEE 1969 and blocked the reed Visibill lie innit ntovéd averaged ty was poor to nil and trat 15 to 20mph uhidi trad piled into modian Metro Parks Commissioner necrthe city Gusting winds ed including Highway us and poor visibility canned north lumpy so highway many major Mites to be clos 90 and my 11 north Budget RequestsMet By CURRAN Examiner District Editor Altlmugh increased litlo anticipated from the provincial governneat whim phase is completed or its takeover oi administration oi justice inim tiors point to higher county tax rate ior 1950 The loss oi Orlliia as new city has been mentioned as one factor but most budget requests also have shown increases Ore illia paid some 0146000 to mun ty coffers last year This is Far from entirely lost to die omth since the new cuy greed to pay six months county taxes on all services but GMS ment and roads The city is doing its own assessing and is contriimting towards roads on suburban road basis Orillin also has been askéd to share in contributions to the district health unit and partic ipate in grants or tourist devel opment rind other sleh pur poses Against this the county is en pected to make its lirst 500000 payment to the neighboring city on the $300000 separation agree merit made for Oriiiia equity in county assets This Is to be paid over liveyear period ASSESSMENT UT Aninerease oi neach 5150000 in the budget for coimty aï¬ess rnent purposes making total of some $39000 has received most attention among budget requests which have been un der study by the cmmtys iin ance and amunistmthn com mittee but it also was pointed out that runesls for budget in creases ivere general There are al mindclpalities lelt to share the levies with Oriiiia out ilor part at the year One at the exceptions has been the county roads depart lment which requested budget ivhieh would maintain last tyazes mad levy at live mills iliie total budget asked for roads amounted to $2070000 oi which litre share to be raised from eounty levy woicdbe $020000 git present figures are approved midis of some $46000 tram last year was of assistance nEALrn IlNlT The minty was asked or 5121021 as its share toward the distmct health unit Otillias sliare for the last six months was set at sum The city would pay iLs portion oi the gcounty levy for die first six Participating in ceremony of the inst contract between the provincial gov and on employees mantis Barrie was asked ior 529000 Overall the district haLh budget was set $0t7€07 oi which the provincial govern ment now pays 75 per cent The county recreation earli mitlee asked for budget pt 90773 up $16000 from last year Government assistance reduced the county levy share to $42510 an increase 0i $11 Blï¬ over last year The magetmskcd icr social services was only up slifliy laden here was Orlllia willbo looking alter its own weltare ail muiistralion starting July Totdl estimated cost oi social servlnes was placed at 5006450 this figure aho being subject to review Largest item was 000 for general welfare or which the government pays 00 per cent The museum budget asked for71930 amounted in 4775 of which the countys share was placed at $6375 County homes for theaged at Eccton Penetanguisheue and the new one going up at Uniting woad will be largely ï¬nanced irom resident payments and government giants The county was asked to raise $32012 to nerd the Beeton home where the total budget was set at Will Produce Three oneRel Plays IngMarch The Littles Hill Players have derided on three oneact plays in their next production which is scheduled for March 28 andllt Mothers Day written by Priestly will be direclcd by Jean Gremo The play is comedy with two male and three female characters Elaine Mayv wrote the second play Not Enough Rope which will be directed by John Wright The force features only three characters one male and two iemaies The third play High Art writ ten and direeted by Douglas Greenwood oi Barrie is com edy with three male and our female characters Open casting for the parts will be held Simday Feb at 730 pm at Owen St All are invited to the audition especially anyone near 70 years at age said June Chambers see retary OPP PROVINCE stun AGREEMENT association are left to nan James Wood HC Faw Mt and area MoeDonatd the February meeting 5750272 The eoimty level re numted toward Georgian lilaner st Penetanguiiiene was set at $2950 out of $231100 i0tal The county as was pskd to raise 819750whidi nus outl oipntod as the need tor the new Sunset Manor at Coflirgiimd for 1969 alter it is opened in June This does not include capital outlay iimrnnnsehv report on it review ol al lowances foreoirnty merribcis also is expected to be made at be 20 Eam rs now receive plus ll cents per mile for trav elling both ways It member also attclrls an evening meet ing he receives another $20 The same rateis paid or com mlitec meetings and auandanee at oonventions and other meet ing on vsw busing Tho to tal cost for 1960 was aid to ag gregate between 060000 and 370000 but mplete ï¬gures with expenses are expected to be made when the new recom mendation is presented The 1908 county level was 104 nulls The 74 mill general rate was made to raise 51495569 and ï¬ve mill mad rate was to cover $101050 Tina Hpendlng tluough the minty including government gram and other revenues am minted in 551324007 GRANTS REVIEWED Title iinanee committee which is headed by Bradtord Reeve Bruce Stewart also is reviewing grants to variws mganizatiors other members of this commit Mel Mdtean Midland Deputy Reeve lijm McCullough Sunni dale Reeve Uloyd Pridham Flos Reeve Frank Coughiin 000k Iown Reeve Louis Mcnkman and Worden Arnold Vancise West Gwlllimtnxry Reeve Kenn Iiangiord heads on road committee which recommended lastiyearjs road rate be main tallied EMERGENCY mums City Police OPP Fire mot Hospital masts mom 728313 Imem representing the Ontario Pro vincial Police Association and JI Thatcher sitting tee include Coilingqu Reeve Control at local government by rural residenls will become thing at the post it sncini change isto keep pace with rap id industrialization urepnrt is sued today by the Ontario Econi umic Council said Social and economic changes in Ontario have resulted in the physicaldeterloration oi its cit les because ils political setup cannot respond udequalcly to new conditions the council says In report on government re iarm made public today the council says the basic solution to changing conditions is not new programs although that may be necessar The real need to restruc Cloggedsiloads Halt Somé Rural Examiner Delivery Poor visibility and clogged roads prevented the delivery oi the Bprrie Examiner in SLIF rounding communities yestcr day Hillsdale Ed ga Stayner Creemore New Lowell Lisle Brcntwood Covhstown Alliston Everett and betray did not re ecive papers It road conditions permit the papers will he deliveredrtoday vooiijiiiinv Mrs Maiy Turnbuli died in her 03rd year at the Archer Nursing HorneEarrie Tuesday Mrs Tumbull was born in the ilam Tumbull The couple mov ed to the Alliston area where they operated farm and raised their lamily Micr Mr Tumbull died in 1050 Mrs Tumbull moved to Barrie and resided witbher son Jack Mrs Tumbull is survived by two sons Bruce and John Lidia bathroi Barrio six grandchil dren and mgreat grandchildren mineral service will be held at the Jennett Funeral Home l52Eradiard StFab at pm Burial will be at the Allision Union Cemeteryr Douglas Wind and Robert Johnston representing the government Georgctown area where she liv ed until her marriage to wil Political System Said Not Adequate ToMeet Changes lure our political institutions so that they respond elteetively to change now and in the luture Recognition of the need ior structural reiorm oi the politi cal institutions indicates the ser iousness oi the imbalance exist ing in the politicnl system the 44pnge report says Signs that the political system is breaking down were to be seen in physical deterioration oi citiesinadequate housing pul iution and congestion Changes in the economic and social systems do not oi them selves create problems The problem arises when over the politicnl system fails to respond to change To Speak Here Thursday Thompson marmo cr ol purity for Metro Toronto wil be the gum speaker at the regular meeting of the Barrie llortiwltmt satiety mmsday at pm in the library hull Mr Thompson isusponsble for the conservatlmtdike areas in Tlmooto lmhming Tbronto Isiurxi the sixlmék stretch oi beurland radating himei six interconnecting ravinu tram the Don Valley and regional ports Prior to boringhircd us Mut ros the parks wnwntuaioucr in 1935 Mr Tlnmpson took his iirst parts lab in Port Arthur its was fresh mm college botanical come and stint as cemetery horticullinuiist Mr Thompson conteacd his idea oia park was petunias and begoniasand things Then utter swing and tennis ï¬niaeiookiinreuvsf For Hitting ran GALT CPl Rick Mc Cloektiu deienceman with the Barrie Flyers of the Ontario HockeyrAssuci un Senior Dengue was lined 575 Tuesday litter be pleaded not guilty to Acquisition Qi Value lair vDylex Diversified 1967 Ltd revealed plans yesterday to ex tend its operations with the an nouncement at an agreement to acquire the Ontario chain of seven Vain Fair stores includ ing the store in panic Valu Fair operations to be pur chased trom Samuel Hirsch and Robert McPherson oilin ers andiounders oi the chain in straight share exchange of 4000 Dylex class shares The agreement calls tor the assaulting tan during game here Dec 21 Robert Acxerman who laid lite charge testiï¬ed that he was sitting near the boards when hlecloéklin punched him in the ace during iracas on the ice Barrie vyon 74 max MchocmN AN iiiviiiiiioii to Enrons PARENTS iobtgro in QC announces series of meetings with teachers students and parents to outline our changes of program ei eetive Sept 1069 pg ilNDlVlDUAL Toricsg TlME TABLES SUBJECT PROMOTION rCREDlTSÂ¥STEM UNGRADING COMPUTERS SCHEDULE or EVENTS Thursday Feb sarcoma Principals mi Teacher at present Cumulus Thursday inn Prosuit Grade 10 Gr vnu Seminar FrldhnyFeb and 11 students at Central Guidance SeminarsilnSehool noun Monday Feb and Tuesday Feb 11 series of meetings for Grade VIII student LMondIy at King Edward rnesoay Sunuyhrle meldly at Wnrnlen PS Pulaswleks stmuos 00 turn no 11 pm Feb11 Wednesday atSt John Vilnney SST5t pm Tuesday Feb 11 Parents only at all Grade 10 11 students now at Central Pianocc ntrnl Auditorium100 pm chhepdey Feb 1212mm Grade students Guidunw Seminar It Gnldlnee Oï¬lcu open tor centralschool lions my lddltlnull continuation ilom mo pm to can pm Feb 12 17 is 19 Appointments may be arranged through the Guidnnee SecretoryPhone 7254346 on Feb 12 or 13 court chase Mr Thompson said flt sudderiiy dawned on me that you didnt plant flower beik oodsry Eniey it damn youl You provided for peoples newts within openspuce lust gross and trees rds soging ills tirstpets in oiiice were to outlaw dont signs in his Wits ban the word vandalism from his departments vocabu lacy and invite people to walk onhis grass And hes reported to he on yo lookout for giant mudpialdlein his parts as place for kids to play Instead oi posting warnings against stormthrowing Mr Thompson builds wnsluooms without windows to break insteud oi outlawing initial earvirtg hes planted stumps in his parks or lovers gratin Sims he believes suggest more mischief to people than theyJflchnt Throne thing in hisparliclte isnt proud oi is the pretty lousy Riverdale Zoo he inherli ted from the oily eight roan ago Atluully wouldnt even cull it pooits just collee lion oi unlmab end Mr Thompson imported Dutch Cheese Mild tired Old Spiced Reg 70 lb or Whnle inppnu lb avenge Au nurcu Aririctcs zoo on nqsuiar Price Red or Blue Brand Heel Front 49 lllndn 08c sum inc cm Wrapped Frozen Ind Delivered GEREYS MEAT manucr iiwy 11 Pntnlwtelt mm To Someone Seeking Thellniisuol SWEET PICKLED RINDLESSBACON iAiio Bill This is the biggest money making oppommity inthe new dimensitn in seamless flaming and it is sweeping the coun try like wildï¬re IWe are hooking tor adealerappliohtor who wants to earn 715000 and more year and who now wants an exclusive deaieliiip in hisown urea Mablished years ago we are the world distributor of the new dimension in seamless floor ing OWME 100 Mich has found lot of enthusiastic people in the residential institutional industrial and com niemial world ll you are hardworker ambitimrs have capital of $3750 and good looalcredit standing do not wait until someone else has taken over the territory youd like to sell Write today for complete detai estem Sales Manager ohmmawporatioo Md ï¬bnE Mmtrcal Quebec YOULL SEE YOUR FAMILY REALLY QEATL WHEN THEY ARE SERVED OUR CHOICEST COTTAGE tons with tram Lana BEEF Poiiii SAUSAGE will MACARoNl CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF noun BACON SWEET PICKLED LEAN coniiEoiiEEE Sliced759c it 95 la vnc ran 79clhn COLEMAN BURNS Silisjitc Wqu or crown 24 In that 12 Delicious riavm 9i oni icE CREAM rnv usvron counters MEAT neuron SERVICE misnomer QUALITYMEATS EAT MARKET PERSONAtSERVItEGUARANTEED trunnion outhemorrhagesoap nutmeg now