Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1969, p. 21

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ll it llHuel ay JAY BECKER South dealer North South vulnerable Ill hw 10 SOUTH KQJ 10 Huron 6K5 The bidding South Wait run 50 Pm INT Paul Opening lead queen of dia monds Whenever dcciarcr is playing slam he should give the hand much more tender loving care than whcn he is playing say two clubs trying to make three The stakes are that much big or and surely trinity extra thought South was In six spades and West led the queen nl diamondsl won by deciarer utih the king It did not take South long to lo down He returned low spade at trial two West went up withthe nee led the lack oi diamonds and East iulled to put South down one Actually declarer should hava made the slam tor plus L730 points instead of going down one tor no score it was obvious mm the start that only diamond ruilceuld beat the contract This was not larletched possibility parlIcult larly in the tight at Easts play at the six at diamonds on the TELEVISION was no eqmn our North 171 CONTRACT BRIDGE opening lead The sixcarrlcd clear sutgestlon ot danger Declamra thoughts thenlore should have been firmly concern trated on ways and means at overcoming the possible roll in stead at blithely leading lnirnp at trick two South should have cashed tho ace of clubs and ace oi hearts belora rumng heart in dummy with the seven Then utter discarding lhe rive ol diamonds on the king clubs ho rorces out the ace of trumps it no longer matter how the opponcnis cards are divided Once the trump ace is gone South aulomatieally has the rest at the tricks The governing principle that applies is exactly the same as always when the contract ap pears to be safely In low Dc clarcr says to himself What can possible deleat me he finds an atlinnativeianswer to the question he takes every step he can to overcome the hypothe tical danger Iliontreal Bandits Steal $ill3llllll MONTREAL CF The search continues or tour men who retired downtown branch at the Bank of llitrntrealot 3106000 illonday and escaped in stolen car The bandits wearing hoods and armed with mnehlneozuns scooped up canvas bugs contain tug box office and oonmslmr stand receipts from three week and hockey games across the street at the Montreal Forum TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7231414 PROGRAMSw BUFFALO DARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO ii HAMILNN 12 PETERIIOROUGII MORNING VIEWING MONDAY IE0 FRIDAY LN 11 21ooev show 11bit Dru Uu 345 lClot Kannrou ovnivmitv ol the air llPopeya strikes lane Lilornlnn Metre Lana mv our outfit 7Dlnllnl or vaoinoor Room no 11 12m0 sMeta Schools ICytoon loan aPav curds amvo ilnobln noon FA Allen zsmo iuczment 12041 Schools lTuu Thuri Luellle Ball 2Concentullnn lZlrlnndiv one Helene no4 lBeverly nlunuuer 7chk Cavett DUllcln Bobby 1100 LPcrxonIlltv inElVO 4Andv Grillitn aDunnv Thoms 1151 nilu llZS au Allen 12pin olWck Amer znouywood Snuarra lDirk Van Dyk oBlg Spendera llaelore Noon 1155 liNcWI lilies nadhn Playhouse Gllnl WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY EVENDIG no 1aierv Grlirin lzGounnet tiioure Pllty al bovl Lucy sue me 241m JPettlcoat 12pin or 53551513 lllsnd tightestuh ismnh Greatest Sex liBuck me start mo 6Hueklcberry rum 4Pcrry liuon ti 71 Love Lu llLucliil 2Wlilta My Lin 13 Bunny soy 7Nrwe 1lo i1rrutn or Consenuencu iiiinitiation 1iNewr Weather Sports gt HMovie MHzNewr echx Vln nylro oBewite moo hed llPtufl Sedan 121M Heeplrflv lZlel weather Sports lNews sannheon not lBewltehed owomenr World tininro at Home 1225 7Nowl izrmn New 1211 aMlkt Doufllas floseucla Ivirrinio oMo vie llMovie 1LMovie mo has zNm tlmcllla mu 1M sMnoie Tattered om 200 14 or 1449ch liHoneymonnen iznvenrexa lTruth or Consequences 5Day It ls Mutants llHawatl so 2Hlll or Fume tmenentnd Isle JJulia lzgflogicrotifiaw one Bndes lzuo iZlilisslnn lrnpolslhle oPrn Hockey 10000 Bedroom wo tGoorl Gun 1Turn 0n Zalualc Hall lzPubite me THURSDAY FEBRUARY AFTERNOON Lhdeet the Mitten eLuncheon Data Double Crossbones Meet Mr wetter Guns Girl and Gunmen no World Turns 141m Dell 1Chtifitcn Doctor we is hlaoy Splendored Thine 5Weaker Szx kBevezley HilihliIIbl 7a1ovle Spartacus 810 lZFestlvll oGreon Am Junction iton 20utaldcr izluusic sFlveo tlitiorv Grlllln 1min BRivei Inn 11110 ZM7411u News 1110 1Plerre Berton 11 7Jolinnv canon Huey auuoo 7Mcvle in Thunder of Drumal 11 3an Mlaon Foitvfia we lzsiovle China Gate 11Hot Llnr 7Ncwlywed Game iimdllih it at bCordnatlon 5L 71131an Game 9Perlya FINDS iirenv Mason uCalendu 23 JGnnd Prtx llAImlhlc noo ZAIIOIIIEK WU r1z Talia so chleh Slum tPenv Mason orronin in Cniafllnt ml 343 ommlnder pm Le mm zero onoctorr nim 11Furvilre om Gnhm Our Lives THURSDAY FEB EVENING we 124mm or Lov Lua 705 II afa raammu ml 1minute 9310 1mm Unknovm llEuck mu Yon moo JGnmex Pyle 4Port airon oiunr Arthur irnthll lhi 123cm 7Newa 3Darir mo zWhata My LIne all figrouure bland py 11Trutn or Conaeoucncea IZFilnutlnnes Why we sun am vFiyinn In ronride 84 Cl LNIwr Weather 231 snarl lZtVGWIS on nor own In uhnd switched eNrw 11srmnnr leo Wunhcaterl In iGuilmu mend 4513 or contenuencu 8Day it In astu Trek l1Gcmer Pyle usuc mo LnanlelBoono Wm Iy W93 er uren And ylnx Nun liJn Hillle lzTeieseooe Homtlmn Wink Olta Happenlnl 78wiuura oDun Martin new aunt Eat The er hlt itlll About world no zemnet Hon unrno oMnnnix Milo sAdem 11 11Merv Grill sitDean as 1min nrroer INewlvweii Game oour world nzno $1112 No 11no llPlerre Berton 11 ZJohnnv amori noy Elliot our 11le llMovie one joint stretchy ratio FPerryr ma llMovle rnvmvrmms istovo Allen oMovin phalde Ian Pripa cessn lio sirnn ntruecenhn dream roostrisen no grim ours Huck Dela Dr We Would you please explain the rhythm methodtor birthponlroi lm sure this has appeared inyour column before but weoulkclnknit repeated as am mar rled soonLG This Is question which ilranltly dont much like to write about Why best it still is not as reliable method as othus Aa physician recommend other methods oi birth control For those who tor religious rea sons consider that abstinence la the only acceptable method and the rhythm method is peri ndie abstinence can explain the physiology But decline to accept rcmaslhility incase the method for any reason tails Thus would prefer that such talks obtain pamphlets or what ever through their churches leaving the responsibility there ratherthiin with me However since theharis oi the nhythmmcthed can be halpto those who do want chil dren as well as to Ihose who do not here is an outline woman ovulateano ovum or egg is released from the Engineer Students Mystery Project VANCOUVER CPI En glneering students at the vemity oi Biitlsh Coiumh suspected ot knowing the whereabouts of the citys missing oclock gun let moose with bangMonday But the noise didnt come tron1 the historic cannon the students usuallyevent tut Engineering Week began Monday The itston cannons which or years had boomed Park at oclock was report ed missing Sunday filiie students were sald to have purchased large quanti ty ot cement recently Police said the pement could be help mi in mounting cannon But the engineers noise Monday was caused by pa rade of huge truois earth moversaudother heavy equipment Fraser Hodges president of the Engineering Undergradu ate Society said the engineeis just might be able to put theirhands on the gun Royal Navy 121poundcr made inBiitaln in 1816 181Movewlth caution llllhanoy Bounds 151ka Vllnalldriniflr 8Togocn 1606llum 9Extrl 1130an l3Grava 25nltaot vwork 205 17Eute title ucoatedwtth crumbs Domesday Bookmoncy Neathtins WW atmsoounno Because at be out time signal from Stanley mkhauhatcvermtapsl arcanecese hand drinkers vcrybtten lose rue W12 n4 matl Its been over two weeks and Ill bet you havent evenrepoeted that yourdesk phone is out of order muti canssWono 7Pubtlahed 24Malt human woaliloulll hi flllflflllflflflfl muounnpouua anal noun Iv fillnoun Wfir on hand JULIET Jokes couple at days Ia theovum moves down the Fallopian time to the uterus tut meets and uniies with oialasperm cell conception can occur There is no way to say accur atelyhow long an ovum or sperm cell can remain viable that is active and capable oi causingmnraptlon About two days bltmore or less is the prevailing opinion el thou some authoritielJbink it may longer it is because ol this period viabilitythat asperrneeilI on luring the emtlegcnltai region little belare ovulation oceurl can still cause pregnancy when the ovum does appear The rhythm method in plain terms amounts to avoiding sex ual activity or several days he lore and during thetlme the drum iscprcscnt randviable nearetleally it you accept the twoday Viability ot bothovum and sperm our days 01 abs neuce lsenouh But it some longer viability existsytbe time at dhsiinence must biajaxtendcllDo you want to double it lobe salcrand call it Height days ThereI dont want to answer this because eannot be certain Some authtmZ ities say situations can occur permitting conception even out side that span nu All that aside the question still remnln hnwdoyon know whenthat Ie periodoceursi Those whriwant children will try to aehlove conception during that tcrtlle period Those who want to avoid conceptionwlll avoid sexual union during that period 41522 that dont hnvceroom today to go into the question ol how to determine or try tode torminel when the tertlia inter val will occur but ili discuss lhat in tomorrows column DCII Dr Thomson What do you think abouta grandmother uhoioehs the grandchildren ln acloset because they cry She says theyare just mean thats why theycrytira MA Shes sadly mixedup woman and Im sorry lor her but sorrlee for the children Shes thegrandmother not the mother or these youngsters and the childrens harem Faholild sarytomako it impossible tor her to abuse the children Note to Mrs urinateedit sexual ylgor This may be made evehworse by the pressure at whatever emotional problems lie behind the drinking Givinz up or rigidly controlling the drlang should helpbut taking cieaneyed look at the prob lems underlying the drinking may do even more good it those problems are iden edunder stoodand solved enntive 71 It Enlainoiihyihin Controi DONALD 3DUQK scener AGENT GRANDMAg or suowvn stir or Lem rxnow WHATIMUP AGMNST FINGRS WASNT Too omlulsnc team My CHANCES LOOK AT TNAT LirrLE LEROY TRIED no STAND UP IN His TNKK BUIJltY SNOWSUIT WWI WHO IT WILL DEFEND ON HUN WK HANDLE the OUT mFfiJ WEPAND 10 THE KITCHW ALLIFEMY anatomic UGSSIZG SKEETERy oHoNsCALL roe Youliirs ilEs oowui THIS is DINK MOM kNOW WHAT TIME YOURE COMIN HOME ilO Germ ERLIIAL Arie WANTS TO vsteexsoouoesiaitiv minus ER SIIWNAL How MANY TIMES HAVE TOLDQU NOI To PHONE ME HERE TILLYOUIZ WANKIIEAEM muss our ouronaumms1wns AFRAID Mlélll HAVEN H5E1tls cumin SPOTTED pismmmu PILL HE linsur micllso Hts

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