ARTS FOR SALE PIANOS mGood Ilse Pianos Mm delivery and tuning Low ani prices inywhere tumultuous lovHElp WANTED our Adlai$316 urirwmrrr ti mlm DOGSAPETS MANAGERIAL OPPORTUNITY For QUALIHEDREAL ESTATESALESMAN QUMmcsiious Bruce SL THORNBUBY Ont osar€ollingwood Dill 5196992718 Open till pm daily SKATE EXCHANGE NEW AND MNDIIIONKD d3 Sen Open Monday to Sammy130 1m to 530 pm Friday night until pm in NORIHWAY RUG co LTD The house of line broadloorn Ileinonanhsil sizes and prim DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED aaosoiooiu £7 Collier St Phone mull ROMEO mmiim for It oWM rearamass mom or la Indi W11 Mme Good matings an old 35 Toma mom unmetam HI you hilltop qu mllducln Wurmm nm Ina nuni War Telephone via ELECTRIC TYPEWRITKR $16900 ream Ill on All modrls or llï¬NS or halo will min cardboard tuxinn neat item to Available at Barrio anln am no Duirn won at homa carroti Ep oirirruur drrorru mm nor Smi rent and Iranian ireout mmn rid criteria All rim hula Zenith Dnller aian Pharmacy do nunian it ARCADE Gallo 5b Gun nor Soccer also eleomo coke oool er Reasonable Telrobono mom Quantity too double rlxtrarer TYPEWRIIEBS Special routl tea or Itudrnu ilrntsl Ip doourd on mumu IIIchin bnurhi sold rented in mind rm esflmatel sin wriler Co 154 Damon Sirutv uL USED SEWING MACHDIFS sitioned Ind rumnteed for Spudnu irorn was and sin om urn mperrnllln Muted Slam of Barrie moose usm 5t inch metal bed Inn and Ilium i195 Used no IIINII Dlllld Wei WANDIM Ilia MTndio Eli lflld ll1ir no and no lenli of well hard floor rig pm opac zveriul pig rueri bed own in cinritr Home ruminantout Annex an bnvricid street ARTICLES WANTED hllil imwm turnitim illEr 2mm Soon Anunn cells 59 Dnnioo mam Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers an old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get re nulls After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the apiece can ihéren in party in your rutuiei Piit yourself intbo spot light in thin smoothie with an elegant scarf tie neckline and single pleat Printed Pattern 4946 NEW Misses Sites It 12 11 16 all Sine itlibust Ink yards 39 inch SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 Mill in coins inn stamps please for each pattern Ontario residents and cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams care of Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Frontst Toronto Ontario Short on time More quick easy sew styles in our New FallWinter Pattern Cataloï¬ Plus free pattern coupon son lich Instant Sewlag Save houra cut fltazwrnid on export way Over 500 pic mu only on Mango soptr 653 means Ihlllb snaploo 4th on in to wdnm owing5 carma Marxian Trina Install no at Pinto lllhlï¬rl Ilawill doll any or If WI dart GLRMAN mmuglirgk ma If load IO Na TRY EXAIHNER rWANT ADS PHONE 7282414 FARMERSMRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE mo noirleln Mlle for said Doe soon THOWDM HORSES boarded box stalk Dela lent can Relow Urban carno Slrvud IIGI Am wllgfl overNot an nnr idem rumnxn roman no or ni is months did hon hug cruouo many SIN MD yulIPftcl 00 rm phone calreds FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMEM Complete line Dairy Farm Equiomelt Supplies Barrio Holly Hwy 21 moms or EQUTPIIENT WAYNE BEAIIY Pro IAlZ SALES dc SERVICES Silo unioaders Caiiie Feeders Earn cleaners COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR STROUD 4363717 EINMAN mllkm co III with pump motor Ind pip int tale vhnne Conhtmm tadteat SEED FEED Sr GRAIN Mm HIV ll llIl IN Timothy wig 313 tï¬démloriéd or rr wee wim PERSONALS NOTICE hi all SimmonsSeara ciistolrh era ste mm sill hold ing catalogue imitation cant are asked to pick up their cat alogux at idle Barriostope soon as pomblo Catalogues will shortly and ifveathlozlm nur shirt card holder niay ho receive one fllank you no hinlop Street East START YOUR WEEIGIND with soothing Sauna DAINES have private SAUNAS Open Sat 10 am to 10 p111 DAINES SAUNA BATHS PHONE 7237111 WHY FIGHT Viioer Eula it III on old luhloned ll om liter 1711 we an roll blva want in $5353 moon or 110 hex 52 Blrrla man or rodei guitar cm min narwflrlei3 ï¬ghter lnrorinnlion tetephom menus tax returns run business or mdimfl la mad $5 ddrnidpgbggnl 335 iii WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered Schooi Thorough training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAHlDILESSING SCHOOL NURSINGIIOMES cum competenth aid any It nunmhlt Igonzhlï¬b III illlnll log 3010 umiinmumag LOST FOUND Mar lost white roid 1th on III also Iriiur hear Ilsa IiiIII Dr Km reiahhonelmzm arm pg BOUND last Saturday hora con cesslim lo Vewhiegle In 7756623 iExLiMQRcï¬I SELLMORE when you place yourArticles For Sale ad ii The Harris nir amincr keep thcsoipoints in hum stare Wliht item is hrand namev Aocessorias und Spenliicalions Preious usage Ilpbolltery Fllilsh Aga Coior Make it oarterlor the prospect unification is the rennin Mirror be given out wlLboutJne oad BODYMEN ADVANTAGES on uovn WTIHSIMCOE commits MOSI ritouhmswn mu mmuwlaabamwrï¬llmngdm CHOLKAN CO LTD mannerser BARRE MALE HELP AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SALESMAN fb call on car dealers body than general garages service stiltIons etc in local area sai ingutomotive hardwareon clips vcldhig rods chemicals imp milesfand fast moving small ports on coriunimon buts Excellent training pro inamn Opportunity for ad vancament Late model car noo essary For immediate interview call anytime TOIle COLLECT HUNTER BROWN 416 SIB25w Wed or Thurs am to pm Send resume in confidence to Box Flt Barrio Examiner BRANCH MANAGER TRAINEE to train for career as eneuitlve with large national mnpnny curecr minded people with executive potential will receive planned training in preparation for career as Brianna Manager with lb in Llnna oldest and largeawn sumar ï¬nance company If scl oetcd you will earn full salary ï¬ypli train with frequent in creases directly related to your progress Emotions to pool tioin of greaterresponalbiliilea are from within the company Stable employment outstanding eiiiphiyee bursitis andrapld pmmiions provide for secure future Some college desirable but not required uousniiom manor cone 28Dlull0p Wes 7m MECHANICS and Urgently headed by modern arcth dealer in Newmarkat Excellent uprising conditions Warmth Amy SERVICE iiiANAGER All1 CLOSE CHEVVOLDS IllD 8962371 COUNTY OF SIMOOE CHIEF MAINIENANCE SERVICE MAN FUR SUNSET MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED COLLIIIGWOOD ONTARIO APPLICATIONS are invited for the newly established position of Chief Mainmanco Service Man of 143 bed County Home fortiie Aged located in Coiling wood Ontario and will be re ceivad until 400 pm Wednes daythe 12th day or February 1969 Duties of this ofï¬cer to commence on or about April 15m loan mode Msintmance Sendcs Manwillbeawoiirlngsorviée man Hewiilbe respnrisible to the Adndniarator He Will maintain and Service all mods anicaimquipmm cradvvdll be expected to fulfil suoh other duties as are required Applications should be made in own handwriting statinginualta attadimonts ï¬calions and age and other in formation that would be help ful in the fulfilment of the duties connect ed with urn ofl lcc Unlablttimicap id beneilï¬ Wednesdayrehruaryu For further information please contact Mr MclvinMcKean Chaimran Homes for the Aged SirncoeDo1mty Social Guarantee 12 Fair Street 001 lingwood Orltarno unwst mien MATS Silo or nrii tor unin ahinkln oooor allied nornu etc to buy anaconda Articles era nmrrusivo 39 MgPA is MANAGER Milliad inunodtatzh Email cut vmrlririrxg1 oonadéiime in new fl submand my Iléll ï¬gs mm LTD ongo root at Drive Nammmcnr TOOLMAKERS Wilma aired immediat aiy uranium In the rumour Iva industry Good wales uld excellent mun beneï¬ts war to Claudio Motor Im CO Lida 01 ii mined MALE FEMALE ADMINISTRATOR FOR SUNSEI MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED COLLINGWOOD ONTARIO APPLICATIONS are invited tor the newly established position of Mndnlstaiator of iii1M County Home hr flioAged lo cated in Oqlilngwnod Ontario and will be received until 400 pm Wednesday the 12th day of February 1965 BM oftbls officer to oommem on or about April 19th 1969 no Administrator will be in charge of the Home Including all functions and will report to the Social Services Committee required The ideal candidate ivill havn ademoiistrated inter est in elderly persons he or she will have or be willing to undettako studies in the field including soimd buoyledge of Ontariosilomes for the Aged and Ileï¬ HomesAct and The Charitabialnstitutlousiddi and sproven capacity lor develop ing good public relatioiuand immunity liaison Applications should be made In own handwriting atatlng gualllt tications and age ander in formation that wouldbe hob ful In the fulfilment of the dutiesmnnecied viiih this off ioe Usual Municipal benefits In effect Salary mnenmrote with qualiï¬cations Application to be directed to it Coleman SecretaryTram itlltracki the and Kim Building Barrie Ontario on or before Wednesday Februarytz1969 For further iniormanun lease contact Mr Melvin can Chamn Homes for the Aged Simone CountyrSoeisl Services Conunittee 12 Falr unambi lingwooo ohzario PHARMACISTFill time or mfld store IdsI king condition so as Bu lZTENDERS TENDERS FUR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL 01 Sealed tenders in envelopes pro vided will be received by the undersigned up 05 PM FEB RUAR oi hpproximatéiy 90000 gallons of gasoline and 20000 gallons of diesel fuel oilover twoyear period specifications and tender novel open my be obtained from the City Clerks Office Bi Collier Street Barrie harvester any tender Manet essariiy accepted SIEAUGHAN City Clerk their for heavenly FEMALE HELP WOMEN LOVEWON you will you to he who in Elizabeth no hexanerigorous mmmymmd credrally bout anï¬thnï¬ï¬‚nï¬ ah mum mulled liveIn flmhmkendskufvrm Illerm am CXEAMBLIM AID ï¬ean Very rnn on remand to Lywiu WW ml Examiner ragga no Wm hernia muailmu 19le mun ISL It required III old aura In I30 pm dolly clo phone 71801 PART Um Idler at Wall or the Illnk ol Nova South In Anglia sound bu uperinm Il ly MM or lemon YOUNG lady to train dental as usual minimum tour urn hlrh IchooL Send mm min cation Ind ï¬nalittttlon Id Du Burl zrmtner EMPLOYMENT WANTED NKIILI In Hid IIDEIIII In Deoprndllbld eniu lie ab nlel 7154757 can F50 II LEGAL NUIICE CHANGE OF NAMEACI TAKE NOTICE mat Moire Ko zomff State Dannian will up ply to the Whling Judge in Wummmo Burrie0otarlo at 11 BJflOil lhlirslayr 0w Nth day at Mandi r1569 to arrange ldsnnmo in Bcnlamin Stodrcmon and to ubauge the Home of his vile Jnan Agnes Derricimt no Ste phenson and at his Mon Stephen Patrick Duneimfland BHICO Jemm Domini gin Stephenson All at the afore said persons reside at 95 Lory Street Barrch Ontarlorg DAihID at Barrie this 13th day 01 January 1969 REIDAND lllNiION 41 Collier street filamef Ontario Solicitors for the Applicant CLA55EIED ADVERTISING TELamour 7T23324i4 Clonltied advrrlnehienu Inn noti lorvlben pager mm or re clived Pr pm dry precldlnl publicstnn Vor noon on Saturday with an Ixcnthoir or cirnirieo nimiu ndyerllnmlnu which man bo in by izzoo noon preoldlnl day BLIND Im BOX Pull Chllxp of 50 canto ll mldl or Elan Blaming Eboex In In II strictly conï¬dential mu unu am will holdsply any utu im publication mm cuseirlrzlr mowinurisilld1 Cub Dilenuntihier apply if wild with in day one or two insertions on per word rhrre consecutive in sertions War lion lot10 Calunlfluvl on ou our our total HJFMuIthII on my be ordered Iublect to Illn gn kwheiliuutlflutory mui ir he chsrgl no paid within and nous on connections Ell i°€nii5rotlh on ï¬ielouerirnmrm on onuuira Advertisln Devlflmllfl Ilflflllll IOVHi X1 Hudl IIchllk advertisement after first insertion lacroer that mar 91 flmlfllflll Elly DB Slim beinra in order2hr name my ha rddtiiled for the ol lowlnz dav ouhiiution The Bar rte lminer is runonsibie for only €110 incorrectly prlatld Loser donor any nflVEfllmllll and then on the uan portion of ad that anDqu the Halalth Errors which do not lellen the value of Ilsa advortlsrmnnt are not ellllhla i°tfbnlliiiuhi to olnlliy roviu or meat 12 want Id REPRINTS dan would like In hovere orinu our com pictures takabyour statfphotogrsphm pleasadall at our business Off ice WSMJOXZVN acccptvpbona orders ONTARIO DEMEmmi or runaways comma NOIIIUEIOSIIPIPIMSOP In Diasdl FuelandGmoim il Fm StoveOil Dry Chaï¬ng Sniveoa GONIW iluSAW boom mm alum sealed Tenders oh NOS DISTRICT of linen MUIIEJAYIIEWR4UAIRIYMWV Wane Mmtionb Blddqs Teodor tom may he Whyva at 0t by MWIILJWVHNVOTWMM mmlodhyfltsbepmmiorh WWMWWIWWMHWWWWW Hdarwnlyo Box 790lhniiswlle Omarloinitii in Oclock nbové uid envelope announcwrms AshFIEICIIAL3UNCEMENTS NOTICES am mlrmiuurorDmhe isva to no Gum Cardr or lbanhvifl my indium Iddd Sanctum casu Earns Inlnmuuon monhono rooms come immaniltcl Menutaco too my VduoIipl ilnl In Main Events DR quDizQw oriiltia0ni wui be absent from his ofï¬ce from FEBRUARY1510 MARCH 1969 INCLUSIVE ANNUALMWG of the shareholders plot ï¬axndmngmmm will be at notary lattice sea Smnldde Road mason 11 loss AT 530 PM AGENDA Presentation at and llors report sndodoction ofot All liltemstcd plot ownerswel mums IDRNE WHITINGSecIloas aims Lloyd and ms Wardof no vciiinmn Strut 11min Grimmmarrow may amour rcrdune mama sun on many Janullvdi at in Royl valan Hmlul Lu At tho My Vic Hoa alhl on way Ill his IW Mr and Mrs ltlif on liner tor mderltk Kimmy hicKENlea iir and Mn rm in clients when um than announce the blth durin er on surrd February 96 at the Royal claria nospiui Bu rte sister of Warren Iynv l1qu and Cotonou THURLOW On Sllurdnhchb runyr ms nu tho norm torn Ilgmiill Ind nra flan Dom Hugth Gauthier Dong Gm CDEArHs sum Dnid Arth edi irh nonrancooiutoin on roadll Obfllarv mo omd llrihur cv an in his undyrr Belovedhus band oi Doll Robinson dear nih er or Patricia lira Jack VIMrrn ban or Toronto at New York Ind nobert or llondon also luxvived by our rrnnaarrumn iDcsr brother or slate nrn Stock or moiad Ind niacin or Willi Realm at the Human Piuv mi Iloone conrstown or union on mmflly February It run realmu enlomhmlnl in Allistnn cesium Mortuary Interment in nolfllï¬il Union Clmellflr mower gratefully deeiihea runsaunt rimrat the Arnie nurumhome Barrio on Tuan lobnmrv m9 MI mmaun her curd year Bel wife or in nurwmiuh Mann and an no ther or arm and John lbuh botti Barrie and the late mid Cam In and ivuiiun Alli survived by mud ehlldrm Ind 15 Wiqnnd children Hosting at the lennetl rudern Home 152 androro Strut Barrie ior service on many at in interment Minion union etpfy PATTERNS 2011 per insert cent additionI urn 7420 Rioioiis ROOSTER ay ALICE BROOKE Choose merry medley of colors to decorate bowek cloths moshmats apEye catching tail of terls imiti colorislilps of bindinghcst quick stodnch mas siltoh Battem 7440 four lomoiiifa rm CENTS Coins for each pattern no stamps please toAIlce Brooks care of The BarilaExaniinar Needlecraft Dept so Front sow Toronto Ontario residents add In sale tar Prlht plainly PAIIERNV NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over 700 designs to choose freefpattornrvprlntcd insult Send 50 could now Nawl 50ln5tant Gifts fabulous fashions toys decorat or accessories Malia it today give it tomorm Ideal for In occasionsjoo cents to ilfly lugs to knit crochet weave sew book 60 cents Boolf or 12 riza atghang one mall addressed Bargalnt On it Book undid ratterns Museum Qulirnooir for 12 superb Book Irfï¬aullts or Todays Live 16 patterns 50 ileum era of the DARluErlINlDN prizes were given 1l lnnlslll The site is gasps or riiANKs slhiln Kan Eula lanai minim MIMI Md IN nmfluflu hung harmour iN memoiuAM NEON In loving memo ill door hf William on no new rm roomn 1961 IVe mm in lo Itason sally more In lovinl or motbnr as pairsan InseamJay all 191 menuls woo is slum runr 311d In our new mm Ll hol To love to 5u1tv IIIl oo it by Don iï¬lly wrung Nun In loving mmu dear lalher rrnnntlmsr Wil lllm rawhide hum may rely ru Yours not renown ariar dear NM our be Mlbogulllo Miamist mu menqu can can Mughr Wde among RUMMAGE SALE Satinday Felmary ll DUNLD we Wish Mines soaomvwri or own or mama marm CLASSIFIED USERS Before you call an AdVisor to place yours Considcrfifhis Dont Omit The Address Many autonoan readers will write you but will not spend money for long distance call Dont on The Phone Number Many readers will call you bu do not limit convenlrni to coin to your homo Dont Conceal The Prlce Desired Surveys show that high per eu tags of readers will not answer an ad unless the price is given Dont Leave Home On You are about to invest money for on ad and we want you to get results To accompinh this it is necessary for you to TELL ALI about the details of your offer Bo lure you dont make any the following errors that prevent reyulia the days you advertise Mnnygood prospects will not call the secondtlmo it your phone is lmanswored Dont Omit Important Words To Save Money Randalo cant glius on Import ani details Remember well written Informative ad will get results faster and cost much less Dont Overlook0ur low Weekly Rate Ibone 7232414 NEWS or iSiiioiip ay nms wchrgtnaii BREAD COURSE Ibo londers manual states breadmaking is an ancient craft and has been rcspect ahlo anddopenduble occupation down through the ages More than ill ladies registered for the course Baking with Yeast sponsored by V11 and all felt thatlie new Miracles Irszoiiyorate lbnhlriga batch of bread or rolls an exciting experience On Mon day Jan 27 Mrs Camps bell as leader with Mrs Gord on llix as assistnut gave talks on theory and reviewed Can adas Food Guide for Health demonstration of shaping and rising abatch olwhiia and rye bread stressed the three Ts tcmporature time and texture Wednesday Jan 19 saw the class gsthcred tor day of dam onstratiinrs and member partic ipation Ideas for keepiug dough at proper temeprature in this day of modern home was the use of eleclric blankets and hot water bottles Hollslandibraldl made in the morning wore used as part oi the luncheon menu andaveryone was able to take home asamnic of the finished product of the rolls made In the aftermath Summary Day arrangement were made with six cars going Friday rev to Cooksth town hall Mrs Gordon Eix is chalnnan Mia Man Kercher will answer rollcall for Stroud with twnminuie report EUCERES ed in StroudCnmmunity Hall Frlday evening to participate in giant progressive cuéhre spon under group ied by Mrs Campbell andcommittec Ftftyfour tahleswere in play and is him score winners went home with prizes while 49 draw in were present irom Brampton New market Lefrvy Barrie aodsi1r rounding area canola UNION Watch tor advertisement of an nualmeetlng of Innisfil Credit Union in later paper but keep Feb mynpen for special cele bration This the 25th anni Vsrsory of thevOredit Unionandv the manager and bnardaro go ing nihout to make it one to he remembered Ever wonder what the interest on pliilinn dol Iara would he for one day If your ticket Isthe lucky one that is the amount$137oul you will receive as prize Tickets will also be admittance to moigas bard dinner served by Womens Institute Thosa attending will be askedfor nominalso cents and discredit Union will pick up the rest of the tab 25 year plaque will be presented Officers from Ontario Credit Un ion league and Ontario CoLOp Credit Society Cuna Mutual In surance and CIA will hepr ent Election of ofï¬cers will take place limited numbe trots is available STATION Not everyone who retires takes memento of former employ ment with them but when Hu belt Red Marsden retired af ter as years with tbecanadian National Railways he took station as memento Craigvale station in later years Stroud flag station and ï¬nally few years ago closed compiete1y cortm5 when it was new it Marsden an antique troll converted the building into 00Whoma on 11th line of scenic one complete with creek Pamswmx in Peihswick Saw Saws IH cluhliEId their first meeting Jan 21 pt Mrs Lilly Webbs homc lbeyprojegt la fWhat Shall weari and thsiioigtriav eaohrnakeazoottonbiousa they Will anagram day May 10 ibn leaders an Mrs lsuoalriemdrn andqu Lilly Webb Oificcrsarejrres In this are make Well over 200 people gatherJ sored by Innisï¬l Chapter 0ES Carol Wamlca vicepras Ute Lorenz soc Nancy Faulkner and press reporter Karen Webb Meetings nro held every Tues day at 630 pm Members are Cathy Balk Jeannette Brewster Karon Cheney Nancy Faulkner Judith throy Elaine Ilarlier Louise Julian Margnrnthoop mans Ute Loicnzpbinda Luch kiw Janice Metcalfe Pot OCo nor Stephanie Procoe Debhio Stewart carol and Cathy iVar4 nloaLynri and Karen Webb and Carla Does szNioit CITIZENS Lakelands Senior Citiwiis club dpddEd lhn aeh 19 meeting would bnyeasgucsts Strnud and Bell Ewart clubs The latter club I5 noiva formed with Mrs Sarah Gardiner arhnrter member of Lakelands assisting Lakclands club more than 40 members which iiians from Con to 10 east are extending an invitation to anyone in that area to come out and meet andinako new friends BURNS SUPPER Friday Jan the annual Burns supper was held at Lake lands Hall Ovn 100 were pres cut as Mark Hutslrlngs and Mark Williams of Bands piped in the haggia in traditional style Henry Wilsonaddresscd the Hay gin and Robert Owens gave the Burns fgrhce panama LII Mrs JWalterg and Mrs Mas tersnie loaders of one of the Hi groups for the project lhd Illird Meal Meeting at Lake lands Hall Saturdaysfrom 10 am to 12 noon the group will hold eight meetings using Cana this National Food Guide as in structlon The girls will do dem ondraiion cooking at the ClaSS es uudcrguidance of leaders President ls Dehbing Horni Vicepres Nonine Des Champs Sacx Susan Thompson Tress Teresa Gallant Stroud Womens Institute an sponsoring quilt course Feb 20 and 21 Anyone interested con tact Mrs Gibhins Farmers Quéslion Tree Enterprise GALT CF llhe president of the Ontario Federation of Ag ricuitura said Tlinsday that al though farmers are told they have disadvantage of freeen terprise economy they face controlled prices when they buy We sometimes wonder Where free enterprise starts and where it ends Charles Munro of Embro0ot vtold apariel cussion on arm problems He qmsï¬oned the cost of farm machinery referring to equipment his organization re cently imported from Britain at omenssaid to be 40 to 50 pin cont below7 Canadian list prices iris and tiers $2500000 arrows on federal government plans to allocate $2500000 to the National Centre or its operating budget in the 196970 fiscal year start lng April lilihlswillhelbeflrstynaroh operation for thecentrcihrea theatres under one roofon Oh tawas Confederation Squaro hing Maysl Of the governments contribu Lion to operating costs steam ilmie rimmed lestva an onsl such adihe stratfordNiitlonal llliestre formarlykmwdasiho Stratford Fostivol Campany