is soon nurroN Cull Pres sun Writlr Kings congratulatory nire Stop Bleqtingf Stop Braying Ahearne Says OTTAWA Cil Bunny Aheamc European di rector oi the International ice llockey Federation said Tues day night that Canada would never rise to the top ol intenta tional hockey competition with its present system in neholds barred speech to about 500 persons at the annual Associated Canadian Travellers sports banquet Ahearne said Canada must establish 2A lop noteh senior and junior teams 12 in the East and i2 in the West The 460 players would be can diiintes for places on the nation ai team MUST BE SACMFICES The National Hockey Leaguei must be called upon to make sacrifices40 leave the players on these 24 clubs alone The teams would he under thol KittsHawlts Back In First St Catharines Black Hawks regained sole possession of lirst place in the Ontario Hockey A9 sedation Junior series Tues day night while Hamilton tied Wings moved into fourth place to keep company with the idle Niagara Falls Fiyers The Hawks managed 31 tie on London Knights home ice to pick up pointgiving them total at 51and go one ahead at Montreal Junior Canadians Toronto Marlboros earshot Hamilton seat but the Wings closer to thetatjxot produced win=lt gave them 46 points the same number as the Flyers The Wings started scoring at the liteeeand inarli of the game when Thin Traveran took pass harm Toronto deience man and beat goaltender Paul Hoganson Wealth Stispension Didnt Put Sheehan Out Oi Scoring Race 11 nonhuman rnnss Eight players are within easy ream oi the Ontario Hockey As sociation Juniora series scorn lng title with oniyilive weeks leit in the season scant nine points separates hob Sherhan or St Catiiarines the present leader with 79 points andCaptain Don Tannahill oi Niagara Falls Flyers in the scoring battle Sheehan who was suspended by his club for week ior disci plinary reasons has 41 goals and 3h assists but he is only Perreatilt two points ahead oRieir Kes set of Oshawa Sellers and Daryl Sittler of London Knights Kesseli Land Sittlerivho picked up goal and an as in Londons 33 tie with St CathA arines Tuesday night have identical records at It goals and 53 assists They are top play makers in the series Doug Acomb the top goalscorer with 47 added an assist Ihesriaynight when the itlarlboros lost 52 to Hamilton Red Wings to bring his point total 74 He is tied with Phil Roberto oi Niagara Falls or place ohertehes 457 goals and 49 sls Reiean Huule of Montreal Junior Canadiens is sixth with 72 ints one more than Marcel Dionne who scored goali for the Black Hawks Tuesday night Montreal goaliender Wayne Wood has allon The tour Western Divisinn teams in he National Hockey Blues are collation olirnor Leogue should send Los Angeles tats alter all tripping penalty ftittt institution WlifltiatLiRéPAiitsOF another ltBradiord 5f The Km gained the suit niesday night that st Mil The Kings doiealed aiuu Canadian Amateur Hodrey AI soeiatinn which would have the responsibility tor ieing the inter national team Ahearne was booed several times during the speech But it didnt jar him hit lie said Canada must Ielm that its lorrner pupils in Europe now had something to teach it about what used to be your na tional sport Canadians had ailnwed the Russian team to become nightmare Yet Canada also had been whipped by Sweden Crechosiorakia and even Fin land Ahearne said he stands ready to do what he ean to help Can ada had to its piaeein world hockey You must step bieaiing atop braying and start building he said qucel Buster Harvey Tom Wii iiams Terry Newman and Gary Geldart got the other Hamilton goals Scoring tor the eighthmlace Marlboros were Gord Dailies and Rick Jordan LEM DISAPPEMLS The Hawks had comfortable thirdneriod lead going into the third period but it disap pearod on late goals by Danny Maloney and John Goiildot the Knights Goulds NW at 16 iii the third period was his 26th of tit season and came wiiile Dave MeDoivall oi the Hawk sat out Darryl Sittler of London boost ed himselt into seeondplace tie with Rick Kmell or the Oshawa Generals in the leagues scoring race by getting lite other Knights goain Hess and Sittler both have 77 points in 16 games for goalsagainst average of 135 best in the league Legend Sto OshOshawa ulnndon NFNiagara Falls Tomnto MMootreall Pta one 79 24 53 77 uvat 47 27 74 23 49 71 Iran at is 71 59 31 70 29 at SheehanSiC Kesseil Osh Siitiei Aeomh Roberto NF Dionne StC Tannahiii NF Hamill 35 Peter SI OrllllnifltHliI ltude ol the tour by proving mi lst Loss IriahzogGames Hutton Angela handing St in ï¬rst loss in so games against other Western Division teIma The Elude ind compiled l5 wins and our tie in to games Iuinst Western Division oppo ritlen since losing 20 to Minnewia North Stars ltSt hula Int Nov la the only other NHL game nieaday night Detroit Red Wings meted into fourth place in the Eastern Division by bllvltHanMlldeiphjl Fiym It looked or titan as though the 111 lane at Lee An lelu would rea the Blues win their mu mnsectrtite against expansion teamsSt Louis still ieadaits division by so pointe aa they lumpediato quick 2o lead RALLY AGAIN PLANTE Utilitymanlim Roberts roared at 359 the opening pe riod and iorwerd Tim Eccle atone connected at 519 But Lo Angela rallied or goal mid Nnnin onunssionnn hflAJillFia 1A Bowie Kuhn the National lanes at tomeytesdey was named Roy Edwards of Detroit picked my through the period two more in Ihe second and one in the third against veteran goal tender Jacques Pirate Scoring or the Kings now one point had of secondplace Oakland were Gordon babes siere Ted lrvine Real Lernieux and Well MacDonald An epeningaperiod goal by Gerry Unitr and lastsecond one into an empty net by Alex Delvecehio carried Detroit to its triumph before 3375 at Phila dolphin Detroit moved one point ahead at Ittthplaee Chicago and two ahead of Intplate Toronto with the win Melting so saver goaltender up his second shutout oI the sea son lines theing reealled liorn Fort Worth of tits Central Hockv ey mm Ungerr goal hillvth of the reason came on an unusual play at 1m Philadelphia goalA tender Bernie Parent eame well out oi his net to clear loose pack but he merely nabbed it and Unger ritled shot into the unguarded net Delveeehio collected his lath mntissioner 91 baseball on termorarybasis iiOiiiiTAil lillliS Eiiiï¬oots this FOODS Fiiiitnwritn teammatem5 MORTON its iiiiSiiiiittittriittts as 49 iiitiitiiititoiiiisttiitsn fir mean IIISPEW tints It lll TliE crimes I5 routs SAVE Iiii BONUS TAPES imm ilnlltltm oruawa wnotrsm minor we In women ItiiiltlTBH APPLE PIE tiii amour me Emmim FROZEN FOODS ltiTATOGIIIPS 122165 minimummu indeuln nu Utfl hilltmllllillt mill COFFEE olnit intimation Widow lul iiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiits itll IGEEEF icitniiiistiiiim gm tiiiiiitinitiiniitiiit rimH oernoir nan wimp goal ltEINNEAPOUS AP ill of the season with it seconds vicepresident at left in the game and with Pare ent again out of his netthis the time in layer oi an extra attack top North Stars indicated Nesdny the Nltliyboa from Memphis to Des liioinea will he mo iiiiisitrr runs mi to so in 52 anismroitt$ an 74 mini in train one 30 89 missions so 2267 by Brit Selby tilt of the Phil adelphia Ftyers toward leani Royl Edwards deflects shot ream my niovr lot on ioooio entral PmILlv sliinai Hockey Angue season Minnesota Gordon llitr also member oi rd nl governors National Hockey leagues said niesday there good larrn dub maybe moved possibility th iiiflllmllis eiuh er is season iiiWei tiiitt iii iiiii Vlaatsltirti FAVOUiiilE Wls tune or was Piiiiiirniii RDAS 99 BLADE noisr than 79 BLADEROAST ms 39 22 SHORTRIB ROAST 79 2o 59 cross illlivillB littAST 39 aoasr BONELESS SHOULDER 89 mdafr Finest Ohailty RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF Iii trier no not in Item mm 25 74° 20 59 67 11 57 22 67 ON YOUR FAVOURITE FRONT CUTS Eli SALE iiriiriiemurvaiosf BABYPOWDER PEPSOOENTIOOTIIMSTE Entiriiuitsurs ea 87 ww mmmmrmmnmootiimm Miltmlillwt icfldclmlolllls llillll 60F than viiiiuittiziln murmur routes ittam IitltXmIllllfl mommie cruiittiiitois ill otttooiiiiiiis III III cutitsrits iiGA FOODLINEit aphasia an 1010 essa rm n5 sent 01 givieh do mate Kent Dougla isi of De troit during the first period at althoughnothing delinite has been decided FIGIITERE FOOT AGNES NEW YORK AP Buster Mathis decisive winner over George Chuvnin in lZmund it EPEAS iooo mm tho toms loom mum on tmcnvt ill WE CI 3m AYLMER CORN lit ihnn MARGARIHE TENOERMKE lRRO Vii iiiiiii 55 mciwmtnmusimnam CHEESE dis is su heavyweight it 239 last nights game in PhiladeLu iihia lid1 WINDllolol in IN THE DAIRY CASE TABLERITE IGA EGGS HIDE 55 59 69 25 mam sutures i=2 UBROGGOLI monumentom ram mmti contains llMINE Lmiictmhn TROUD 2339c 239 239 votiass iGA rooatiutn ght Monday night complained ol an aching right loot Nesday He was ex amined at Duditss County Hos pital at lthineixick and dis dmrgod lie was to back next week to come