mmrnn LIONS arc in top place In the Georgian Bay ln termedlnte hockey league as the schedule enters its borne straw with Eirnvalc Phelp ii mnrann Stallt Elm rales Alvin Smith with zl goals and 81 assists was the leading scorer In the southern Section of the Georgian Bay Intermediate league according to latest ï¬gures just released here by Lou Belcourt ihcy include arms up to Jan 26 Jim Pendergast nl Base Bor den uith l7 and 16 and Carl Edwarrk nt Elmvale with 13 and were tied lor second with 33 into each Al Robillard of Mid and was fourth with 13 and 19 tons points Stayners leading scorer at that time was Bob McKean with Egoalsandlsassistslordo point while Elmvalcs Stu Mc enzia had 16 and lit for 29 Scott of Midland Homer tt ol Elmvale and Paul ston Hotclrnen right on their hccls Guy Levesque former Barrie senior tleltl has been standout in Stnyucr drive to the top Ted Vaneisc centre Elmvcrle Player Top Scorer In Georgian Bay Circuit White at Stavner cadi had Wilts NORTHERN SECTION Bob Bloomï¬eld bl Parry Sound led the northern section It was shown by statistiw re ported from this division liloomtord had at goal and 21 assists to make up his total DISTRICT BRIEFS HAWKESTONE H1 onus HAWKESIONE Stall What shall Wear in the title of the project lor Hawke stone tell club group Sandra Leigh heads the club with Sally Rice vice president Debbie Rice secretary treasurer and to manager at the did and George Doorman tright also at Barrie In another star lor ward and leading scorer tEx amine Photo which was one more than team mate Jim Smith with and 19 or Another Parry Sound player lien Gignac had 15 and 27 or 42 pain and Ron Orr brother of Bostons Bobby had 23 and in for 41 Brian Goodwin of Sundridge with 221ml 18 ranked lilth with 22 and is for 40 points Marilyn Shelrweil tionr oriicer WILL TOUR FARM Stall Mem bers of Simcoe County Jersey Club will make visit to the Iarrn or Mr and Mrs Russell Hand here on Saturday Feb22 public rela ounty Lrbrary System Establishmebt at county pubr library system embracing the Iwhole oi the county excepting nly those municipalities with 10000 people or more would open the way for increased grants ever the co opcratlve Iersey Caitlemen Piclr Strand Man amour Stalll Onunty dir ector lo the Ontario Jersey Club William Gihbins oi Strand has been receiving the congratulations oi friends on his election as second Vice pres ident oi the provincial associa tion 3y Mr Gibbins was among group from Simcoe County which attended the annual convention hizld at Ottawa Mrs Gibbins ac companied him Others included Mr an lllrs Duncan Cameron Mr an Mrs Charles Simpson Mrs Charles Sanderson Mrs Aubrey Miller and William Bannes Delegates were taken on tour of Jersey cattle farms in the area and also visited the Parliament buildings Rideau hall museum or science and technology and the St Laurent shopping plaza gt 4H Girls Form New Club In Oro 0R0 STATION Stall Joyce thlacGregorais prosldentoi the New Ora Station 4H Homemak ing Girls Club which now has to members Kathy Shelswell is the secre tary Sherry Neuiield treasurer and Barber Mourereporter Club leaders are Mrs Victor OBrien and Mrs Appleby BLIGHTYT BINGO 1i it Would Increase library system it was staledju county circles In live years granta to our library co operative have been cut from $20816 $6000 said report submitted by Ken neth lllclhersa rarian whichadd that some consideration has been given to turning the county Library over to the county board ot education We suggest that such course will not save money WOULD GET MORE Only the citiesol Barrie and Orillia would operate their lawn libraries under the proposed pop ulation designation Collingwood and Midland would be close but it was argued it would beto be advantage at these larger towns to join county public library system it would mean their local library rate would be eliminated and the ball mill county rate substituted the re port said The so cent per can no grant which is paid onlylto county public library system makes this reduction in cost possible Mr McPhersnns re port explained These town would share in the county book collection in the bookmnbile ser vice which will be greatlyin creased and in central process mg In 1968 the library co oper Grants ative budget was $41156 at which the county was asked Ior $50 850 and theprovince paid $6 996 In 1965 the library budget amounted to 306905 of which the county paid $13000 and province $20816 While grants to library co operatives have been steadily rclt duced grants to county public libraries have risen Simona County councillors were advised of igurcs from othercounties using this aylem Wilhexpendb tures totalling $81139 Elgln county recoiveda 61 per cent grant rrom theprovince which amounted to some it was stated Haliburton county received lures or its county library sys tem in 1967 while Huron receiv ed $61853 of its $102499 or as per cent Victoria County receiv ed £5166 out oi $42885 or 57 per cent our AWAY DOWN Under the co operative sys tern the Slmcoe County budga or 1969 was estimated at $47 500 or which the province would pay only $6000 or 125 per cent with Midland Collingwood and other municipal libraries includ led it was estimated the county system total cost might run $15657 at which the provincial grant would amount to norms or 547 per cent HEIDOVER SHOWING AT 7pm and Sl5pm iVesprcrf Seeks Action DIST JCT On County Road 11 monuasr scan Simcoc County roads department was criticized at Vespre township council meeting yesterday for its slim to include county road 11 on its was road works proiects Terminl the condition or the road between Dalston and Mid hunt at disgrace Councillor George Bnie vehemently sug gested that the county road sys tem should be abolished II It cant do better They have had that road for over to years and it is all pounded down he said charging even maintenance has at been too good lie said he read proposal that county road be turned over to the Ont aflo department pl highways and suggested thlr should be consid erc Personally cant see the courny road system any more Councillor Buie added continu Ing his criticism Every muav lclpality has its own sanders and mowplow now and they can do the work cheaper MANY REQUESTS Depuly Reeve Carl Daren one of Vcspras members at the county council said he was also disappointed but pointed out the roads department had great many requests to consider needs survey has been proposed Ior this year and No 11road may get Iuture consideration The deputy reeve added that it was his view it should have been Included this year Reeve Wellington Dnbsou prc aided at the meeting and besides roads lire protection and dog mntrnl were among topics dis cussed Earl Richardson clerk read the minutes MINESING ROAD Councillor Alan Johnston ob nrved that other county roads in Vespra were due to get at tention He mentioned paving ol the lilinesing to Anion Mills road as an example County road 22 was Vespra border road which was being paved around Anten Mills lie construction tram Crnighurst to highway 27 la planned in the luturc possibly next year Deputy Reeve Doran pointed out that large bridge construc tion would be necessary over railway trackr there and he sug gested this might Involve $100 $12119 toward $26185 expendi 000 There was also Inler crossing needed at highway 400 The Ontario department high ways pays no per cent the cost at hridgcs and so per cent or general costs or county roads The proposed county road levy or 1969 was five mills the same as last year all rroad work requests were met It would have meant an increase Councillor Eula still felt that county road It had suliiclent vol ume oi trnllic to warrant action He relt that construction might be at least sinrtcd We have waited long enough he said ar guing he considered the need just as great as some of the other roads listed for attention FIRE PROTECTION tire protection survey or Vcsprn was discussed with an olIiclnl oi the Ontario fire mar shals department This would Include training at Iiremen equipment water supva and the prevention program The coun cil was advised the rurvay would be done by the fire marshall department wither charge to the township Councillor Harry Adamo uk ed about auxiliary unit to help cover the township and was told this also would be looked Into The present lire hall is located at Mldhum DOG commas Council was told there had been numerous complaan about dogs running at large and up setting garbage pain It was mentioned 1969 tags are now due The bylaw provider or tag or male dnls and t6 Ior le malcs It Is not rarmcra dogs which are causing the trouble De puty Reeve Daren runarlred orrnwn or GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY Feb I969 The Commons gave third reading on soluafl Ionnal Vote to hill already passed by the Senate changing the way evidence may be present ed in the courts Gerald Baldwin the Conser vative House leader said the government is moving aggres sively to take more and more powers away from Parlia ment and put them into its own hands or in those oi its boards and agencies External Allnlrs hllnlster Mitchell Sharp said diplo mallc relations between Can ada and Nationalist China will be altccted it Canada re WlLIr REVISE CONTESTS SHANTY BAY Stall Competitions in the womens sec tion or Oro all lair will he re vised tor the lttlio Oro fair it was decided by the women direc tors lilrs Victor Hart of Hawkesionc is in charge of the distribution at the revised list HUNTSVILLE DRILLIA Millldhb cognlzes the mainland regime as the Chinese government Prime Minister rr said the provinces are calling into question ledecal gov ernments spending powers IL Fairwcather PC nindyRnyali said should consider altering spe cial immigration privileges and assistance to valsh relu gees from certain Middle East countries FARM norm TORONTO GP Wholesale in retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as oi Monday large 546 me dium 512 small 415 Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations libre eases quot ed by comittce of wholesale egg dealers extra lange 42 large 4243 medium 4011 small 36 3537 29 Butter prices Ca Dairy Commission tcnderablc cariots buying 39 score 63 buy ing to score 65 selling 65 NEWS ran MRI EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 156 Stayner Lions Hold Lead With Total 0f 35 Points SIAYNER Staflt With 16 wine three lanes and three wins Staynee Um lead the earthen section at the eraglen Bay intermediate lndrty race with points This gives the Ideas tour point margin over the second place Elmvale Ptrclpston Hotel mcn Midland Finis are in third spot Orillln lounh and then Base Borden Cocah John Maloney praised hisclublorthc wnythcy came through recent test with live garner in six days The trials won tour of them defeating Midland to Elmvale to Orillla too Sundridge to and then losing at Parry Sound to The latter lead the form elnb northern section gt The schedule nursinntii Fri day Feb 13 after whidr some Memo ram may be played ll they alter the final standing Ehnvale coach Henry Adams arng the breaks went gainst his club when they lost to slot Stayner The score was tied until the dual mom man He considers Elmvale got back on the attack mth subsequent to shellaclring ol Onllia has good Stayncr club we should be able to make things interesting or them Coach Adans commented STARTS WEDNESDAY DAYS ONLY JULIE CHRISTIE Her romance with three men is bold adventure in love lERENCESlIIMP rmanncn ALANBATES FAR FROM THE IIIADDING CROWD mama lumen SHOWING AT 30 PrM LAST TIMES TODAY can UNIYIRIAL rumun RrLAx WIIH RollIll Trio fare Are low outrun 53wi $936 IGUEIPHJ HIMIIION s7 31 murmurs 975 rnrrssr HAIL 386 BLAKE ST sunspot sanunYu rlzoo Otillittbwtl usurwr or Waters and I226 In 290 nus TERMINAL lByrne Agent sMattHelmr TheMeclringCreW ElkeSommchhatonEtc Namwaanngcl Gremth ummmnmw monamummwuï¬ Whmlblmtymmllmï¬ltunmm on Maple Simcee Streets Telephone 723557 Barrie Minor lilockey Assoc