COLD BELT yips entire country today with exmtion of west coast where highs of 45 an forecast together with thatch parts or hiaritlmes rain Elsewhere temperatures may be uprmer with mast NEWS ROUNDUP nont rise much above 25 air or rain CF vlrophotciy Seeks Guaranteed Income For World War CVeterqns UliAiVA CF ltlax Salts man lNDPWolerloo asked the government Monday to pro tvide guaranteed income to Ca nadlan veterans or worldwars Mr Salisman who served in Ethe RCAF or live years in the iSecoxd world War said in the Comrnons that he is certain that it will not be too long belore ithere would be guaranteed in comes in Canada it would be tragedy it they came too late or those who had ought or Canada Giving it to velerans lirst would be good Etart Fly To Cuba NEW YORK CF Air Canada has been put in the embarrassing position of getting some tree publicity or route it doesnt iiy Time magazine in its American edition last week said that political refugees need not hijack airliners they can reach Cuba easilv by Air Canada and five other airlines Divide Cabinet OTTAWA CF Prime Min ster Trudeau announced Mon day di on of the cabinet sec retariat planning and oper ations divisions He indicated the planning die vision will concentrate on longerterm planning than has been done in the past Marshall Crowe 47 lorrner diplomat and economic adviser to the Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce was named dep uty secretary in charge of the operations division Michael Pitiield Kllyearold iawyer will head the planning division Tcourirrr NEWYORKtUFt Direc Estate Tax Change Vwaraawo on or it Suttlc exemtivc vicoltpresi dent ot Equitable Lilo insurance Go of Canada said Monday the state taxation changes intro duccd by Finance Minister Edgar Benson will improve the position at most taxpayers Mr Suttie told the connoanys annual meeting the effects at the ioderal governments new taxation policy towards the lite insurance industry have also been exaggerated Under Mr Eonsons propos als he said the proceeds at lite insurance policy which is kept in lorccto luilii iLs haste purpose at providing payment on the death ol the insured per son will not be subject to direct taxation Famous Players tors of Farm Players Carina dlan 0011 Monday recomlt mended an increase in the come panys capitalization and the president said later the com pany is planning to bid for an insurance company PERMï¬STAMIt HAND we Would Test Bill rename or Premier JohnRobarts said Monday Qn tario will join the premiers nt three Prairie provinces it they decide to test the iedcral gov ernmcnts oilicial languages bill hetore the Supreme Court of Canada if there is to be doubt it would probably be more satis factory it its legality were tested Mr Robalts old news conference It is not burning issue in Ontario but it the bill was tested in court we no doubt would be present Plane Crash LEAMSNGTON Ont VlCPt len passengers and two pilots escaped nnhurt when touren gine aircraft made lorced landing Monday in alieldsix miles north of beamington Cattle Imports OTTAWA 0P Agriculture Minister Olson said Monday Cn nadian breeders can continue to import cattle lrom France and hwitzeriand this year providing no diseases develop in these countries Never needs an ink pod Fast Easy Ellicient Can be custom ordered to meet any size shape or message re quirement PEthlASTAMP will reproduce colors ï¬ne lines small type faces logo typeseven photosin true accurate detail coarhmncur Panama Drvrsron BARRIE EXAMINER 10111 mm EXAMINER IUlï¬DAY FEBRUARY 196 DISTRICT WEATHER Variable Cloud Slightly Variable cloud cover and mod crating tarmrauaes are lore cast tor Barrie tormrrvw winds will diminish My th will be ï¬ve dew green Tomorrow tum will tinbi to 21 am noon tenurerauire at the Examiner oltice was 15 do mes Winds today were from the northwest at note 30 mnomc Forecasts ls suod at 530 am Synoplir Snouflurrles are ex pected to continue over Ontario today Brisk Westerly winch will Govt Wasteiul TORONTO tCP The presi dent of North American Life As surnnce Co George ltyrie Monday lashed out against gov lernmcnt waste and overspend ng government lacing budget problemsand even credibility gap cannot afford to merely pay lip service to the auditorgea eral and the public accounts committee he told his companys annual meeting hlr ityrie said the auditore generale 1967 report to Parlia meat described 42 items as nonproductive payments Yet when it was submitted no attention at all had been paid to his l966 report by the parliamentary public accounts committee which did notrmect between May 1967 land Febru ary 1968 Mr ltyrie said grldualiy diminish tonight and Warmer most places will have mnsdera hie sunshine Wednesday it will mrmin on the cold side Windsor Hamilton Toronto Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niag ara Lake Ontario llaliborton Variable cloudiness with ma slonai smwllurrles and cold today Wednesday mostly sunny and not quite so cold Winch northwrzterly 20 to 30 today light Wednesday tendon Sault Ste Marie Lake lluron Southern Georgian Bay Algoma Mostly cloudy and cold today with snouliur nes and local snowsquails Wednesday variable cloudiness and not quite so mid Winds northwesterty 20 to eo today MatWednesday Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Wednesday Windsor i0 St Thomas in London Kitchener hiount Forest Vlinghnm Hnmllton St Caiharincs Toronto Pelolbamyi Kingston Trenton Killaloc ltiuskclra Kapusliasing White River itlowonne Hmmins Owen Sound evenneassssooonunesnaoo WIAWA CF dclego Lion seeking cable television lor Sudbury got some encouraging words but no concrete action Monday alter trek to Ottawa State Secretary Gerard Pelle tier who received delegation lrorn the Northern Ontario city in his olï¬ce assured the mem bers he would tell the Canadian RadioToleiislon Commlslon that he considers the question an urgent one But the question ot any appli cation to bring cable TV to sud bury would have to be heard by the cam and decided by it be added ilorry Boyle vicechairman of the CRTC who received members or the delegation ear ller told them the CRTC has been handling heavy load at cable TV applications since it was set up last April andle over responsibility or licensing cable systems Mayor Joe Fabbro Sud bury leading the delegation said allerward he accepted the explanation about the Vastly in creascd workload the CRK has compared with that at its made ccssor the Board of Broadcast Governors WANT ASSURANCE nut Sudbury residents wanted assurance that some action SPORTS BRIEFS RACING noss nuns hliNEOLA NY lltPt Ed ward Dickinson Jr president or the New York Rotting Asso ciation since 1959 rind former slate commerce commissioner died Sunday in hospitnl here at an apparent heart attack lie was 57 would be taken soon James Jerome Liberal MP for Sidbury accompanied the delegates on their visits to the Chit oltices and to an Pelle tlers office the main complaint at End Sudbury Cable TV Group Get No Concrete Action bury citizens is not that the have been unable to attract some term or alternate TV serv ice but that they have not even been able to get hearing on what is going to happen in the luture the at said LOANS for businesses anywhere in Canada Wherever in Canada your business is located IDS is at your service We make loans to smaller and mediumsized businesses from coast to coast And we can help nearly every type at business manufacturingwholesale and retail trade tourism and recreationconsnuetionami eultuve transportation and storage So it you need financial assistance to start expand or modernize business anywhere in Canadaeerhaps IDB can help you INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TERM HHANEING fflll CANADIAN BUSINESSES TORONTO til 25 Uninrilty Avenue telephone dblills At$2454r Ram er 1s next to nothing Jts 5256 less than Falcon luggageAnd farless horsepowerto get Its 5277lessthan aVaiiant you from Ato allthe Bsyonvisit Its 3283 less than aChevyNova ltyou need more than an import and Its 12 horsepower less powcriul than want to pay the lowest price possible Chevy Nova Butits l3hp more forasixeeatsixcylinder2door powerful than aValiantAnd 28hp compact sedansee your American more poWeriul thanaFalcon Motors dealer and see why Rambler at its fact oiiife You cant seat $2454 is next to nothing six people in more new North American For the moncy its in class byitscll esi he an bui car or one iatzisiiiriairiï¬1 American Motors car foriess than 32454 in Canada loWestpriced compact JAN 27 to FEB 8th thlY from here With fcwcrseatsforyeuand youriamilyMuchlessspaceforyour ismï¬mf But youll end up driving something dreamed up in country far away An prionsabut on mannflrauren to About dorydelivfled pduatnstunlnl Men aligning rnmpomuan melanin see the Rambler at these American Motors dealers Rays SIMCOE o4 vTiffin Street MoronsLIMITED 7282317