Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1969, p. 8

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1E Iman llitSKiMS HASH WAYNE PlDDlNGTON goiter toured the links with last summer is oil to Windsor tomorrow to bowl in the Blind Bowiera tournament Norm Gli bcy Gary Bradley John and May Corbett and Theresa Boi our will represent this area The Barrie Lions Club and AFC0 finance are sponsoring this out standing team The howling tournament will kick all White Cane Week illcCANN JUNIORS wind up their schedule in Huntsville to night THE SENIOR Fiyers should draw large crowd to the pm game on Sunday An inter esting story in this weeks hockey program its not too early to warn arrlo residents at an invasion about Loco square dancors Szlurday April as Local dancers have the Barrie Parkland Promenade well organized and glued up for the North Colleg ate linny oi Ontarios top callers such as Norm Wilcox Emte Dompster lion King Lorne and Betty Hay llus guest callers will be present JACK AND MIRIAM Duval with Edward Taylor and Win were the only Barrie rink at the iamous annual ltus koka invitation mixed honsplei held recently at Gravenhurst Bracchrhlge nnd Huntsville llhey had wonderful time and split even in games but did not more the prize list which is very dillicult with about 12 loursomcs in competition Mr Wulls tells me that Taylor is not to be confused with an Taylor who has hi more money but is not as good curler lunior Tankard playolls ior 10A diviet slon oi Ontario Curling Assoc iation will be held in Barrie on Sunclay Feb starting at They will not conilicl any club games tor that day as times have been arrang ed Ken McKenzie convener and John Hunter Kennedy is umpire Barrie Base Borden and Cookstown each will have two rinks here plus singles from Collingwood and Bradford illlt entries do not dust until Fab llnsh mentioned last tweak that Archie Thiiiault oi Barrie retirnga couoiewyrears ptlt rink in Centiraifit region al Hydro spiel at Richmond Hill and non all three games but hoglected to print team rnem hers They were Don Sullivan of Barrie Pele Symandich at Toronto and Lloyd Hess oi Hex daie Archie contided that hcIet liass iormer western school boy whiz do the skipping and it paid oil in line prizes Pot hunter ln divisional play oiis of the llose Bowl at Cooks toun the rink oi skip Neil Weir Mary Brown Ken Wool and Helen Burbidge beat out the Barrie rink of Johnny and Grace Ough lith Lou and Sheila Brien Tow in the final There Were eight entries with Doug Hopper as umpire Same Barrie rink won this event last year at Stayner In OCA Seniors at Alliston Waiter Beattys Cooks town team at Lambert Wilson Sandy Thompson it Tom lllayes won division piayotl but lost two days later to Graven burst in piayoit at Creemore Dr Harold Smiths Barrie rink at Walls ii McKen lie and Kennedy lost to Alliston rink skipped by Wally Ross on Kennedy and McKen zie were subbing ior regulars Fraser Sutherland and Elis worth Crawlord My informant says everyone but himseit play ed well but Alliston wasth too good or them in that par ticular game with team aver age so per cent shooting isman tre was big cog onth6F1yet oiial Cup other members or the SJFiyers that will lace the Flying Fathers include Tossier TonyPocto Bill iiar rihgton Johnny lltartan and Fred gtPletschf JACK WEBB and line rink of Hodges fiWiies and Pratt have ti games with no losses in the Hon Thurs meos caricg Larry Hart Spencer ll Boyd and George Harper have posted 62 re card Not including last nights results Llillt vLYNE Cannon sell and Dyrnenthave only onelossrln the Hon Lump rams menu at éBowlingCuriingHosh Hockey Goiié Trash ii Eorl Haskim our will return to to the in Stars might be nnle Tiic BarrieArena week from to work you Tuesday alter an absence of 15 flor agame Wars in 53 the clever cannurary team that rolled to the lttemwontoa playing an inexperieno Orv 1K pox anomnnlo slung er Herbert and Kirkpat rick remain undeleated in the Wed night group DIORROW night there will be mixed litnoy starting at pm THE EUELEBS will hold mlx ed open with three Bend games on Feb THE LADIES open two lo end games is slated tor Feb 12 DR CROSSLAND kept busy on Wednesday as Barrie hosted curling doctors and druggials in the ltlh Annual simcoe County Bonspiel Dr Jim policy of Markham was the big Wilmer Dr Harold Smith of Barrie took and run ner up honors Teanulrom Owen Sound Colllngwood hiid land Oriilla Gravenhurst Parry Sound Richmond Hill Toronto Markham and Walker ton participated team of Dr Hoyle Dr Noone Dr Silvioni aodDr Chllcott travelled irom Pittsburgh to this event SUTIIEltLAND and rink have 71 record in the Tues lrl group Bob Green and Mills carry Beaumont and Jack Kennedy also have wins and losses in the lion Thurs sucrLA nnlsrow skipped her rink to the Hiram Walker trophy at Midland on Wednes day other members at the year liily team included Rosy iyn Epplett Vice Elaine Collie md and Doris Perryman DICK CORNER Keith an dick Jim Perryman and Gard Condor came home with the imperial Lite Trophy irom lllid land last week Die 1101 Ideson and rink won the Hiram Walker trophy in Owen Sound last week noun AND nonls Homer and Fraser and Nellie Campbell had their problems with the ice in the tliolson Spiel at Parry Sound Lorne nrdhope won this trophy FRANK TAYLOR FRANK TAYLOR has pic ture oi the 1950 51 memorial Cup Champion Barrie Flyers on display at Jacksons Grill Every year since the Cup days Frank receives many visits irom iormer junior players Gil lie Mayer being the most re ceint tn the Spring of 51 Frank put hockey tickets on sale at lllnciock Friday night tor Saturday Junior game and sold $500000 Worth Taylor will no doubt have many tormerjuniors visit him during Carnival week But in the meantime he viilbe kept busy with the Shriners White lish Bonspiel today and tomor rolvat the Curling Arena GORD LEIGIITON president at the Barrie Country club has announced the rates for the 1969 gelling season new mem bership category has been in troduccd Senior intermediate ages 21 in 26 inc They will have all club privileges of soniornnly at aredueed rate Work on the new club is pm gressing BILL CURIIAN Iotmel lac rosse ster reminds us that George Ford late starter with the Driiiia Seniors this season is an exdunior Fiyer ANAIDLYTDRASDV look no further for hockey competi tion in CanadaSure you can whoomp the Nate and drive the NHL boogely but you Will meet your match it you tangle with the CKVR No Stars schedule coming up tonight at Aurora in aid at itiinor Hockey Feb at Goldwater Feb zo at Macliér Feb 27 Parry sound in aid of minor hockey Vliiar Stiltonln aldoi Minor Hockeyckagainst the 11 Morrison Brothers Mar Col lingwood Mar 11 Stnyner ll you Russians are interesb in their schedule Letnme wamyouthat you cd pickno team The NovStard havehad 1t ears experience ntha won lostlfecord of haulrssopoooo raised in benefit games This years team has only one change that being the Aloss or Bill Bennett to the Denver SpursBut Bennett has heenrcpiacedbv player thats faster than Hull stronger than Howe can score goals like Noah All and he is out gt bench warmerr it you Ruskles have films on the No Stars showing some of them flopping around the ice lkc wounded Walrus don let that tool you they only or Adciims THE CANADIAN PRESS Corby Adams continues to lead the Ontario Hockey Asso elation senior roofing race hot the Barrie flyorlorwaid acts new challenger in the stretch Ron iiergntt delcocetorward with Gait lioroctsmoretl to ESposito Sets Hot Scoring Pace By run CANADIAN rncss Bobbvaull of Chicago Black Hawks was credited with three assists Thursday night but gained iust one point on Phil Espositn in the National Hockey Leagues individual scoring race The three points coming in Chicagos I20 victory against Phiiadeiphia Fiyers gave Hull do at goals and assists But Esposilo who scored one goal and assisted on another in Boston Bruins 75 win against as Angcles Kings leads with 77 on 31 goals and 46 assists The leaders Pts run Esposito Has 31 46 77 36 t3 Hull Chl Ill 37 68 37 Howe Del 24 40 6t 30 Mikltn Chi 18 42 60 Zl Buiivcau hill 19 35 St 35 Delveechlo Del l7 so Hodgc Bos 21 26 53 52 Belvnson StL 22 at 35 29 Pappin Chi ZiTI 51 11 Cournoyer illtl 28 50 Ullmon Tor it 25 so so Leads Seoring Still within the points oi Adams this week Adsms has 24 goals and seriesleading asssLs for points Hergott with 23 goals and 39 assists ior 61 points shares sec and place with Joe Hamiey ol Ooliingnood Kings Hamloy has 67 an injury hioe Galand 0t Orillla Ter riers min in the poioLs race continues to lead in goal scorina with 31 Howie Dietrich oi Gail holding tourth placenta second in goals with Gerry McNamara oi Orillin is the top goalie with lit gnolst against average nd lllck Me Clocan oi Barrie tenth in penal ul minutes with I58 The to LegendB Barrie Gd Gait Collingwood Kingston Oriiiia PI Adams 24 43 67 iicrgott 23 19 62 Hamley 21 41 oz Dietrich 28 3t 58 Forhan 27 25 52 Ertoi 30 51 Alexander 27 it 51 Graham 22 29 51 Veilcr in 32 50 Galand 31 17 49 WIIJCOACII PATRIOTS aosron aer Clive Rush moulder of the attack which married New York Jets to protessionai iootbali supremacy last season Thursday was armed coach oi Boston Patriots of the American Football League been sidelined tor the season by noun MeFADDlIN iiCs Final League Game Tonight first place Barrio AC4 play the Huntsville Merchants ot the Georgian Bay iuolor Hockey league tonight It the Barrie Arena AC5 61 victory over Parry Sound Brunswick Sunday alter noon assured them 01 first place finish in the league They lead Parry Sound by three points and both clubs have only one game to play Huntsville has given the A05 problem this year winning one game tying another and losing one The game will notaftect loa guc standings but it will give Barrie residents an opportunity to see what the citys junior Club can do league pioynlls start soon NEW YORK AP As it the gall bill isnt hard enough to hit now he powers ot the game may make it smaller However you should be able to hit it tarther and it ought to be more ton to play says Keith ltadrcnrie secretary ol the Royal and Ancient Club of St gnomebut he cant guano it Mackenzie Thursday talked with otfinials oi the US Coil Asochtlon about the troll ball Our aim is to arrive at ball that is more pleasurable tor the average goiter in play Madr enrJe said We are not con corned about the Arnold Pul mer and Bill Caspcrs We are concerned about the millions ot gotten70 percent at all of them in tactwho bavn handi caps ol 17 and above Ou pitoose is not to improve the sconetho players Ws 10 that themselves it is to lm prov the enjoyment of the game The British and Americans play dillelent sto hall The Americans specin that ball cannot be leg than 168inchcs in diameter ch and code holds that the minimum diama ter shall bets inches The weight at the balls is the same162 ounces Now the countries are trying to arrive at uniform ball the only area in which their rules do not agree The British have Faccotf tor tonights contest is at 330 come up with ball 165 inches rive at compan ball thernst of the world There is gold explosion and other coun tries must be confused in International or Americans competing in the Baseballs hot stove league warms up couple at degrees this weekend with handful oi awards dinners meeting of the major leagues rules com lattice and the annual tree agent drntt The nine members the mics committee convene in New York today to discuss several radical changes includ ing proposal to permit team to pinch hit for the pitcher eanh time he is due to bat whilc al lowing hlm to remain in the game Another re po so change would eliminate the tour pitches to batter given an intentional walk Detroit Tigers southpaw lttlclr cy Lolich last years World Se ries hero will be honored at tcs timoniai dinners in Houstonto night and New York Sunday night wanna new Epic gives you six different models tochoose from ddoor gives you three different power smile to choose from rugged AtGenerai Motors we be we yonwont lot more from Vsnioli car than ovlowprice togYou mini modeltbol suits you You wont your choieeot engines and transmissions You wont style room onduylol of other things Enterrthei969 Epici The models 2door models endyo station wagon This year Epler 57lthp siondordengineAn optionalVChp engine Even on $31M highperformance overhead tom engine the new Epieshosn loweofit 3speedfolly automatic in diameter Genet xcotr oi your namely hone that we ar tttackenxie said Not tor our own sakes but tor the sake ll jiuovero Make Size or Golf Balls The Same British Open and Ryder hip matches always use the smaller British ball because theysaylheycanlsltitmtol yards iarlher oil the tee in matches in this country the British pleler the Aroericao bell They contend they can IL limo and wit it better Baseball Starts To Warm Up With ProSeason Meetings ny rue ASSOCIATED mass Lolich who beat St Louis three times in the era triumph shares the spotight mth National dengue batting king Pete Rose at the Houston allair and will get the Babe rtuth Award at New York as the outstanding Seriesstar The molars will conduct their free agent dratt in New York Satulday Thursday John licHale pres dent and part owner at lllontv rcais N1 expansion club sent letters to the owners of the other 21 major league teams asking that he be ruled out as candidate tor the commission cra lob Meltale drafted as candl dote during the owners fruitless December meeting to name successor to William Eekert cited responsibilities to the Expos in seeking to oil nato hiniseli irom consideration zedpoopleulhe lodoyskind other All lbesid The 1962 eh an if youd expeelkfrom voncedsolery features And lot more rc The small wonder on the lowest priced The No Stars have tight on the at olrFeb got to eat their Hash hetore itbe game Epic Deluxe 4Door Sedan Epic Deluxe 2Doer Sedan Epic st ADoer Sedan Epic St 2Door Sedan Epic Standard 2Door Sedan Epl Deluxe Estate Wagon Waive got your numhe $1963 +foahoanr 233 anaor one srn YOUR cusvnotsnenvov centres murmur men en mi anon on Hunted new Aurnonizaosrlc DEALER IN Banal can tum no BARRIE prkl oi Standard ZrDoov Sedan with banter and definite nl and handling helper and Federal Solar and mu lemon not include Wtewaiiiuet or wheel two rlnwnl pod local law and lam not memo Epiel nt illustrated available at alumna rolls cleaner PHONE

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