Customs Of The Orient Matk Xi Beta Pi Chapter Meeting The Far East was the theme of the meeting of the xi Beta Pl maple of beta Sigma Phi Sorcer held Jan 23 at the home of Mrs George hfikita Mm afudtannd Mm Jenn BatterdJy acted as hostesses and mmblnod the social and as uniting lesson was Iver in the use of chopsticks Indivi dual bowlsof fried rice named and members tried their skill ltlrs George afiki pro grant was on Japan She showed Look FOR THE Snow BABIES Miss Shirley Douflrcy of the cnlurc Club is shown rctciV lng the Carnival Snow llabics ffrom Garnct Pratt ynslcrtlty Thc Snow llabics were mftllfl facturrd by trainees in the Shcltcrcd Workshop llrv Pratt is Chairman of Young Adult Service Committee of thc liar rie and District Association for Mentally Retarded Pro cent of sales go to the As socialion Last year ncrly 12 out were purchased The Ven ture Club is responsible for distributing the Snow Babies in local merchants Get yours now be Carnival booster and help those who work hard to help thcmscltes SPEAKING SORUPTIMIST SALE The Soroptimis Club of Bar arc sponsors of Variety brtln beginning today at 41 Dun iop St Tire sulc tcaturï¬ variety of books and nctv lo ou clothing Proceeds arefor scrtice work 0ItTIlC0IING MARRIAGE Ilr and Mrs Lucien Gaudctto late announced the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daugh lcr Thcona Gcncvivn Bernadette Ito lloss Sidney Money The after loon wedding ceremony will take place in St John Vianney Church Barrie on Feb at two oclock The bridegroom to be is the sun of Mr and Mrs ISidney Money of RI Bar riu TO NORTH CAROLINA Mr and Mrs Donald hlac Phcrson and children formerly ot Castle Drivc left on the weekend ior their new home in Raleigh North Carolina Gentr nI manager of the Canadian plant at Batista Rubltddn Barrie for OF PEOPLE AND PLACES several Years hll hlaclher son now heads the southern plant of the same company USA first Canadian in such pos ltion VISIT T0 UTICA Mr and Mrs Kenneth McKenzie of Wellington St West have returned home from Utlca New York where Urey isllcd their son in law and daughter Jeanne Mr and Mrs Robert Christie and now grandson Jay Christie AT GRADUATION Mr and Mrs Walls ai lcndcd the llth annual gradua tion ceremony of thc Ontario Society of Radiological Technh clans heldin the Nurses Resia dance St Michaels Hostiial Tomato GO TO TUNISlA Mr and Mrs Michael Chop esuik are now in Parts studyin the French language at Centro Occuminlnuc 43 be Chambon sur lagoon About May in tho they will locate in the city of hlnis Tunisia North Africa where Mr Chcpcsuik has been appointed an Animal Husband man To the United Church ol Canada he is known as an Ag ricultural Missionary This is tho first time that Muslim govern mcnt has sought assistance from the World Council of Churchcs From 1915 tlntii 1946 Mr Chop esuik was Dominionof Canada moat inspector stationodin Bar rie lie is graduate of Ontario Agricultural College Guelph loflncr football lineman with Toronto Argonauts Grey Cup champions of 1933 former ama teur heavyweight wrestling champion of Canada and art tish Empire while in Barrie he was prominent in the workof Collier St United Chutlrdt and quaricnnaster officer of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters Before leaving for Europe lilr and Mrs Chepcsuik were desig natcd at special service in Central United Church Montton bcw Brunswicknï¬ ï¬n mun ny canny MYERS run The child is fortunate who grows up with parents who rlont make more fortunate ll if he learns ffom his early ars oi the hazards from smoking especially cigarettes when was schoolboy our old physiolugy book emphasized the danger from smoking Those who wrote these books and taught from them did not have In many facts available as all of us have now Whether we ourselves smoke tor do not smoke we can confi dcntly tell our children that smoking is hazardous to health that this knowledge is no longer guess but fact established by authentic scientific studies We can tell ourchildren that smoking can cause lung cancer throat cancer and mouth cancer and that it can be contributor in the development of heart dis rarsn Corina Housewives such as Mrs Frank Ellis chl and bits Jtudy half were forced it touch it Wednesday after case emphysema and many other serious diseases Ve cantconfidently say to our children that according to wide facts gathered by the Cancer Society the chances of dying before the age of 75 are twice as great among male smokers who smoke two packs of cigarettes day as among nonsmokers Sn is it among womenoi middle life that moreover pipe and cigar smokers who inhale cant hope to live as long as those who dont Furthermore there are no scientific facts available to assure us that filtered ciga rettes are safe The Federal Government has taken effective steps to inform the public about the dangers of smoking The government has established the National Clear ing House on Smoking and Health for making the mulls of scientific research publicly lcrnperaturesI ranging down to five below froze city water lines Work crows In the com munity fattrrlilcs rmrthwcst of Make Youngsters iAvvctre Oi Hazards Of Smoking available It sponsors education programs in schools supports research on ways to quit smok ing sets limitsoi cigarette eh vertisin and requires that warning label be put on can package of cigarettes Con siderable sentiment has been expressed in Congress to re quirethat this warning label be more potent of course the tobacco indus try which spends more than 3300000017 year an advertisa ing naturally tries to discredit the published ï¬ndings of dan gers from cigarette smoking and continues to help make smoking attractive However if recent federai=court nlliag holds the broadcasting compa nies will be forced to give as much free time to the Cancer Society and like forces for tell ing of the hazards of smoking as the tobacco industry pays for in promoting cigarettes sik cocoohs and ilso demon strated Origami Japanese paper foldiagl ilcmbm then made colorful bells Mrs lrank Graccy presided at the businss portion of the meeting She announced con vention ln Halifax on Oct Mrs Robert Gibbons are the Ways and Means report it was decided that the group would again complle and bell cookbooks alerther were asked to bring soup or mad nope to the next meet Iirs Robert Gibbons won the The next meeting will be held Feb it at the Garcon Street home othfrs Ken Donovan like John Merrett will be in charge of the wetnl and the chapter Valentina queen will be chosen Present at the meeting were Mrs Jim Wattonhfra Wayne lilaloney Mrs Ken Donovan Mrs John Jtcrrett Mrs Frank Graccy Mrs Cameron Otter Po ay noacnra ROESCII Is there person to himself has said till find new job The answervto this la great big No from this reporters desk No matter what work poo pie do find that everybody actor accountant banker bola alst and so on up the alphabet has thought or it thinking about making change Nodoubt you too have on tertainedthoughls of changing Jobs But before you are tempted to drop the one that puts breadtn your breadbox and this yenra clothes on your back you will be wise to wait and spend at least part of that time deciding if you are really smart to give up what you are doing lmthe person who knows this loof one working woman said because last year didnt wait nearly lopg enough to cool off my temper and warmruprmy innsorabout wheth er or not to change jobs Instead in silly buff left the Job had without second thought Then after had to look for weeks to find com parable spot found that the lab ld left behind had great deal mare potential than any thing else that had seen in my job hunting rounds LEAP DONT LOOK litany other people have met this same fate when they have leaped to new job before they looked around to compare the one they had with what was available Even if it is right for you to follow your impulseyand let Just wait till find new lob lead ymLto something else fast there are many occasions when it is wise inateep on your incli nation to determine how smart you are There are no pal answers to measure the exact degree of your smarlness But when you start thinking of leaving your job the move may be in order when your health and wellbeing are at stake when you thoroughly dislike your work be cause or unpleasant conditions and relationships when you have learned all you can from the work you are doing when WHATTHE FOR TOMORROW Fine planetary Influences now in literary promotion nl and advertising ï¬elds editors and journalists generally Venus aspect slightly adverse however puts somewhat of doud ovar romance and in most dealings with the opposite sex Vancouvcrvwere operating daily water delivery service to numerous homes and bust FOR THE BIRTHDAY tomorrow is your birthday you should find the coming year one in which you will have many opportunities to advance both business way and in your personal concerns Do try to make the mostof good influ ences which will govern all Aquarians for the next In months Look for excellent chances to progress occupation allyr in February May July late September and early De oembor and if meative work er add this June to that list of months in which outstanding achievement is starpmmisod few good breaks in ii nance hemeen May 15th and July 15th should pep up your spirits but you can look for ward ton really excellent pe riod along these time beginning onSepiember Sin and lasting through Nownber 15th Do be conservative and stay out of all speculation this year however but especially during the first two weeks of September Except for short trps Fiars do not promise much in the way of travel this year but highly auspicious months for taking off on longer journeys are Indi catodtluring early 1070 Your ceases Cf Wirepbotot can rt Atd social life will be veryimuoh in info THE BARRIE EXMHNER FRIDAY JANUARY SI 1908 Present Job no tentictl something untoward in going on and you see unsoivable prob lems when there ii no chance of advancement or no place to go when you know you are going to be tired and when you reach salary ceiling and need more money than you earn SAYS ASK 5085 If your problem is not as uri ous as any of the above and your threat to find new job is purely whim and whimsy or the furious feeling that fol lows the noise of passing of fice battle ou will be wise to talk to your 55 and to ask if you can do better by staying where you are Even if his answer in anna pmmislng one you will usually besrnart Is have said before to hang on toyour present job while you are looking for anoth EK 0n the whale unless your rea sons you absolutely cannot live with while you look for another job you will usuallflndrtbati your bargaitï¬lgWer will stay ata higher level it you already have jobin your handwhile you reach out to something new LOVE LIES IN THE STARS CAMARV tort Judy labiarah says an astrologer told her shewill be married by um jlfe pold me would marry Taurus or aScor pin who would be much rich er and older than am and would dominate me In the same period of time would have lover under the sign of Gemini and there would be violent death for one or moreof the three of us It sounds like great In turel gt She was interviewed at the Canadian Womens Press club here Where she signed copies of her book Memoirs of Bird in Gild ed Cage LLlTAl the spotlight during the next year with notably good periods for stimulating activities and opporttmlties for making new friends indicated between June 15th and September 15th and between November 15th and January lst Romance with glamorous overtones is also happy possibilitwduring those same months All in all good year child born on this day will be generous and wannheartedc must however learn to with strong tendencies toward impala siveness Dunlap St till liT Brannon anier Centre For Women Is PriSon Without Bars BEHIND lCPl fba Vanler Centre for Woman 600000 experiment in enlight ened penning was opened here Wednesday To the woman for whom it was named it nu house not prison In residential environment with n6 ban and few other res traints bedroom but no cells Ontario will house women who break the law It will seek to teach them new skills and give them education to make them uretul members of society ltlme Georges Vanler widow of the late governongeneral came from bar Montreal home forvlhe official opening In this house she said we older people can help the younger to be good cltluns to teach them love for one another and to be Rood Canadians To the rehabilitation centre set in 90 acres of rolling fann land Just outside this town 25 miles northwest of Toronto will be brought women now confined in 75yearold hfcrocr relormalo ry ln Tomato Facilities for 96 women serv ing sentences up to two years are provided In four bedroom residential cottages Each will have her own room which though locked to provide prl racy can be opened at will by the tenant Bright colon prevail throughout the residences The cottage have their own kitchens 3nd dining areas and common lounge for social aclt livities Each also has utility room where residents will do their own laundry inn LANDERS ADVISES liiME GEORGES VANIER Dthcr buildings In the unit centre in campusstyle setting will beused for administration work ciassraonta and work rooms where residentsnever described as prisoners or in mates will be taught sewing cooking and other trades Around the centre is light fence described as intended to keep Intruders out and not to keep residents in Ofï¬cials said some of tha rcsldenls in time will be able to work outside dur ing the day and return to the centre at night The department of correc tions which operates the centre lermcd the most progressive in North Americasaid incorri glblcs will continue to ba lmlt prisoned in Whitby in eastern Ontario where maximum to curity unit is maintained Marriage Wont Change Thief To Model Wile Deu Ann burden lve bccn dating Joyce fvr six weeks Shes attractive not educated but she really knows how to make guy feel important On our third dale Joyce told me she had been ina detention home for picking up items in department store Last week we visited my brother in the hospi tal The next day the nurse called to ask If had taken Hals watchllor safekeeping It was on his night table and now they cant find it Last night when got home from date with Joyce my wallet waa missing Im not can carried about the $40 We the credit cards and drivers license need could tail in love witbJoyce It let myself go Sorter weve Religion Is Pill Deterrent HOME iAP hIore and more women in Italy are taking birth control pills but pharma clsts say shame ignorance and obedience to the Roman Catho lic Church are still deterrents Italy is predominantly Catho lie and the church opposes me chanlcal and chemical forms of birth coatml Contraceptive pills were first put on sale in Italy in the fall of 1964 After slow start sales hit 6000000 pills in 1966 and doubled the next year the health ministry says Estimates for 1960 put the totalat 24 000000 taken regularly by 100000 women lpercent increase for the second year in row The ttgum indicate that Pope Pauls encycllcal on birth con trol may be slowing the pro grass of the in Italy but it hasnt stopped Pharmaceutical Industries re ported decline in sales in Au gust the month after the Pope issued his encycllcal but sales surged upward again in Septem ber and kept rising in the months after legally Itali us must havea doctors prescription to pit chase thepill because the law requires that it be sold only for gt medical treatment Some phar maoists ignore the prescription requirement while others dis play more real in enforcement the that requires of them TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ANNUAL FUR SALE Sale Ends SATURDAY FEB Ill Savings up to 40 canon summon ro CHOILSE FROM small deposit will hold your election till wanted N0 SERVICE Oil STORAGE CHARGES Wloollvs runs Barrlea exclusive furrier who makes and ulll furl only 7184865 cannot just exchanged few kisses hate to think what Im thinking Any advicefND 11 Dear No If youve been ex changing kisses with this girl suggest you count your teeth Joyce is either klcptontaniac or thief probably the latter since kleptomaniacs steal items lhcyrhave no use for Before you propose hope you will considerwhat life would be like for the kiddies when their moth er is in the klinlr rnoauzlvt is You Dear Ann Loaders Im girl 16 not beautiful but better than average looking Everyone says have nice personality The trouble is dont get asked out because live in dump This neighborhood is so crummy you cant believe it Several guys at school seem to like me but the minute give them my address they disap pear forever Mom and Dad are divorced and we have trouble paying the rent so pleasedont tell me we should move know we should but we cant afford to Just tell me what girl Is supposed to do when she cant getdates because she lives in slumCHICKEN POX Dear Chicken Many gal who lives in swanky suburb has given her address toa boy and never heard from him again him are Interested In good company and theyll go any place to date girl who is inventory and appealing The problem is you Tools not your address Take find out whats missing NOT APPROPRIATE ulnar Ana London am is and already 38 lily aunt gives me her nice clothes when she gets tired of them In the last batch was beautiful cock9 tail sweater took off tho heads and looks great The only thing lamina the sweater is cutaort of low Its not too tight and am careful not to head over but like said it has low neckline wore the altcather to school last week and two of my best friends said it looked cheap dont know if they are jealous yor if they said it for my own good Its very expenslvo sweater and Id like to keep wearing it but dont want to lwreck my reputation Can you advise moiJACQDT JANE Dear Jackpot Wear whlto blouse under the sweather and youll even be able to bend over if you want to Cocktail neck lines are not appropriate for school Before You Bay Fort Compare To QUALITY arm wonmnflam AND nnovn ALLPRICE Luge Election To Suit nun nadm We invite Your lnsDcctlon No orumtua REPAIRING RESTYIJNG con araan llflafutton Guaranteed WltiiillIS runs Earrles Exclusive Farrier who makes and sells fura only Barrie Toronto Dunlap St 7234855 pweddiaglplans Giveusat ring for great reception Holiday inn specializes in great receptions and well make your reception as mcmnrable as your weddin Let Holidayylnn put the final touches on that special day and if youre travelling on your honeymoon Holiday Inn will arrange for free Holidex reservations at any on along your route For more information give us ring 728619L Essa no Hwy 400 cutie Dyer Loon about